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# CLI configuration.nix
{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, user, ... }:
environment = {
localBinInPath = true;
variables = {
GOPROXY = "direct";
#allowing environmental variable is needed for a mosh connection
LC_CTYPE = "en_US.UTF-8";
services = {
samba = {
enable = true;
# You will still need to set up the user accounts to begin with:
# $ sudo smbpasswd -a yourusername
# This adds to the [global] section:
extraConfig = ''
browseable = yes
smb encrypt = required
shares = {
homes = {
browseable = "no"; # note: each home will be browseable; the "homes" share will not.
"read only" = "no";
"guest ok" = "no";
# mDNS
# This part may be optional for your needs, but I find it makes browsing in Dolphin easier,
# and it makes connecting from a local Mac possible.
avahi = {
enable = true;
nssmdns = true;
publish = {
enable = true;
addresses = true;
domain = true;
hinfo = true;
userServices = true;
workstation = true;
extraServiceFiles = {
smb = ''
<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?><!--*-nxml-*-->
<!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">
<name replace-wildcards="yes">%h</name>
sound.enable = true;
hardware.pulseaudio.enable = false;
security.rtkit.enable = true;
services.pipewire = {
enable = true;
alsa.enable = true;
alsa.support32Bit = true;
pulse.enable = true;
#jack.enable = true;