#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import markdown from datetime import datetime from email import utils def remove_tags(text): return re.sub(re.compile('<.*?>'), "", text) def get_path(path, ext_in, ext_out): path = path[len("pages"):] if path[-len("index"+ext_in):] == "index"+ext_in: return path[:-len("index"+ext_in)] return path[:-len(ext_in)] + ext_out def get_dir(path): return "/".join(path.split("/")[1:-1])+"/" def get_root(path): root = "" for i in range(len(path.split("/"))-2): root += "../" return root licenses = { "CC-BY": ["cc-by", "CC BY 4.0", "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"] } def get_badge(license, root): if license not in licenses: return "" data = licenses[license] return "\""+data[1]+"\"/" def read_template(template, meta_in): if template[:10] != "meta: yes\n": return [template, {"meta": "no"}] data = template[:-1].split("\n\n") # Strip trailing newline md = markdown.Markdown(extensions = ["meta"]) md.convert(data[0]) content = "\n\n".join(data[1:]) content = content.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}") meta = meta_in.copy() meta.update(md.Meta) return [content, MetaDict(meta)] defaults = { "base": "https://flewkey.com/", "title": "Untitled", "author": "flewkey", "ext": ".html", "head": "" } class MetaDict(dict): def __missing__(self, key): return defaults[key] if key in defaults else "" def __getitem__(self, key): value = dict.__getitem__(self, key) if isinstance(value, list): return "\n".join(value) else: return value def template(content, path, ext, meta): global base meta = MetaDict(meta) if meta["template"] == None: return content.format_map(meta) with open("templates/"+meta["template"]+ext, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: t_content = file.read() t_info = read_template(t_content, meta) if t_info[1]["meta"] != "no" and "template" in t_info[1]: t_content = template(t_info[0], path, ext, t_info[1]) if "root" not in meta: meta["root"] = get_root(path) if "home" not in meta: meta["home"] = "." if meta["root"] == "" else meta["root"] if "full_path" not in meta: meta["full_path"] = get_path(path, ext, meta["ext"]) if "full_dir" not in meta: meta["full_dir"] = get_dir(path) if "badge" not in meta and ext == ".html": meta["badge"] = get_badge(meta["license"], meta["root"]) if "date" not in meta and "timestamp" in meta: meta["date"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(meta["timestamp"])).isoformat().split("T")[0] if "pub_date" not in meta and "timestamp" in meta: meta["pub_date"] = utils.format_datetime(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(meta["timestamp"]))) meta["head"] += "\n" meta["content"] = content.format_map(meta) if "description" not in meta and meta["ext"] == ".html": meta["auto_description"] = remove_tags(meta["content"].split("

")[0]) # Disgusting! if "description" in meta: meta["auto_description"] = meta["description"] return t_content.format_map(meta)