/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #define REGEXSIZE 100 #define LINESIZE 80 #define NUMLINES 32 #define CACHESIZ 4096 typedef struct { char *str; size_t cap; size_t siz; } String; struct hline { off_t seek; char global; int next, prev; }; struct undo { int curln; size_t nr, cap; struct link { int to1, from1; int to2, from2; } *vec; }; static char *prompt = "*"; static regex_t *pattern; static regmatch_t matchs[10]; static String lastre; static int optverbose, optprompt, exstatus, optdiag = 1; static int marks['z' - 'a']; static int nlines, line1, line2; static int curln, lastln, ocurln; static jmp_buf savesp; static char *lasterr; static size_t idxsize, lastidx; static struct hline *zero; static String text; static char savfname[FILENAME_MAX]; static char tmpname[FILENAME_MAX]; static int scratch; static int pflag, modflag, uflag, gflag; static size_t csize; static String cmdline; static char *ocmdline; static int repidx; static char *rhs; static char *lastmatch; static struct undo udata; static int newcmd; int eol, bol; static void discard(void) { int c; if (repidx >= 0) return; /* discard until the end of the line */ if (cmdline.siz > 0 && cmdline.str[cmdline.siz-1] == '\n') return; while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) ; } static void undo(void); static void error(char *msg) { exstatus = 1; lasterr = msg; puts("?"); if (optverbose) puts(msg); if (!newcmd) undo(); discard(); curln = ocurln; longjmp(savesp, 1); } static int nextln(int line) { ++line; return (line > lastln) ? 0 : line; } static int prevln(int line) { --line; return (line < 0) ? lastln : line; } static char * addchar_(char c, String *s) { size_t cap = s->cap, siz = s->siz; char *t = s->str; if (siz >= cap && (cap > SIZE_MAX - LINESIZE || (t = realloc(t, cap += LINESIZE)) == NULL)) error("out of memory"); t[siz++] = c; s->siz = siz; s->cap = cap; s->str = t; return t; } static char * addchar(char c, char *t, size_t *capacity, size_t *size) { size_t cap = *capacity, siz = *size; if (siz >= cap && (cap > SIZE_MAX - LINESIZE || (t = realloc(t, cap += LINESIZE)) == NULL)) error("out of memory"); t[siz++] = c; *size = siz; *capacity = cap; return t; } static int input(void) { int c; if (repidx >= 0) return ocmdline[repidx++]; if ((c = getchar()) != EOF) addchar_(c, &cmdline); return c; } static int back(int c) { if (repidx > 0) { --repidx; } else { ungetc(c, stdin); if (c != EOF) --cmdline.siz; } return c; } static int makeline(char *s, int *off) { struct hline *lp; size_t len; char c, *begin = s; if (lastidx >= idxsize) { if (idxsize > SIZE_MAX - NUMLINES || !(lp = realloc(zero, (idxsize + NUMLINES) * sizeof(*lp)))) error("out of memory"); idxsize += NUMLINES; zero = lp; } lp = zero + lastidx; if (!s) { lp->seek = -1; len = 0; } else { while ((c = *s++) != '\n') /* nothing */; len = s - begin; if ((lp->seek = lseek(scratch, 0, SEEK_END)) < 0 || write(scratch, begin, len) < 0) { error("input/output error"); } } if (off) *off = len; ++lastidx; return lp - zero; } static int getindex(int line) { struct hline *lp; int n; if (line == -1) line = 0; for (n = 0, lp = zero; n != line; n++) lp = zero + lp->next; return lp - zero; } static char * gettxt(int line) { static char buf[CACHESIZ]; static off_t lasto; struct hline *lp; off_t off, block; ssize_t n; char *p; lp = zero + getindex(line); text.siz = 0; off = lp->seek; if (off == (off_t) -1) return addchar_('\0', &text); repeat: if (!csize || off < lasto || off - lasto >= csize) { block = off & ~(CACHESIZ-1); if (lseek(scratch, block, SEEK_SET) < 0 || (n = read(scratch, buf, CACHESIZ)) < 0) { error("input/output error"); } csize = n; lasto = block; } for (p = buf + off - lasto; p < buf + csize && *p != '\n'; ++p) { ++off; addchar_(*p, &text); } if (csize && p == buf + csize) goto repeat; addchar_('\n', &text); addchar_('\0', &text); return text.str; } static void setglobal(int i, int v) { zero[getindex(i)].global = v; } static void clearundo(void) { free(udata.vec); udata.vec = NULL; newcmd = udata.nr = udata.cap = 0; modflag = 0; } static void relink(int to1, int from1, int from2, int to2) { struct link *p; if (newcmd) { clearundo(); udata.curln = ocurln; } if (udata.nr >= udata.cap) { size_t siz = (udata.cap + 10) * sizeof(struct link); if ((p = realloc(udata.vec, siz)) == NULL) error("out of memory"); udata.vec = p; udata.cap = udata.cap + 10; } p = &udata.vec[udata.nr++]; p->from1 = from1; p->to1 = zero[from1].next; p->from2 = from2; p->to2 = zero[from2].prev; zero[from1].next = to1; zero[from2].prev = to2; modflag = 1; } static void undo(void) { struct link *p; if (udata.nr == 0) return; for (p = &udata.vec[udata.nr-1]; udata.nr--; --p) { zero[p->from1].next = p->to1; zero[p->from2].prev = p->to2; } free(udata.vec); udata.vec = NULL; udata.cap = 0; curln = udata.curln; } static void inject(char *s, int j) { int off, k, begin, end; if (j) { begin = getindex(curln-1); end = getindex(nextln(curln-1)); } else { begin = getindex(curln); end = getindex(nextln(curln)); } while (*s) { k = makeline(s, &off); s += off; relink(k, begin, k, begin); relink(end, k, end, k); ++lastln; ++curln; begin = k; } } static void clearbuf(void) { if (scratch) close(scratch); remove(tmpname); free(zero); zero = NULL; scratch = csize = idxsize = lastidx = curln = lastln = 0; modflag = lastln = curln = 0; } static void setscratch(void) { int r, k; char *dir; clearbuf(); clearundo(); if ((dir = getenv("TMPDIR")) == NULL) dir = "/tmp"; r = snprintf(tmpname, sizeof(tmpname), "%s/%s", dir, "ed.XXXXXX"); if (r < 0 || (size_t)r >= sizeof(tmpname)) error("scratch filename too long"); if ((scratch = mkstemp(tmpname)) < 0) error("failed to create scratch file"); if ((k = makeline(NULL, NULL))) error("input/output error in scratch file"); relink(k, k, k, k); clearundo(); } static void compile(int delim) { int n, ret, c,bracket; static char buf[BUFSIZ]; if (!isgraph(delim)) error("invalid pattern delimiter"); eol = bol = bracket = lastre.siz = 0; for (n = 0;; ++n) { if ((c = input()) == delim && !bracket) break; if (c == '^') { bol = 1; } else if (c == '$') { eol = 1; } else if (c == '\n' || c == EOF) { back(c); break; } if (c == '\\') { addchar_(c, &lastre); c = input(); } else if (c == '[') { bracket = 1; } else if (c == ']') { bracket = 0; } addchar_(c, &lastre); } if (n == 0) { if (!pattern) error("no previous pattern"); return; } addchar_('\0', &lastre); if (pattern) regfree(pattern); if (!pattern && (!(pattern = malloc(sizeof(*pattern))))) error("out of memory"); if ((ret = regcomp(pattern, lastre.str, REG_NEWLINE))) { regerror(ret, pattern, buf, sizeof(buf)); error(buf); } } static int match(int num) { lastmatch = gettxt(num); return !regexec(pattern, lastmatch, 10, matchs, 0); } static int rematch(int num) { regoff_t off = matchs[0].rm_eo; if (!regexec(pattern, lastmatch + off, 10, matchs, 0)) { lastmatch += off; return 1; } return 0; } static int search(int way) { int i; i = curln; do { i = (way == '?') ? prevln(i) : nextln(i); if (i > 0 && match(i)) return i; } while (i != curln); error("invalid address"); return -1; /* not reached */ } static void skipblank(void) { char c; while ((c = input()) == ' ' || c == '\t') /* nothing */; back(c); } static int getnum(void) { int ln, n, c; for (ln = 0; isdigit(c = input()); ln += n) { if (ln > INT_MAX/10) goto invalid; n = c - '0'; ln *= 10; if (INT_MAX - ln < n) goto invalid; } back(c); return ln; invalid: error("invalid address"); return -1; /* not reached */ } static int linenum(int *line) { int ln, c; skipblank(); switch (c = input()) { case '.': ln = curln; break; case '\'': skipblank(); if (!islower(c = input())) error("invalid mark character"); if (!(ln = marks[c - 'a'])) error("invalid address"); break; case '$': ln = lastln; break; case '?': case '/': compile(c); ln = search(c); break; case '^': case '-': case '+': ln = curln; back(c); break; default: back(c); if (isdigit(c)) ln = getnum(); else return 0; break; } *line = ln; return 1; } static int address(int *line) { int ln, sign, c, num; if (!linenum(&ln)) return 0; for (;;) { skipblank(); if ((c = input()) != '+' && c != '-' && c != '^') break; sign = c == '+' ? 1 : -1; num = isdigit(back(input())) ? getnum() : 1; num *= sign; if (INT_MAX - ln < num) goto invalid; ln += num; } back(c); if (ln < 0 || ln > lastln) error("invalid address"); *line = ln; return 1; invalid: error("invalid address"); return -1; /* not reached */ } static void getlst(void) { int ln, c; if ((c = input()) == ',') { line1 = 1; line2 = lastln; nlines = lastln; return; } else if (c == ';') { line1 = curln; line2 = lastln; nlines = lastln - curln + 1; return; } back(c); line2 = curln; for (nlines = 0; address(&ln); ) { line1 = line2; line2 = ln; ++nlines; skipblank(); if ((c = input()) != ',' && c != ';') { back(c); break; } if (c == ';') curln = line2; } if (nlines > 2) nlines = 2; else if (nlines <= 1) line1 = line2; } static void deflines(int def1, int def2) { if (!nlines) { line1 = def1; line2 = def2; } if (line1 > line2 || line1 < 0 || line2 > lastln) error("invalid address"); } static void dowrite(const char *fname, int trunc) { FILE *fp; int i, line; if (!(fp = fopen(fname, (trunc) ? "w" : "a"))) error("input/output error"); line = curln; for (i = line1; i <= line2; ++i) fputs(gettxt(i), fp); curln = line2; if (fclose(fp)) error("input/output error"); strcpy(savfname, fname); modflag = 0; curln = line; } static void doread(const char *fname) { size_t cnt; ssize_t n; char *p; FILE *aux; static size_t len; static char *s; static FILE *fp; if (fp) fclose(fp); if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) error("cannot open input file"); curln = line2; for (cnt = 0; (n = getline(&s, &len, fp)) > 0; cnt += (size_t)n) { if (s[n-1] != '\n') { if (len == SIZE_MAX || !(p = realloc(s, ++len))) error("out of memory"); s = p; s[n-1] = '\n'; s[n] = '\0'; } inject(s, 0); } if (optdiag) printf("%zu\n", cnt); aux = fp; fp = NULL; if (fclose(aux)) error("input/output error"); } static void doprint(void) { int i, c; char *s, *str; if (line1 <= 0 || line2 > lastln) error("incorrect address"); for (i = line1; i <= line2; ++i) { if (pflag == 'n') printf("%d\t", i); for (s = gettxt(i); (c = *s) != '\n'; ++s) { if (pflag != 'l') goto print_char; switch (c) { case '$': str = "\\$"; goto print_str; case '\t': str = "\\t"; goto print_str; case '\b': str = "\\b"; goto print_str; case '\\': str = "\\\\"; goto print_str; default: if (!isprint(c)) { printf("\\x%x", 0xFF & c); break; } print_char: putchar(c); break; print_str: fputs(str, stdout); break; } } if (pflag == 'l') fputs("$", stdout); putc('\n', stdout); } curln = i - 1; } static void dohelp(void) { if (lasterr) puts(lasterr); } static void chkprint(int flag) { char c; if (flag) { if ((c = input()) == 'p' || c == 'l' || c == 'n') pflag = c; else back(c); } if (input() != '\n') error("invalid command suffix"); } static char * getfname(char comm) { int c; char *bp; static char fname[FILENAME_MAX]; skipblank(); for (bp = fname; bp < &fname[FILENAME_MAX]; *bp++ = c) { if ((c = input()) == EOF || c == '\n') break; } if (bp == fname) { if (savfname[0] == '\0') error("no current filename"); return savfname; } else if (bp == &fname[FILENAME_MAX]) { error("file name too long"); } else { *bp = '\0'; if (savfname[0] == '\0' || comm == 'e' || comm == 'f') strcpy(savfname, fname); return fname; } return NULL; /* not reached */ } static void append(int num) { char *s = NULL; size_t len = 0; curln = num; while (getline(&s, &len, stdin) > 0) { if (*s == '.' && s[1] == '\n') break; inject(s, 0); } free(s); } static void delete(int from, int to) { int lto, lfrom; if (!from) error("incorrect address"); lfrom = getindex(prevln(from)); lto = getindex(nextln(to)); lastln -= to - from + 1; curln = (from > lastln) ? lastln : from;; relink(lto, lfrom, lto, lfrom); } static void move(int where) { int before, after, lto, lfrom; if (!line1 || (where >= line1 && where <= line2)) error("incorrect address"); before = getindex(prevln(line1)); after = getindex(nextln(line2)); lfrom = getindex(line1); lto = getindex(line2); relink(after, before, after, before); if (where < line1) { curln = where + line1 - line2 + 1; } else { curln = where; where -= line1 - line2 + 1; } before = getindex(where); after = getindex(nextln(where)); relink(lfrom, before, lfrom, before); relink(after, lto, after, lto); } static void join(void) { int i; char *t, c; size_t len = 0, cap = 0; static char *s; free(s); for (s = NULL, i = line1;; i = nextln(i)) { for (t = gettxt(i); (c = *t) != '\n'; ++t) s = addchar(*t, s, &cap, &len); if (i == line2) break; } s = addchar('\n', s, &cap, &len); s = addchar('\0', s, &cap, &len); delete(line1, line2); inject(s, 1); free(s); } static void scroll(int num) { int i; if (!line1 || line1 == lastln) error("incorrect address"); for (i = line1; i <= line1 + num && i <= lastln; ++i) fputs(gettxt(i), stdout); curln = i; } static void copy(int where) { int i; if (!line1 || (where >= line1 && where <= line2)) error("incorrect address"); curln = where; for (i = line1; i <= line2; ++i) inject(gettxt(i), 0); } static void quit(void) { clearbuf(); exit(exstatus); } static void execsh(void) { static char *cmd; static size_t siz, cap; char c, *p; int repl = 0; skipblank(); if ((c = input()) != '!') { back(c); siz = 0; } else if (cmd) { --siz; repl = 1; } else { error("no previous command"); } while ((c = input()) != EOF && c != '\n') { if (c == '%' && (siz == 0 || cmd[siz - 1] != '\\')) { if (savfname[0] == '\0') error("no current filename"); repl = 1; for (p = savfname; *p; ++p) cmd = addchar(*p, cmd, &cap, &siz); } else { cmd = addchar(c, cmd, &cap, &siz); } } cmd = addchar('\0', cmd, &cap, &siz); if (repl) puts(cmd); system(cmd); if (optdiag) puts("!"); } static void getrhs(int delim) { int c; size_t siz, cap; static char *s; free(s); s = NULL; siz = cap = 0; while ((c = input()) != '\n' && c != EOF && c != delim) s = addchar(c, s, &siz, &cap); s = addchar('\0', s, &siz, &cap); if (c == EOF) error("invalid pattern delimiter"); if (c == '\n') { pflag = 'p'; back(c); } if (!strcmp("%", s)) { free(s); if (!rhs) error("no previous substitution"); } else { free(rhs); rhs = s; } s = NULL; } static int getnth(void) { int c; if ((c = input()) == 'g') { return -1; } else if (isdigit(c)) { if (c == '0') return -1; return c - '0'; } else { back(c); return 1; } } static void addpre(char **s, size_t *cap, size_t *siz) { char *p; for (p = lastmatch; p < lastmatch + matchs[0].rm_so; ++p) *s = addchar(*p, *s, cap, siz); } static void addpost(char **s, size_t *cap, size_t *siz) { char c, *p; for (p = lastmatch + matchs[0].rm_eo; (c = *p); ++p) *s = addchar(c, *s, cap, siz); *s = addchar('\0', *s, cap, siz); } static int addsub(char **s, size_t *cap, size_t *siz, int nth, int nmatch) { char *end, *q, *p, c; int sub; if (nth != nmatch && nth != -1) { q = lastmatch + matchs[0].rm_so; end = lastmatch + matchs[0].rm_eo; while (q < end) *s = addchar(*q++, *s, cap, siz); return 0; } for (p = rhs; (c = *p); ++p) { switch (c) { case '&': sub = 0; goto copy_match; case '\\': if ((c = *++p) == '\0') return 1; if (!isdigit(c)) goto copy_char; sub = c - '0'; copy_match: q = lastmatch + matchs[sub].rm_so; end = lastmatch + matchs[sub].rm_eo; while (q < end) *s = addchar(*q++, *s, cap, siz); break; default: copy_char: *s = addchar(c, *s, cap, siz); break; } } return 1; } static void subline(int num, int nth) { int i, m, changed; static char *s; static size_t siz, cap; i = changed = siz = 0; for (m = match(num); m; m = rematch(num)) { addpre(&s, &cap, &siz); changed |= addsub(&s, &cap, &siz, nth, ++i); if (eol || bol) break; } if (!changed) return; addpost(&s, &cap, &siz); delete(num, num); curln = prevln(num); inject(s, 0); } static void subst(int nth) { int i; for (i = line1; i <= line2; ++i) subline(i, nth); } static void docmd(void) { char cmd; int rep = 0, c, line3, num, trunc; repeat: skipblank(); cmd = input(); trunc = pflag = 0; switch (cmd) { case '&': skipblank(); chkprint(0); if (!ocmdline) error("no previous command"); rep = 1; repidx = 0; getlst(); goto repeat; case '!': execsh(); break; case EOF: if (cmdline.siz == 0) quit(); case '\n': if (gflag && uflag) return; num = gflag ? curln : curln+1; deflines(num, num); pflag = 'p'; goto print; case 'l': case 'n': case 'p': back(cmd); chkprint(1); deflines(curln, curln); goto print; case 'g': case 'G': case 'v': case 'V': error("cannot nest global commands"); case 'H': if (nlines > 0) goto unexpected; chkprint(0); optverbose ^= 1; break; case 'h': if (nlines > 0) goto unexpected; chkprint(0); dohelp(); break; case 'w': trunc = 1; case 'W': deflines(nextln(0), lastln); dowrite(getfname(cmd), trunc); break; case 'r': if (nlines > 1) goto bad_address; deflines(lastln, lastln); doread(getfname(cmd)); break; case 'd': chkprint(1); deflines(curln, curln); delete(line1, line2); break; case '=': if (nlines > 1) goto bad_address; chkprint(1); deflines(lastln, lastln); printf("%d\n", line1); break; case 'u': if (nlines > 0) goto bad_address; chkprint(1); if (udata.nr == 0) error("nothing to undo"); undo(); break; case 's': deflines(curln, curln); c = input(); compile(c); getrhs(c); num = getnth(); chkprint(1); subst(num); break; case 'i': if (nlines > 1) goto bad_address; chkprint(1); deflines(curln, curln); if (!line1) line1++; append(prevln(line1)); break; case 'a': if (nlines > 1) goto bad_address; chkprint(1); deflines(curln, curln); append(line1); break; case 'm': deflines(curln, curln); if (!address(&line3)) line3 = curln; chkprint(1); move(line3); break; case 't': deflines(curln, curln); if (!address(&line3)) line3 = curln; chkprint(1); copy(line3); break; case 'c': chkprint(1); deflines(curln, curln); delete(line1, line2); append(prevln(line1)); break; case 'j': chkprint(1); deflines(curln, curln+1); if (line1 != line2 && curln != 0) join(); break; case 'z': if (nlines > 1) goto bad_address; if (isdigit(back(input()))) num = getnum(); else num = 24; chkprint(1); scroll(num); break; case 'k': if (nlines > 1) goto bad_address; if (!islower(c = input())) error("invalid mark character"); chkprint(1); deflines(curln, curln); marks[c - 'a'] = line1; break; case 'P': if (nlines > 0) goto unexpected; chkprint(1); optprompt ^= 1; break; case 'Q': modflag = 0; case 'q': if (nlines > 0) goto unexpected; if (modflag) goto modified; quit(); break; case 'f': if (nlines > 0) goto unexpected; if (back(input()) != '\n') getfname(cmd); else puts(savfname); chkprint(0); break; case 'E': modflag = 0; case 'e': if (nlines > 0) goto unexpected; if (modflag) goto modified; getfname(cmd); setscratch(); deflines(curln, curln); doread(savfname); clearundo(); break; default: error("unknown command"); bad_address: error("invalid address"); modified: modflag = 0; error("warning: file modified"); unexpected: error("unexpected address"); } if (!pflag) goto save_last_cmd; line1 = line2 = curln; print: doprint(); save_last_cmd: if (!uflag) repidx = 0; if (rep) return; free(ocmdline); addchar_('\0', &cmdline); if ((ocmdline = strdup(cmdline.str)) == NULL) error("out of memory"); } static int chkglobal(void) { int delim, c, dir, i, v; uflag = 1; gflag = 0; skipblank(); switch (c = input()) { case 'g': uflag = 0; case 'G': dir = 1; break; case 'v': uflag = 0; case 'V': dir = 0; break; default: back(c); return 0; } gflag = 1; deflines(nextln(0), lastln); delim = input(); compile(delim); for (i = 1; i <= lastln; ++i) { if (i >= line1 && i <= line2) v = match(i) == dir; else v = 0; setglobal(i, v); } return 1; } static void doglobal(void) { int i, k; skipblank(); cmdline.siz = 0; gflag = 1; if (uflag) chkprint(0); for (i = 1; i <= lastln; i++) { k = getindex(i); if (!zero[k].global) continue; curln = i; nlines = 0; if (uflag) { line1 = line2 = i; pflag = 0; doprint(); } docmd(); } discard(); /* cover the case of not matching anything */ } static void usage(void) { eprintf("usage: %s [-s] [-p] [file]\n", argv0); } static void sigintr(int n) { signal(SIGINT, sigintr); error("interrupt"); } static void sighup(int dummy) { int n; char *home = getenv("HOME"), fname[FILENAME_MAX]; if (modflag) { line1 = nextln(0); line2 = lastln; if (!setjmp(savesp)) { dowrite("ed.hup", 1); } else if (home && !setjmp(savesp)) { n = snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", home, "ed.hup"); if (n < sizeof(fname) && n > 0) dowrite(fname, 1); } } exstatus = 1; quit(); } static void edit(void) { for (;;) { newcmd = 1; ocurln = curln; cmdline.siz = 0; repidx = -1; if (optprompt) { fputs(prompt, stdout); fflush(stdout); } getlst(); chkglobal() ? doglobal() : docmd(); } } static void init(char *fname) { size_t len; setscratch(); if (!fname) return; if ((len = strlen(fname)) >= FILENAME_MAX || len == 0) error("incorrect filename"); memcpy(savfname, fname, len); doread(fname); clearundo(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ARGBEGIN { case 'p': prompt = EARGF(usage()); optprompt = 1; break; case 's': optdiag = 0; break; default: usage(); } ARGEND if (argc > 1) usage(); if (!setjmp(savesp)) { signal(SIGINT, sigintr); signal(SIGHUP, sighup); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); init(*argv); } edit(); /* not reached */ return 0; }