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// Package d2app contains the OpenDiablo2 application shell
package d2app
import (
ebiten2 "github.com/OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2/d2core/d2audio/ebiten"
// these are used for debug print info
const (
fpsX, fpsY = 5, 565
memInfoX, memInfoY = 670, 5
debugLineHeight = 16
errMsgPadding = 20
// App represents the main application for the engine
type App struct {
lastTime float64
lastScreenAdvance float64
showFPS bool
timeScale float64
captureState captureState
capturePath string
captureFrames []*image.RGBA
gitBranch string
gitCommit string
language string
charset string
asset *d2asset.AssetManager
inputManager d2interface.InputManager
terminal d2interface.Terminal
scriptEngine *d2script.ScriptEngine
audio d2interface.AudioProvider
renderer d2interface.Renderer
screen *d2screen.ScreenManager
ui *d2ui.UIManager
tAllocSamples *ring.Ring
guiManager *d2gui.GuiManager
config *d2config.Configuration
errorMessage error
// Options is used to store all of the app options that can be set with arguments
type Options struct {
Debug *bool
profiler *string
Server *d2networking.ServerOptions
LogLevel *d2util.LogLevel
const (
bytesToMegabyte = 1024 * 1024
nSamplesTAlloc = 100
debugPopN = 6
const (
appLoggerPrefix = "App"
// Create creates a new instance of the application
func Create(gitBranch, gitCommit string) *App {
logger := d2util.NewLogger()
app := &App{
Logger: logger,
gitBranch: gitBranch,
gitCommit: gitCommit,
Options: &Options{
Server: &d2networking.ServerOptions{},
app.Infof("OpenDiablo2 - Open source Diablo 2 engine")
app.asset, app.errorMessage = d2asset.NewAssetManager(*app.Options.LogLevel)
return app
func updateNOOP() error {
return nil
func (a *App) startDedicatedServer() error {
min, max := d2networking.ServerMinPlayers, d2networking.ServerMaxPlayersDefault
maxPlayers := d2math.ClampInt(*a.Options.Server.MaxPlayers, min, max)
srvChanIn := make(chan int)
srvChanLog := make(chan string)
srvErr := d2networking.StartDedicatedServer(a.asset, srvChanIn, srvChanLog, *a.Options.LogLevel, maxPlayers)
if srvErr != nil {
return srvErr
c := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) // This traps Control-c to safely shut down the server
go func() {
srvChanIn <- d2networking.ServerEventStop
for {
for data := range srvChanLog {
func (a *App) loadEngine() error {
// Create our renderer
renderer, err := ebiten.CreateRenderer(a.config)
if err != nil {
return err
a.renderer = renderer
if a.errorMessage != nil {
return a.renderer.Run(a.updateInitError, updateNOOP, 800, 600, "OpenDiablo2")
audio := ebiten2.CreateAudio(*a.Options.LogLevel, a.asset)
inputManager := d2input.NewInputManager()
term, err := d2term.New(inputManager)
if err != nil {
return err
scriptEngine := d2script.CreateScriptEngine()
uiManager := d2ui.NewUIManager(a.asset, renderer, inputManager, *a.Options.LogLevel, audio)
a.inputManager = inputManager
a.terminal = term
a.scriptEngine = scriptEngine
a.audio = audio
a.ui = uiManager
a.tAllocSamples = createZeroedRing(nSamplesTAlloc)
return nil
func (a *App) parseArguments() {
const (
descProfile = "Profiles the program,\none of (cpu, mem, block, goroutine, trace, thread, mutex)"
descPlayers = "Sets the number of max players for the dedicated server"
descLogging = "Enables verbose logging. Log levels will include those below it.\n" +
" 0 disables log messages\n" +
" 1 shows fatal\n" +
" 2 shows error\n" +
" 3 shows warning\n" +
" 4 shows info\n" +
" 5 shows debug\n"
a.Options.profiler = flag.String("profile", "", descProfile)
a.Options.Server.Dedicated = flag.Bool("dedicated", false, "Starts a dedicated server")
a.Options.Server.MaxPlayers = flag.Int("players", 0, descPlayers)
a.Options.LogLevel = flag.Int("l", d2util.LogLevelDefault, descLogging)
showVersion := flag.Bool("v", false, "Show version")
showHelp := flag.Bool("h", false, "Show help")
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Printf("usage: %s [<flags>]\n\nFlags:\n", os.Args[0])
if *a.Options.LogLevel >= d2util.LogLevelUnspecified {
*a.Options.LogLevel = d2util.LogLevelDefault
if *showVersion {
a.Infof("version: OpenDiablo2 (%s %s)", a.gitBranch, a.gitCommit)
if *showHelp {
// LoadConfig loads the OpenDiablo2 config file
func (a *App) LoadConfig() (*d2config.Configuration, error) {
// by now the, the loader has initialized and added our config dirs as sources...
configBaseName := filepath.Base(d2config.DefaultConfigPath())
configAsset, _ := a.asset.LoadAsset(configBaseName)
config := &d2config.Configuration{}
// create the default if not found
if configAsset == nil {
config = d2config.DefaultConfig()
fullPath := filepath.Join(config.Dir(), config.Base())
a.Infof("creating default configuration file at %s...", fullPath)
saveErr := config.Save()
return config, saveErr
if err := json.NewDecoder(configAsset).Decode(config); err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Infof("loaded configuration file from %s", config.Path())
return config, nil
// Run executes the application and kicks off the entire game process
func (a *App) Run() (err error) {
// add our possible config directories
_ = a.asset.AddSource(filepath.Dir(d2config.LocalConfigPath()), types.AssetSourceFileSystem)
_ = a.asset.AddSource(filepath.Dir(d2config.DefaultConfigPath()), types.AssetSourceFileSystem)
if a.config, err = a.LoadConfig(); err != nil {
return err
// start profiler if argument was supplied
if len(*a.Options.profiler) > 0 {
profiler := enableProfiler(*a.Options.profiler, a)
if profiler != nil {
defer profiler.Stop()
// start the server if `--listen` option was supplied
if *a.Options.Server.Dedicated {
if err := a.startDedicatedServer(); err != nil {
return err
if err := a.loadEngine(); err != nil {
return err
windowTitle := fmt.Sprintf("OpenDiablo2 (%s)", a.gitBranch)
// If we fail to initialize, we will show the error screen
if err := a.initialize(); err != nil {
if a.errorMessage == nil {
a.errorMessage = err // if there was an error during init, don't clobber it
gameErr := a.renderer.Run(a.updateInitError, updateNOOP, 800, 600, windowTitle)
if gameErr != nil {
return gameErr
return err
if err := a.renderer.Run(a.update, a.advance, 800, 600, windowTitle); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (a *App) renderDebug(target d2interface.Surface) {
if !a.showFPS {
vsyncEnabled := a.renderer.GetVSyncEnabled()
fps := a.renderer.CurrentFPS()
cx, cy := a.renderer.GetCursorPos()
target.PushTranslation(fpsX, fpsY)
target.DrawTextf("vsync:" + strconv.FormatBool(vsyncEnabled) + "\nFPS:" + strconv.Itoa(int(fps)))
var m runtime.MemStats
target.PushTranslation(memInfoX, memInfoY)
target.DrawTextf("Alloc " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(m.Alloc)/bytesToMegabyte, 10))
target.PushTranslation(0, debugLineHeight)
target.DrawTextf("TAlloc/s " + strconv.FormatFloat(a.allocRate(m.TotalAlloc, fps), 'f', 2, 64))
target.PushTranslation(0, debugLineHeight)
target.DrawTextf("Pause " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(m.PauseTotalNs/bytesToMegabyte), 10))
target.PushTranslation(0, debugLineHeight)
target.DrawTextf("HeapSys " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(m.HeapSys/bytesToMegabyte), 10))
target.PushTranslation(0, debugLineHeight)
target.DrawTextf("NumGC " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(m.NumGC), 10))
target.PushTranslation(0, debugLineHeight)
target.DrawTextf("Coords " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(cx), 10) + "," + strconv.FormatInt(int64(cy), 10))
func (a *App) renderCapture(target d2interface.Surface) error {
cleanupCapture := func() {
a.captureState = captureStateNone
a.capturePath = ""
a.captureFrames = nil
switch a.captureState {
case captureStateFrame:
defer cleanupCapture()
if err := a.doCaptureFrame(target); err != nil {
return err
case captureStateGif:
case captureStateNone:
if len(a.captureFrames) > 0 {
defer cleanupCapture()
if err := a.convertFramesToGif(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (a *App) render(target d2interface.Surface) {
if err := a.guiManager.Render(target); err != nil {
if err := a.renderCapture(target); err != nil {
if err := a.terminal.Render(target); err != nil {
func (a *App) advance() error {
current := d2util.Now()
elapsedUnscaled := current - a.lastTime
elapsed := elapsedUnscaled * a.timeScale
a.lastTime = current
elapsedLastScreenAdvance := (current - a.lastScreenAdvance) * a.timeScale
a.lastScreenAdvance = current
if err := a.screen.Advance(elapsedLastScreenAdvance); err != nil {
return err
if err := a.inputManager.Advance(elapsed, current); err != nil {
return err
if err := a.guiManager.Advance(elapsed); err != nil {
return err
if err := a.terminal.Advance(elapsedUnscaled); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (a *App) update(target d2interface.Surface) error {
if target.GetDepth() > 0 {
return errors.New("detected surface stack leak")
return nil
func (a *App) allocRate(totalAlloc uint64, fps float64) float64 {
a.tAllocSamples.Value = totalAlloc
a.tAllocSamples = a.tAllocSamples.Next()
deltaAllocPerFrame := float64(totalAlloc-a.tAllocSamples.Value.(uint64)) / nSamplesTAlloc
return deltaAllocPerFrame * fps / bytesToMegabyte
func (a *App) doCaptureFrame(target d2interface.Surface) error {
fp, err := os.Create(a.capturePath)
if err != nil {
a.terminal.Errorf("failed to create %q", a.capturePath)
return err
screenshot := target.Screenshot()
if err := png.Encode(fp, screenshot); err != nil {
return err
if err := fp.Close(); err != nil {
a.terminal.Errorf("failed to create %q", a.capturePath)
return nil
a.terminal.Infof("saved frame to %s", a.capturePath)
return nil
func (a *App) doCaptureGif(target d2interface.Surface) {
screenshot := target.Screenshot()
a.captureFrames = append(a.captureFrames, screenshot)
func (a *App) convertFramesToGif() error {
fp, err := os.Create(a.capturePath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := fp.Close(); err != nil {
var (
framesTotal = len(a.captureFrames)
framesPal = make([]*image.Paletted, framesTotal)
frameDelays = make([]int, framesTotal)
framesPerCPU = framesTotal / runtime.NumCPU()
var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < framesTotal; i += framesPerCPU {
go func(start, end int) {
defer waitGroup.Done()
for j := start; j < end; j++ {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if err := gif.Encode(&buffer, a.captureFrames[j], nil); err != nil {
framePal, err := gif.Decode(&buffer)
if err != nil {
framesPal[j] = framePal.(*image.Paletted)
frameDelays[j] = 5
}(i, d2math.MinInt(i+framesPerCPU, framesTotal))
if err := gif.EncodeAll(fp, &gif.GIF{Image: framesPal, Delay: frameDelays}); err != nil {
return err
a.Infof("saved animation to %s", a.capturePath)
return nil
func createZeroedRing(n int) *ring.Ring {
r := ring.New(n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
r.Value = uint64(0)
r = r.Next()
return r
func enableProfiler(profileOption string, a *App) interface{ Stop() } {
var options []func(*profile.Profile)
switch strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(profileOption, " ")) {
case "cpu":
a.Logger.Debug("CPU profiling is enabled.")
options = append(options, profile.CPUProfile)
case "mem":
a.Logger.Debug("Memory profiling is enabled.")
options = append(options, profile.MemProfile)
case "block":
a.Logger.Debug("Block profiling is enabled.")
options = append(options, profile.BlockProfile)
case "goroutine":
a.Logger.Debug("Goroutine profiling is enabled.")
options = append(options, profile.GoroutineProfile)
case "trace":
a.Logger.Debug("Trace profiling is enabled.")
options = append(options, profile.TraceProfile)
case "thread":
a.Logger.Debug("Thread creation profiling is enabled.")
options = append(options, profile.ThreadcreationProfile)
case "mutex":
a.Logger.Debug("Mutex profiling is enabled.")
options = append(options, profile.MutexProfile)
options = append(options, profile.ProfilePath("./pprof/"))
if len(options) > 1 {
return profile.Start(options...)
return nil
func (a *App) updateInitError(target d2interface.Surface) error {
target.PushTranslation(errMsgPadding, errMsgPadding)
return nil
// ToMainMenu forces the game to transition to the Main Menu
func (a *App) ToMainMenu(errorMessageOptional ...string) {
buildInfo := d2gamescreen.BuildInfo{Branch: a.gitBranch, Commit: a.gitCommit}
mainMenu, err := d2gamescreen.CreateMainMenu(a, a.asset, a.renderer, a.inputManager, a.audio, a.ui, buildInfo,
*a.Options.LogLevel, errorMessageOptional...)
if err != nil {
// ToSelectHero forces the game to transition to the Select Hero (create character) screen
func (a *App) ToSelectHero(connType d2clientconnectiontype.ClientConnectionType, host string) {
selectHero, err := d2gamescreen.CreateSelectHeroClass(a, a.asset, a.renderer, a.audio, a.ui, connType, *a.Options.LogLevel, host)
if err != nil {
// ToCreateGame forces the game to transition to the Create Game screen
func (a *App) ToCreateGame(filePath string, connType d2clientconnectiontype.ClientConnectionType, host string) {
gameClient, err := d2client.Create(connType, a.asset, *a.Options.LogLevel, a.scriptEngine)
if err != nil {
if gameClient == nil {
a.Error("could not create client")
if err = gameClient.Open(host, filePath); err != nil {
errorMessage := fmt.Sprintf("can not connect to the host: %s", host)
} else {
game, err := d2gamescreen.CreateGame(
a, a.asset, a.ui, a.renderer, a.inputManager, a.audio, gameClient, a.terminal, *a.Options.LogLevel, a.guiManager,
if err != nil {
// ToCharacterSelect forces the game to transition to the Character Select (load character) screen
func (a *App) ToCharacterSelect(connType d2clientconnectiontype.ClientConnectionType, connHost string) {
characterSelect, err := d2gamescreen.CreateCharacterSelect(a, a.asset, a.renderer, a.inputManager,
a.audio, a.ui, connType, *a.Options.LogLevel, connHost)
if err != nil {
a.Errorf("unable to create character select screen: %s", err)
// ToMapEngineTest forces the game to transition to the map engine test screen
func (a *App) ToMapEngineTest(region, level int) {
met, err := d2gamescreen.CreateMapEngineTest(region, level, a.asset, a.terminal, a.renderer, a.inputManager, a.audio,
*a.Options.LogLevel, a.screen)
if err != nil {
// ToCredits forces the game to transition to the credits screen
func (a *App) ToCredits() {
a.screen.SetNextScreen(d2gamescreen.CreateCredits(a, a.asset, a.renderer, *a.Options.LogLevel, a.ui))
// ToCinematics forces the game to transition to the cinematics menu
func (a *App) ToCinematics() {
a.screen.SetNextScreen(d2gamescreen.CreateCinematics(a, a.asset, a.renderer, a.audio, *a.Options.LogLevel, a.ui))