using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using static OpenDiablo2.Common.Models.MPQ; namespace OpenDiablo2.Common.Models { public sealed class MPQStream : Stream { private readonly MPQ mpq; private readonly BlockRecord blockRecord; private uint[] blockPositions; private long position; private byte[] _currentData; private int _currentBlockIndex = -1; private int blockSize; internal MPQStream(MPQ mpq, BlockRecord blockRecord) { this.mpq = mpq; this.blockRecord = blockRecord; this.blockSize = 0x200 << mpq.Header.BlockSize; if (blockRecord.IsCompressed && !blockRecord.SingleUnit) LoadBlockOffsets(); } private void LoadBlockOffsets() { int blockposcount = (int)((blockRecord.FileSize + blockSize - 1) / blockSize) + 1; blockPositions = new uint[blockposcount]; lock (mpq.fileStream) { mpq.fileStream.Seek(blockRecord.BlockOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); var br = new BinaryReader(mpq.fileStream); for (int i = 0; i < blockposcount; i++) blockPositions[i] = br.ReadUInt32(); } uint blockpossize = (uint)blockposcount * 4; if (blockRecord.IsEncrypted) { MPQ.DecryptBlock(blockPositions, blockRecord.EncryptionSeed - 1); if (blockPositions[0] != blockpossize) throw new ApplicationException("Decryption failed"); if (blockPositions[1] > blockSize + blockpossize) throw new ApplicationException("Decryption failed"); } } public override bool CanRead => true; public override bool CanSeek => true; public override bool CanWrite => false; public override long Length => blockRecord.FileSize; public override long Position { get => position; set => Seek(value, SeekOrigin.Begin); } public override void Flush() { } public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (blockRecord.SingleUnit) return ReadInternalSingleUnit(buffer, offset, count); int toread = count; int readtotal = 0; while (toread > 0) { int read = ReadInternal(buffer, offset, toread); if (read == 0) break; readtotal += read; offset += read; toread -= read; } return readtotal; } private int ReadInternalSingleUnit(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (position >= Length) return 0; if (_currentData == null) LoadSingleUnit(); int bytestocopy = Math.Min((int)(_currentData.Length - position), count); Array.Copy(_currentData, position, buffer, offset, bytestocopy); position += bytestocopy; return bytestocopy; } private void LoadSingleUnit() { // Read the entire file into memory byte[] filedata = new byte[blockSize]; lock (mpq.fileStream) { mpq.fileStream.Seek(mpq.Header.HeaderSize + blockRecord.BlockOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); int read = mpq.fileStream.Read(filedata, 0, filedata.Length); if (read != filedata.Length) throw new ApplicationException("Insufficient data or invalid data length"); } if (blockSize == blockRecord.FileSize) _currentData = filedata; else _currentData = DecompressMulti(filedata, (int)blockRecord.FileSize); } private int ReadInternal(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { // OW: avoid reading past the contents of the file if (position >= Length) return 0; BufferData(); int localposition = (int)(position % blockSize); int bytestocopy = Math.Min(_currentData.Length - localposition, count); if (bytestocopy <= 0) return 0; Array.Copy(_currentData, localposition, buffer, offset, bytestocopy); position += bytestocopy; return bytestocopy; } public override int ReadByte() { if (position >= Length) return -1; if (blockRecord.SingleUnit) return ReadByteSingleUnit(); BufferData(); int localposition = (int)(position % blockSize); position++; return _currentData[localposition]; } private int ReadByteSingleUnit() { if (_currentData == null) LoadSingleUnit(); return _currentData[position++]; } private void BufferData() { int requiredblock = (int)(position / blockSize); if (requiredblock != _currentBlockIndex) { int expectedlength = (int)Math.Min(Length - (requiredblock * blockSize), blockSize); _currentData = LoadBlock(requiredblock, expectedlength); _currentBlockIndex = requiredblock; } } private byte[] LoadBlock(int blockIndex, int expectedLength) { uint offset; int toread; uint encryptionseed; if (blockRecord.IsCompressed) { offset = blockPositions[blockIndex]; toread = (int)(blockPositions[blockIndex + 1] - offset); } else { offset = (uint)(blockIndex * blockSize); toread = expectedLength; } offset += blockRecord.BlockOffset; byte[] data = new byte[toread]; lock (mpq.fileStream) { mpq.fileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); int read = mpq.fileStream.Read(data, 0, toread); if (read != toread) throw new ApplicationException("Insufficient data or invalid data length"); } if (blockRecord.IsEncrypted && blockRecord.FileSize > 3) { if (blockRecord.EncryptionSeed == 0) throw new ApplicationException("Unable to determine encryption key"); encryptionseed = (uint)(blockIndex + blockRecord.EncryptionSeed); MPQ.DecryptBlock(data, encryptionseed); } if (blockRecord.IsCompressed && (toread != expectedLength)) { //if ((blockRecord.Flags & MpqFileFlags.CompressedMulti) != 0) if (!blockRecord.SingleUnit) data = DecompressMulti(data, expectedLength); else data = PKDecompress(new MemoryStream(data), expectedLength); } return data; } private static byte[] DecompressMulti(byte[] input, int outputLength) { Stream sinput = new MemoryStream(input); byte comptype = (byte)sinput.ReadByte(); switch (comptype) { case 1: // Huffman return MpqHuffman.Decompress(sinput).ToArray(); case 2: // ZLib/Deflate return ZlibDecompress(sinput, outputLength); case 8: // PKLib/Impode return PKDecompress(sinput, outputLength); case 0x10: // BZip2 return BZip2Decompress(sinput, outputLength); case 0x80: // IMA ADPCM Stereo return MpqWavCompression.Decompress(sinput, 2); case 0x40: // IMA ADPCM Mono return MpqWavCompression.Decompress(sinput, 1); case 0x12: throw new ApplicationException("LZMA compression is not yet supported"); // Combos case 0x22: // TODO: sparse then zlib throw new ApplicationException("Sparse compression + Deflate compression is not yet supported"); case 0x30: // TODO: sparse then bzip2 throw new ApplicationException("Sparse compression + BZip2 compression is not yet supported"); case 0x41: sinput = MpqHuffman.Decompress(sinput); return MpqWavCompression.Decompress(sinput, 1); case 0x48: { byte[] result = PKDecompress(sinput, outputLength); return MpqWavCompression.Decompress(new MemoryStream(result), 1); } case 0x81: sinput = MpqHuffman.Decompress(sinput); return MpqWavCompression.Decompress(sinput, 2); case 0x88: { byte[] result = PKDecompress(sinput, outputLength); return MpqWavCompression.Decompress(new MemoryStream(result), 2); } default: throw new ApplicationException("Compression is not yet supported: 0x" + comptype.ToString("X")); } } private static byte[] BZip2Decompress(Stream data, int expectedLength) { using (var output = new MemoryStream(expectedLength)) { new Ionic.BZip2.BZip2InputStream(data) .CopyTo(output); return output.ToArray(); } } private static byte[] PKDecompress(Stream data, int expectedLength) { PKLibDecompress pk = new PKLibDecompress(data); return pk.Explode(expectedLength); } private static byte[] ZlibDecompress(Stream data, int expectedLength) { // This assumes that Zlib won't be used in combination with another compression type byte[] Output = new byte[expectedLength]; Stream s = new InflaterInputStream(data); int Offset = 0; while (expectedLength > 0) { int size = s.Read(Output, Offset, expectedLength); if (size == 0) break; Offset += size; expectedLength -= size; } return Output; } public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin) { long target; switch (origin) { case SeekOrigin.Begin: target = offset; break; case SeekOrigin.Current: target = Position + offset; break; case SeekOrigin.End: target = Length + offset; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Origin", "Invalid SeekOrigin"); } if (target < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Attmpted to Seek before the beginning of the stream"); if (target >= Length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Attmpted to Seek beyond the end of the stream"); position = target; return position; } internal static uint DetectFileSeed(uint value0, uint value1, uint decrypted) { uint temp = (value0 ^ decrypted) - 0xeeeeeeee; for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) { uint seed1 = temp - MPQ.cryptTable[0x400 + i]; uint seed2 = 0xeeeeeeee + MPQ.cryptTable[0x400 + (seed1 & 0xff)]; uint result = value0 ^ (seed1 + seed2); if (result != decrypted) continue; uint saveseed1 = seed1; // Test this result against the 2nd value seed1 = ((~seed1 << 21) + 0x11111111) | (seed1 >> 11); seed2 = result + seed2 + (seed2 << 5) + 3; seed2 += MPQ.cryptTable[0x400 + (seed1 & 0xff)]; result = value1 ^ (seed1 + seed2); if ((result & 0xfffc0000) == 0) return saveseed1; } return 0; } public override void SetLength(long value) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); } }