2020-11-09 23:32:14 +00:00

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The Object is the "naked" base class for things in the game world.
Note that the default Character, Room and Exit does not inherit from
this Object, but from their respective default implementations in the
evennia library. If you want to use this class as a parent to change
the other types, you can do so by adding this as a multiple
from evennia import DefaultObject
class Object(DefaultObject):
This is the root typeclass object, implementing an in-game Evennia
game object, such as having a location, being able to be
manipulated or looked at, etc. If you create a new typeclass, it
must always inherit from this object (or any of the other objects
in this file, since they all actually inherit from BaseObject, as
seen in src.object.objects).
The BaseObject class implements several hooks tying into the game
engine. By re-implementing these hooks you can control the
system. You should never need to re-implement special Python
methods, such as __init__ and especially never __getattribute__ and
__setattr__ since these are used heavily by the typeclass system
of Evennia and messing with them might well break things for you.
* Base properties defined/available on all Objects
key (string) - name of object
name (string)- same as key
dbref (int, read-only) - unique #id-number. Also "id" can be used.
date_created (string) - time stamp of object creation
account (Account) - controlling account (if any, only set together with
sessid below)
sessid (int, read-only) - session id (if any, only set together with
account above). Use `sessions` handler to get the
Sessions directly.
location (Object) - current location. Is None if this is a room
home (Object) - safety start-location
has_account (bool, read-only)- will only return *connected* accounts
contents (list of Objects, read-only) - returns all objects inside this
object (including exits)
exits (list of Objects, read-only) - returns all exits from this
object, if any
destination (Object) - only set if this object is an exit.
is_superuser (bool, read-only) - True/False if this user is a superuser
* Handlers available
aliases - alias-handler: use aliases.add/remove/get() to use.
permissions - permission-handler: use permissions.add/remove() to
add/remove new perms.
locks - lock-handler: use locks.add() to add new lock strings
scripts - script-handler. Add new scripts to object with scripts.add()
cmdset - cmdset-handler. Use cmdset.add() to add new cmdsets to object
nicks - nick-handler. New nicks with nicks.add().
sessions - sessions-handler. Get Sessions connected to this
object with sessions.get()
attributes - attribute-handler. Use attributes.add/remove/get.
db - attribute-handler: Shortcut for attribute-handler. Store/retrieve
database attributes using self.db.myattr=val, val=self.db.myattr
ndb - non-persistent attribute handler: same as db but does not create
a database entry when storing data
* Helper methods (see src.objects.objects.py for full headers)
search(ostring, global_search=False, attribute_name=None,
use_nicks=False, location=None, ignore_errors=False, account=False)
msg(text=None, **kwargs)
msg_contents(message, exclude=None, from_obj=None, **kwargs)
move_to(destination, quiet=False, emit_to_obj=None, use_destination=True)
is_typeclass(typeclass, exact=False)
swap_typeclass(new_typeclass, clean_attributes=False, no_default=True)
access(accessing_obj, access_type='read', default=False)
* Hooks (these are class methods, so args should start with self):
basetype_setup() - only called once, used for behind-the-scenes
setup. Normally not modified.
basetype_posthook_setup() - customization in basetype, after the object
has been created; Normally not modified.
at_object_creation() - only called once, when object is first created.
Object customizations go here.
at_object_delete() - called just before deleting an object. If returning
False, deletion is aborted. Note that all objects
inside a deleted object are automatically moved
to their <home>, they don't need to be removed here.
at_init() - called whenever typeclass is cached from memory,
at least once every server restart/reload
at_cmdset_get(**kwargs) - this is called just before the command handler
requests a cmdset from this object. The kwargs are
not normally used unless the cmdset is created
dynamically (see e.g. Exits).
at_pre_puppet(account)- (account-controlled objects only) called just
before puppeting
at_post_puppet() - (account-controlled objects only) called just
after completing connection account<->object
at_pre_unpuppet() - (account-controlled objects only) called just
before un-puppeting
at_post_unpuppet(account) - (account-controlled objects only) called just
after disconnecting account<->object link
at_server_reload() - called before server is reloaded
at_server_shutdown() - called just before server is fully shut down
at_access(result, accessing_obj, access_type) - called with the result
of a lock access check on this object. Return value
does not affect check result.
at_before_move(destination) - called just before moving object
to the destination. If returns False, move is cancelled.
announce_move_from(destination) - called in old location, just
before move, if obj.move_to() has quiet=False
announce_move_to(source_location) - called in new location, just
after move, if obj.move_to() has quiet=False
at_after_move(source_location) - always called after a move has
been successfully performed.
at_object_leave(obj, target_location) - called when an object leaves
this object in any fashion
at_object_receive(obj, source_location) - called when this object receives
another object
at_traverse(traversing_object, source_loc) - (exit-objects only)
handles all moving across the exit, including
calling the other exit hooks. Use super() to retain
the default functionality.
at_after_traverse(traversing_object, source_location) - (exit-objects only)
called just after a traversal has happened.
at_failed_traverse(traversing_object) - (exit-objects only) called if
traversal fails and property err_traverse is not defined.
at_msg_receive(self, msg, from_obj=None, **kwargs) - called when a message
(via self.msg()) is sent to this obj.
If returns false, aborts send.
at_msg_send(self, msg, to_obj=None, **kwargs) - called when this objects
sends a message to someone via self.msg().
return_appearance(looker) - describes this object. Used by "look"
command by default
at_desc(looker=None) - called by 'look' whenever the
appearance is requested.
at_get(getter) - called after object has been picked up.
Does not stop pickup.
at_drop(dropper) - called when this object has been dropped.
at_say(speaker, message) - by default, called if an object inside this
object speaks