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synced 2025-02-18 14:36:44 -05:00
354 lines
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354 lines
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package d2mapengine
import (
type Region struct {
RegionPath string
LevelType d2datadict.LevelTypeRecord
levelPreset d2datadict.LevelPresetRecord
TileWidth int32
TileHeight int32
Tiles []d2dt1.Tile
DS1 d2ds1.DS1
Palette d2datadict.PaletteRec
FloorCache map[uint32]*TileCacheRecord
ShadowCache map[uint32]*TileCacheRecord
WallCache map[uint32]*TileCacheRecord
AnimationEntities []d2render.AnimatedEntity
NPCs []*d2core.NPC
StartX float64
StartY float64
func LoadRegion(seed rand.Source, levelType d2enum.RegionIdType, levelPreset int, fileProvider d2interface.FileProvider) *Region {
result := &Region{
LevelType: d2datadict.LevelTypes[levelType],
levelPreset: d2datadict.LevelPresets[levelPreset],
Tiles: make([]d2dt1.Tile, 0),
FloorCache: make(map[uint32]*TileCacheRecord),
ShadowCache: make(map[uint32]*TileCacheRecord),
WallCache: make(map[uint32]*TileCacheRecord),
result.Palette = d2datadict.Palettes[d2enum.PaletteType("act"+strconv.Itoa(int(result.LevelType.Act)))]
//bm := result.levelPreset.Dt1Mask
for _, levelTypeDt1 := range result.LevelType.Files {
if bm&1 == 0 {
bm >>= 1
bm >>= 1
if len(levelTypeDt1) == 0 || levelTypeDt1 == "" || levelTypeDt1 == "0" {
dt1 := d2dt1.LoadDT1("/data/global/tiles/"+levelTypeDt1, fileProvider)
result.Tiles = append(result.Tiles, dt1.Tiles...)
levelFilesToPick := make([]string, 0)
for _, fileRecord := range result.levelPreset.Files {
if len(fileRecord) == 0 || fileRecord == "" || fileRecord == "0" {
levelFilesToPick = append(levelFilesToPick, fileRecord)
random := rand.New(seed)
levelIndex := int(math.Round(float64(len(levelFilesToPick)-1) * random.Float64()))
levelFile := levelFilesToPick[levelIndex]
result.RegionPath = levelFile
result.DS1 = d2ds1.LoadDS1("/data/global/tiles/"+levelFile, fileProvider)
result.TileWidth = result.DS1.Width
result.TileHeight = result.DS1.Height
return result
func (v *Region) loadObjects(fileProvider d2interface.FileProvider) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
v.AnimationEntities = make([]d2render.AnimatedEntity, 0)
v.NPCs = make([]*d2core.NPC, 0)
for _, object := range v.DS1.Objects {
go func(object d2data.Object) {
defer wg.Done()
switch object.Lookup.Type {
case d2datadict.ObjectTypeCharacter:
// Temp code, maybe..
if object.Lookup.Base == "" || object.Lookup.Token == "" || object.Lookup.TR == "" {
npc := d2core.CreateNPC(object.X, object.Y, object.Lookup, fileProvider, 1)
v.NPCs = append(v.NPCs, npc)
case d2datadict.ObjectTypeItem:
if object.ObjectInfo == nil || !object.ObjectInfo.Draw || object.Lookup.Base == "" || object.Lookup.Token == "" {
entity := d2render.CreateAnimatedEntity(object.X, object.Y, object.Lookup, fileProvider, d2enum.Units)
entity.SetMode(object.Lookup.Mode, object.Lookup.Class, 0, fileProvider)
v.AnimationEntities = append(v.AnimationEntities, entity)
func (v *Region) RenderTile(offsetX, offsetY, tileX, tileY int, layerType d2enum.RegionLayerType, layerIndex int, target *ebiten.Image) {
offsetX -= 80
switch layerType {
case d2enum.RegionLayerTypeFloors:
v.renderFloor(v.DS1.Tiles[tileY][tileX].Floors[layerIndex], offsetX, offsetY, target)
case d2enum.RegionLayerTypeWalls:
v.renderWall(v.DS1.Tiles[tileY][tileX].Walls[layerIndex], offsetX, offsetY, target)
case d2enum.RegionLayerTypeShadows:
v.renderShadow(v.DS1.Tiles[tileY][tileX].Shadows[layerIndex], offsetX, offsetY, target)
func (v *Region) getTile(mainIndex, subIndex, orientation int32) *d2dt1.Tile {
// TODO: Need to support randomly grabbing tile based on x/y as there can be multiple matches for same main/sub index
for _, tile := range v.Tiles {
if tile.MainIndex != mainIndex || tile.SubIndex != subIndex || tile.Orientation != orientation {
return &tile
//log.Fatalf("Unknown tile ID [%d %d %d]", mainIndex, subIndex, orientation)
return nil
func (v *Region) renderFloor(tile d2ds1.FloorShadowRecord, offsetX, offsetY int, target *ebiten.Image) {
tileCacheIndex := (uint32(tile.MainIndex) << 16) | (uint32(tile.SubIndex) << 8)
tileCache, exists := v.FloorCache[tileCacheIndex]
if !exists {
v.FloorCache[tileCacheIndex] = v.generateFloorCache(tile)
tileCache = v.FloorCache[tileCacheIndex]
if tileCache == nil {
log.Fatal("Could not load floor tile")
opts := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
opts.GeoM.Translate(float64(offsetX+tileCache.XOffset), float64(offsetY+tileCache.YOffset))
target.DrawImage(tileCache.Image, opts)
func (v *Region) renderWall(tile d2ds1.WallRecord, offsetX, offsetY int, target *ebiten.Image) {
tileCacheIndex := (uint32(tile.MainIndex) << 16) | (uint32(tile.SubIndex) << 8) | (uint32(tile.Orientation))
tileCache, exists := v.WallCache[tileCacheIndex]
if !exists {
v.WallCache[tileCacheIndex] = v.generateWallCache(tile)
if v.WallCache[tileCacheIndex] == nil {
log.Fatal("Could not generate wall")
tileCache = v.WallCache[tileCacheIndex]
opts := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
opts.GeoM.Translate(float64(offsetX+tileCache.XOffset), float64(offsetY+tileCache.YOffset))
target.DrawImage(tileCache.Image, opts)
func (v *Region) renderShadow(tile d2ds1.FloorShadowRecord, offsetX, offsetY int, target *ebiten.Image) {
tileCacheIndex := (uint32(tile.MainIndex) << 16) + (uint32(tile.SubIndex) << 8) + 0
tileCache, exists := v.ShadowCache[tileCacheIndex]
if !exists {
v.ShadowCache[tileCacheIndex] = v.generateShadowCache(tile)
tileCache = v.ShadowCache[tileCacheIndex]
if tileCache == nil {
log.Fatal("Could not load shadow tile")
opts := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
opts.GeoM.Translate(float64(offsetX+tileCache.XOffset), float64(offsetY+tileCache.YOffset))
opts.ColorM = d2helper.ColorToColorM(color.RGBA{255, 255, 255, 160})
target.DrawImage(tileCache.Image, opts)
func (v *Region) decodeTileGfxData(blocks []d2dt1.Block, pixels []byte, tileYOffset int32, tileWidth int32) {
for _, block := range blocks {
if block.Format == d2dt1.BlockFormatIsometric {
// 3D isometric decoding
xjump := []int32{14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14}
nbpix := []int32{4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4}
blockX := int32(block.X)
blockY := int32(block.Y)
length := int32(256)
x := int32(0)
y := int32(0)
idx := 0
for length > 0 {
x = xjump[y]
n := nbpix[y]
length -= n
for n > 0 {
colorIndex := block.EncodedData[idx]
if colorIndex != 0 {
pixelColor := v.Palette.Colors[colorIndex]
offset := 4 * (((blockY + y + tileYOffset) * tileWidth) + (blockX + x))
pixels[offset] = pixelColor.R
pixels[offset+1] = pixelColor.G
pixels[offset+2] = pixelColor.B
pixels[offset+3] = 255
} else {
// RLE Encoding
blockX := int32(block.X)
blockY := int32(block.Y)
x := int32(0)
y := int32(0)
idx := 0
length := block.Length
for length > 0 {
b1 := block.EncodedData[idx]
b2 := block.EncodedData[idx+1]
idx += 2
length -= 2
if (b1 | b2) == 0 {
x = 0
x += int32(b1)
length -= int32(b2)
for b2 > 0 {
colorIndex := block.EncodedData[idx]
if colorIndex != 0 {
pixelColor := v.Palette.Colors[colorIndex]
offset := 4 * (((blockY + y + tileYOffset) * tileWidth) + (blockX + x))
pixels[offset] = pixelColor.R
pixels[offset+1] = pixelColor.G
pixels[offset+2] = pixelColor.B
pixels[offset+3] = 255
func (v *Region) generateFloorCache(tile d2ds1.FloorShadowRecord) *TileCacheRecord {
tileData := v.getTile(int32(tile.MainIndex), int32(tile.SubIndex), 0)
if tileData == nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not locate tile Idx:%d, Sub: %d, Ori: %d", tile.MainIndex, tile.SubIndex, 0)
tileYMinimum := int32(0)
for _, block := range tileData.Blocks {
tileYMinimum = d2helper.MinInt32(tileYMinimum, int32(block.Y))
tileYOffset := d2helper.AbsInt32(tileYMinimum)
tileHeight := d2helper.AbsInt32(tileData.Height)
image, _ := ebiten.NewImage(int(tileData.Width), int(tileHeight), ebiten.FilterNearest)
pixels := make([]byte, 4*tileData.Width*tileHeight)
v.decodeTileGfxData(tileData.Blocks, pixels, tileYOffset, tileData.Width)
return &TileCacheRecord{image, 0, 0}
func (v *Region) generateShadowCache(tile d2ds1.FloorShadowRecord) *TileCacheRecord {
tileData := v.getTile(int32(tile.MainIndex), int32(tile.SubIndex), 13)
if tileData == nil {
return nil
tileMinY := int32(0)
tileMaxY := int32(0)
for _, block := range tileData.Blocks {
tileMinY = d2helper.MinInt32(tileMinY, int32(block.Y))
tileMaxY = d2helper.MaxInt32(tileMaxY, int32(block.Y+32))
tileYOffset := -tileMinY
tileHeight := int(tileMaxY - tileMinY)
image, _ := ebiten.NewImage(int(tileData.Width), int(tileHeight), ebiten.FilterNearest)
pixels := make([]byte, 4*tileData.Width*int32(tileHeight))
v.decodeTileGfxData(tileData.Blocks, pixels, tileYOffset, tileData.Width)
return &TileCacheRecord{image, 0, int(tileMinY) + 80}
func (v *Region) generateWallCache(tile d2ds1.WallRecord) *TileCacheRecord {
tileData := v.getTile(int32(tile.MainIndex), int32(tile.SubIndex), int32(tile.Orientation))
if tileData == nil {
return nil
var newTileData *d2dt1.Tile = nil
if tile.Orientation == 3 {
newTileData = v.getTile(int32(tile.MainIndex), int32(tile.SubIndex), int32(4))
tileMinY := int32(0)
tileMaxY := int32(0)
target := tileData
if newTileData != nil && newTileData.Height < tileData.Height {
target = newTileData
for _, block := range target.Blocks {
tileMinY = d2helper.MinInt32(tileMinY, int32(block.Y))
tileMaxY = d2helper.MaxInt32(tileMaxY, int32(block.Y+32))
realHeight := d2helper.MaxInt32(d2helper.AbsInt32(tileData.Height), tileMaxY-tileMinY)
tileYOffset := -tileMinY
//tileHeight := int(tileMaxY - tileMinY)
image, _ := ebiten.NewImage(160, int(realHeight), ebiten.FilterNearest)
pixels := make([]byte, 4*160*realHeight)
v.decodeTileGfxData(tileData.Blocks, pixels, tileYOffset, 160)
if newTileData != nil {
v.decodeTileGfxData(newTileData.Blocks, pixels, tileYOffset, 160)
yAdjust := 0
if tile.Orientation > 15 {
// Lower Walls
yAdjust = 80
} else if tile.Orientation == 15 {
// Roof
yAdjust = -int(tileData.RoofHeight)
} else {
// Upper Walls, Special Tiles
yAdjust = int(tileMinY) + 80
// TODO: This may also need to be an atlas, but could get pretty large...
if err := image.ReplacePixels(pixels); err != nil {
return &TileCacheRecord{