using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using OpenDiablo2.Common.Enums; using OpenDiablo2.Common.Models; using OpenDiablo2.Core; namespace OpenDiablo2.TestConsole { static class Program { private static GlobalConfiguration GlobalConfig = null; private static MPQProvider MPQProv = null; private static EngineDataManager EngineDataMan = null; static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("OpenDiablo2 TestConsole Loaded"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'help' for more info, 'exit' to close."); bool exit = false; while (!exit) { Console.Write("> "); string command = Console.ReadLine(); List words = GetWords(command);//new List(command.Split(' ')); string func = words[0].ToUpper(); words.RemoveAt(0); switch (func) { case "HELP": Help(words); break; case "EXIT": exit = true; break; case "LOADDATA": LoadData(words); break; case "WRITELEVELIDS": WriteELevelIds(words); break; } } // close out the program after exiting Environment.Exit(0); } public static List GetWords(string msg) { List outs = new List(); string curword = ""; bool inquote = false; int i = 0; while (i < msg.Length) { char c = msg[i]; if (c == '"') { inquote = !inquote; } else if (c == ' ' && !inquote) { outs.Add(curword); curword = ""; } else { curword += c; } i++; } outs.Add(curword); return outs; } public static void Help(List words) { if(words.Count < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Commands: HELP, EXIT, LOADDATA, WRITELEVELIDS"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'HELP [command]' for more info."); return; } string command = words[0].ToUpper(); switch (command) { case "LOADDATA": Console.WriteLine("'LOADDATA [path to mpq folder]' will load the MPQs and parse their data."); Console.WriteLine("This function is pre-requisite to many others."); return; case "WRITELEVELIDS": Console.WriteLine("'WRITELEVELIDS [filepath to write to]' will write the level ids enum to a file."); Console.WriteLine("This function requires the data to be loaded first."); return; } // if we get to the end, no command was matched Help(new List()); // run with an empty list to trigger default message } public static void LoadData(List words) { if (words.Count < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Must supply a path to the folder where the MPQs are stored."); return; } string path = words[0]; if (EngineDataMan != null) { Console.WriteLine("Data already loaded!"); return; } try { GlobalConfig = new GlobalConfiguration { BaseDataPath = Path.GetFullPath(path) }; MPQProv = new MPQProvider(GlobalConfig); EngineDataMan = new EngineDataManager(MPQProv); } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to load data! " + e.Message); return; } Console.WriteLine("Data loaded."); } public static void WriteELevelIds(List words) { if (words.Count < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Must supply a filepath to write to."); return; } if(EngineDataMan == null) { Console.WriteLine("You must load the MPQ data first! See 'HELP LOADDATA'."); return; } string path = words[0]; string output = "public enum eLevelId\r\n{\r\nNone,\r\n"; output += ELevelIdHelper.GenerateEnum(EngineDataMan.LevelPresets); output += "}"; File.WriteAllText(path, output); Console.WriteLine("Wrote eLevelIds enum to " + path + "."); } } }