2021-05-27 20:58:33 -03:00

3.9 KiB

Poor Ed is Dead (Working title)

  • Three worlds or layers: Caligula XE; Sorcerer; Social Context
  • The third layer might be optional.

Caligula XE & Katja In Caligula Yyanu is in love with; has a crush on Katja

(working name; it could also be Sigryn or something else along those lines. We'll play it out later. The catch is that Yy knows that its just for fun and she must not get too serious with Kj and so she fastidiously avoids getting too close or getting feelings. Kj seems to always be pushing however. Yy knows this way lies destruction but can't help herself.

It's not meant to be obvious why she knows so well that it is doomed but there is no question that she's right. Eventually she will fall hard for Kj and tragically fatalistically confess her feelings, knowing even as she does so that this will ruin her.

It's even worse than one would think. Because once Kj knows she's secured Yy's love she begins to pursue her in RL! (real life)

Information Caligula XE is based on Conan Exiles. As a game it's a world

similar to the one depicted in some play documents I created. Basically Conan Exiles & Roman Gladiators & Locke Tomb pastiche.

Many incidents in the story can be based on game-play recalled from Conan Exiles. In that game I really did play a character who fell in love with another character names Katja, (Also Sigryn) in another server. Yyanu & Katja were re-united across a couple of servers before losing touch.

Caligula sections should read very much like a light novel\ In which RPG and

computer game conventions are transparently acknowledged in the game universes. But without overt acknowledgement of the actual computer game frame.

RL (ish) virtually At this turning point in the story, it is revealed that Yy

and Kj (and other characters) are actually characters in an online game called Caligula XE. Each one is controlled by a player in real life. Yyanu is controlled by a player who goes by the name @anibel and Katja by a player with the handle @katja. Of cours @a and @k are just account names on a game and social media platform.

@k seeks to continue the romance outside of Caligula XE in the online world. She constantly tries to get @a to reveal more of her true self. This is torment for @a whose feelings continue to grow earnestly. Her problem is that she is a contrived online persona, she completely hides her true nature in the online communities where she and @k frequent. @a's petty secret is that in rl she is a man named John. John created @a out of wishful thinking but does not see themselves as trans because of their self-contempt.

The stkes are so much higher because Yyanu wants to fall in love with Kj's player as a girl. But as we see above, John is unwilling to come out. Yyanu's username is Jezibel or Anabel or something.

@k keeps teasing, flirting with and tormenting @a and often accuses her of catfishing and of course that is exactly what John feels is true and @k is constantly demanding proofs and reality checks as their relationship hungry for more confirmation hungry for more ... threatening to hack her or dox ro something and yy/@an/john know that giving in and trying to pursue this relationship is unhealthy but cannot tear themselves away.

{Digression: what if maybe there is another character, not @k, maybe Ed a friend of @k who acts as both the protector/cockblocker/inquisitor}

{Or as soon as @a and @k begin to socialize and interact in online communities ed showed up and insinuates themselves into the scene. Quickly their pro-active actions and @k's complacence makes it clear that @a will have to prove themselves and 'go through' Ed to get to @k. @a MUST win Ed's trust to have any future with @k. }

{The secret to be revealed is that Ed always was Katja in game, and in all the ways that matter John/Anibl is in love with "Ed as Katja"}

At a major turning point John tries to go all in on the deception/catfish front by working with a friend/cousin/online aly to create a fake femme profile.