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%% Idraw 2.5 Prolog
%% Modified by colas July 19 89 (naming of the dictionnary)
%% + xpr dict (July 21 89 colas)
/IdrawDict 50 dict def
IdrawDict begin
/arrowHeight 8 def
/arrowWidth 4 def
/none null def
/numGraphicParameters 17 def
/stringLimit 65535 def
/Begin {
numGraphicParameters dict begin
} def
/End {
} def
/SetB {
dup type /nulltype eq {
false /brushRightArrow idef
false /brushLeftArrow idef
true /brushNone idef
} {
/brushDashOffset idef
/brushDashArray idef
0 ne /brushRightArrow idef
0 ne /brushLeftArrow idef
/brushWidth idef
false /brushNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/SetCFg {
/fgblue idef
/fggreen idef
/fgred idef
} def
/SetCBg {
/bgblue idef
/bggreen idef
/bgred idef
} def
/SetF {
/printSize idef
/printFont idef
} def
/SetP {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /patternNone idef
} {
/patternGrayLevel idef
patternGrayLevel -1 eq {
/patternString idef
} if
false /patternNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/BSpl {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 true subspline
n 2 gt {
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 false subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy false subspline
} if
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy 2 copy false subspline
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Circ {
0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def
/CBSpl {
0 begin
dup 2 gt {
n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 2 2 true subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 false subspline
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 false subspline
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} {
} ifelse
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Elli {
0 begin
4 2 roll
0 0 1 0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 1 dict put def
/Line {
0 begin
2 storexyn
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
x 1 get y 1 get lineto
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
0 0 1 1 rightarrow
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/MLine {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
1 1 n 1 sub {
/i exch def
x i get y i get lineto
} for
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Poly {
3 1 roll
-1 add
{ lineto } repeat
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def
/Rect {
0 begin
/t exch def
/r exch def
/b exch def
/l exch def
l b moveto
l t lineto
r t lineto
r b lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Text {
} def
/idef {
dup where { pop pop pop } { exch def } ifelse
} def
/ifill {
0 begin
patternGrayLevel -1 ne {
fgred bgred fgred sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fggreen bggreen fggreen sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fgblue bgblue fgblue sub patternGrayLevel mul add setrgbcolor
} {
originalCTM setmatrix
pathbbox /t exch def /r exch def /b exch def /l exch def
/w r l sub ceiling cvi def
/h t b sub ceiling cvi def
/imageByteWidth w 8 div ceiling cvi def
/imageHeight h def
bgred bggreen bgblue setrgbcolor
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
w 0 gt h 0 gt and {
l b translate w h scale
w h true [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { patternproc } imagemask
} if
} ifelse
} dup 0 8 dict put def
/istroke {
brushDashOffset -1 eq {
[] 0 setdash
1 setgray
} {
brushDashArray brushDashOffset setdash
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
} ifelse
brushWidth setlinewidth
originalCTM setmatrix
} def
/ishow {
0 begin
printFont findfont printSize scalefont setfont
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
/vertoffset printSize neg def {
0 vertoffset moveto show
/vertoffset vertoffset printSize sub def
} forall
} dup 0 3 dict put def
/patternproc {
0 begin
/patternByteLength patternString length def
/patternHeight patternByteLength 8 mul sqrt cvi def
/patternWidth patternHeight def
/patternByteWidth patternWidth 8 idiv def
/imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth imageHeight mul
stringLimit patternByteWidth sub min def
/imageMaxHeight imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth idiv patternHeight idiv
patternHeight mul patternHeight max def
/imageHeight imageHeight imageMaxHeight sub store
/imageString imageByteWidth imageMaxHeight mul patternByteWidth add string def
0 1 imageMaxHeight 1 sub {
/y exch def
/patternRow y patternByteWidth mul patternByteLength mod def
/patternRowString patternString patternRow patternByteWidth getinterval def
/imageRow y imageByteWidth mul def
0 patternByteWidth imageByteWidth 1 sub {
/x exch def
imageString imageRow x add patternRowString putinterval
} for
} for
} dup 0 12 dict put def
/min {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll lt { exch } if pop
} def
/max {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll gt { exch } if pop
} def
/arrowhead {
0 begin
transform originalCTM itransform
/taily exch def
/tailx exch def
transform originalCTM itransform
/tipy exch def
/tipx exch def
/dy tipy taily sub def
/dx tipx tailx sub def
/angle dx 0 ne dy 0 ne or { dy dx atan } { 90 } ifelse def
originalCTM setmatrix
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
0 0 moveto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div lineto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div neg lineto
patternNone not {
originalCTM setmatrix
/padtip arrowHeight 2 exp 0.25 arrowWidth 2 exp mul add sqrt brushWidth mul
arrowWidth div def
/padtail brushWidth 2 div def
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
padtip 0 translate
arrowHeight padtip add padtail add arrowHeight div dup scale
} if
brushNone not {
originalCTM setmatrix
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
} if
} dup 0 9 dict put def
/arrowheadpath {
0 0 moveto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div lineto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div neg lineto
} def
/leftarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
brushLeftArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/rightarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
brushRightArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/midpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 x1 add 2 div
y0 y1 add 2 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/thirdpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 2 mul x1 add 3 div
y0 2 mul y1 add 3 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/subspline {
0 begin
/movetoNeeded exch def
y exch get /y3 exch def
x exch get /x3 exch def
y exch get /y2 exch def
x exch get /x2 exch def
y exch get /y1 exch def
x exch get /x1 exch def
y exch get /y0 exch def
x exch get /x0 exch def
x1 y1 x2 y2 thirdpoint
/p1y exch def
/p1x exch def
x2 y2 x1 y1 thirdpoint
/p2y exch def
/p2x exch def
x1 y1 x0 y0 thirdpoint
p1x p1y midpoint
/p0y exch def
/p0x exch def
x2 y2 x3 y3 thirdpoint
p2x p2y midpoint
/p3y exch def
/p3x exch def
movetoNeeded { p0x p0y moveto } if
p1x p1y p2x p2y p3x p3y curveto
} dup 0 17 dict put def
/storexyn {
/n exch def
/y n array def
/x n array def
n 1 sub -1 0 {
/i exch def
y i 3 2 roll put
x i 3 2 roll put
} for
} def
%% Xpr dictionnary
/XprDict 50 dict def
XprDict begin
/nextpos 0 def
currentfile bufspace readhexstring pop % get a chunk of input
% interpret each byte of the input
flag { % if the previous byte was FF
/len exch def % this byte is a count
FFstring 0 len getinterval % grap a chunk of FF's
putinterval % and stuff them into the result
/nextpos nextpos len add def
/flag false def
}{ % otherwise
dup 255 eq { % if this byte is FF
/flag true def % just set the flag
pop % and toss the FF
}{ % otherwise
% move this byte to the result
result nextpos
3 -1 roll % roll the current byte back to the top
/nextpos nextpos 1 add def
} ifelse
} ifelse
} forall
% trim unused space from end of result
result 0 nextpos getinterval
} def
/bitdumpcomp % stk: width, height, iscale
% dump a bit image with lower left corner at current origin,
% scaling by iscale (iscale=1 means 1/300 inch per pixel)
% read arguments
/iscale exch def
/height exch def
/width exch def
% scale appropriately
width iscale mul height iscale mul scale
% data structures:
% allocate space for one line of input
/bufspace 36 string def
% string of FF's
/FFstring 256 string def
% for all i FFstring[i]=255
0 1 255 { FFstring exch 255 put } for
% 'escape' flag
/flag false def
% space for a chunk of generated bits
/result 1000 string def
% read and dump the image
width height 1 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
{ bitgen }
} def
/bitdump % stk: width, height, iscale
% dump a bit image with lower left corner at current origin,
% scaling by iscale (iscale=1 means 1/300 inch per pixel)
% read arguments
/iscale exch def
/height exch def
/width exch def
% scale appropriately
width iscale mul height iscale mul scale
% allocate space for one scanline of input
/picstr % picstr holds one scan line
width 7 add 8 idiv % width of image in bytes = ceiling(width/8)
% read and dump the image
width height 1 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
{ currentfile picstr readhexstring pop }
} def