2020-12-30 00:57:22 +01:00

125 lines
3.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import telnetlib
import time
import sys
import rrdtool
import os.path
import config as cfg
from airium import Airium
# Read config parameters from
# and store them into variables
host =
port = cfg.port
timeout = cfg.timeout
db_file = cfg.db_file
web_path = cfg.web_path
# Create a new database if not already done before
def init_db():
if not os.path.isfile(db_file):
print ("creating DB file " + db_file)
"--start", "now",
"--step", "5",
# Connect to the rig via Telnet to rigctld
def connect_rig():
print("Connecting to " + host + ":" + str(port) + "...")
session = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port, timeout)
print("Connection successful.")
return session
except Exception as e:
print("Connection failed:")
# Query the rig for signal strength (l STRENGTH)
# and write the output into the database
def query_rig(session):
global db_file
# read signal strength from TRX
session.write(b"l STRENGTH\n")
# wait a moment
# read the answer
strength = session.read_very_eager().decode("utf-8")
x = strength.replace("\n", "")
# write the value returned from rigctld to the DB
if x:
rrdtool.update(db_file, 'N:%s' % x)
print("yep, that went wrong.")
rrdtool.update(db_file, 'N:U')
# Generate a PNG file with a graph for a certain time range
def print_graph(filename,title,time_window):
global db_file
global web_path
# Definition of the graph and the output file
graphv_args = [
'--title', title,
'--start', time_window,
'--imgformat', 'PNG',
'--vertical-label', 'dbm',
'LINE1:noiselevel#ff0000:"This is a red line"'
# generate the output file
# Generate an index.html file containing some graphs
def gen_html():
global web_path
a = Airium()
# Generate the HTML code
a('<!DOCTYPE html>')
with a.html(lang="en"):
with a.head():
a.title(_t="Noise Floor")
with a.body():
with a.h3():
a("Last 1 hour")
with a.div():
a.img(src='1.png', alt='alt text')
with a.h3():
a("Last 4 hours")
with a.div():
a.img(src='2.png', alt='alt text')
with a.h3():
a("Last 12 hours")
with a.div():
a.img(src='3.png', alt='alt text')
with a.h3():
a("Last 24 hours")
with a.div():
a.img(src='4.png', alt='alt text')
html = str(a)
# write the html code to disk as index.html
with open(web_path + "/index.html", "w") as html_file:
print(f"{html}", file=html_file)
# Main functionality
init_db() # If no DB exists, create one
s = connect_rig() # Connect via Telnet to rigctld
while s:
query_rig(s) # Query the signal strength and write it to the DB
print_graph("1.png","Noise Floor","-1h") # create a graph as PNG file
print_graph("2.png","Noise Floor","-4h") # ^
print_graph("3.png","Noise Floor","-12h") # ^
print_graph("4.png","Noise Floor","-24h") # ^
gen_html() # create and write a html file
time.sleep(5) # wait 5 seconds