2016-09-11 02:40:29 -04:00

227 lines
7.2 KiB

/* Copyright 2008, 2012 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
GNU General Public License, see copying.txt */
/* Widgets like @files @pwd. How to create a widget?
1. stick the code below, it's prototype must be the same, int(FILE *), where
the FILE* is called with the output file
2. create a prototype in Widget.h
3. in Parser.c, add to the symbol table, sym[] with the symbol you want, in
ASCIIbetical order
* Created by Neil Edelman on 2008-03-25. */
#include <string.h> /* strncat strncpy */
#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf FILE */
#include <time.h> /* time gmtime - for @date */
#include "Files.h"
#include "Parser.h"
#include "Recursor.h"
#include "Widget.h"
/* constants */
static const char *htmlDesc = "index.d";
static const char *htmlContent = "content.d";
static const char *separator = "/";
static const char *picture = ".jpeg"; /* yeah, I hard coded this */
static const size_t maxRead = 512;
static const char *link = ".link";
const char *desc = ".d"; /* used in multiple files */
const char *news = ".news";
extern const char *dirCurrent;
extern const char *dirParent;
extern const char *htmlIndex;
/* global, ick: news */
static int year = 1983;
static int month = 1;
static int day = 30;
static char title[64] = "(no title)";
static char filenews[64] = "(no file name)";
/* private */
int correctNo(int no, const int low, const int high);
int WidgetSetNews(const char *fn) {
char *dot;
int read, tLen;
FILE *fp;
if(!fn || !(dot = strstr(fn, news))) return 0;
if(strlen(fn) > sizeof(filenews) / sizeof(char) - sizeof(char)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Widget::SetNews: news file name, \"%s,\" doesn't fit in buffer (%d.)\n", fn, (int)(sizeof(filenews) / sizeof(char)));
return 0;
/* save the fn, safe because we checked it, and strip off .news */
strcpy(filenews, fn);
filenews[dot - fn] = '\0';
/* open .news */
if(!(fp = fopen(fn, "r"))) { perror(fn); return 0; }
read = fscanf(fp, "%d-%d-%d\n", &year, &month, &day);
if(read < 3) fprintf(stderr, "Widget::setNews: error parsing ISO 8601 date, <YYYY-MM-DD>.\n");
month = correctNo(month, 1, 12);
day = correctNo(day, 1, 31);
/* fgets reads a newline at the end (annoying) so we strip that off */
if(!fgets(title, sizeof(title), fp)) { perror(fn); *title = '\0'; }
else if((tLen = strlen(title)) > 0 && title[tLen - 1] == '\n') title[tLen - 1] = '\0';
if(fclose(fp)) perror(fn);
fprintf(stderr, "News <%s>, '%s' %d-%d-%d.\n", filenews, title, year, month, day);
return -1;
/* the widget handlers */
int WidgetContent(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
char buf[81], *bufpos;
int i;
FILE *in;
/* it's a nightmare to test if this is text (which most is,) in which case
we should insert <p>...</p> after every paragraph, <>& -> &lt;&gt;&amp;,
but we have to not translate already encoded html; the only solution that
a could see is have a new langauge (like-LaTeX) that gracefully handles
plain-text */
if((in = fopen(htmlContent, "r")) || (in = fopen(htmlDesc, "r"))) {
for(i = 0; (i < maxRead) && (bufpos = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), in)); i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%s", bufpos);
if(fclose(in)) perror(htmlDesc);
return 0;
int WidgetDate(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
/* ISO 8601 - YYYY-MM-DD */
fprintf(fp, "%4.4d-%2.2d-%2.2d", year, month, day);
return 0;
int WidgetFilealt(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
fprintf(fp, "%s", FilesIsDir(f) ? "Dir" : "File");
return 0;
int WidgetFiledesc(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
char buf[256], *name;
FILE *in;
if(!(name = FilesName(f))) return 0;
if(FilesIsDir(f)) {
/* <file>/index.d */
strncpy(buf, name, sizeof(buf) - 9);
strncat(buf, separator, 1);
strncat(buf, htmlDesc, 7);
} else {
/* <file>.d */
strncpy(buf, name, sizeof(buf) - 6);
strncat(buf, desc, 5);
if((in = fopen(buf, "r"))) {
char *bufpos;
int i;
for(i = 0; (i < maxRead) && (bufpos = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), in)); i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%s", bufpos);
if(fclose(in)) perror(buf);
return 0;
int WidgetFilehref(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
char *str, *name;
int ch;
FILE *fhref;
if(!(name = FilesName(f))) return 0;
if((str = strstr(name, link)) && *(str += strlen(link)) == '\0' && (fhref = fopen(name, "r"))) {
/* fixme: not too good, with the reading one char at a time */
for( ; ; ) {
ch = fgetc(fhref);
if(ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == EOF) break;
fprintf(fp, "%c", ch);
if(fclose(fhref)) perror(name);
} else {
fprintf(fp, "%s", name);
return 0;
int WidgetFileicon(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
char buf[256], *name;
FILE *in;
if(!(name = FilesName(f))) return 0;
/* insert <file>.d.jpeg if available */
strncpy(buf, name, sizeof(buf) - 12);
strncat(buf, desc, 5);
strncat(buf, picture, 6);
if((in = fopen(buf, "r"))) {
fprintf(fp, "%s", buf);
if(fclose(in)) perror(buf);
} else {
/* added thing to get to root instead of / because sometimes 'root'
is not the real root! eg; does the same thing
as having a @root{/} */
FilesSetPath((struct Files *)f);
while(FilesEnumPath((struct Files *)f)) {
fprintf(fp, "%s%s", dirParent, separator);
fprintf(fp, "%s%s", FilesIsDir(f) ? "dir" : "file", picture);
return 0;
int WidgetFilename(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
fprintf(fp, "%s", FilesName(f));
return 0;
int WidgetFiles(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
return FilesAdvance((struct Files *)f) ? -1 : 0;
int WidgetFilesize(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) { /* eww */
if(!FilesIsDir(f)) fprintf(fp, " (%d KB)", FilesSize(f));
return 0;
int WidgetNews(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
char buf[256], *bufpos;
int i;
FILE *in;
if(!filenews[0]) return 0;
if(!(in = fopen(filenews, "r"))) { perror(filenews); return 0; }
for(i = 0; (i < maxRead) && (bufpos = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), in)); i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%s", bufpos);
if(fclose(in)) perror(filenews);
return 0;
int WidgetNewsname(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
fprintf(fp, "%s", filenews);
return 0;
int WidgetNow(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
char t[22];
time_t currentTime;
struct tm *formatedTime;
if((currentTime = time(0)) == (time_t)(-1)) { perror("@date"); return 0; }
formatedTime = gmtime(&currentTime);
/* ISO 8601 - YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD */
strftime(t, 21, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", formatedTime);
fprintf(fp, "%s", t);
return 0;
int WidgetPwd(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
static int persistant = 0; /* ick, be very careful! */
char *pwd;
if(!persistant) { persistant = -1; FilesSetPath((struct Files *)f); }
pwd = FilesEnumPath((struct Files *)f);
if(!pwd) { persistant = 0; return 0; }
fprintf(fp, "%s", pwd);
return -1;
int WidgetRoot(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
static int persistant = 0; /* ick, be very careful! */
char *pwd;
if(!persistant) { persistant = -1; FilesSetPath((struct Files *)f); }
pwd = FilesEnumPath((struct Files *)f);
if(!pwd) { persistant = 0; return 0; }
fprintf(fp, "%s", dirParent);
return -1;
int WidgetTitle(const struct Files *f, FILE *fp) {
fprintf(fp, "%s", title);
return 0;
int correctNo(int no, const int low, const int high) {
if(no < low) no = low;
else if(no > high) no = high;
return no;