This client does not support the netascii mode. The default mode is octet/binary and should be sufficient. One thing left to do is to check the source port of the server to make sure it doesn't change. If it does, we should ignore the packet and send an error back without disturbing an existing transfer.
30 lines
684 B
30 lines
684 B
.Dd August 14, 2015
.Dt TFTP 1
.Os sbase
.Nm tftp
.Nd trivial file transfer protocol client
.Fl h Ar host
.Op Fl p Ar port
.Op Fl x | c
.Ar file
is a client that implements the trivial file transfer protocol over
either IPv4 or IPv6 as specified in RFC 1350. It can be used to transfer
files to and from remote machines.
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Fl h Ar host
Set the remote hostname.
.It Fl p Ar port
Set the remote port. It defaults to port 69.
.It Fl x
Extract a file from the server. This is the default
if no flags are specified. Output goes to stdout.
.It Fl c
Create a file on the server. Input comes from stdin.