2020-07-13 02:35:49 +00:00

958 B

template: post title: Website update author: flewkey timestamp: 1593548958 license: CC-BY

I like blogs. Blogs are one of the only suitable platforms for people to properly present ideas. There are no character limits, the author can embed whatever they want, and — most importantly — they can disable the comments section. This caught my attention, so I decided to start my own blog. Unfortunately, blogging on my plain HTML website was a pain. It needed an update.

Multiple people had recommended Jekyll to me, and I had seen many others use it for their websites. Making a simple blog with it seemed simple, but extending it to handle a custom page for my music was a pain. It didn't help that I am far too lazy to learn about Ruby.

The solution was ridiculously simple: a Makefile and some Python scripts. I had to fiddle with it for a couple of hours, but I am quite happy with the result. There should be less typos in the RSS feeds now!