package d2records

// States contains the state records
type States map[string]*StateRecord

// StateRecord describes a body location that items can be equipped to
type StateRecord struct {
	// Name of status effect (Line # is used for ID purposes)
	State string

	// Exact usage depends on the state and how the code accesses it,
	// overlay1 however is the one you should generally be using.
	Overlay1 string
	Overlay2 string
	Overlay3 string
	Overlay4 string

	// Overlay shown on target of progressive skill when chargeup triggers.
	PgOverlay string

	// Overlay displayed when the state is applied initially
	// (later replaced by overlay1 or whatever applicable by code).
	CastOverlay string

	// Like castoverlay, just this one is displayed when the state expires.
	RemOverlay string

	// Primary stat associated with the state, mostly used for display purposes
	// (you should generally use skills.txt for assigning stats to states).
	Stat string

	// The missile that this state will utilize for certain events,
	// how this is used depends entirely on the functions associated with the state.
	Missile string

	// The skill that will be queried for this state in some sections of code,
	// strangely enough this contradicts the fact states store their assigner skill anyway
	Skill string

	// What item type is effected by this states color change.
	ItemType string

	// The color being applied to this item
	// (only going to have an effect on alternate gfx, inventory gfx isn't effected).
	ItemTrans string

	// Sound played respectively when the state is initially applied
	OnSound string

	// and when it expires
	OffSound string

	// States can be grouped together, so they cannot stack
	Group int

	// Clientside callback function invoked when the state is applied initially.
	SetFunc int

	// Clientside callback function invoked when the state expires or is otherwise removed.
	RemFunc int

	// The color priority for this states color change, the, this can range from 0 to 255,
	// the state with the highest color priority will always be used should more then
	// one co-exist on the unit. If two states exist with the same priority the one with the
	// lowest id is used (IIRC).
	ColorPri int

	// Index for the color shift palette picked from the *.PL2 files.
	ColorShift int

	// Change the color of the light radius to what is indicated here,
	// (only has an effect in D3D and glide of course).
	LightR int

	// Change the color of the light radius to what is indicated here,
	// (only has an effect in D3D and glide of course).
	LightG int

	// Change the color of the light radius to what is indicated here,
	// (only has an effect in D3D and glide of course).
	LightB int

	// What unit type is used for the disguise gfx
	// (1 being monsters, 2 being players, contrary to internal game logic).
	GfxType int

	// The unit class used for disguise gfx, this corresponds with the index
	// from monstats.txt and charstats.txt
	GfxClass int

	// When 'gfxtype' is set to 1, the "class" represents an hcIdx from MonStats.txt.
	// If it's set to 2 then it will indicate a character class the unit with this state will be
	// morphed into.

	// Clientside event callback for this state
	// (likely very inconsistent with the server side events, beware).
	CltEvent string

	// Callback function invoked when the client event triggers.
	CltEventFunc int

	// CltDoFunc called every frame the state is active
	CltActiveFunc int

	// Srvdofunc called every frame the state is active
	SrvActiveFunc int

	// If a monster gets hit, the state will be dispelled
	RemHit bool

	// Not yet analyzed in detail
	NoSend bool

	// Whenever a state transforms the appearance of a unit
	Transform bool

	// Aura states will stack on-screen. Aura states are dispelled when a monster is
	// affected by conversion
	Aura bool

	// Can a heal enabled npc remove this state when you talk to them?
	Cureable bool

	// Curse states can't stack. Controls duration reduction from cleansing, and curse resistance.
	// When a new curse is applied, the old one is removed.
	Curse bool

	// State has a StateActiveFunc associated with it. The active func is called every frame while
	// the state is active.
	Active bool

	// State restricts skill usage (druid shapeshift)
	Restrict bool

	// State makes the game load another sprite (use with Transform)
	Disguise bool

	// State applies a color change that overrides all others
	Blue bool

	// Control when attack rating is displayed in blue
	AttBlue bool

	// Control when damage is displayed in blue
	DmgBlue bool

	// Control when armor class is displayed in blue
	ArmBlue bool

	// Control when fire resistance is displayed in blue
	RfBlue bool

	// Control when lightning resistance is displayed in blue
	RlBlue bool

	// Control when cold resistance is displayed in blue
	RcBlue bool

	// Control when poison resistance is displayed in blue
	RpBlue bool

	// Control when attack rating is displayed in red
	AttRed bool

	// Control when damage is displayed in red
	DmgRed bool

	// Control when armor class is displayed in red
	ArmRed bool

	// Control when fire resistance is displayed in red
	RfRed bool

	// Control when lightning resistance is displayed in red
	RlRed bool

	// Control when cold resistance is displayed in red
	RcRed bool

	// Control when poison resistance is displayed in red
	RpRed bool

	// Control when stamina bar color is changed to blue
	StamBarBlue bool

	// When a unit effected by this state kills another unit,
	// the summon owner will receive experience
	Exp bool

	// Whenever the state is removed when the player dies
	PlrStayDeath bool

	// Whenever the state is removed when the monster dies
	MonStayDeath bool

	// Whenever the state is removed when the boss dies. Prevents bosses from shattering?
	BossStayDeath bool

	// When the unit dies, the corpse and death animation will not be drawn
	Hide bool

	// Whenever the unit shatters or explodes when it dies. This is heavily hardcoded,
	// it will always use the ice shatter for all states other than STATE_UBERMINION
	Shatter bool

	// Whenever this state prevents the corpse from being selected by spells and the ai
	UDead bool

	// When a state with this is active, it cancels out the native life regen of monsters.
	// (using only the mod part instead of accr).
	Life bool

	// Whenever this state applies a color change that overrides all others (such as from items).
	// (see blue column, which seams to do the same).
	Green bool

	// Whenever this state is associated with progressive spells and will be
	// looked up when the charges are triggered.
	Pgsv bool

	// Related to assigning overlays to the unit, not extensively researched yet.
	NoOverlays bool

	// Like the previous column, also only used on states with the previous column enabled.
	NoClear bool

	// whenever this state will use the minion owners inventory clientside (this is what makes
	// the decoy always show up with your own equipment,
	// even when you change what you wear after summoning one).
	BossInv bool

	// Prevents druids that wield a bow or crossbow while shape shifted from
	// firing missiles, and will rather attack in melee.
	MeleeOnly bool

	// Not researched yet
	NotOnDead bool