/* OpenDiablo 2 - An open source re-implementation of Diablo 2 in C# * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using OpenDiablo2.Common.Exceptions; using OpenDiablo2.Common.Interfaces; using OpenDiablo2.Common.Interfaces.Drawing; using OpenDiablo2.Common.Models; using SDL2; namespace OpenDiablo2.SDL2_ { public sealed class SDL2RenderWindow : IRenderWindow, IMouseInfoProvider, IKeyboardInfoProvider { private readonly IntPtr window, renderer; private readonly bool fullscreen; public bool IsRunning { get; private set; } public int MouseX { get; internal set; } = 0; public int MouseY { get; internal set; } = 0; public bool LeftMouseDown { get; internal set; } = false; public bool LeftMousePressed { get; internal set; } = false; public bool RightMouseDown { get; internal set; } = false; public bool ReserveMouse { get; set; } = false; public OnKeyPressed KeyPressCallback { get; set; } private IMouseCursor mouseCursor = null; public IMouseCursor MouseCursor { get => mouseCursor; set { if (mouseCursor == value) return; SetCursor(value); } } private readonly IMPQProvider mpqProvider; private readonly IPaletteProvider paletteProvider; private readonly IResourceManager resourceManager; private readonly GlobalConfiguration globalConfig; private readonly Func getGameState; private readonly Func getMapEngine; public SDL2RenderWindow( GlobalConfiguration globalConfig, IMPQProvider mpqProvider, IPaletteProvider paletteProvider, IResourceManager resourceManager, Func getGameState, Func getMapEngine ) { this.globalConfig = globalConfig; this.mpqProvider = mpqProvider; this.paletteProvider = paletteProvider; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.getGameState = getGameState; this.getMapEngine = getMapEngine; this.fullscreen = globalConfig.FullScreen; SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); if (SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "0") == SDL.SDL_bool.SDL_FALSE) throw new OpenDiablo2Exception($"Unable to Init hinting: {SDL.SDL_GetError()}"); window = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow("OpenDiablo2", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 800, 600, SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | (fullscreen ? SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN : 0)); if (window == IntPtr.Zero) throw new OpenDiablo2Exception($"Unable to create SDL Window: {SDL.SDL_GetError()}"); renderer = SDL.SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, SDL.SDL_RendererFlags.SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL.SDL_RendererFlags.SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC); if (renderer == IntPtr.Zero) throw new OpenDiablo2Exception($"Unable to create SDL Window: {SDL.SDL_GetError()}"); SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(renderer, SDL.SDL_BlendMode.SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL.SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1); SDL.SDL_ShowCursor(globalConfig.MouseMode == eMouseMode.Hardware ? 1 : 0); IsRunning = true; } public void Quit() => IsRunning = false; public void Dispose() { SDL.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); SDL.SDL_DestroyWindow(window); SDL.SDL_Quit(); } public unsafe bool KeyIsPressed(int scancode) { byte* keys = (byte*)SDL.SDL_GetKeyboardState(out int numKeys); return keys[scancode] > 0; } public void Clear() { SDL.SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, IntPtr.Zero); SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL.SDL_RenderClear(renderer); } public unsafe void Sync() { if (globalConfig.MouseMode == eMouseMode.Software) { var cursor = mouseCursor as SDL2MouseCursor; var texture = cursor.SWTexture; var srcRect = new SDL.SDL_Rect { x = 0, y = 0, w = cursor.ImageSize.Width, h = cursor.ImageSize.Height }; var destRect = new SDL.SDL_Rect { x = MouseX - cursor.Hotspot.X, y = MouseY - cursor.Hotspot.Y, w = cursor.ImageSize.Width, h = cursor.ImageSize.Height }; SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, ref srcRect, ref destRect); } SDL.SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } public unsafe void Update() { LeftMousePressed = false; while (SDL.SDL_PollEvent(out SDL.SDL_Event evt) != 0) { if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { MouseX = evt.motion.x; MouseY = evt.motion.y; continue; } else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { switch ((uint)evt.button.button) { case SDL.SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: LeftMousePressed = true; // Cannot find a better to handle a single press LeftMouseDown = true; break; case SDL.SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: RightMouseDown = true; break; } } else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { switch ((uint)evt.button.button) { case SDL.SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: LeftMouseDown = false; break; case SDL.SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: RightMouseDown = false; break; } } else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYDOWN) { /* NOTE: This absolutely trashes rendering for some reason... if (evt.key.keysym.mod.HasFlag(SDL.SDL_Keymod.KMOD_RALT) && evt.key.keysym.scancode.HasFlag(SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN)) { fullscreen = !fullscreen; SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, (uint)(fullscreen ? SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN : 0)); } else*/ if (evt.key.keysym.sym == SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_BACKSPACE && KeyPressCallback != null) KeyPressCallback('\b'); } else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_TEXTINPUT) { KeyPressCallback?.Invoke(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)evt.text.text)[0]); continue; } else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_QUIT) { IsRunning = false; continue; } } } public void Draw(ISprite sprite, Point location) { sprite.Location = location; Draw(sprite); } public void Draw(ISprite sprite, int frame, Point location) { sprite.Location = location; sprite.Frame = frame; Draw(sprite); } public void Draw(ISprite sprite, int frame) { sprite.Frame = frame; Draw(sprite); } public void Draw(ISprite sprite) { var spr = sprite as SDL2Sprite; if (spr.texture == IntPtr.Zero) return; var loc = spr.GetRenderPoint(); var destRect = new SDL.SDL_Rect { x = loc.X, y = loc.Y, w = spr.FrameSize.Width, h = spr.FrameSize.Height }; SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, spr.texture, IntPtr.Zero, ref destRect); } public void Draw(ISprite sprite, int xSegments, int ySegments, int offset) { var spr = sprite as SDL2Sprite; for (var y = 0; y < ySegments; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < xSegments; x++) { var textureIndex = x + (y * xSegments) + (offset * xSegments * ySegments); spr.Frame = Math.Min(spr.TotalFrames - 1, Math.Max(0, textureIndex)); var destRect = new SDL.SDL_Rect { x = sprite.Location.X + (x * 256), y = sprite.Location.Y + (y * 256) - (int)(spr.FrameSize.Height - spr.source.Frames[textureIndex].Height), w = spr.FrameSize.Width, h = spr.FrameSize.Height }; SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, spr.texture, IntPtr.Zero, ref destRect); } } } public ISprite LoadSprite(string resourcePath, string palette) => LoadSprite(resourcePath, palette, Point.Empty); public ISprite LoadSprite(string resourcePath, string palette, Point location) { var result = new SDL2Sprite(resourceManager.GetImageSet(resourcePath), renderer) { CurrentPalette = paletteProvider.PaletteTable[palette], Location = location }; return result; } public IFont LoadFont(string resourcePath, string palette) { var result = new SDL2Font(resourceManager.GetMPQFont(resourcePath), renderer) { CurrentPalette = paletteProvider.PaletteTable[palette] }; return result; } public ILabel CreateLabel(IFont font) { var result = new SDL2Label(font, renderer); return result; } public ILabel CreateLabel(IFont font, string text) { var result = CreateLabel(font); result.Text = text; return result; } public ILabel CreateLabel(IFont font, Point position, string text) { var result = new SDL2Label(font, renderer) { Text = text, Location = position }; return result; } public void Draw(ILabel label) { var lbl = label as SDL2Label; var loc = lbl.Location; var destRect = new SDL.SDL_Rect { x = loc.X, y = loc.Y, w = lbl.textureSize.Width, h = lbl.textureSize.Height }; SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, lbl.texture, IntPtr.Zero, ref destRect); } public unsafe MapCellInfo CacheMapCell(MPQDT1Tile mapCell) { var minX = mapCell.Blocks.Min(x => x.PositionX); var minY = mapCell.Blocks.Min(x => x.PositionY); var maxX = mapCell.Blocks.Max(x => x.PositionX + 32); var maxY = mapCell.Blocks.Max(x => x.PositionY + 32); var diffX = maxX - minX; var diffY = maxY - minY; var offX = -minX; var offY = -minY; var frameSize = new Size(Math.Abs(diffX), Math.Abs(diffY)); var srcRect = new SDL.SDL_Rect { x = minX, y = minY, w = frameSize.Width, h = frameSize.Height }; var texId = SDL.SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, (int)SDL.SDL_TextureAccess.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height); SDL.SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texId, SDL.SDL_BlendMode.SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); if (SDL.SDL_LockTexture(texId, IntPtr.Zero, out IntPtr pixels, out int pitch) != 0) throw new OpenDiablo2Exception("Could not lock texture for map rendering"); try { UInt32* data = (UInt32*)pixels; var pitchChange = pitch / 4; var colors = getGameState().CurrentPalette.Colors; foreach (var block in mapCell.Blocks) { var index = block.PositionX + offX + ((block.PositionY + offY) * pitchChange); var xx = 0; var yy = 0; foreach (var colorIndex in block.PixelData) { try { if (colorIndex == 0) continue; var color = colors[colorIndex]; if (color > 0) data[index] = color; } finally { index++; xx++; if (xx == 32) { index += pitchChange - 32; xx = 0; yy++; } } } } } finally { SDL.SDL_UnlockTexture(texId); } return new MapCellInfo { Tile = mapCell, FrameHeight = frameSize.Height, FrameWidth = frameSize.Width, OffX = offX, OffY = offY, Rect = srcRect.ToRectangle(), Texture = new SDL2Texture { Pointer = texId } }; } public void DrawMapCell(MapCellInfo mapCellInfo, int xPixel, int yPixel) { var srcRect = new SDL.SDL_Rect { x = 0, y = 0, w = mapCellInfo.FrameWidth, h = Math.Abs(mapCellInfo.FrameHeight) }; var destRect = new SDL.SDL_Rect { x = xPixel + mapCellInfo.Rect.X, y = yPixel + mapCellInfo.Rect.Y, w = mapCellInfo.FrameWidth, h = mapCellInfo.FrameHeight }; SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, (mapCellInfo.Texture as SDL2Texture).Pointer, ref srcRect, ref destRect); } public unsafe IMouseCursor LoadCursor(ISprite sprite, int frame, Point hotspot) { if (globalConfig.MouseMode == eMouseMode.Software) { sprite.Frame = frame; var texId = SDL.SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, (int)SDL.SDL_TextureAccess.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, sprite.LocalFrameSize.Width, sprite.LocalFrameSize.Height); SDL.SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texId, SDL.SDL_BlendMode.SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL.SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, texId); SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, (sprite as SDL2Sprite).texture, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); SDL.SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, IntPtr.Zero); return new SDL2MouseCursor { Hotspot = hotspot, ImageSize = sprite.LocalFrameSize, SWTexture = texId }; } var multiple = globalConfig.HardwareMouseScale; var spr = sprite as SDL2Sprite; var surface = SDL.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, spr.LocalFrameSize.Width * multiple, spr.LocalFrameSize.Height * multiple, 32, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0xFF000000); var yOffset = 0; //(spr.FrameSize.Height - spr.LocalFrameSize.Height); var XOffset = 0; //(spr.FrameSize.Width - spr.LocalFrameSize.Width); var pixels = (UInt32*)((SDL.SDL_Surface*)surface)->pixels; for (var y = 0; y < (spr.LocalFrameSize.Height * multiple) - 1; y++) for (var x = 0; x < (spr.LocalFrameSize.Width * multiple) - 1; x++) { pixels[x + XOffset + ((y + yOffset) * spr.LocalFrameSize.Width * multiple)] = spr.source.Frames[frame].GetColor(x / multiple, y / multiple, sprite.CurrentPalette); } var cursor = SDL.SDL_CreateColorCursor(surface, hotspot.X * multiple, hotspot.Y * multiple); if (cursor == IntPtr.Zero) throw new OpenDiablo2Exception($"Unable to set the cursor cursor: {SDL.SDL_GetError()}"); // TODO: Is this supported everywhere? May need to still support software cursors. return new SDL2MouseCursor { HWSurface = cursor }; } private void SetCursor(IMouseCursor mouseCursor) { this.mouseCursor = mouseCursor; if (globalConfig.MouseMode != eMouseMode.Hardware) return; SDL.SDL_SetCursor((mouseCursor as SDL2MouseCursor).HWSurface); } public uint GetTicks() => SDL.SDL_GetTicks(); public ICharacterRenderer CreateCharacterRenderer() => new SDL2CharacterRenderer(this.renderer, resourceManager, paletteProvider); } }