2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
package d2systems
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
import (
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
const (
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
SceneKeyMainMenu = "Main Menu"
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
func NewMainMenuScene() *Scene {
scene := &Scene{
BaseScene: NewBaseScene(SceneKeyMainMenu),
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
return scene
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
// static check that MainMenuScene implements the scene interface
var _ d2interface.Scene = &Scene{}
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
type Scene struct {
booted bool
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
func (s *Scene) Init(world *akara.World) {
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
s.Info("initializing ...")
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
func (s *Scene) boot() {
if !s.BaseScene.booted {
2020-11-19 17:17:01 -05:00
//s.createTrademarkScreen() // done last so that it's on top of everything
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
s.booted = true
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
func (s *Scene) createBackground() {
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
s.Info("creating background")
s.Add.Sprite(0, 0, d2resource.GameSelectScreen, d2resource.PaletteSky)
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
func (s *Scene) createButtons() {
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
s.Info("creating buttons")
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
func (s *Scene) createTrademarkScreen() {
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
s.Info("creating trademark screen")
//image := s.Add.Sprite(0, 0, d2resource.TrademarkScreen, d2resource.PaletteSky).
// SetOrigin(0, 0).
// SetDisplaySize(s.Camera.Width, s.Camera.Height).
// SetInteractive(true, nil)
//s.trademark = image
func (s *Scene) Update() {
if s.Paused() {
if !s.booted {
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
2020-11-18 21:33:22 -05:00
2020-10-28 18:49:49 -04:00
type mainMenuScreenMode int
//// mainMenuScreenMode types
//const (
// ScreenModeUnknown mainMenuScreenMode = iota
// ScreenModeTrademark
// ScreenModeMainMenu
// ScreenModeMultiplayer
// ScreenModeTCPIP
// ScreenModeServerIP
//const (
// joinGameDialogX, joinGameDialogY = 318, 245
// serverIPbackgroundX, serverIPbackgroundY = 270, 175
// backgroundX, backgroundY = 0, 0
// versionLabelX, versionLabelY = 795, -10
// commitLabelX, commitLabelY = 2, 2
// copyrightX, copyrightY = 400, 500
// copyright2X, copyright2Y = 400, 525
// od2LabelX, od2LabelY = 400, 580
// tcpOptionsX, tcpOptionsY = 400, 23
// joinGameX, joinGameY = 400, 190
// diabloLogoX, diabloLogoY = 400, 120
// exitDiabloBtnX, exitDiabloBtnY = 264, 535
// creditBtnX, creditBtnY = 264, 505
// cineBtnX, cineBtnY = 401, 505
// singlePlayerBtnX, singlePlayerBtnY = 264, 290
// githubBtnX, githubBtnY = 264, 400
// mapTestBtnX, mapTestBtnY = 264, 440
// tcpBtnX, tcpBtnY = 33, 543
// srvCancelBtnX, srvCancelBtnY = 285, 305
// srvOkBtnX, srvOkBtnY = 420, 305
// multiplayerBtnX, multiplayerBtnY = 264, 330
// tcpNetBtnX, tcpNetBtnY = 264, 280
// networkCancelBtnX, networkCancelBtnY = 264, 540
// tcpHostBtnX, tcpHostBtnY = 264, 280
// tcpJoinBtnX, tcpJoinBtnY = 264, 320
//const (
// white = 0xffffffff
// lightYellow = 0xffff8cff
// gold = 0xd8c480ff
//const (
// joinGameCharacterFilter = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890._:"
//// BuildInfo contains information about the current build
//type BuildInfo struct {
// Branch, Commit string
//// MainMenu represents the main menu
//type MainMenu struct {
// tcpIPBackground *d2ui.Sprite
// trademarkBackground *d2ui.Sprite
// background *d2ui.Sprite
// diabloLogoLeft *d2ui.Sprite
// diabloLogoRight *d2ui.Sprite
// diabloLogoLeftBack *d2ui.Sprite
// diabloLogoRightBack *d2ui.Sprite
// serverIPBackground *d2ui.Sprite
// singlePlayerButton *d2ui.Button
// multiplayerButton *d2ui.Button
// githubButton *d2ui.Button
// exitDiabloButton *d2ui.Button
// creditsButton *d2ui.Button
// cinematicsButton *d2ui.Button
// mapTestButton *d2ui.Button
// networkTCPIPButton *d2ui.Button
// networkCancelButton *d2ui.Button
// btnTCPIPCancel *d2ui.Button
// btnTCPIPHostGame *d2ui.Button
// btnTCPIPJoinGame *d2ui.Button
// btnServerIPCancel *d2ui.Button
// btnServerIPOk *d2ui.Button
// copyrightLabel *d2ui.Label
// copyrightLabel2 *d2ui.Label
// openDiabloLabel *d2ui.Label
// versionLabel *d2ui.Label
// commitLabel *d2ui.Label
// tcpIPOptionsLabel *d2ui.Label
// tcpJoinGameLabel *d2ui.Label
// tcpJoinGameEntry *d2ui.TextBox
// screenMode mainMenuScreenMode
// leftButtonHeld bool
// asset *d2asset.AssetManager
// inputManager d2interface.InputManager
// renderer d2interface.Renderer
// audioProvider d2interface.AudioProvider
// scriptEngine *d2script.ScriptEngine
// navigator d2interface.Navigator
// uiManager *d2ui.UIManager
// heroState *d2hero.HeroStateFactory
// buildInfo BuildInfo
//// CreateMainMenu creates an instance of MainMenu
//func CreateMainMenu(
// navigator d2interface.Navigator,
// asset *d2asset.AssetManager,
// renderer d2interface.Renderer,
// inputManager d2interface.InputManager,
// audioProvider d2interface.AudioProvider,
// ui *d2ui.UIManager,
// buildInfo BuildInfo,
//) (*MainMenu, error) {
// heroStateFactory, err := d2hero.NewHeroStateFactory(asset)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// mainMenu := &MainMenu{
// asset: asset,
// screenMode: ScreenModeUnknown,
// leftButtonHeld: true,
// renderer: renderer,
// inputManager: inputManager,
// audioProvider: audioProvider,
// navigator: navigator,
// buildInfo: buildInfo,
// uiManager: ui,
// heroState: heroStateFactory,
// }
// return mainMenu, nil
//// OnLoad is called to load the resources for the main menu
//func (v *MainMenu) OnLoad(loading d2screen.LoadingState) {
// v.audioProvider.PlayBGM(d2resource.BGMTitle)
// loading.Progress(twentyPercent)
// v.createLabels(loading)
// v.loadBackgroundSprites()
// v.createLogos(loading)
// v.createButtons(loading)
// v.tcpJoinGameEntry = v.uiManager.NewTextbox()
// v.tcpJoinGameEntry.SetPosition(joinGameDialogX, joinGameDialogY)
// v.tcpJoinGameEntry.SetFilter(joinGameCharacterFilter)
// loading.Progress(ninetyPercent)
// if v.screenMode == ScreenModeUnknown {
// v.SetScreenMode(ScreenModeTrademark)
// } else {
// v.SetScreenMode(ScreenModeMainMenu)
// }
// if err := v.inputManager.BindHandler(v); err != nil {
// fmt.Println("failed to add main menu as event handler")
// }
//func (v *MainMenu) loadBackgroundSprites() {
// var err error
// v.background, err = v.uiManager.NewSprite(d2resource.GameSelectScreen, d2resource.PaletteSky)
// if err != nil {
// log.Print(err)
// }
// v.background.SetPosition(backgroundX, backgroundY)
// v.trademarkBackground, err = v.uiManager.NewSprite(d2resource.TrademarkScreen, d2resource.PaletteSky)
// if err != nil {
// log.Print(err)
// }
// v.trademarkBackground.SetPosition(backgroundX, backgroundY)
// v.tcpIPBackground, err = v.uiManager.NewSprite(d2resource.TCPIPBackground, d2resource.PaletteSky)
// if err != nil {
// log.Print(err)
// }
// v.tcpIPBackground.SetPosition(backgroundX, backgroundY)
// v.serverIPBackground, err = v.uiManager.NewSprite(d2resource.PopUpOkCancel, d2resource.PaletteFechar)
// if err != nil {
// log.Print(err)
// }
// v.serverIPBackground.SetPosition(serverIPbackgroundX, serverIPbackgroundY)
//func (v *MainMenu) createLabels(loading d2screen.LoadingState) {
// v.versionLabel = v.uiManager.NewLabel(d2resource.FontFormal12, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
// v.versionLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignRight
// v.versionLabel.SetText("OpenDiablo2 - " + v.buildInfo.Branch)
// v.versionLabel.Color[0] = d2util.Color(white)
// v.versionLabel.SetPosition(versionLabelX, versionLabelY)
// v.commitLabel = v.uiManager.NewLabel(d2resource.FontFormal10, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
// v.commitLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignLeft
// v.commitLabel.SetText(v.buildInfo.Commit)
// v.commitLabel.Color[0] = d2util.Color(white)
// v.commitLabel.SetPosition(commitLabelX, commitLabelY)
// v.copyrightLabel = v.uiManager.NewLabel(d2resource.FontFormal12, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
// v.copyrightLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
// v.copyrightLabel.SetText("Diablo 2 is © Copyright 2000-2016 Blizzard Entertainment")
// v.copyrightLabel.Color[0] = d2util.Color(lightBrown)
// v.copyrightLabel.SetPosition(copyrightX, copyrightY)
// loading.Progress(thirtyPercent)
// v.copyrightLabel2 = v.uiManager.NewLabel(d2resource.FontFormal12, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
// v.copyrightLabel2.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
// v.copyrightLabel2.SetText("All Rights Reserved.")
// v.copyrightLabel2.Color[0] = d2util.Color(lightBrown)
// v.copyrightLabel2.SetPosition(copyright2X, copyright2Y)
// v.openDiabloLabel = v.uiManager.NewLabel(d2resource.FontFormal10, d2resource.PaletteStatic)
// v.openDiabloLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
// v.openDiabloLabel.SetText("OpenDiablo2 is neither developed by, nor endorsed by Blizzard or its parent company Activision")
// v.openDiabloLabel.Color[0] = d2util.Color(lightYellow)
// v.openDiabloLabel.SetPosition(od2LabelX, od2LabelY)
// loading.Progress(fiftyPercent)
// v.tcpIPOptionsLabel = v.uiManager.NewLabel(d2resource.Font42, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
// v.tcpIPOptionsLabel.SetPosition(tcpOptionsX, tcpOptionsY)
// v.tcpIPOptionsLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
// v.tcpIPOptionsLabel.SetText("TCP/IP Options")
// v.tcpJoinGameLabel = v.uiManager.NewLabel(d2resource.Font16, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
// v.tcpJoinGameLabel.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter
// v.tcpJoinGameLabel.SetText("Enter Host IP Address\nto Join Game")
// v.tcpJoinGameLabel.Color[0] = d2util.Color(gold)
// v.tcpJoinGameLabel.SetPosition(joinGameX, joinGameY)
//func (v *MainMenu) createLogos(loading d2screen.LoadingState) {
// var err error
// v.diabloLogoLeft, err = v.uiManager.NewSprite(d2resource.Diablo2LogoFireLeft, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
// if err != nil {
// log.Print(err)
// }
// v.diabloLogoLeft.SetEffect(d2enum.DrawEffectModulate)
// v.diabloLogoLeft.PlayForward()
// v.diabloLogoLeft.SetPosition(diabloLogoX, diabloLogoY)
// loading.Progress(sixtyPercent)
// v.diabloLogoRight, err = v.uiManager.NewSprite(d2resource.Diablo2LogoFireRight, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
// if err != nil {
// log.Print(err)
// }
// v.diabloLogoRight.SetEffect(d2enum.DrawEffectModulate)
// v.diabloLogoRight.PlayForward()
// v.diabloLogoRight.SetPosition(diabloLogoX, diabloLogoY)
// v.diabloLogoLeftBack, err = v.uiManager.NewSprite(d2resource.Diablo2LogoBlackLeft, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
// if err != nil {
// log.Print(err)
// }
// v.diabloLogoLeftBack.SetPosition(diabloLogoX, diabloLogoY)
// v.diabloLogoRightBack, err = v.uiManager.NewSprite(d2resource.Diablo2LogoBlackRight, d2resource.PaletteUnits)
// if err != nil {
// log.Print(err)
// }
// v.diabloLogoRightBack.SetPosition(diabloLogoX, diabloLogoY)
//func (v *MainMenu) createButtons(loading d2screen.LoadingState) {
// v.exitDiabloButton = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeWide, "EXIT DIABLO II")
// v.exitDiabloButton.SetPosition(exitDiabloBtnX, exitDiabloBtnY)
// v.exitDiabloButton.OnActivated(func() { v.onExitButtonClicked() })
// v.creditsButton = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeShort, "CREDITS")
// v.creditsButton.SetPosition(creditBtnX, creditBtnY)
// v.creditsButton.OnActivated(func() { v.onCreditsButtonClicked() })
// v.cinematicsButton = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeShort, "CINEMATICS")
// v.cinematicsButton.SetPosition(cineBtnX, cineBtnY)
// loading.Progress(seventyPercent)
// v.singlePlayerButton = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeWide, "SINGLE PLAYER")
// v.singlePlayerButton.SetPosition(singlePlayerBtnX, singlePlayerBtnY)
// v.singlePlayerButton.OnActivated(func() { v.onSinglePlayerClicked() })
// v.githubButton = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeWide, "PROJECT WEBSITE")
// v.githubButton.SetPosition(githubBtnX, githubBtnY)
// v.githubButton.OnActivated(func() { v.onGithubButtonClicked() })
// v.mapTestButton = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeWide, "MAP ENGINE TEST")
// v.mapTestButton.SetPosition(mapTestBtnX, mapTestBtnY)
// v.mapTestButton.OnActivated(func() { v.onMapTestClicked() })
// v.btnTCPIPCancel = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeMedium,
// d2tbl.TranslateString("cancel"))
// v.btnTCPIPCancel.SetPosition(tcpBtnX, tcpBtnY)
// v.btnTCPIPCancel.OnActivated(func() { v.onTCPIPCancelClicked() })
// v.btnServerIPCancel = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeOkCancel, "CANCEL")
// v.btnServerIPCancel.SetPosition(srvCancelBtnX, srvCancelBtnY)
// v.btnServerIPCancel.OnActivated(func() { v.onBtnTCPIPCancelClicked() })
// v.btnServerIPOk = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeOkCancel, "OK")
// v.btnServerIPOk.SetPosition(srvOkBtnX, srvOkBtnY)
// v.btnServerIPOk.OnActivated(func() { v.onBtnTCPIPOkClicked() })
// v.createMultiplayerMenuButtons()
// loading.Progress(eightyPercent)
//func (v *MainMenu) createMultiplayerMenuButtons() {
// v.multiplayerButton = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeWide, "MULTIPLAYER")
// v.multiplayerButton.SetPosition(multiplayerBtnX, multiplayerBtnY)
// v.multiplayerButton.OnActivated(func() { v.onMultiplayerClicked() })
// v.networkTCPIPButton = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeWide, "TCP/IP GAME")
// v.networkTCPIPButton.SetPosition(tcpNetBtnX, tcpNetBtnY)
// v.networkTCPIPButton.OnActivated(func() { v.onNetworkTCPIPClicked() })
// v.networkCancelButton = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeWide,
// d2tbl.TranslateString("cancel"))
// v.networkCancelButton.SetPosition(networkCancelBtnX, networkCancelBtnY)
// v.networkCancelButton.OnActivated(func() { v.onNetworkCancelClicked() })
// v.btnTCPIPHostGame = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeWide, "HOST GAME")
// v.btnTCPIPHostGame.SetPosition(tcpHostBtnX, tcpHostBtnY)
// v.btnTCPIPHostGame.OnActivated(func() { v.onTCPIPHostGameClicked() })
// v.btnTCPIPJoinGame = v.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeWide, "JOIN GAME")
// v.btnTCPIPJoinGame.SetPosition(tcpJoinBtnX, tcpJoinBtnY)
// v.btnTCPIPJoinGame.OnActivated(func() { v.onTCPIPJoinGameClicked() })
//func (v *MainMenu) onMapTestClicked() {
// v.navigator.ToMapEngineTest(0, 1)
//func (v *MainMenu) onSinglePlayerClicked() {
// if v.heroState.HasGameStates() {
// // Go here only if existing characters are available to select
// v.navigator.ToCharacterSelect(d2clientconnectiontype.Local, v.tcpJoinGameEntry.GetText())
// } else {
// v.navigator.ToSelectHero(d2clientconnectiontype.Local, v.tcpJoinGameEntry.GetText())
// }
//func (v *MainMenu) onGithubButtonClicked() {
// url := "https://www.github.com/OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2"
// var err error
// switch runtime.GOOS {
// case "linux":
// err = exec.Command("xdg-open", url).Start()
// case "windows":
// err = exec.Command("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", url).Start()
// case "darwin":
// err = exec.Command("open", url).Start()
// default:
// err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported platform")
// }
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
//func (v *MainMenu) onExitButtonClicked() {
// os.Exit(0)
//func (v *MainMenu) onCreditsButtonClicked() {
// v.navigator.ToCredits()
//// Render renders the main menu
//func (v *MainMenu) Render(screen d2interface.Surface) error {
// if err := v.renderBackgrounds(screen); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := v.renderLogos(screen); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := v.renderLabels(screen); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// return nil
//func (v *MainMenu) renderBackgrounds(screen d2interface.Surface) error {
// switch v.screenMode {
// case ScreenModeTrademark:
// if err := v.trademarkBackground.RenderSegmented(screen, 4, 3, 0); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// case ScreenModeServerIP:
// if err := v.serverIPBackground.RenderSegmented(screen, 2, 1, 0); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// case ScreenModeTCPIP:
// if err := v.tcpIPBackground.RenderSegmented(screen, 4, 3, 0); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// default:
// if err := v.background.RenderSegmented(screen, 4, 3, 0); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// }
// return nil
//func (v *MainMenu) renderLogos(screen d2interface.Surface) error {
// switch v.screenMode {
// case ScreenModeTrademark, ScreenModeMainMenu, ScreenModeMultiplayer:
// if err := v.diabloLogoLeftBack.Render(screen); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := v.diabloLogoRightBack.Render(screen); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := v.diabloLogoLeft.Render(screen); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := v.diabloLogoRight.Render(screen); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// }
// return nil
//func (v *MainMenu) renderLabels(screen d2interface.Surface) error {
// switch v.screenMode {
// case ScreenModeServerIP:
// v.tcpIPOptionsLabel.Render(screen)
// v.tcpJoinGameLabel.Render(screen)
// case ScreenModeTCPIP:
// v.tcpIPOptionsLabel.Render(screen)
// case ScreenModeTrademark:
// v.copyrightLabel.Render(screen)
// v.copyrightLabel2.Render(screen)
// case ScreenModeMainMenu:
// v.openDiabloLabel.Render(screen)
// v.versionLabel.Render(screen)
// v.commitLabel.Render(screen)
// }
// return nil
//// Advance runs the update logic on the main menu
//func (v *MainMenu) Advance(tickTime float64) error {
// switch v.screenMode {
// case ScreenModeMainMenu, ScreenModeTrademark, ScreenModeMultiplayer:
// if err := v.diabloLogoLeftBack.Advance(tickTime); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := v.diabloLogoRightBack.Advance(tickTime); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := v.diabloLogoLeft.Advance(tickTime); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if err := v.diabloLogoRight.Advance(tickTime); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// }
// return nil
//// OnMouseButtonDown is called when a mouse button is clicked
//func (v *MainMenu) OnMouseButtonDown(event d2interface.MouseEvent) bool {
// if v.screenMode == ScreenModeTrademark && event.Button() == d2enum.MouseButtonLeft {
// v.SetScreenMode(ScreenModeMainMenu)
// return true
// }
// return false
//// SetScreenMode sets the screen mode (which sub-menu the screen is on)
//func (v *MainMenu) SetScreenMode(screenMode mainMenuScreenMode) {
// v.screenMode = screenMode
// isMainMenu := screenMode == ScreenModeMainMenu
// isMultiplayer := screenMode == ScreenModeMultiplayer
// isTCPIP := screenMode == ScreenModeTCPIP
// isServerIP := screenMode == ScreenModeServerIP
// v.exitDiabloButton.SetVisible(isMainMenu)
// v.creditsButton.SetVisible(isMainMenu)
// v.cinematicsButton.SetVisible(isMainMenu)
// v.singlePlayerButton.SetVisible(isMainMenu)
// v.githubButton.SetVisible(isMainMenu)
// v.mapTestButton.SetVisible(isMainMenu)
// v.multiplayerButton.SetVisible(isMainMenu)
// v.networkTCPIPButton.SetVisible(isMultiplayer)
// v.networkCancelButton.SetVisible(isMultiplayer)
// v.btnTCPIPCancel.SetVisible(isTCPIP)
// v.btnTCPIPHostGame.SetVisible(isTCPIP)
// v.btnTCPIPJoinGame.SetVisible(isTCPIP)
// v.tcpJoinGameEntry.SetVisible(isServerIP)
// if isServerIP {
// v.tcpJoinGameEntry.Activate()
// }
// v.btnServerIPOk.SetVisible(isServerIP)
// v.btnServerIPCancel.SetVisible(isServerIP)
//func (v *MainMenu) onNetworkCancelClicked() {
// v.SetScreenMode(ScreenModeMainMenu)
//func (v *MainMenu) onMultiplayerClicked() {
// v.SetScreenMode(ScreenModeMultiplayer)
//func (v *MainMenu) onNetworkTCPIPClicked() {
// v.SetScreenMode(ScreenModeTCPIP)
//func (v *MainMenu) onTCPIPCancelClicked() {
// v.SetScreenMode(ScreenModeMultiplayer)
//func (v *MainMenu) onTCPIPHostGameClicked() {
// v.navigator.ToCharacterSelect(d2clientconnectiontype.LANServer, "")
//func (v *MainMenu) onTCPIPJoinGameClicked() {
// v.SetScreenMode(ScreenModeServerIP)
//func (v *MainMenu) onBtnTCPIPCancelClicked() {
// v.SetScreenMode(ScreenModeTCPIP)
//func (v *MainMenu) onBtnTCPIPOkClicked() {
// v.navigator.ToCharacterSelect(d2clientconnectiontype.LANClient, v.tcpJoinGameEntry.GetText())