# amberterm A minimal, monospaced, terminal style theme for Hugo. Creates HTML as well as Gemini files. amberterm is based on [smol](https://github.com/colorchestra/smol) which is based on [Blank](https://github.com/Vimux/Blank) created by [Vimux](https://github.com/Vimux). All code to generate Gemini pages have been taken from the following pages: * [https://sylvaindurand.org/gemini-and-hugo/](https://sylvaindurand.org/gemini-and-hugo/) * [https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/04/using-hugo-to-launch-a-gemini-capsule/](https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/04/using-hugo-to-launch-a-gemini-capsule/) The credits go to the authors of the above mentioned posts ![Screenshot](/images/screenshot.png) ## Installation In your Hugo site `themes` directory, run: ``` git submodule add https://git.qrz.is/clemens/amberterm ``` Next, open `config.toml` in the base of the Hugo site and ensure the theme option is set to `amberterm`. ``` theme = "amberterm" ``` Lastly, add the following lines to your `config.toml` to set site parameters and make use of all the menu entries in the header and footer sections if you need them. ``` # Parameters [params] subtitle = "Your blog subtitle goes here!" dateFmt = "02.01.2006 15:04" # Header [menu] [[menu.main]] identifier = "posts" name = "Posts" url = "/posts/" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] identifier = "categories" name = "Categories" url = "/categories/" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] identifier = "tags" name = "Tags" url = "/tags/" weight = 3 # Footer [[menu.footer]] name = "Github" url = "https://github.com/example" weight = 1 [[menu.footer]] name = "Mastodon" url = "https://example.com/@user" weight = 2 [[menu.footer]] name = "Imprint" url = "/imprint" weight = 3 ``` If you'd like to automatically generate a gemini capsule, please add the following to your config.toml: ``` [mediaTypes] [mediaTypes."text/gemini"] suffixes = ["gmi"] [mediaTypes."application/atom"] suffixes= ["xml"] [outputFormats] [outputFormats.Gemini] name = "GEMINI" isPlainText = true isHTML = false mediaType = "text/gemini" protocol = "gemini://" permalinkable = true path ="gemini/" [outputFormats.gemini_atom] name = "GEMINI_ATOM" isPlainText = true isHTML = false baseName = "atom" path = "gemini/" protocol = "gemini://" mediaType = "application/atom" [outputs] home = ["HTML", "GEMINI_ATOM", "GEMINI"] page = ["HTML", "GEMINI"] ``` You probably want to change the parameter "path" which is the directory where the gemini files will be written to. For more information read the official [quick start guide](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/) of Hugo. ## Optional features ### Custom copyright text Add `copyright = "Your text here"` - in the config.toml to change the copyright notice in the footer. ### Image captions You can add captions to images (technically using `
` HTML tags) by adding titles, like so: `![Alt text here](/path/to/image.png "Put your caption here!")` ## License This theme is released under the [MIT license](https://git.qrz.is/clemens/amberterm/raw/branch/master/LICENSE.md).