lapayo94@gmail.com c6b4ee8c9f - implemented the fire simulation in native c++ (cFireSimulator)
- Changed the Durationsystem for Items. cPlayer::UseEquippedItem calls cItem::DamageItem this function damages the item if it has a duration. (needed the duration also in another place so this saves code ;))
- added some other burning blocks
- the mobtypes for the settings.ini which i must have forgotten in the last commit

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@150 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2011-12-28 21:00:35 +00:00

45 lines
942 B

#include "cItem.h"
#include <json/json.h>
void cItem::GetJson( Json::Value & a_OutValue )
a_OutValue["ID"] = m_ItemID;
if( m_ItemID > 0 )
a_OutValue["Count"] = m_ItemCount;
a_OutValue["Health"] = m_ItemHealth;
void cItem::FromJson( const Json::Value & a_Value )
m_ItemID = (ENUM_ITEM_ID)a_Value.get("ID", -1 ).asInt();
if( m_ItemID > 0 )
m_ItemCount = (char)a_Value.get("Count", -1 ).asInt();
m_ItemHealth = (short)a_Value.get("Health", -1 ).asInt();
bool cItem::IsEnchantable(ENUM_ITEM_ID item)
if(item >= 256 && item <= 259)
return true;
if(item >= 267 && item <= 279)
return true;
if(item >= 283 && item <= 286)
return true;
if(item >= 290 && item <= 294)
return true;
if(item >= 298 && item <= 317)
return true;
if(item >= 290 && item <= 294)
return true;
if(item == 346 || item == 359 || item == 261)
return true;
return false;