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synced 2025-02-20 23:47:16 -05:00
D2datadict unique items bugfix (#669)
* d2ui.Label: add support for color tokens in labels, multiple colors per label * unique items should use the item name as the map key
This commit is contained in:
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ func LoadUniqueItems(file []byte) {
rec := createUniqueItemRecord(r)
UniqueItems[rec.Code] = &rec
UniqueItems[rec.Name] = &rec
log.Printf("Loaded %d unique items", len(UniqueItems))
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ type MapEntity interface {
GetSize() (width, height int)
GetLayer() int
GetPositionF() (float64, float64)
Name() string
Label() string
Selectable() bool
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ const (
propertyIndestructable = "indestruct"
const (
magicItemPrefixMax = 1
magicItemSuffixMax = 1
@ -95,6 +94,8 @@ type itemAttributes struct {
requiredDexterity int
classSpecific d2enum.Hero
identitified bool
crafted bool
durable bool // some items specify that they have no durability
indestructable bool
ethereal bool
@ -107,9 +108,39 @@ type minMaxEnhanceable struct {
enhance int
// Name returns the item name
func (i *Item) Name() string {
return i.name
// Label returns the item name
func (i *Item) Label() string {
str := i.name
if i.attributes.crafted {
return d2ui.ColorTokenize(str, d2ui.ColorTokenCraftedItem)
if i.SetItemRecord() != nil {
return d2ui.ColorTokenize(str, d2ui.ColorTokenSetItem)
if i.UniqueRecord() != nil {
return d2ui.ColorTokenize(str, d2ui.ColorTokenUniqueItem)
numAffixes := len(i.PrefixRecords()) + len(i.SuffixRecords())
if numAffixes > 0 && numAffixes < 3 {
return d2ui.ColorTokenize(str, d2ui.ColorTokenMagicItem)
if numAffixes > 2 {
return d2ui.ColorTokenize(str, d2ui.ColorTokenRareItem)
if i.sockets != nil {
if len(i.sockets) > 0 {
return d2ui.ColorTokenize(str, d2ui.ColorTokenSocketedItem)
return d2ui.ColorTokenize(str, d2ui.ColorTokenNormalItem)
// Context returns the statContext that is being used to evaluate stats. for example,
@ -188,7 +219,6 @@ func affixRecords(
return result
// SlotType returns the slot type (where it can be equipped)
func (i *Item) SlotType() d2enum.EquippedSlot {
return i.slotType
@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ type Item interface {
Context() StatContext
Name() string
Label() string
Description() string
@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
package d2mapentity
import (
// static check that item implements map entity interface
var _ d2interface.MapEntity = &Item{}
const (
errInvalidItemCodes = "invalid item codes supplied"
@ -36,8 +40,8 @@ func (i *Item) Highlight() {
// Name returns the item name
func (i *Item) Name() string {
return i.Item.Name()
func (i *Item) Label() string {
return i.Item.Label()
// GetSize returns the current frame size
@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ func (m *mapEntity) GetPositionF() (x, y float64) {
return w.X(), w.Y()
// Name returns the NPC's in-game name (e.g. "Deckard Cain") or an empty string if it does not have a name
func (m *mapEntity) Name() string {
// Label returns the NPC's in-game name (e.g. "Deckard Cain") or an empty string if it does not have a name
func (m *mapEntity) Label() string {
return ""
@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ func (v *NPC) Selectable() bool {
return v.name != ""
// Name returns the NPC's in-game name (e.g. "Deckard Cain") or an empty string if it does not have a name.
func (v *NPC) Name() string {
// Label returns the NPC's in-game name (e.g. "Deckard Cain") or an empty string if it does not have a name.
func (v *NPC) Label() string {
return v.name
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ func (ob *Object) GetPositionF() (x, y float64) {
return w.X(), w.Y()
// Name gets the name of the object
func (ob *Object) Name() string {
// Label gets the name of the object
func (ob *Object) Label() string {
return ob.name
@ -112,8 +112,10 @@ func CreateButton(renderer d2interface.Renderer, buttonType ButtonType, text str
buttonLayout := getButtonLayouts()[buttonType]
result.buttonLayout = buttonLayout
lbl := CreateLabel(buttonLayout.FontPath, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
lbl.Color = color.RGBA{R: 100, G: 100, B: 100, A: 255}
lbl.Color[0] = color.RGBA{R: 100, G: 100, B: 100, A: 255}
lbl.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
animation, _ := d2asset.LoadAnimation(buttonLayout.ResourceName, buttonLayout.PaletteName)
@ -1,15 +1,64 @@
package d2ui
import (
// ColorToken is a string which is used inside of label strings to set font color.
type ColorToken string
const (
colorTokenFmt = `%s%s`
colorTokenMatch = `\[[^\]]+\]`
colorStrMatch = colorTokenMatch + `[^\[]+`
const (
ColorTokenGrey ColorToken = "[grey]"
ColorTokenRed ColorToken = "[red]"
ColorTokenWhite ColorToken = "[white]"
ColorTokenBlue ColorToken = "[blue]"
ColorTokenYellow ColorToken = "[yellow]"
ColorTokenGreen ColorToken = "[green]"
ColorTokenGold ColorToken = "[gold]"
ColorTokenOrange ColorToken = "[orange]"
ColorTokenBlack ColorToken = "[black]"
// Color tokens for item labels
const (
ColorTokenSocketedItem = ColorTokenGrey
ColorTokenNormalItem = ColorTokenWhite
ColorTokenMagicItem = ColorTokenBlue
ColorTokenRareItem = ColorTokenYellow
ColorTokenSetItem = ColorTokenGreen
ColorTokenUniqueItem = ColorTokenGold
ColorTokenCraftedItem = ColorTokenOrange
const (
ColorTokenServer = ColorTokenRed
ColorTokenButton = ColorTokenBlack
const (
ColorTokenCharacterName = ColorTokenGold
ColorTokenCharacterDesc = ColorTokenWhite
ColorTokenCharacterType = ColorTokenGreen
// ColorTokenize formats the string with the given color token
func ColorTokenize(s string, t ColorToken) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(colorTokenFmt, t, s)
// Label represents a user interface label
type Label struct {
text string
@ -17,7 +66,7 @@ type Label struct {
Y int
Alignment d2gui.HorizontalAlign
font d2interface.Font
Color color.Color
Color map[int]color.Color
// CreateLabel creates a new instance of a UI label
@ -25,26 +74,44 @@ func CreateLabel(fontPath, palettePath string) Label {
font, _ := d2asset.LoadFont(fontPath+".tbl", fontPath+".dc6", palettePath)
result := Label{
Alignment: d2gui.HorizontalAlignLeft,
Color: color.White,
Color: map[int]color.Color{0: color.White},
font: font,
return result
// Render draws the label on the screen, respliting the lines to allow for other alignments
// Render draws the label on the screen, respliting the lines to allow for other alignments.
func (v *Label) Render(target d2interface.Surface) {
target.PushTranslation(v.X, v.Y)
lines := strings.Split(v.text, "\n")
yOffset := 0
lastColor := v.Color[0]
for _, line := range lines {
lw, lh := v.GetTextMetrics(line)
characters := []rune(line)
target.PushTranslation(v.getAlignOffset(lw), yOffset)
_ = v.font.RenderText(line, target)
for idx := range characters {
character := string(characters[idx])
charWidth, _ := v.GetTextMetrics(character)
if v.Color[idx] != nil {
lastColor = v.Color[idx]
_ = v.font.RenderText(character, target)
target.PushTranslation(charWidth, 0)
yOffset += lh
@ -72,7 +139,43 @@ func (v *Label) GetTextMetrics(text string) (width, height int) {
// SetText sets the label's text
func (v *Label) SetText(newText string) {
v.text = newText
v.text = v.processColorTokens(newText)
func (v *Label) processColorTokens(str string) string {
tokenMatch := regexp.MustCompile(colorTokenMatch)
tokenStrMatch := regexp.MustCompile(colorStrMatch)
empty := []byte("")
tokenPosition := 0
withoutTokens := string(tokenMatch.ReplaceAll([]byte(str), empty)) // remove tokens from string
matches := tokenStrMatch.FindAll([]byte(str), -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
v.Color[0] = getColor(ColorTokenWhite)
// we find the index of each token and update the color map.
// the key in the map is the starting index of each color token, the value is the color
for idx := range matches {
match := matches[idx]
matchToken := tokenMatch.Find(match)
matchStr := string(tokenMatch.ReplaceAll(match, empty))
token := ColorToken(matchToken)
theColor := getColor(token)
if v.Color == nil {
v.Color = make(map[int]color.Color)
v.Color[tokenPosition] = theColor
tokenPosition += len(matchStr)
return withoutTokens
func (v *Label) getAlignOffset(textWidth int) int {
@ -88,3 +191,28 @@ func (v *Label) getAlignOffset(textWidth int) int {
return 0
func getColor(token ColorToken) color.Color {
alpha := uint8(255)
// todo this should really come from the PL2 files
colors := map[ColorToken]color.Color{
ColorTokenGrey: color.RGBA{105, 105, 105, alpha},
ColorTokenWhite: color.RGBA{255, 255, 255, alpha},
ColorTokenBlue: color.RGBA{105, 105, 255, alpha},
ColorTokenYellow: color.RGBA{255, 255, 100, alpha},
ColorTokenGreen: color.RGBA{0, 255, 0, alpha},
ColorTokenGold: color.RGBA{199, 179, 119, alpha},
ColorTokenOrange: color.RGBA{255, 168, 0, alpha},
ColorTokenRed: color.RGBA{255, 77, 77, alpha},
ColorTokenBlack: color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, alpha},
chosen := colors[token]
if chosen == nil {
return colors[ColorTokenWhite]
return chosen
@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ func (v *CharacterSelect) OnLoad(loading d2screen.LoadingState) {
v.characterNameLabel[i] = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.Font16, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
v.characterNameLabel[i].Color = rgbaColor(lightBrown)
v.characterNameLabel[i].SetPosition(offsetX, offsetY)
v.characterNameLabel[i].Color[0] = rgbaColor(lightBrown)
offsetY += labelHeight
v.characterStatsLabel[i] = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.Font16, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ func (v *CharacterSelect) OnLoad(loading d2screen.LoadingState) {
offsetY += labelHeight
v.characterExpLabel[i] = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.Font16, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
v.characterExpLabel[i].Color = rgbaColor(lightGreen)
v.characterExpLabel[i].SetPosition(offsetX, offsetY)
v.characterExpLabel[i].Color[0] = rgbaColor(lightGreen)
@ -289,9 +289,12 @@ func (v *CharacterSelect) updateCharacterBoxes() {
v.characterStatsLabel[i].SetText("Level 1 " + v.gameStates[idx].HeroType.String())
heroName := v.gameStates[idx].HeroName
heroInfo := "Level 1 " + v.gameStates[idx].HeroType.String()
v.characterNameLabel[i].SetText(d2ui.ColorTokenize(heroName, d2ui.ColorTokenGold))
v.characterStatsLabel[i].SetText(d2ui.ColorTokenize(heroInfo, d2ui.ColorTokenWhite))
v.characterExpLabel[i].SetText(d2ui.ColorTokenize(expText, d2ui.ColorTokenGreen))
heroType := v.gameStates[idx].HeroType
equipment := d2inventory.HeroObjects[heroType]
@ -258,9 +258,9 @@ func (v *Credits) getNewFontLabel(isHeading bool) *d2ui.Label {
if label.Available {
label.Available = false
if isHeading {
label.Label.Color = rgbaColor(lightRed)
label.Label.Color[0] = rgbaColor(lightRed)
} else {
label.Label.Color = rgbaColor(beige)
label.Label.Color[0] = rgbaColor(beige)
return &label.Label
@ -274,9 +274,9 @@ func (v *Credits) getNewFontLabel(isHeading bool) *d2ui.Label {
if isHeading {
newLabelItem.Label.Color = rgbaColor(lightRed)
newLabelItem.Label.Color[0] = rgbaColor(lightRed)
} else {
newLabelItem.Label.Color = rgbaColor(beige)
newLabelItem.Label.Color[0] = rgbaColor(beige)
v.labels = append(v.labels, newLabelItem)
@ -188,32 +188,32 @@ func (v *MainMenu) createLabels(loading d2screen.LoadingState) {
v.versionLabel = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.FontFormal12, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
v.versionLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignRight
v.versionLabel.SetText("OpenDiablo2 - " + v.buildInfo.Branch)
v.versionLabel.Color = rgbaColor(white)
v.versionLabel.Color[0] = rgbaColor(white)
v.versionLabel.SetPosition(versionLabelX, versionLabelY)
v.commitLabel = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.FontFormal10, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
v.commitLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignLeft
v.commitLabel.Color = rgbaColor(white)
v.commitLabel.Color[0] = rgbaColor(white)
v.commitLabel.SetPosition(commitLabelX, commitLabelY)
v.copyrightLabel = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.FontFormal12, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
v.copyrightLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
v.copyrightLabel.SetText("Diablo 2 is © Copyright 2000-2016 Blizzard Entertainment")
v.copyrightLabel.Color = rgbaColor(lightBrown)
v.copyrightLabel.Color[0] = rgbaColor(lightBrown)
v.copyrightLabel.SetPosition(copyrightX, copyrightY)
v.copyrightLabel2 = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.FontFormal12, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
v.copyrightLabel2.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
v.copyrightLabel2.SetText("All Rights Reserved.")
v.copyrightLabel2.Color = rgbaColor(lightBrown)
v.copyrightLabel2.Color[0] = rgbaColor(lightBrown)
v.copyrightLabel2.SetPosition(copyright2X, copyright2Y)
v.openDiabloLabel = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.FontFormal10, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
v.openDiabloLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
v.openDiabloLabel.SetText("OpenDiablo2 is neither developed by, nor endorsed by Blizzard or its parent company Activision")
v.openDiabloLabel.Color = rgbaColor(lightYellow)
v.openDiabloLabel.Color[0] = rgbaColor(lightYellow)
v.openDiabloLabel.SetPosition(od2LabelX, od2LabelY)
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ func (v *MainMenu) createLabels(loading d2screen.LoadingState) {
v.tcpJoinGameLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
v.tcpJoinGameLabel.SetText("Enter Host IP Address\nto Join Game")
v.tcpJoinGameLabel.Color = rgbaColor(gold)
v.tcpJoinGameLabel.Color[0] = rgbaColor(gold)
v.tcpJoinGameLabel.SetPosition(joinGameX, joinGameY)
@ -397,20 +397,17 @@ func (v *SelectHeroClass) createLabels() {
v.heroNameLabel = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.Font16, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
v.heroNameLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignLeft
v.heroNameLabel.Color = rgbaColor(gold)
v.heroNameLabel.SetText("Character Name")
v.heroNameLabel.SetText(d2ui.ColorTokenize("Character Name", d2ui.ColorTokenGold))
v.heroNameLabel.SetPosition(heroNameLabelX, heroNameLabelY)
v.expansionCharLabel = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.Font16, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
v.expansionCharLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignLeft
v.expansionCharLabel.Color = rgbaColor(gold)
v.expansionCharLabel.SetText("EXPANSION CHARACTER")
v.expansionCharLabel.SetText(d2ui.ColorTokenize("EXPANSION CHARACTER", d2ui.ColorTokenGold))
v.expansionCharLabel.SetPosition(expansionLabelX, expansionLabelY)
v.hardcoreCharLabel = d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.Font16, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
v.hardcoreCharLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignLeft
v.hardcoreCharLabel.Color = rgbaColor(gold)
v.hardcoreCharLabel.SetText(d2ui.ColorTokenize("Hardcore", d2ui.ColorTokenGold))
v.hardcoreCharLabel.SetPosition(hardcoreLabelX, hardcoreLabelY)
@ -94,13 +94,11 @@ func NewGameControls(renderer d2interface.Renderer, hero *d2mapentity.Player, ma
zoneLabel := d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.Font30, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
zoneLabel.Color = color.RGBA{R: 255, G: 88, B: 82, A: 255}
zoneLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
nameLabel := d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.FontFormal11, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
nameLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
nameLabel.Color = color.White
nameLabel.SetText(d2ui.ColorTokenize("", d2ui.ColorTokenServer))
// TODO make this depend on the hero type to respect inventory.txt
var inventoryRecordKey string
@ -440,7 +438,8 @@ func (g *GameControls) Render(target d2interface.Surface) error {
if within {
xOff, yOff := int(entOffset.X()), int(entOffset.Y())
xLabel, yLabel := entScreenX-xOff, entScreenY-yOff-entityHeight-hoverLabelOuterPad
g.nameLabel.SetPosition(xLabel, yLabel)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user