Alexander Lyons Harkness 1926181cb7 Fix style of Tools
2017-12-24 14:23:23 +00:00

100 lines
2.7 KiB

// SpringStats.h
// Declares the cSpringStats class representing a cCallback descendant that collects statistics on lava and water springs
#pragma once
#include "Callback.h"
class cSpringStats :
public cCallback
class cStats
/** Per-height, per-biome frequencies of springs */
typedef UInt64 SpringStats[256][256];
SpringStats m_LavaSprings;
SpringStats m_WaterSprings;
/** Total number of chunks that are fully processed through this callback(OnSectionsFinished()) */
UInt64 m_TotalChunks;
void Add(const cStats & a_Other);
} ;
const cStats & GetStats(void) const { return m_Stats; }
BLOCKTYPE m_BlockTypes[16 * 16 * 256];
NIBBLETYPE m_BlockMetas[16 * 16 * 256 / 2];
char m_Biomes[16 * 16];
bool m_AreBiomesValid;
cStats m_Stats;
// cCallback overrides:
virtual bool OnNewChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) override;
virtual bool OnHeader(int a_FileOffset, unsigned char a_NumSectors, int a_Timestamp) override { return false; }
virtual bool OnCompressedDataSizePos(int a_CompressedDataSize, int a_DataOffset, char a_CompressionMethod) override { return false; }
virtual bool OnDecompressedData(const char * a_DecompressedNBT, int a_DataSize) override { return false; }
virtual bool OnRealCoords(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) override { return false; }
virtual bool OnLastUpdate(Int64 a_LastUpdate) override { return false; }
virtual bool OnTerrainPopulated(bool a_Populated) override { return !a_Populated; } // If not populated, we don't want it!
virtual bool OnBiomes(const unsigned char * a_BiomeData) override;
virtual bool OnHeightMap(const int * a_HeightMap) override { return false; }
virtual bool OnSection(
unsigned char a_Y,
const BLOCKTYPE * a_BlockTypes,
const NIBBLETYPE * a_BlockAdditional,
const NIBBLETYPE * a_BlockMeta,
const NIBBLETYPE * a_BlockLight,
const NIBBLETYPE * a_BlockSkyLight
) override;
virtual bool OnSectionsFinished(void) override;
/** Tests the specified block, if it appears to be a spring, it is added to a_Stats */
void TestSpring(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, cStats::SpringStats & a_Stats);
} ;
class cSpringStatsFactory :
public cCallbackFactory
virtual ~cSpringStatsFactory();
virtual cCallback * CreateNewCallback(void) override
return new cSpringStats;
cSpringStats::cStats m_CombinedStats;
void JoinResults(void);
/** Saves total per-height data (summed through biomes) for both spring types to the file */
void SaveTotals(const AString & a_FileName);
/** Saves complete per-height, per-biome statistics for the springs to the file */
void SaveStatistics(const cSpringStats::cStats::SpringStats & a_Stats, const AString & a_FileName);
} ;