2021-06-14 20:02:52 -03:00

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Chapter 1

Naked and Alone

I woke up naked and alone in a cold dark prison cell. I had no memory of how I got here. In fact as I thought about it I couldn't remember anything about anything. How cliche I thought, amnesia! I shivered and looked down at my body. Against all the odds I found myself in good health, clean, and uninjured. I ran my hands down the sides of my trim, toned, almost wiry body and admired myself. I was in excellent shape. I admired as well my dark almost reddish brown skin. I did discover some old scar tissue on my sides, a criss cross of what must have been once a serious wound on my thigh: claw marks? Teeth? Knife wounds? So strange to bear such marks but no memories. I must be or have been some sort of warrior I thought. Maybe a hunter. I tried to conjure something out of the association but nothing came. Or maybe I'm some sort of an outlaw. Who might have captured me I wondered, and placed me in this cell. I gingerly touched my face and discovered another cruel long gash extending from my forehead, crossing my left eye, cheek, and lips.