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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
7c62da7b0f Fireweed commit before install 2024-03-02 09:22:26 -08:00
6ce0d0c189 [nb] Commit 2024-03-01 20:01:17 -08:00
17 changed files with 478 additions and 289 deletions

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
enable = true;
package = pkgs.pass.withExtensions (exts: [ exts.pass-otp exts.pass-import ]);
settings = {
PASSWORD_STORE_DIR = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/password-store";

View File

@ -46,6 +46,30 @@
TERMINAL = "${user.term}";
sessionVariables = {
--fn 'Comic Mono 12' \
--tb '#6272a4' \
--tf '#f8f8f2' \
--fb '#282a36' \
--ff '#f8f8f2' \
--nb '#282a36' \
--nf '#6272a4' \
--hb '#44475a' \
--hf '#50fa7b' \
--sb '#44475a' \
--sf '#50fa7b' \
--scb '#282a36' \
--scf '#ff79c6' \
--hp '10' \
--binding 'vim' \
--vim-esc-exits \
--ignorecase --no-overlap
fonts.packages = with pkgs; [
@ -60,9 +84,6 @@
programs.dconf = {
enable = true;
programs.gnupg.agent = {
pinentryFlavor = "qt";
programs.river = {
enable = true;
extraPackages = with pkgs; [

View File

@ -17,6 +17,14 @@ in
wireless.enable = false;
services = {
greetd = {
enable = true;
settings = {
default_session = {
command = "${pkgs.greetd.tuigreet}/bin/tuigreet -c river";
davfs2 = {
enable = true;
@ -58,7 +66,13 @@ in
environment.sessionVariables = {
system.stateVersion = "23.11";

View File

@ -34,19 +34,6 @@
#udiskie = {
# enable = true;
# automount = true;
# notify = true;
# settings = {
# program_options = {
# udisks_version = 2;
# };
# = [
# "media-optical"
# ];
# };
home.stateVersion = "23.11";

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ in
imports = [
boot = {
loader = {
@ -27,21 +28,14 @@ in
networking = {
hostName = "${hostname}"; # Define your hostname.
firewall = {
# To disable the firewall altogether:
# enable = false;
allowedTCPPorts = [ 445 139 ];
allowedUDPPorts = [ 137 138 ];
enable = true;
allowedTCPPorts = [];
allowedUDPPorts = [];
users.users.${} = {
extraGroups = [ "davfs2" ];
packages = with pkgs; [
services = {
davfs2 = {
enable = true;
mullvad-vpn = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.mullvad-vpn;
@ -52,5 +46,4 @@ in
user = "${}";
getty.autologinUser = "${}";

View File

@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
# Fireweed home.nix
{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, user, ... }:
services = {
udiskie = {
enable = true;
automount = true;
notify = true;
settings = {
program_options = {
udisks_version = 2;
}; = [
imports = [
home.stateVersion = "23.11";

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
enable = true;
text = ''
[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$XDG_VTNR" -eq 1 ]; then
exec river
#if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$XDG_VTNR" -eq 1 ]; then
# exec river
".bash_logout" = {
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
alias mkfoo='. $HOME/.local/bin/'
alias ed='ed -p "> "'
alias info='info --vi-keys'
alias matrix="unimatrix -f -l ocCgGkS -s 93"
alias ematrix="unimatrix -c yellow -l 'e'"
# Functions
function ranstr() {
@ -65,28 +67,28 @@
# Environmental Variables
# Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature:
export PS1="\n\u@\h:\w (\j)\n$? \$ "
export INPUTRC="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/inputrc"
export LIBSEAT_BACKEND=logind
export BEMENU_OPTS="--fn 'Comic Mono 12'\
--tb '#6272a4'\
--tf '#f8f8f2'\
--fb '#282a36'\
--ff '#f8f8f2'\
--nb '#282a36'\
--nf '#6272a4'\
--hb '#44475a'\
--hf '#50fa7b'\
--sb '#44475a'\
--sf '#50fa7b'\
--scb '#282a36'\
--scf '#ff79c6'\
--hp '10'\
--binding 'vim'\
#export INPUTRC="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/inputrc"
#export LIBSEAT_BACKEND=logind
#export BEMENU_OPTS="--fn 'Comic Mono 12'\
# --tb '#6272a4'\
# --tf '#f8f8f2'\
# --fb '#282a36'\
# --ff '#f8f8f2'\
# --nb '#282a36'\
# --nf '#6272a4'\
# --hb '#44475a'\
# --hf '#50fa7b'\
# --sb '#44475a'\
# --sf '#50fa7b'\
# --scb '#282a36'\
# --scf '#ff79c6'\
# --hp '10'\
# --binding 'vim'\
# --vim-esc-exits\
# --ignorecase\
# --no-overlap"
eval "$(zoxide init bash)"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
borderColor = "#BD93F9";
borderRadius = 5;
borderSize = 2;
margin = "20";
margin = "13";
textColor = "#F8F8F2";
anchor = "bottom-right";
layer = "overlay";

View File

@ -1,195 +1,202 @@
{ pkgs, config, ... }:
xdg.configFile = {
"river/init" = {
wayland.windowManager.river = {
enable = true;
executable = true;
text = ''
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# See the river(1), riverctl(1), and rivertile(1) man pages for complete
# documentation.
# Variables
# Autostart
riverctl spawn "dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river"
riverctl spawn "systemctl --user import-environment WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river"
riverctl spawn "kanshi"
riverctl spawn "waybar"
riverctl spawn "river-tag-overlay --border-width 0 --square-inactive-background-colour "0x282A36" --square-inactive-border-colour "0x282A36" --square-padding 0 --square-inner-padding 4 --square-size 18 --anchors 1:0:0:1 --timeout 2000"
riverctl spawn "mako"
riverctl spawn "wl-paste --type text --watch cliphist store"
riverctl spawn "wl-paste --type image --watch cliphist store"
riverctl spawn "mullvad-gui"
riverctl spawn "nm-applet"
# Theme
riverctl background-color 0x282A36
riverctl border-color-focused 0xBD93F9
riverctl border-color-unfocused 0x282A36
extraSessionVariables = {
MINIMIZED = "$((1 << 20))";
ALL_TAGS = "$(((1 << 32) - 1))";
ALL_BUT_MINIMIZED = "$(( ((1 << 32) - 1 ) ^ $MINIMIZED ))";
settings = {
background-color = "0x282A36";
border-color-focused = "0xBD93F9";
border-color-unfocused = "0x282A36";
border-width = 2;
declare-mode = [
set-repeat = "50 300";
default-layout = "rivertile";
attach-mode = "bottom";
hide-cursor = {
timeout = "10000";
when-typing = "enabled";
set-cursor-warp = "on-focus-change";
focus-follows-cursor = "always";
rule-add = {
"'bar'" = "csd";
"-app-id" = {
"'float*'" = {
"-title" = {
"'foo'" = "float";
spawn = [
"'dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river'"
"'systemctl --user import-environment WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river'"
"'river-tag-overlay --border-width 0 --square-inactive-background-colour 0x282A36 --square-inactive-border-colour 0x282A36 --square-padding 0 --square-inner-padding 4 --square-size 18 --anchors 1:0:0:1 --timeout 2000'"
"'wl-paste --type text --watch cliphist store'"
"'wl-paste --type image --watch cliphist store'"
map-pointer = {
normal = {
"Super BTN_LEFT" = "move-view";
"Super BTN_RIGHT" = "resize-view";
map = {
command = {
"None+Shift Comma" = "spawn 'playerctl previous'";
"None Space" = "spawn 'playerctl play-pause'";
"None+Shift Period" = "spawn 'playerctl next'";
"None 1" = "spawn 'mullvad-browser'";
"None 2" = "spawn 'librewolf'";
"None 3" = "spawn 'libreoffice'";
"None 4" = "spawn 'thunderbird'";
"None 5" = "spawn 'discord'";
"None 6" = "spawn 'signal-desktop'";
"None 9" = "spawn 'steam'";
"None Z" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-fullscreen; riverctl enter-mode normal'";
"None Escape" = "enter-mode normal";
locked = {
"None XF86Eject" = "spawn 'eject -T'";
"None XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = "spawn 'pamixer -i 5'";
"None XF86AudioLowerVolume" = "spawn 'pamixer -d 5'";
"None XF86AudioMute" = "spawn 'pamixer --toggle-mute'";
"None XF86AudioMedia" = "spawn 'playerctl play-pause'";
"None XF86AudioPlay" = "spawn 'playerctl play-pause'";
"None XF86AudioPrev" = "spawn 'playerctl previous'";
"None XF86AudioNext" = "spawn 'playerctl next'";
"None XF86MonBrightnessUp" = "spawn 'light -A 5'";
"None XF86MonBrightnessDown" = "spawn 'light -U 5'";
normal = {
# Launch Shortcuts
riverctl map normal Super Return spawn "$TERMINAL"
riverctl map normal Super+Shift Return spawn "$TERMINAL"
riverctl map normal Super Space spawn ''
riverctl map normal Super+Shift S spawn 'grim -g "$(slurp)" - | swappy -f -'
riverctl map normal Super+Shift V spawn "cliphist list | bemenu -p 'Cliphist ' -l 10 | cliphist decode | wl-copy"
"Super Return" = "spawn 'foot'";
"Super+Shift Return" = "spawn foot";
"Super Space" = "spawn ''";
"Super+Shift S" = "spawn 'grim -g $(slurp) - | swappy -f -'";
"Super+Shift V" = "spawn 'cliphist list | bemenu -p Cliphist -l 10 | cliphist decode | wl-copy'";
# Focus Controls
riverctl map normal Super H focus-view previous
riverctl map normal Super J focus-view next
riverctl map normal Super K focus-view previous
riverctl map normal Super L focus-view next
riverctl map normal Alt Tab focus-view next
riverctl map normal Alt+Shift Tab focus-view previous
riverctl map normal Super P focus-previous-tags
riverctl map normal Super Tab focus-output next
riverctl map normal Super U focus-output next
riverctl map normal Super+Shift U send-to-output next
"Super H" = "focus-view previous";
"Super J" = "focus-view next";
"Super K" = "focus-view previous";
"Super L" = "focus-view next";
"Alt Tab" = "focus-view next";
"Alt+Shift Tab" = "focus-view previous";
"Super P" = "focus-previous-tags";
"Super Tab" = "focus-output next";
"Super U" = "focus-output next";
"Super+Shift U" = "send-to-output next";
# Move Controls
riverctl map normal Super+Shift H swap previous
riverctl map normal Super+Shift J swap next
riverctl map normal Super+Shift K swap previous
riverctl map normal Super+Shift L swap next
riverctl map normal Super+Shift Space zoom
riverctl map normal Super+Shift P send-to-previous-tags
riverctl map normal Super+Shift Tab send-to-output next
"Super+Shift H" = "swap previous";
"Super+Shift J" = "swap next";
"Super+Shift K" = "swap previous";
"Super+Shift L" = "swap next";
"Super+Shift Space" = "zoom";
"Super+Shift P" = "send-to-previous-tags";
"Super+Shift Tab" = "send-to-output next";
# Layout Controls
riverctl map normal Super+Alt H send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-ratio -0.05"
riverctl map normal Super+Alt L send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-ratio +0.05"
riverctl map normal Super I send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-count +1"
riverctl map normal Super+Shift I send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-count -1"
riverctl map normal Super Up send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location top"
riverctl map normal Super Right send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location right"
riverctl map normal Super Down send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location bottom"
riverctl map normal Super Left send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location left"
"Super+Alt H" = "send-layout-cmd rivertile 'main-ratio -0.05'";
"Super+Alt L" = "send-layout-cmd rivertile 'main-ratio +0.05'";
"Super I" = "send-layout-cmd rivertile 'main-count +1'";
"Super+Shift I" = "send-layout-cmd rivertile 'main-count -1'";
"Super Up" = "send-layout-cmd rivertile 'main-location top'";
"Super Right" = "send-layout-cmd rivertile 'main-location right'";
"Super Down" = "send-layout-cmd rivertile 'main-location bottom'";
"Super Left" = "send-layout-cmd rivertile 'main-location left'";
# Floating Controls
riverctl map normal Super+Shift F toggle-float
riverctl map normal Super+Control H move left 100
riverctl map normal Super+Control J move down 100
riverctl map normal Super+Control K move up 100
riverctl map normal Super+Control L move right 100
riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control H snap left
riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control J snap down
riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control K snap up
riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control L snap right
riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift H resize horizontal -100
riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift J resize vertical 100
riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift K resize vertical -100
riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift L resize horizontal 100
riverctl map-pointer normal Super BTN_LEFT move-view
riverctl map-pointer normal Super BTN_RIGHT resize-view
# Close focused view
riverctl map normal Super W close
riverctl map normal Super Q close
# Exit River
riverctl map normal Super+Shift Q exit
for i in $(seq 1 9)
tags=$((1 << ($i - 1)))
# Super+[1-9] to focus tag [0-8]
riverctl map normal Super $i spawn "riverctl set-focused-tags $tags"
# Super+Shift+[1-9] to tag focused view with tag [0-8]
riverctl map normal Super+Shift $i spawn "riverctl set-view-tags $tags"
# Super+Control+[1-9] to toggle focus of tag [0-8]
riverctl map normal Super+Control $i spawn "riverctl toggle-focused-tags $tags"
# Super+Shift+Control+[1-9] to toggle tag [0-8] of focused view
riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control $i spawn "riverctl toggle-view-tags $tags"
MINIMIZED=$((1 << 20 ))
riverctl map normal Super M toggle-focused-tags ''${MINIMIZED}
riverctl map normal Super+Shift M set-view-tags ''${MINIMIZED}
ALL_BUT_MINIMIZED=$(( ((1 << 32) - 1 ) ^ $MINIMIZED ))
"Super+Shift F" = "toggle-float";
"Super+Control H" = "move left 100";
"Super+Control J" = "move down 100";
"Super+Control K" = "move up 100";
"Super+Control L" = "move right 100";
"Super+Shift+Control H" = "snap left";
"Super+Shift+Control J" = "snap down";
"Super+Shift+Control K" = "snap up";
"Super+Shift+Control L" = "snap right";
"Super+Alt+Shift H" = "resize horizontal -100";
"Super+Alt+Shift J" = "resize vertical 100";
"Super+Alt+Shift K" = "resize vertical -100";
"Super+Alt+Shift L" = "resize horizontal 100";
"Super W" = "close";
"Super Q" = "close";
"Super+Shift Q" ="exit";
"Super 1" = "spawn 'riverctl set-focused-tags 1'";
"Super 2" = "spawn 'riverctl set-focused-tags 2'";
"Super 3" = "spawn 'riverctl set-focused-tags 4'";
"Super 4" = "spawn 'riverctl set-focused-tags 8'";
"Super 5" = "spawn 'riverctl set-focused-tags 16'";
"Super 6" = "spawn 'riverctl set-focused-tags 32'";
"Super 7" = "spawn 'riverctl set-focused-tags 64'";
"Super 8" = "spawn 'riverctl set-focused-tags 128'";
"Super 9" = "spawn 'riverctl set-focused-tags 256'";
"Super+Shift 1" = "spawn 'riverctl set-view-tags 1'";
"Super+Shift 2" = "spawn 'riverctl set-view-tags 2'";
"Super+Shift 3" = "spawn 'riverctl set-view-tags 4'";
"Super+Shift 4" = "spawn 'riverctl set-view-tags 8'";
"Super+Shift 5" = "spawn 'riverctl set-view-tags 16'";
"Super+Shift 6" = "spawn 'riverctl set-view-tags 32'";
"Super+Shift 7" = "spawn 'riverctl set-view-tags 64'";
"Super+Shift 8" = "spawn 'riverctl set-view-tags 128'";
"Super+Shift 9" = "spawn 'riverctl set-view-tags 256'";
"Super+Control 1" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-focused-tags 1'";
"Super+Control 2" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-focused-tags 2'";
"Super+Control 3" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-focused-tags 4'";
"Super+Control 4" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-focused-tags 8'";
"Super+Control 5" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-focused-tags 16'";
"Super+Control 6" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-focused-tags 32'";
"Super+Control 7" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-focused-tags 64'";
"Super+Control 8" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-focused-tags 128'";
"Super+Control 9" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-focused-tags 256'";
"Super+Shift+Control 1" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-view-tags 1'";
"Super+Shift+Control 2" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-view-tags 2'";
"Super+Shift+Control 3" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-view-tags 4'";
"Super+Shift+Control 4" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-view-tags 8'";
"Super+Shift+Control 5" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-view-tags 16'";
"Super+Shift+Control 6" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-view-tags 32'";
"Super+Shift+Control 7" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-view-tags 64'";
"Super+Shift+Control 8" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-view-tags 128'";
"Super+Shift+Control 9" = "spawn 'riverctl toggle-view-tags 256'";
"Super 0" = "spawn 'riverctl set-focused-tags $ALL_TAGS'";
"Super+Shift 0" = "spawn 'riverctl set-view-tags $ALL_TAGS'";
"Super M" = "toggle-focused-tags $MINIMIZED";
"Super+Shift M" = "set-view-tags $MINIMIZED";
"None F11" = "toggle-fullscreen";
"Super F" = "toggle-fullscreen";
"None XF86Eject" = "spawn 'eject -T'";
"None XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = "spawn 'pamixer -i 5'";
"None XF86AudioLowerVolume" = "spawn 'pamixer -d 5'";
"None XF86AudioMute" = "spawn 'pamixer --toggle-mute'";
"None XF86AudioMedia" = "spawn 'playerctl play-pause'";
"None XF86AudioPlay" = "spawn 'playerctl play-pause'";
"None XF86AudioPrev" = "spawn 'playerctl previous'";
"None XF86AudioNext" = "spawn 'playerctl next'";
"None XF86MonBrightnessUp" = "spawn 'light -A 5'";
"None XF86MonBrightnessDown" = "spawn 'light -U 5'";
"Super F11" = "enter-mode passthrough";
"Super B" = "enter-mode command";
passthrough = {
"Super F11" = "enter-mode normal";
extraConfig = ''
riverctl spawn-tagmask ''${ALL_BUT_MINIMIZED}
# Super+0 to focus all tags
# Super+Shift+0 to tag focused view with all tags
all_tags=$(((1 << 32) - 1))
riverctl map normal Super 0 spawn "riverctl set-focused-tags $all_tags"
riverctl map normal Super+Shift 0 spawn "riverctl set-view-tags $all_tags"
# Toggle fullscreen
riverctl map normal None F11 toggle-fullscreen
riverctl map normal Super F toggle-fullscreen
# Passthrough Mode
riverctl declare-mode passthrough
riverctl map normal Super F11 enter-mode passthrough
riverctl map passthrough Super F11 enter-mode normal
# Command Mode
riverctl declare-mode command
riverctl map normal Super B enter-mode command
riverctl map command None+Shift Comma spawn 'playerctl previous'
riverctl map command None Space spawn 'playerctl play-pause'
riverctl map command None+Shift Period spawn 'playerctl next'
riverctl map command None 1 spawn 'mullvad-browser'
riverctl map command None 2 spawn 'librewolf'
riverctl map command None 3 spawn 'libreoffice'
riverctl map command None 4 spawn 'thunderbird'
riverctl map command None 5 spawn 'discord'
riverctl map command None 6 spawn 'signal-desktop'
riverctl map command None 9 spawn 'steam'
riverctl map command None Z spawn 'riverctl toggle-fullscreen; riverctl enter-mode normal'
riverctl map command None Escape enter-mode normal
# Various media key mapping examples for both normal and locked mode which do
# not have a modifier
for mode in normal locked
riverctl map $mode None XF86Eject spawn 'eject -T'
# Control pulse audio volume with pamixer (
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioRaiseVolume spawn 'pamixer -i 5'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioLowerVolume spawn 'pamixer -d 5'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMute spawn 'pamixer --toggle-mute'
# Control MPRIS aware media players with playerctl (
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMedia spawn 'playerctl play-pause'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioPlay spawn 'playerctl play-pause'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioPrev spawn 'playerctl previous'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioNext spawn 'playerctl next'
# Control screen backlight brightness with light (
riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessUp spawn 'light -A 5'
riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessDown spawn 'light -U 5'
# Set keyboard repeat rate
riverctl set-repeat 50 300
# Make all views with an app-id that starts with "float" and title "foo" start floating.
riverctl rule-add -app-id 'float*' -title 'foo' float
# Make all views with app-id "bar" and any title use client-side decorations
riverctl rule-add -app-id "bar" csd
# Global Configuration Settings
riverctl default-layout rivertile
rivertile -view-padding 10 -outer-padding 10 &
riverctl attach-mode bottom
riverctl hide-cursor timeout 10000
riverctl hide-cursor when-typing enabled
riverctl set-cursor-warp on-focus-change
riverctl focus-follows-cursor always
riverctl focus-output DP-1
riverctl send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location right"
riverctl focus-output DP-2
riverctl send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location left"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
{ pkgs, config, ... }:
xdg.configFile = {
"river/init" = {
enable = true;
executable = true;
text = ''
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# See the river(1), riverctl(1), and rivertile(1) man pages for complete
# documentation.
# Variables
# Autostart
riverctl spawn "dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river"
riverctl spawn "systemctl --user import-environment WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river"
riverctl spawn "kanshi"
riverctl spawn "waybar"
riverctl spawn "river-tag-overlay --border-width 0 --square-inactive-background-colour "0x282A36" --square-inactive-border-colour "0x282A36" --square-padding 0 --square-inner-padding 4 --square-size 18 --anchors 1:0:0:1 --timeout 2000"
riverctl spawn "mako"
riverctl spawn "wl-paste --type text --watch cliphist store"
riverctl spawn "wl-paste --type image --watch cliphist store"
riverctl spawn "mullvad-gui"
riverctl spawn "nm-applet"
# Theme
riverctl background-color 0x282A36
riverctl border-color-focused 0xBD93F9
riverctl border-color-unfocused 0x282A36
# Launch Shortcuts
riverctl map normal Super Return spawn "$TERMINAL"
riverctl map normal Super+Shift Return spawn "$TERMINAL"
riverctl map normal Super Space spawn ''
riverctl map normal Super+Shift S spawn 'grim -g "$(slurp)" - | swappy -f -'
riverctl map normal Super+Shift V spawn "cliphist list | bemenu -p 'Cliphist ' -l 10 | cliphist decode | wl-copy"
# Focus Controls
riverctl map normal Super H focus-view previous
riverctl map normal Super J focus-view next
riverctl map normal Super K focus-view previous
riverctl map normal Super L focus-view next
riverctl map normal Alt Tab focus-view next
riverctl map normal Alt+Shift Tab focus-view previous
riverctl map normal Super P focus-previous-tags
riverctl map normal Super Tab focus-output next
riverctl map normal Super U focus-output next
riverctl map normal Super+Shift U send-to-output next
# Move Controls
riverctl map normal Super+Shift H swap previous
riverctl map normal Super+Shift J swap next
riverctl map normal Super+Shift K swap previous
riverctl map normal Super+Shift L swap next
riverctl map normal Super+Shift Space zoom
riverctl map normal Super+Shift P send-to-previous-tags
riverctl map normal Super+Shift Tab send-to-output next
# Layout Controls
riverctl map normal Super+Alt H send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-ratio -0.05"
riverctl map normal Super+Alt L send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-ratio +0.05"
riverctl map normal Super I send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-count +1"
riverctl map normal Super+Shift I send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-count -1"
riverctl map normal Super Up send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location top"
riverctl map normal Super Right send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location right"
riverctl map normal Super Down send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location bottom"
riverctl map normal Super Left send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location left"
# Floating Controls
riverctl map normal Super+Shift F toggle-float
riverctl map normal Super+Control H move left 100
riverctl map normal Super+Control J move down 100
riverctl map normal Super+Control K move up 100
riverctl map normal Super+Control L move right 100
riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control H snap left
riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control J snap down
riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control K snap up
riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control L snap right
riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift H resize horizontal -100
riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift J resize vertical 100
riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift K resize vertical -100
riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift L resize horizontal 100
riverctl map-pointer normal Super BTN_LEFT move-view
riverctl map-pointer normal Super BTN_RIGHT resize-view
# Close focused view
riverctl map normal Super W close
riverctl map normal Super Q close
# Exit River
riverctl map normal Super+Shift Q exit
for i in $(seq 1 9)
tags=$((1 << ($i - 1)))
# Super+[1-9] to focus tag [0-8]
riverctl map normal Super $i spawn "riverctl set-focused-tags $tags"
# Super+Shift+[1-9] to tag focused view with tag [0-8]
riverctl map normal Super+Shift $i spawn "riverctl set-view-tags $tags"
# Super+Control+[1-9] to toggle focus of tag [0-8]
riverctl map normal Super+Control $i spawn "riverctl toggle-focused-tags $tags"
# Super+Shift+Control+[1-9] to toggle tag [0-8] of focused view
riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control $i spawn "riverctl toggle-view-tags $tags"
MINIMIZED=$((1 << 20 ))
riverctl map normal Super M toggle-focused-tags ''${MINIMIZED}
riverctl map normal Super+Shift M set-view-tags ''${MINIMIZED}
ALL_BUT_MINIMIZED=$(( ((1 << 32) - 1 ) ^ $MINIMIZED ))
riverctl spawn-tagmask ''${ALL_BUT_MINIMIZED}
# Super+0 to focus all tags
# Super+Shift+0 to tag focused view with all tags
all_tags=$(((1 << 32) - 1))
riverctl map normal Super 0 spawn "riverctl set-focused-tags $all_tags"
riverctl map normal Super+Shift 0 spawn "riverctl set-view-tags $all_tags"
# Toggle fullscreen
riverctl map normal None F11 toggle-fullscreen
riverctl map normal Super F toggle-fullscreen
# Passthrough Mode
riverctl declare-mode passthrough
riverctl map normal Super F11 enter-mode passthrough
riverctl map passthrough Super F11 enter-mode normal
# Command Mode
riverctl declare-mode command
riverctl map normal Super B enter-mode command
riverctl map command None+Shift Comma spawn 'playerctl previous'
riverctl map command None Space spawn 'playerctl play-pause'
riverctl map command None+Shift Period spawn 'playerctl next'
riverctl map command None 1 spawn 'mullvad-browser'
riverctl map command None 2 spawn 'librewolf'
riverctl map command None 3 spawn 'libreoffice'
riverctl map command None 4 spawn 'thunderbird'
riverctl map command None 5 spawn 'discord'
riverctl map command None 6 spawn 'signal-desktop'
riverctl map command None 9 spawn 'steam'
riverctl map command None Z spawn 'riverctl toggle-fullscreen; riverctl enter-mode normal'
riverctl map command None Escape enter-mode normal
# Various media key mapping examples for both normal and locked mode which do
# not have a modifier
for mode in normal locked
riverctl map $mode None XF86Eject spawn 'eject -T'
# Control pulse audio volume with pamixer (
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioRaiseVolume spawn 'pamixer -i 5'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioLowerVolume spawn 'pamixer -d 5'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMute spawn 'pamixer --toggle-mute'
# Control MPRIS aware media players with playerctl (
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMedia spawn 'playerctl play-pause'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioPlay spawn 'playerctl play-pause'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioPrev spawn 'playerctl previous'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioNext spawn 'playerctl next'
# Control screen backlight brightness with light (
riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessUp spawn 'light -A 5'
riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessDown spawn 'light -U 5'
# Set keyboard repeat rate
riverctl set-repeat 50 300
# Make all views with an app-id that starts with "float" and title "foo" start floating.
riverctl rule-add -app-id 'float*' -title 'foo' float
# Make all views with app-id "bar" and any title use client-side decorations
riverctl rule-add -app-id "bar" csd
# Global Configuration Settings
riverctl default-layout rivertile
rivertile -view-padding 10 -outer-padding 10 &
riverctl attach-mode bottom
riverctl hide-cursor timeout 10000
riverctl hide-cursor when-typing enabled
riverctl set-cursor-warp on-focus-change
riverctl focus-follows-cursor always
riverctl focus-output DP-1
riverctl send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location right"
riverctl focus-output DP-2
riverctl send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location left"

View File

@ -46,14 +46,11 @@
set -g status-position top
set -g status-left "[#S] "
set -g status-right "#{=21:pane_title} %H:%M"
set -g status-right "#{=21:pane_title}"
set -g status-style "bg=#282a36 fg=#f8f8f2"
setw -g window-status-current-style "bg=#BD93F9 fg=#282a36"
setw -g window-status-current-format " #I:#W #F "
setw -g window-status-format "#I:#W #F"
plugins = with pkgs.tmuxPlugins; [

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
users.users.${}.packages = with pkgs; [
@ -23,6 +24,8 @@

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
# [ ] GPG unlock GUI prompt not happening on Wayland anymore

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# [x] Wayland monitors swap positions after turning off and turning back on
Kanshi may be the solution (
Restart the compositor and run way-displays -g or look at /tmp/
Tweak cfg.yaml to your liking and save it. Changes will be immediately applied.
Alternatively, use the command line to make your changes then persist them with way-displays -w.
You might want to tail -f /tmp/ whilst you are tweaking.
See Configuration for details on cfg.yaml and the command line.
Start the way-displays server by running once with no arguments after your wayland compositor has been started.
It will remain in the background, responding to changes, such as plugging in a display, and will terminate when you exit the compositor.
It will print messages to inform you of everything that is going on.
You can interact with the server via the command line
The server responds to IPC requests to fetch and mutate state.

View File

@ -3,3 +3,6 @@
- [tmpfs as home](
- [tmpfs as root](
- [Impermanence - NixOS Wiki](
- [Impermanence tmpfs Git Module](
- [Impermanent NixOS Blog Post](
- [Vimjoy Impermanence video](