Michael Clemens eac2cf76a8 changed git
2022-07-10 23:37:25 +02:00

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title: 'NSE-Script: SQLite output for Nmap'
type: post
author: micha
date: 2014-05-05T13:36:29+00:00
url: /nse-script-sqlite-output-for-nmap/
- Software
- Nmap
I wrote this little NSE script that allows you to store the output of Nmap into a SQLite database: [https://codeberg.org/mclemens/nmap-sqlite-output](https://codeberg.org/mclemens/nmap-sqlite-output)
This might come in handy when performing large inventory scans. The SQLite database can be queried and sorted easily or exported as a CSV file. This way you can, for example, easily generate tables for your assessment report.
## Example
$ nmap -sS -A -F --script sqlite-output scanme.nmap.org
$ sqlite3 scan.sqlite
sqlite> select * from scandata;
scanme.nmap.org||22|tcp|ssh|open|OpenSSH5.3p1 Debian 3ubuntu7.1
scanme.nmap.org||80|tcp|http|open|Apache httpd2.2.14