//This file is only meant to be included by menu_main.cpp #include #include "bands.h" #include "button.h" #include "settings.h" static const unsigned int LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_X = 0; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_Y = 10; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_WIDTH = 159; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_HEIGHT = 36; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_PITCH_X = 160; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_X = 0; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_Y = LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_Y + LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_HEIGHT + 1; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_WIDTH = 320; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_HEIGHT = 36; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_BUTTON_X = 2; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y = LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_Y + LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH = 60; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 36; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X = 64; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y = 40; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_CW_TEXT_X = 0; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_CW_TEXT_Y = LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 3*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y + 1; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_CW_TEXT_WIDTH = 220; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_CW_TEXT_HEIGHT = 36; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_VERSION_TEXT_X = LAYOUT_CW_TEXT_X + LAYOUT_CW_TEXT_WIDTH + 1; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_VERSION_TEXT_Y = LAYOUT_CW_TEXT_Y; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_VERSION_TEXT_WIDTH = 320 - LAYOUT_CW_TEXT_WIDTH - 1; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_VERSION_TEXT_HEIGHT = LAYOUT_CW_TEXT_HEIGHT; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TX_X = 280; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TX_Y = LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_Y; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TX_WIDTH = 40; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TX_HEIGHT = 36; void toVfo(char* text_out, const uint16_t max_text_size, const Vfo_e vfo) { if(max_text_size < 2){ return;//Can't do much with that space } if(max_text_size < (3+10+1)){ //Give an indicator that's debuggable text_out[0] = 'X'; text_out[1] = '\0'; return; } //Normal operation if (globalSettings.splitOn){ if(vfo == globalSettings.activeVfo){ text_out[0] = 'R'; } else{ text_out[0] = 'T'; } } else{ if(VFO_A == vfo){ text_out[0] = 'A'; } else if(VFO_B == vfo){ text_out[0] = 'B'; } else{ text_out[0] = '?'; } } text_out[1] = ':'; text_out[2] = ' '; if(VFO_A == vfo){ formatFreq(globalSettings.vfoA.frequency, text_out+3, max_text_size-3, 10); } else if(VFO_B == vfo){ formatFreq(globalSettings.vfoB.frequency, text_out+3, max_text_size-3, 10); } else{ text_out[3] = '?'; text_out[4] = '\0'; } } void bsVfo(const Vfo_e vfo){ (vfo == globalSettings.activeVfo) ? ButtonStatus_e::Active : ButtonStatus_e::Inactive; } void osVfo(const Vfo_e vfo){ globalSettings.activeVfo = vfo; } void toVfoA(char* text_out, const uint16_t max_text_size){ toVfo(text_out,max_text_size,Vfo_e::VFO_A); } ButtonStatus_e bsVfoA(){ return bsVfo(Vfo_e::VFO_A); } void osVfoA(){ osVfo(Vfo_e::VFO_A); } constexpr Button bVfoA PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_X + 0*LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_Y, LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_WIDTH, LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_HEIGHT, nullptr, toVfoA, bsVfoA, osVfoA, 'A' }; void toVfoB(char* text_out, const uint16_t max_text_size){ toVfo(text_out,max_text_size,Vfo_e::VFO_B); } ButtonStatus_e bsVfoB(){ return bsVfo(Vfo_e::VFO_B); } void osVfoB(){ osVfo(Vfo_e::VFO_B); } constexpr Button bVfoB PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_X + 1*LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_Y, LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_WIDTH, LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_HEIGHT, nullptr, toVfoB, bsVfoB, osVfoB, 'B' }; constexpr char txtRit [] PROGMEM = "RIT"; ButtonStatus_e bsRit(){ *val_out = globalSettings.ritOn ? 1 : -1; } void osRit(){ Button button; if(!globalSettings.ritOn){ globalSettings.ritOn = true; globalSettings.ritFrequency = GetActiveVfoFreq(); strncpy_P(b,(const char*)F("TX: "),sizeof(b)); formatFreq(globalSettings.ritFrequency, b+3, sizeof(b)-strlen(c)); if (VFO_A == globalSettings.activeVfo){ displayText(b, LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_X + 0*LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_Y, LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_WIDTH, LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_BACKGROUND); } else{ displayText(b, LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_X + 1*LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_Y, LAYOUT_VFO_LABEL_WIDTH, LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_BACKGROUND); } } else{ globalSettings.ritOn = false; setFrequency(globalSettings.ritFrequency); displayFillrect(LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_X,LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_Y,LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_WIDTH,LAYOUT_MODE_TEXT_HEIGHT, COLOR_BACKGROUND); if(Vfo_e::VFO_A == globalSettings.activeVfo){ memcpy_P(&button,bVfoA,sizeof(button)); drawButton(&button); } else{ memcpy_P(&button,bVfoB,sizeof(button)); drawButton(&button); } } memcpy_P(&button,bRit,sizeof(button)); drawButton(button); } constexpr Button bRit PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 0*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 0*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txtRit, nullptr, bsRit, osRit, 'R' }; void osSidebandMode(VfoMode_e mode){ SetActiveVfoMode(mode); Button button; memcpy_P(&button,&bUsb,sizeof(button)); drawButton(&button); memcpy_P(&button,&bLsb,sizeof(button)); drawButton(&button); } constexpr char txtUsb [] PROGMEM = "USB"; ButtonStatus_e bsUsb(){ return (VfoMode_e::VFO_MODE_USB == GetActiveVfoMode()) ? ButtonStatus_e::Active : ButtonStatus_e::Inactive; } void osUsb(){ osSidebandMode(VfoMode_e::VFO_MODE_USB); } constexpr Button bUsb PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 1*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 0*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txtUsb, nullptr, bsUsb, osUsb, 'U' }; constexpr char txtLsb [] PROGMEM = "LSB"; ButtonStatus_e bsLsb(){ return (VfoMode_e::VFO_MODE_LSB == GetActiveVfoMode()) ? ButtonStatus_e::Active : ButtonStatus_e::Inactive; } void osLsb(){ osSidebandMode(VfoMode_e::VFO_MODE_LSB); } constexpr Button bLsb PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 2*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 0*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txtLsb, nullptr, bsLsb, osLsb, 'L' }; constexpr char txtCw [] PROGMEM = "CW"; ButtonStatus_e bsCw(){ return (TuningMode_e::TUNE_CW == globalSettings.tuningMode) ? ButtonStatus_e::Active : ButtonStatus_e::Inactive; } void osCw(){ if(TuningMode_e::TUNE_CW != globalSettings.tuningMode){ globalSettings.tuningMode = TuningMode_e::TUNE_CW; } else{ globalSettings.tuningMode = TuningMode_e::TUNE_SSB; } Button button; memcpy_P(&button,&bCw,sizeof(button)); drawButton(button); } constexpr Button bCw PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 3*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 0*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txtCw, nullptr, bsCw, osCw, 'C' }; constexpr char txtSpl [] PROGMEM = "SPL"; ButtonStatus_e bsSpl(){ return globalSettings.splitOn ? ButtonStatus_e::Active : ButtonStatus_e::Inactive; } void osSpl(){ globalSettings.splitOn = !globalSettings.splitOn; Button button; memcpy_P(&button,&bSpl,sizeof(button)); drawButton(&button); memcpy_P(&button,&bsVfoA,sizeof(button)); drawButton(&button); memcpy_P(&button,&bsVfoB,sizeof(button)); drawButton(&button); } constexpr Button bSpl PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 4*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 0*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txtSpl, nullptr, bsSpl, osSpl, 'S' }; ButtonStatus_e bsBand(const uint8_t band){ return isFreqInBand(GetActiveVfoFreq(),band) ? ButtonStatus_e::Active : ButtonStatus_e::Inactive; } void osBand(const uint8_t band){ SetActiveVfoFreq(getFreqInBand(GetActiveVfoFreq(),band)); } constexpr char txt80 [] PROGMEM = "80"; ButtonStatus_e bs80(){ return bsBand(80); } void os80(){ osBand(80); } constexpr Button b80 PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 0*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 1*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txt80, nullptr, bs80, os80, '8' }; constexpr char txt40 [] PROGMEM = "40"; ButtonStatus_e bs40(){ return bsBand(40); } void os40(){ osBand(40); } constexpr Button b40 PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 1*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 1*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txt40, nullptr, bs40, os40, '4' }; constexpr char txt30 [] PROGMEM = "30"; ButtonStatus_e bs30(){ return bsBand(30); } void os30(){ osBand(30); } constexpr Button b30 PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 2*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 1*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txt30, nullptr, bs30, os30, '3' }; constexpr char txt20 [] PROGMEM = "20"; ButtonStatus_e bs20(){ return bsBand(20); } void os20(){ osBand(20); } constexpr Button b20 PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 3*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 1*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txt20, nullptr, bs20, os20, '2' }; constexpr char txt17 [] PROGMEM = "17"; ButtonStatus_e bs17(){ return bsBand(17); } void os17(){ osBand(17); } constexpr Button b17 PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 4*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 1*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txt17, nullptr, bs17, os17, '7' }; constexpr char txt15 [] PROGMEM = "15"; ButtonStatus_e bs15(){ return bsBand(15); } void os15(){ osBand(15); } constexpr Button b15 PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 0*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 2*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txt15, nullptr, bs15, os15, '5' }; constexpr char txt10 [] PROGMEM = "10"; ButtonStatus_e bs10(){ return bsBand(10); } void os10(){ osBand(10); } constexpr Button b10 PROGMEM = { LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 1*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 2*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, txt10, nullptr, bs10, os10, '1' }; constexpr Button *const mainMenuButtons[] PROGMEM = { bVfoA, bVfoB, bRit, bUsb, bLsb, bCw, bSpl, b80, b40, b30, b20, b17, b15, b10, bMnu, bFrq {LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 2*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 2*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, BUTTON_BLANK_1, "", '\0', msIgnore}, {LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 3*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 2*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, BUTTON_MNU, "\x7F", 'M', msIgnore}, {LAYOUT_BUTTON_X + 4*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_X, LAYOUT_BUTTON_Y + 2*LAYOUT_BUTTON_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_BUTTON_WIDTH, LAYOUT_BUTTON_HEIGHT, BUTTON_FRQ, "FRQ", 'F', msIgnore}, }; static constexpr uint8_t MAIN_MENU_NUM_BUTTONS = sizeof(mainMenuButtons) / sizeof(mainMenuButtons[0]);