mirror of https://github.com/OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2 synced 2024-10-16 15:13:40 -04:00
Diego M 443fea069d
Inventory based on hero type (#43)
* (Try to) Render inventory based on initial equipment for each hero type
2018-12-11 02:25:41 -03:00

484 lines
20 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using OpenDiablo2.Common;
using OpenDiablo2.Common.Enums;
using OpenDiablo2.Common.Exceptions;
using OpenDiablo2.Common.Interfaces;
using OpenDiablo2.Common.Models;
using OpenDiablo2.Core.Map_Engine;
namespace OpenDiablo2.Core.GameState_
public sealed class GameState : IGameState
private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
private readonly ISceneManager sceneManager;
private readonly IResourceManager resourceManager;
private readonly IPaletteProvider paletteProvider;
private readonly IEngineDataManager engineDataManager;
private readonly IRenderWindow renderWindow;
private readonly ISoundProvider soundProvider;
private readonly IMPQProvider mpqProvider;
private readonly Func<IMapEngine> getMapEngine;
private readonly Func<eSessionType, ISessionManager> getSessionManager;
private readonly Func<string, IRandomizedMapGenerator> getRandomizedMapGenerator;
private float animationTime = 0f;
private List<IMapInfo> mapInfo;
private readonly List<MapCellInfo> mapDataLookup = new List<MapCellInfo>();
private ISessionManager sessionManager;
public int Act { get; private set; }
public string MapName { get; private set; }
public Palette CurrentPalette => paletteProvider.PaletteTable[$"ACT{Act}"];
public List<PlayerInfo> PlayerInfos { get; private set; } = new List<PlayerInfo>();
readonly private IMouseCursor originalMouseCursor;
public int Seed { get; internal set; }
public ItemInstance SelectedItem { get; internal set; }
public object ThreadLocker { get; } = new object();
public int CameraOffset { get; set; } = 0;
IEnumerable<PlayerInfo> IGameState.PlayerInfos => PlayerInfos;
const double Deg2Rad = Math.PI / 180.0;
public GameState(
ISceneManager sceneManager,
IResourceManager resourceManager,
IPaletteProvider paletteProvider,
IEngineDataManager engineDataManager,
IRenderWindow renderWindow,
ISoundProvider soundProvider,
IMPQProvider mpqProvider,
Func<IMapEngine> getMapEngine,
Func<eSessionType, ISessionManager> getSessionManager,
Func<string, IRandomizedMapGenerator> getRandomizedMapGenerator
this.sceneManager = sceneManager;
this.resourceManager = resourceManager;
this.paletteProvider = paletteProvider;
this.getMapEngine = getMapEngine;
this.getSessionManager = getSessionManager;
this.engineDataManager = engineDataManager;
this.renderWindow = renderWindow;
this.soundProvider = soundProvider;
this.mpqProvider = mpqProvider;
this.getRandomizedMapGenerator = getRandomizedMapGenerator;
originalMouseCursor = renderWindow.MouseCursor;
public void Initialize(string characterName, eHero hero, eSessionType sessionType)
sessionManager = getSessionManager(sessionType);
sessionManager.OnSetSeed += OnSetSeedEvent;
sessionManager.OnLocatePlayers += OnLocatePlayers;
sessionManager.OnPlayerInfo += OnPlayerInfo;
sessionManager.OnFocusOnPlayer += OnFocusOnPlayer;
mapInfo = new List<IMapInfo>();
sessionManager.JoinGame(characterName, hero);
private void OnFocusOnPlayer(int clientHash, int playerId)
=> getMapEngine().FocusedPlayerId = playerId;
private void OnPlayerInfo(int clientHash, IEnumerable<PlayerInfo> playerInfo)
=> this.PlayerInfos = playerInfo.ToList();
private void OnLocatePlayers(int clientHash, IEnumerable<PlayerLocationDetails> playerLocationDetails)
foreach (var player in PlayerInfos)
var details = playerLocationDetails.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlayerId == player.LocationDetails.PlayerId);
if (details == null)
player.LocationDetails = details;
private void OnSetSeedEvent(int clientHash, int seed)
log.Info($"Setting seed to {seed}");
this.Seed = seed;
new MapGenerator(this).Generate();
public int HasMap(int cellX, int cellY)
=> mapInfo.Count(z => (cellX >= z.TileLocation.Left) && (cellX < z.TileLocation.Right)
&& (cellY >= z.TileLocation.Top) && (cellY < z.TileLocation.Bottom));
public IEnumerable<Size> GetMapSizes(int cellX, int cellY)
=> mapInfo
.Where(z => (cellX >= z.TileLocation.Left) && (cellX < z.TileLocation.Right) && (cellY >= z.TileLocation.Top) && (cellY < z.TileLocation.Bottom))
.Select(x => x.TileLocation.Size);
public void RemoveEverythingAt(int cellX, int cellY)
=> mapInfo.RemoveAll(z => (cellX >= z.TileLocation.Left) && (cellX < z.TileLocation.Right) && (cellY >= z.TileLocation.Top) && (cellY < z.TileLocation.Bottom));
public IMapInfo GetSubMapInfo(int levelPresetId, int levelTypeId, IMapInfo primaryMap, Point origin, int subTile = -1)
var levelPreset = engineDataManager.LevelPresets.First(x => x.Def == levelPresetId);
var levelType = engineDataManager.LevelTypes.First(x => x.Id == levelTypeId);
// Some maps have variations, so lets pick a random one
var mapNames = new List<string>();
if (levelPreset.File1 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelPreset.File1);
if (levelPreset.File2 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelPreset.File2);
if (levelPreset.File3 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelPreset.File3);
if (levelPreset.File4 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelPreset.File4);
if (levelPreset.File5 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelPreset.File5);
if (levelPreset.File6 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelPreset.File6);
var random = new Random(Seed + origin.X + origin.Y);
var mapName = "data\\global\\tiles\\" + mapNames[subTile == -1 ? random.Next(mapNames.Count) : subTile].Replace("/", "\\");
var fileData = resourceManager.GetMPQDS1(mapName, levelPreset, levelType);
var result = new SubMapInfo
FileData = fileData,
PrimaryMap = primaryMap,
CellInfo = new Dictionary<eRenderCellType, MapCellInfo[]>(),
TileLocation = new Rectangle(origin, new Size(fileData.Width - 1, fileData.Height - 1))
return result;
public void AddMap(IMapInfo map) => mapInfo.Add(map);
public IMapInfo InsertSubMap(int levelPresetId, int levelTypeId, Point origin, IMapInfo primaryMap, int subTile = -1)
var result = GetSubMapInfo(levelPresetId, levelTypeId, primaryMap, origin, subTile);
return result;
public IMapInfo InsertMap(eLevelId levelId, IMapInfo parentMap = null) => InsertMap((int)levelId, new Point(0, 0), parentMap);
public IMapInfo InsertMap(int levelId, Point origin, IMapInfo parentMap = null)
var levelDetails = engineDataManager.Levels.First(x => x.Id == levelId);
if (levelDetails.LevelPreset == null)
// There is no preset level, so we must generate one
var generator = getRandomizedMapGenerator(levelDetails.LevelName);
if (generator == null)
throw new OpenDiablo2Exception($"Could not locate a map generator for '{levelDetails.LevelName}'.");
generator.Generate(parentMap, origin);
// There is no core map so we cannot return a value here. If anyone actually uses
// this value on a generated map they are making a terrible mistake anyway...
return null;
// Some maps have variations, so lets pick a random one
var mapNames = new List<string>();
if (levelDetails.LevelPreset.File1 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelDetails.LevelPreset.File1);
if (levelDetails.LevelPreset.File2 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelDetails.LevelPreset.File2);
if (levelDetails.LevelPreset.File3 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelDetails.LevelPreset.File3);
if (levelDetails.LevelPreset.File4 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelDetails.LevelPreset.File4);
if (levelDetails.LevelPreset.File5 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelDetails.LevelPreset.File5);
if (levelDetails.LevelPreset.File6 != "0") mapNames.Add(levelDetails.LevelPreset.File6);
var random = new Random(Seed);
//var mapName = "data\\global\\tiles\\" + mapNames[random.Next(mapNames.Count)].Replace("/", "\\");
var mapName = "data\\global\\tiles\\" + mapNames[0].Replace("/", "\\");
MapName = levelDetails.LevelPreset.Name;
Act = levelDetails.LevelType.Act;
var fileData = resourceManager.GetMPQDS1(mapName, levelDetails.LevelPreset, levelDetails.LevelType);
var result = new MapInfo
LevelId = levelId,
FileData = fileData,
CellInfo = new Dictionary<eRenderCellType, MapCellInfo[]>(),
TileLocation = new Rectangle(origin, new Size(fileData.Width - 1, fileData.Height - 1))
// Only change music if loading a 'core' map
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(eLevelId), levelId))
return result;
public IEnumerable<MapCellInfo> GetMapCellInfo(int cellX, int cellY, eRenderCellType renderCellType)
var map = GetMap(ref cellX, ref cellY);
if (map == null)
return Enumerable.Empty<MapCellInfo>();
if (cellY >= map.FileData.Height || cellX >= map.FileData.Width)
return new List<MapCellInfo>(); // Temporary code
var idx = cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width);
switch (renderCellType)
case eRenderCellType.Floor:
return map.FileData.FloorLayers
.Select(floorLayer => GetMapCellInfo(map, cellX, cellY, floorLayer.Props[idx], eRenderCellType.Floor, 0))
.Where(x => x != null);
case eRenderCellType.Shadow:
return map.FileData.ShadowLayers
.Select(shadowLayer => GetMapCellInfo(map, cellX, cellY, shadowLayer.Props[idx], eRenderCellType.Shadow, 0))
.Where(x => x != null);
case eRenderCellType.WallNormal:
case eRenderCellType.WallLower:
case eRenderCellType.Roof:
return map.FileData.WallLayers
.Select(wallLayer => GetMapCellInfo(map, cellX, cellY, wallLayer.Props[idx], renderCellType, wallLayer.Orientations[idx].Orientation1))
.Where(x => x != null);
throw new OpenDiablo2Exception("Unknown render cell type!");
private IMapInfo GetMap(ref int cellX, ref int cellY)
var x = cellX;
var y = cellY;
var map = mapInfo.LastOrDefault(z => (x >= z.TileLocation.X) && (y >= z.TileLocation.Y)
&& (x < z.TileLocation.Right) && (y < z.TileLocation.Bottom));
if (map == null)
return null;
cellX -= map.TileLocation.X;
cellY -= map.TileLocation.Y;
return map;
public void UpdateMapCellInfo(int cellX, int cellY, eRenderCellType renderCellType, IEnumerable<MapCellInfo> mapCellInfo)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SelectItem(ItemInstance item)
if (item == null)
renderWindow.MouseCursor = this.originalMouseCursor;
var cursorsprite = renderWindow.LoadSprite(ResourcePaths.GeneratePathForItem(item.Item.InvFile), Palettes.Units);
renderWindow.MouseCursor = renderWindow.LoadCursor(cursorsprite, 0, new Point(cursorsprite.FrameSize.Width / 2, cursorsprite.FrameSize.Height / 2));
this.SelectedItem = item;
private MapCellInfo GetMapCellInfo(IMapInfo map, int cellX, int cellY, MPQDS1TileProps props, eRenderCellType cellType, byte orientation)
if (props.Prop1 == 0)
return null;
if (!map.CellInfo.ContainsKey(cellType))
map.CellInfo[cellType] = new MapCellInfo[map.FileData.Width * map.FileData.Height];
var cellInfo = map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)];
if (cellInfo != null && (cellInfo.Ignore || !cellInfo.Tile.Animated))
return cellInfo.Ignore ? null : cellInfo;
var main_index = (props.Prop3 >> 4) + ((props.Prop4 & 0x03) << 4);
var sub_index = props.Prop2;
if (orientation == 0)
// Floor or Shadow
if (cellType != eRenderCellType.Floor && cellType != eRenderCellType.Shadow)
map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)] = new MapCellInfo { Ignore = true };
return null;
else if (orientation == 10 || orientation == 11)
if (cellType != eRenderCellType.WallNormal)
// Special tile
map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)] = new MapCellInfo { Ignore = true };
return null;
else if (orientation == 14)
// Walls (objects?) with precedent shadows
if (cellType != eRenderCellType.WallNormal)
map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)] = new MapCellInfo { Ignore = true };
return null;
else if (orientation < 15)
// Upper walls
if (cellType != eRenderCellType.WallNormal)
map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)] = new MapCellInfo { Ignore = true };
return null;
else if (orientation == 15)
// Roof
if (cellType != eRenderCellType.Roof)
map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)] = new MapCellInfo { Ignore = true };
return null;
// Lower Walls
if (cellType != eRenderCellType.WallLower)
map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)] = new MapCellInfo { Ignore = true };
return null;
int frame = 0;
IEnumerable<MPQDT1Tile> tiles = Enumerable.Empty<MPQDT1Tile>();
tiles = map.FileData.LookupTable
.Where(x => x.MainIndex == main_index && x.SubIndex == sub_index && x.Orientation == orientation)
.Select(x => x.TileRef);
if (tiles == null || !tiles.Any())
log.Error($"Could not find tile [{main_index}:{sub_index}:{orientation}]!");
map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)] = new MapCellInfo { Ignore = true };
return null;
MPQDT1Tile tile = null;
if (tiles.First().Animated)
if (!tiles.All(x => x.Animated))
throw new OpenDiablo2Exception("Some tiles are animated and some aren't...");
var frameIndex = (int)Math.Floor(tiles.Count() * animationTime);
tile = tiles.ElementAt(frameIndex);
if (tiles.Any())
var totalRarity = tiles.Sum(q => q.RarityOrFrameIndex);
var random = new Random(Seed + cellX + (map.FileData.Width * cellY));
var x = random.Next(totalRarity);
var z = 0;
foreach (var t in tiles)
z += t.RarityOrFrameIndex;
if (x <= z)
tile = t;
if (tile.Animated)
throw new OpenDiablo2Exception("Why are we randomly finding an animated tile? Something's wrong here.");
else tile = tiles.First();
// This WILL happen to you
if (tile.Width == 0 || tile.Height == 0)
map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)] = new MapCellInfo { Ignore = true };
return null;
if (tile.BlockDataLength == 0)
map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)] = new MapCellInfo { Ignore = true };
return null; // Why is this a thing?
var mapCellInfo = mapDataLookup.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Tile.Id == tile.Id && x.AnimationId == frame);
if (mapCellInfo == null)
mapCellInfo = renderWindow.CacheMapCell(tile, cellType);
map.CellInfo[cellType][cellX + (cellY * map.FileData.Width)] = mapCellInfo;
return mapCellInfo;
public void Update(long ms)
animationTime += ms / 1000f;
animationTime -= (float)Math.Truncate(animationTime);
var seconds = ms / 1000f;
foreach (var player in PlayerInfos)
UpdatePlayer(player, seconds);
private void UpdatePlayer(PlayerInfo player, float seconds)
if (player.LocationDetails.MovementType == eMovementType.Stopped)
var rads = (float)player.LocationDetails.MovementDirection * 22 * (float)Deg2Rad;
var moveX = (float)Math.Cos(rads) * seconds * player.LocationDetails.MovementSpeed;
var moveY = (float)Math.Sin(rads) * seconds * player.LocationDetails.MovementSpeed;
player.LocationDetails.PlayerX += moveX;
player.LocationDetails.PlayerY += moveY;
public void Dispose()