/* global $ */ var Rolling = require("./rolling.js"); var Color = require("./color.js"); var Grid = require("./grid.js"); var consts = require("./game-consts.js"); var core = require("./game-core.js"); var GRID_SIZE = consts.GRID_SIZE; var CELL_WIDTH = consts.CELL_WIDTH; var SPEED = consts.SPEED; var BORDER_WIDTH = consts.BORDER_WIDTH; var SHADOW_OFFSET = 5; var ANIMATE_FRAMES = 24; var BOUNCE_FRAMES = [8, 4]; var DROP_HEIGHT = 24; var DROP_SPEED = 2; var MIN_BAR_WIDTH = 65; var BAR_HEIGHT = SHADOW_OFFSET + CELL_WIDTH; var BAR_WIDTH = 400; var canvasWidth, canvasHeight, gameWidth, gameHeight, ctx, offctx, offscreenCanvas; $(function () { var canvas = $("#main-ui")[0]; ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); offscreenCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); offctx = offscreenCanvas.getContext('2d'); canvasWidth = offscreenCanvas.width = canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvasHeight = offscreenCanvas.height = canvas.height = window.innerHeight - 20; canvas.style.marginTop = 20 / 2; gameWidth = canvasWidth; gameHeight = canvasHeight - BAR_HEIGHT; }); var allowAnimation = true; var animateGrid, players, allPlayers, playerPortion, portionsRolling, barProportionRolling, grid, animateTo, offset, user, zoom, kills, showedDead; grid = new Grid(GRID_SIZE, function(row, col, before, after) { //Keep track of areas. if (before) playerPortion[before.num]--; if (after) playerPortion[after.num]++; //Queue animation if (before === after || !allowAnimation) return; animateGrid.set(row, col, { before: before, after: after, frame: 0 }); }); function init() { animateGrid = new Grid(GRID_SIZE); grid.reset(); players = []; allPlayers = []; playerPortion = []; portionsRolling = []; barProportionRolling = []; animateTo = [0, 0]; offset = [0, 0]; user = null; zoom = 1; kills = 0; showedDead = false; } init(); //Paint methods. function paintGridBorder(ctx) { ctx.fillStyle = 'lightgray'; var gridWidth = CELL_WIDTH * GRID_SIZE; ctx.fillRect(-BORDER_WIDTH, 0, BORDER_WIDTH, gridWidth); ctx.fillRect(-BORDER_WIDTH, -BORDER_WIDTH, gridWidth + BORDER_WIDTH * 2, BORDER_WIDTH); ctx.fillRect(gridWidth, 0, BORDER_WIDTH, gridWidth); ctx.fillRect(-BORDER_WIDTH, gridWidth, gridWidth + BORDER_WIDTH * 2, BORDER_WIDTH); } function paintGrid(ctx) { //Paint background. ctx.fillStyle = "#e2ebf3"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, CELL_WIDTH * GRID_SIZE, CELL_WIDTH * GRID_SIZE); paintGridBorder(ctx); //paintGridLines(ctx); //Get viewing limits var offsetX = (offset[0] - BORDER_WIDTH); var offsetY = (offset[1] - BORDER_WIDTH); var minRow = Math.max(Math.floor(offsetY / CELL_WIDTH), 0); var minCol = Math.max(Math.floor(offsetX / CELL_WIDTH), 0); var maxRow = Math.min(Math.ceil((offsetY + gameHeight / zoom) / CELL_WIDTH), grid.size); var maxCol = Math.min(Math.ceil((offsetX + gameWidth / zoom) / CELL_WIDTH), grid.size); //Paint occupied areas. (and fading ones). for (var r = minRow; r < maxRow; r++) { for (var c = minCol; c < maxCol; c++) { var p = grid.get(r, c); var x = c * CELL_WIDTH, y = r * CELL_WIDTH, baseColor, shadowColor; var animateSpec = animateGrid.get(r, c); if (allowAnimation && animateSpec) { if (animateSpec.before) //fading animation { var frac = (animateSpec.frame / ANIMATE_FRAMES); var back = new Color(.58, .41, .92, 1); baseColor = animateSpec.before.baseColor.interpolateToString(back, frac); shadowColor = animateSpec.before.shadowColor.interpolateToString(back, frac); } else continue; } else if (p) { baseColor = p.baseColor; shadowColor = p.shadowColor; } else //No animation nor is this player owned. continue; var hasBottom = !grid.isOutOfBounds(r + 1, c); var bottomAnimate = hasBottom && animateGrid.get(r + 1, c); var totalStatic = !bottomAnimate && !animateSpec; var bottomEmpty = totalStatic ? (hasBottom && !grid.get(r + 1, c)) : (!bottomAnimate || (bottomAnimate.after && bottomAnimate.before)); if (hasBottom && ((!!bottomAnimate ^ !!animateSpec) || bottomEmpty)) { ctx.fillStyle = shadowColor.rgbString(); ctx.fillRect(x, y + CELL_WIDTH, CELL_WIDTH + 1, SHADOW_OFFSET); } ctx.fillStyle = baseColor.rgbString(); ctx.fillRect(x, y, CELL_WIDTH + 1, CELL_WIDTH + 1); } } if (!allowAnimation) return; //Paint squares with drop in animation. for (var r = 0; r < grid.size; r++) { for (var c = 0; c < grid.size; c++) { animateSpec = animateGrid.get(r, c); x = c * CELL_WIDTH, y = r * CELL_WIDTH; if (animateSpec && allowAnimation) { var viewable = r >= minRow && r < maxRow && c >= minCol && c < maxCol; if (animateSpec.after && viewable) { //Bouncing the squares. var offsetBounce = getBounceOffset(animateSpec.frame); y -= offsetBounce; shadowColor = animateSpec.after.shadowColor; baseColor = animateSpec.after.baseColor.deriveLumination(-(offsetBounce / DROP_HEIGHT) * .1); ctx.fillStyle = shadowColor.rgbString(); ctx.fillRect(x, y + CELL_WIDTH, CELL_WIDTH, SHADOW_OFFSET); ctx.fillStyle = baseColor.rgbString(); ctx.fillRect(x, y, CELL_WIDTH + 1, CELL_WIDTH + 1); } animateSpec.frame++; if (animateSpec.frame >= ANIMATE_FRAMES) animateGrid.set(r, c, null); } } } } function paintUIBar(ctx) { //UI Bar background ctx.fillStyle = "#24422c"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, BAR_HEIGHT); var barOffset; ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.font = "24px Changa"; barOffset = (user && user.name) ? (ctx.measureText(user.name).width + 20) : 0; ctx.fillText(user ? user.name : "", 5, CELL_WIDTH - 5); //Draw filled bar. ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(180, 180, 180, .3)"; ctx.fillRect(barOffset, 0, BAR_WIDTH, BAR_HEIGHT); var userPortions = portionsRolling[user.num] ? portionsRolling[user.num].lag : 0; var barSize = Math.ceil((BAR_WIDTH - MIN_BAR_WIDTH) * userPortions + MIN_BAR_WIDTH); ctx.fillStyle = user ? user.baseColor.rgbString() : ""; ctx.fillRect(barOffset, 0, barSize, CELL_WIDTH); ctx.fillStyle = user ? user.shadowColor.rgbString() : ""; ctx.fillRect(barOffset, CELL_WIDTH, barSize, SHADOW_OFFSET); //TODO: dont reset kill count and zoom when we request frames. //Percentage ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.font = "18px Changa"; ctx.fillText((userPortions * 100).toFixed(3) + "%", 5 + barOffset, CELL_WIDTH - 5); //Number of kills var killsText = "Kills: " + kills; var killsOffset = 20 + BAR_WIDTH + barOffset; ctx.fillText(killsText, killsOffset, CELL_WIDTH - 5); //Calcuate rank var sorted = []; players.forEach(function(val) { sorted.push({player: val, portion: playerPortion[val.num]}); }); sorted.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.portion === b.portion) return a.player.num - b.player.num; else return b.portion - a.portion; }); var rank = sorted.findIndex(function(val) {return val.player === user}); ctx.fillText("Rank: " + (rank === -1 ? "--" : rank + 1) + " of " + sorted.length, ctx.measureText(killsText).width + killsOffset + 20, CELL_WIDTH - 5); //Rolling the leaderboard bars. if (sorted.length > 0) { var maxPortion = sorted[0].portion; for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { var rolling = barProportionRolling[players[i].num]; rolling.value = playerPortion[players[i].num] / maxPortion; rolling.update(); } } //Show leaderboard. var leaderboardNum = Math.min(5, sorted.length); for (var i = 0; i < leaderboardNum; i++) { var player = sorted[i].player; var name = player.name || "Unnamed"; var portion = barProportionRolling[player.num].lag; var nameWidth = ctx.measureText(name).width; barSize = Math.ceil((BAR_WIDTH - MIN_BAR_WIDTH) * portion + MIN_BAR_WIDTH); var barX = canvasWidth - barSize; var barY = BAR_HEIGHT * (i + 1); var offset = i == 0 ? 10 : 0; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(10, 10, 10, .3)'; ctx.fillRect(barX - 10, barY + 10 - offset, barSize + 10, BAR_HEIGHT + offset); ctx.fillStyle = player.baseColor.rgbString(); ctx.fillRect(barX, barY, barSize, CELL_WIDTH); ctx.fillStyle = player.shadowColor.rgbString(); ctx.fillRect(barX, barY + CELL_WIDTH, barSize, SHADOW_OFFSET); ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fillText(name, barX - nameWidth - 15, barY + 27); var percentage = (portionsRolling[player.num].lag * 100).toFixed(3) + "%"; ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fillText(percentage, barX + 5, barY + CELL_WIDTH - 5); } } function paint(ctx) { ctx.fillStyle = 'whitesmoke'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); //Move grid to viewport as said with the offsets, below the stats ctx.save(); ctx.translate(0, BAR_HEIGHT); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(0, 0, gameWidth, gameHeight); ctx.clip(); //Zoom in/out based on player stats. ctx.scale(zoom, zoom); ctx.translate(-offset[0] + BORDER_WIDTH, -offset[1] + BORDER_WIDTH); paintGrid(ctx); players.forEach(function (p) { var fr = p.waitLag; if (fr < ANIMATE_FRAMES) p.render(ctx, fr / ANIMATE_FRAMES); else p.render(ctx); }); //Reset transform to paint fixed UI elements ctx.restore(); paintUIBar(ctx); if ((!user || user.dead) && !showedDead) { showedDead = true; console.log("You died!"); //return; } } function paintDoubleBuff() { paint(offctx); ctx.drawImage(offscreenCanvas, 0, 0); } function update() { //Change grid offsets. for (var i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { if (animateTo[i] !== offset[i]) { if (allowAnimation) { var delta = animateTo[i] - offset[i]; var dir = Math.sign(delta); var mag = Math.min(SPEED, Math.abs(delta)); offset[i] += dir * mag; } else offset[i] = animateTo[i]; } } //Calculate player portions. for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { var roll = portionsRolling[players[i].num]; roll.value = playerPortion[players[i].num] / GRID_SIZE / GRID_SIZE; roll.update(); } //Zoom goes from 1 to .5, decreasing as portion goes up. TODO: maybe can modify this? if (portionsRolling[user.num]) zoom = 1 / (portionsRolling[user.num].lag + 1); var dead = []; core.updateFrame(grid, players, dead, function addKill(killer, other) { if (players[killer] === user && killer !== other) kills++; }); dead.forEach(function(val) { console.log(val.name || "Unnamed" + " is dead"); delete allPlayers[val.num]; delete portionsRolling[val.num]; }); //TODO: animate player is dead. (maybe explosion?), and tail rewinds itself. if (user) centerOnPlayer(user, animateTo); } //Helper methods. function centerOnPlayer(player, pos) { var xOff = Math.floor(player.posX - (gameWidth / zoom - CELL_WIDTH) / 2); var yOff = Math.floor(player.posY - (gameHeight / zoom - CELL_WIDTH) / 2); var gridWidth = grid.size * CELL_WIDTH + BORDER_WIDTH * 2; pos[0] = Math.max(Math.min(xOff, gridWidth + BAR_WIDTH + 100 - gameWidth / zoom), 0); pos[1] = Math.max(Math.min(yOff, gridWidth - gameHeight / zoom), 0); } function getBounceOffset(frame) { var offsetBounce = ANIMATE_FRAMES; var bounceNum = BOUNCE_FRAMES.length - 1; while (bounceNum >= 0 && frame < offsetBounce - BOUNCE_FRAMES[bounceNum]) { offsetBounce -= BOUNCE_FRAMES[bounceNum]; bounceNum--; } if (bounceNum === -1) { return (offsetBounce - frame) * DROP_SPEED; } else { offsetBounce -= BOUNCE_FRAMES[bounceNum]; frame = frame - offsetBounce; var midFrame = BOUNCE_FRAMES[bounceNum] / 2; if (frame >= midFrame) return (BOUNCE_FRAMES[bounceNum] - frame) * DROP_SPEED; else return frame * DROP_SPEED; } } module.exports = exports = { addPlayer: function(player) { if (allPlayers[player.num]) return; //Already added. allPlayers[player.num] = players[players.length] = player; playerPortion[player.num] = 0; portionsRolling[player.num] = new Rolling(9 / GRID_SIZE / GRID_SIZE, ANIMATE_FRAMES); barProportionRolling[player.num] = new Rolling(0, ANIMATE_FRAMES); return players.length - 1; }, getPlayer: function(ind) { if (ind < 0 || ind >= players.length) throw new RangeError("Player index out of bounds (" + ind + ")."); return players[ind]; }, getPlayerFromNum: function(num) { return allPlayers[num]; }, playerSize: function() { return players.length; }, setUser: function(player) { user = player; centerOnPlayer(user, offset); }, incrementKill: function() { kills++; }, reset: function() { init(); }, paint: paintDoubleBuff, update: update }; Object.defineProperties(exports, { allowAnimation: { get: function() { return allowAnimation; }, set: function(val) { allowAnimation = !!val; }, enumerable: true }, grid: { get: function() { return grid; }, enumerable: true } });