Players should not spawn in the ground anymore. When an entity was added to cWorld twice (which shouldn't happen actually), the server would crash when the entity is destroyed, this should be fixed now. git-svn-id: 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
1105 lines
32 KiB
1105 lines
32 KiB
#include "BlockID.h"
#include "cWorld.h"
#include "cRedstone.h"
#include "cChunk.h"
#include "cClientHandle.h"
#include "cPickup.h"
#include "cBlockToPickup.h"
#include "cMCLogger.h"
#include "cPlayer.h"
#include "cServer.h"
#include "cCriticalSection.h"
#include "cItem.h"
#include "cRoot.h"
#include "../iniFile/iniFile.h"
#include "cChunkMap.h"
#include "cSimulatorManager.h"
#include "cWaterSimulator.h"
#include "cLavaSimulator.h"
#include "cFireSimulator.h"
#include "cSandSimulator.h"
#include "cChicken.h"
#include "cSpider.h"
#include "cCow.h" //cow
#include "cSquid.h" //Squid
#include "cWolf.h" //wolf
#include "cSlime.h" //slime
#include "cSkeleton.h" //Skeleton
#include "cSilverfish.h" //Silverfish
#include "cPig.h" //pig
#include "cSheep.h" //sheep
#include "cZombie.h" //zombie
#include "cEnderman.h" //enderman
#include "cCreeper.h" //creeper
#include "cCavespider.h" //cavespider
#include "cGhast.h" //Ghast
#include "cZombiepigman.h" //Zombiepigman
#include "cGenSettings.h"
#include "cMakeDir.h"
#include "cChunkGenerator.h"
#include "MersenneTwister.h"
#include "cWorldGenerator_Test.h"
#include "packets/cPacket_TimeUpdate.h"
#include "packets/cPacket_NewInvalidState.h"
#include "packets/cPacket_Thunderbolt.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "tolua++.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <sys/stat.h> // for mkdir
#include <sys/types.h>
float cWorld::m_Time = 0.f;
char g_BlockLightValue[128];
char g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[128];
bool g_BlockTransparent[128];
bool g_BlockOneHitDig[128];
bool g_BlockPistonBreakable[128];
#define RECI_RAND_MAX (1.f/RAND_MAX)
inline float fRadRand( float a_Radius )
MTRand r1;
return ((float)r1.rand() * RECI_RAND_MAX)*a_Radius - a_Radius*0.5f;
struct sSetBlockData
sSetBlockData( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, char a_BlockID, char a_BlockMeta )
: x( a_X )
, y( a_Y )
, z( a_Z )
, BlockID( a_BlockID )
, BlockMeta( a_BlockMeta )
int x, y, z;
char BlockID, BlockMeta;
typedef std::list< sSetBlockData > FastSetBlockList;
struct cWorld::sWorldState
cWorld::EntityList RemoveEntityQueue;
cWorld::EntityList AllEntities;
cWorld::ClientList Clients;
cWorld::PlayerList Players;
cWorld::ChunkList SpreadQueue;
FastSetBlockList FastSetBlockQueue;
cChunkGenerator* pChunkGenerator;
std::string WorldName;
cWorld* cWorld::GetWorld()
LOGWARN("WARNING: Using deprecated function cWorld::GetWorld() use cRoot::Get()->GetWorld() instead!");
return cRoot::Get()->GetWorld();
while( m_pState->AllEntities.begin() != m_pState->AllEntities.end() )
cEntity* Entity = *m_pState->AllEntities.begin();
m_pState->AllEntities.remove( Entity );
if( !Entity->IsDestroyed() ) Entity->Destroy();
RemoveEntity( Entity );
delete m_SimulatorManager;
delete m_SandSimulator;
delete m_WaterSimulator;
delete m_LavaSimulator;
delete m_FireSimulator;
delete m_pState->pChunkGenerator;
delete m_ChunkMap;
delete m_ClientHandleCriticalSection; m_ClientHandleCriticalSection = 0;
delete m_EntitiesCriticalSection; m_EntitiesCriticalSection = 0;
delete m_ChunksCriticalSection; m_ChunksCriticalSection = 0;
delete m_pState;
delete m_WorldGenerator;
cWorld::cWorld( const char* a_WorldName )
: m_pState( new sWorldState )
, m_SpawnMonsterTime( 0.f )
, m_RSList ( 0 )
, m_Weather ( 0 )
, m_WorldGenerator( 0 )
LOG("cWorld::cWorld(%s)", a_WorldName);
m_pState->WorldName = a_WorldName;
MTRand r1;
m_SpawnX = (double)((r1.randInt()%1000)-500);
m_SpawnY = 128;
m_SpawnZ = (double)((r1.randInt()%1000)-500);
m_WorldSeed = r1.randInt();
m_GameMode = 0;
std::string WorldGeneratorName;
cIniFile IniFile( m_pState->WorldName + "/world.ini");
if( IniFile.ReadFile() )
m_SpawnX = IniFile.GetValueF("SpawnPosition", "X", m_SpawnX );
m_SpawnY = IniFile.GetValueF("SpawnPosition", "Y", m_SpawnY );
m_SpawnZ = IniFile.GetValueF("SpawnPosition", "Z", m_SpawnZ );
m_WorldSeed = IniFile.GetValueI("Seed", "Seed", m_WorldSeed );
m_GameMode = IniFile.GetValueI("GameMode", "GameMode", m_GameMode );
WorldGeneratorName = IniFile.GetValue("Generator", "GeneratorName", "Default");
IniFile.SetValueF("SpawnPosition", "X", m_SpawnX );
IniFile.SetValueF("SpawnPosition", "Y", m_SpawnY );
IniFile.SetValueF("SpawnPosition", "Z", m_SpawnZ );
IniFile.SetValueI("Seed", "Seed", m_WorldSeed );
IniFile.SetValueI("GameMode", "GameMode", m_GameMode );
IniFile.SetValue("Generator", "GeneratorName", "Default" );
if( !IniFile.WriteFile() )
LOG("WARNING: Could not write to %s/world.ini", a_WorldName);
LOGINFO("Seed: %i", m_WorldSeed );
if("Test") == 0 )
m_WorldGenerator = new cWorldGenerator_Test();
else // Default
m_WorldGenerator = new cWorldGenerator();
cIniFile GenSettings("terrain.ini");
if( GenSettings.ReadFile() )
#define READ_INI_TERRAIN_VAL( var, type ) cGenSettings::var = (type)GenSettings.GetValueF("Terrain", #var, cGenSettings::var )
READ_INI_TERRAIN_VAL( HeightFreq1, float );
READ_INI_TERRAIN_VAL( HeightFreq2, float );
READ_INI_TERRAIN_VAL( HeightFreq3, float );
READ_INI_TERRAIN_VAL( HeightAmp1, float );
READ_INI_TERRAIN_VAL( HeightAmp2, float );
READ_INI_TERRAIN_VAL( HeightAmp3, float );
#define SET_INI_TERRAIN_VAL( var ) GenSettings.SetValueF("Terrain", #var, cGenSettings::var )
m_bAnimals = true;
m_SpawnMonsterRate = 10;
cIniFile IniFile2("settings.ini");
if( IniFile2.ReadFile() )
m_bAnimals = IniFile2.GetValueB("Monsters", "AnimalsOn", true );
m_SpawnMonsterRate = (float)IniFile2.GetValueF("Monsters", "AnimalSpawnInterval", 10 );
SetMaxPlayers(IniFile2.GetValueI("Server", "MaxPlayers", 9001));
m_Description = IniFile2.GetValue("Server", "Description", "MCServer! - It's OVER 9000!").c_str();
m_ChunkMap = new cChunkMap( 32, 32, this );
m_pState->pChunkGenerator = new cChunkGenerator( m_ChunkMap );
m_Time = 0;
m_WorldTimeFraction = 0.f;
m_WorldTime = 0;
m_LastSave = 0;
m_LastUnload = 0;
m_ClientHandleCriticalSection = new cCriticalSection();
m_EntitiesCriticalSection = new cCriticalSection();
m_ChunksCriticalSection = new cCriticalSection();
m_WaterSimulator = new cWaterSimulator( this );
m_LavaSimulator = new cLavaSimulator( this );
m_SandSimulator = new cSandSimulator(this);
m_FireSimulator = new cFireSimulator(this);
m_SimulatorManager = new cSimulatorManager();
m_SimulatorManager->RegisterSimulator(m_WaterSimulator, 6);
m_SimulatorManager->RegisterSimulator(m_LavaSimulator, 12);
m_SimulatorManager->RegisterSimulator(m_SandSimulator, 1);
m_SimulatorManager->RegisterSimulator(m_FireSimulator, 10);
memset( g_BlockLightValue, 0x0, 128 );
memset( g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff, 0xf, 128 ); // 0xf means total falloff
memset( g_BlockTransparent, 0x0, 128 );
memset( g_BlockOneHitDig, 0x0, 128 );
memset( g_BlockPistonBreakable, 0x0, 128 );
// Emissive blocks
g_BlockLightValue[ E_BLOCK_TORCH ] = 14;
g_BlockLightValue[ E_BLOCK_FIRE ] = 15;
g_BlockLightValue[ E_BLOCK_LAVA ] = 15;
g_BlockLightValue[ E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_LAVA ] = 15;
g_BlockLightValue[ E_BLOCK_GLOWSTONE ] = 15;
// Spread blocks
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_AIR ] = 1;
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_TORCH ] = 1;
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_FIRE ] = 1;
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_LAVA ] = 1;
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_LAVA ] = 1;
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_WATER ] = 4; // Light in water dissapears faster
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER ] = 4;
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_LEAVES ] = 1;
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_GLASS ] = 1;
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_GLOWSTONE ] = 1;
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_SIGN_POST ] = 1;
g_BlockSpreadLightFalloff[ E_BLOCK_WALLSIGN ] = 1;
// Transparent blocks
g_BlockTransparent[ E_BLOCK_AIR ] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[ E_BLOCK_GLASS ] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[ E_BLOCK_FIRE ] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[ E_BLOCK_ICE ] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[ E_BLOCK_TORCH ] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[ E_BLOCK_SIGN_POST ] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[ E_BLOCK_WALLSIGN ] = true;
// One hit break blocks
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_SAPLING ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_YELLOW_FLOWER ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_RED_ROSE ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_BROWN_MUSHROOM ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_RED_MUSHROOM ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_TNT ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_TORCH ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_WIRE ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_CROPS ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_ON ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_REEDS ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_WIRE ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_REPEATER_ON ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig[ E_BLOCK_LOCKED_CHEST ] = true;
g_BlockOneHitDig [ E_BLOCK_FIRE ] = true;
// Blocks that breaks when pushed by piston
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_AIR ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER ] = false; //This gave pistons the ability to drop water :D
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_WATER ] = false;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_LAVA ] = false;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_LAVA ] = false;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_BED ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_COBWEB ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_TALL_GRASS ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_YELLOW_FLOWER ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_BROWN_MUSHROOM ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_RED_ROSE ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_RED_MUSHROOM ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_DEAD_BUSH ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_TORCH ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_FIRE ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_WIRE ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_CROPS ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_LADDER ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_IRON_DOOR ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_LEVER ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_ON ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF ]= true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_SNOW ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_REEDS ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_PUMPKIN_STEM ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_MELON_STEM ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_MELON ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_PUMPKIN ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_JACK_O_LANTERN ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_VINES ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE ] = true;
g_BlockPistonBreakable[ E_BLOCK_WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE ] = true;
void cWorld::SetWeather( int Weather )
if (Weather == 2) { //thunder storm
m_Weather = 2;
cPacket_NewInvalidState WeatherPacket;
WeatherPacket.m_Reason = 1; //begin rain
Broadcast ( WeatherPacket );
CastThunderbolt ( 0, 0, 0 ); //start thunderstorm with a lightning strike at 0, 0, 0. >:D
if (Weather == 1) { //rainstorm
m_Weather = 1;
cPacket_NewInvalidState WeatherPacket;
WeatherPacket.m_Reason = 1; //begin rain
Broadcast ( WeatherPacket );
if (Weather == 0) { //sunny
m_Weather = 0;
cPacket_NewInvalidState WeatherPacket;
WeatherPacket.m_Reason = 2; //stop rain
Broadcast ( WeatherPacket );
void cWorld::CastThunderbolt ( int X, int Y, int Z ) {
cPacket_Thunderbolt ThunderboltPacket;
ThunderboltPacket.m_xLBPos = X;
ThunderboltPacket.m_yLBPos = Y;
ThunderboltPacket.m_zLBPos = Z;
Broadcast( ThunderboltPacket );
void cWorld::InitializeSpawn()
int ChunkX = 0, ChunkY = 0, ChunkZ = 0;
BlockToChunk( (int)m_SpawnX, (int)m_SpawnY, (int)m_SpawnZ, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
int ViewDist = cClientHandle::VIEWDISTANCE;
LOG("Loading spawn area");
for(int x = 0; x < ViewDist; x++)
for(int z = 0; z < ViewDist; z++)
GetChunk( x + ChunkX-(ViewDist-1)/2, 0, z + ChunkZ-(ViewDist-1)/2 );
LOG("Loaded %0.2f", ((float)x / (float)ViewDist)*100 );
void cWorld::Tick(float a_Dt)
int randWeather = 0;
bool bSendTime = false;
while( m_WorldTimeFraction > 1.f )
m_WorldTime %= 24000; // 24000 units in a day
bSendTime = true;
if( bSendTime ) Broadcast( cPacket_TimeUpdate( (m_WorldTime) ) );
for( cWorld::EntityList::iterator itr = GetEntities().begin(); itr != GetEntities().end();)
if( (*itr)->IsDestroyed() )
LOG("Destroy that entity! %i", (*itr)->GetUniqueID() );
cEntity* RemoveMe = *itr;
itr = m_pState->AllEntities.erase( itr );
m_pState->RemoveEntityQueue.push_back( RemoveMe );
int TimesSpreaded = 0;
while( !m_pState->SpreadQueue.empty() && TimesSpreaded < 50 ) // Spread a max of 50 times each tick, otherwise server will hang
cChunk* Chunk = (*m_pState->SpreadQueue.begin());
//LOG("Spreading: %p", Chunk );
Chunk->SpreadLight( Chunk->pGetSkyLight() );
Chunk->SpreadLight( Chunk->pGetLight() );
m_pState->SpreadQueue.remove( &*Chunk );
if( TimesSpreaded >= 50 )
LOGWARN("Lots of lighting to do! At least %i chunks left!", m_pState->SpreadQueue.size() );
MTRand r1;
if ( GetWeather() == 0 ) { //if sunny
if( CurrentTick % 19 == 0 ) { //every 20 ticks random weather
randWeather = (r1.randInt() %10000);
if (randWeather == 0) {
LOG("Starting Rainstorm!");
SetWeather ( 1 );
} else if (randWeather == 1) {
LOG("Starting Thunderstorm!");
SetWeather ( 2 );
if ( GetWeather() != 0 ) { //if raining or thunderstorm
if( CurrentTick % 19 == 0 ) { //every 20 ticks random weather
randWeather = (r1.randInt() %4999);
if (randWeather == 0) { //2% chance per second
LOG("Back to sunny!");
SetWeather ( 0 );
} else if ( (randWeather > 4000) && (GetWeather() != 2) ) { //random chance for rainstorm to turn into thunderstorm.
LOG("Starting Thunderstorm!");
SetWeather ( 2 );
if ( GetWeather() == 2 ) { //if thunderstorm
if (r1.randInt() %199 == 0) { //0.5% chance per tick of thunderbolt
CastThunderbolt ( 0, 0, 0 ); //todo: find random possitions near players to cast thunderbolts.
// Asynchronously set blocks
FastSetBlockList FastSetBlockQueueCopy = m_pState->FastSetBlockQueue;
for( FastSetBlockList::iterator itr = FastSetBlockQueueCopy.begin(); itr != FastSetBlockQueueCopy.end(); ++itr )
sSetBlockData & SetBlockData = *itr;
FastSetBlock( SetBlockData.x, SetBlockData.y, SetBlockData.z, SetBlockData.BlockID, SetBlockData.BlockMeta ); // If unable to set block, it's added to FastSetBlockQueue again
if( FastSetBlockQueueCopy.size() != m_pState->FastSetBlockQueue.size() )
LOG(" Before: %i, after %i" , FastSetBlockQueueCopy.size(), m_pState->FastSetBlockQueue.size() );
if( m_Time - m_LastSave > 60*5 ) // Save each 5 minutes
if( m_Time - m_LastUnload > 10 ) // Unload each minute
while( !m_pState->RemoveEntityQueue.empty() )
RemoveEntity( *m_pState->RemoveEntityQueue.begin() );
if( m_bAnimals && ( m_Time - m_SpawnMonsterTime > m_SpawnMonsterRate ) ) // 10 seconds
m_SpawnMonsterTime = m_Time;
if( m_pState->Players.size() > 0 )
cMonster *Monster = 0;
//srand ( time(NULL) ); // Only seed random ONCE! Is already done in the cWorld constructor
int dayRand = r1.randInt() % 6; //added mob code
int nightRand = r1.randInt() % 10; //added mob code
int RandomPlayerIdx = r1.randInt() & m_pState->Players.size();
PlayerList::iterator itr = m_pState->Players.begin();
for( int i = 1; i < RandomPlayerIdx; i++ )
cPlayer* Player = *itr;
Vector3d SpawnPos = Player->GetPosition();
SpawnPos += Vector3d( (double)(r1.randInt()%64)-32, (double)(r1.randInt()%64)-32, (double)(r1.randInt()%64)-32 );
char Height = GetHeight( (int)SpawnPos.x, (int)SpawnPos.z );
if(m_WorldTime >= 12000 + 1000) {
if (nightRand == 0) //random percent to spawn for night
Monster = new cSpider();
else if (nightRand == 1)
Monster = new cZombie();
else if (nightRand == 2)
Monster = new cEnderman();
else if (nightRand == 3)
Monster = new cCreeper();
else if (nightRand == 4)
Monster = new cCavespider();
else if (nightRand == 5)
Monster = new cGhast();
else if (nightRand == 6)
Monster = new cZombiepigman();
else if (nightRand == 7)
Monster = new cSlime();
else if (nightRand == 8)
Monster = new cSilverfish();
else if (nightRand == 9)
Monster = new cSkeleton();
//end random percent to spawn for night
} else {
if (dayRand == 0) //random percent to spawn for day
Monster = new cChicken();
else if (dayRand == 1)
Monster = new cCow();
else if (dayRand == 2)
Monster = new cPig();
else if (dayRand == 3)
Monster = new cSheep();
else if (dayRand == 4)
Monster = new cSquid();
else if (dayRand == 5)
Monster = new cWolf();
//end random percent to spawn for day
if( Monster )
Monster->Initialize( this );
Monster->TeleportTo( SpawnPos.x, (double)(Height)+2, SpawnPos.z );
Monster->SpawnOn( 0 );
std::vector<int> m_RSList_copy(m_RSList);
//copy(m_RSList.begin(), m_RSList.end(), m_RSList_copy.begin());
int tempX; // FIXME - Keep the scope in mind, these variables are not used in this scope at all, move them down into the for loop
int tempY;
int tempZ;
int state;
std::vector<int>::const_iterator cii; // FIXME - Please rename this variable, WTF is cii??? Use human readable variable names or common abbreviations (i, idx, itr, iter)
for(cii=m_RSList_copy.begin(); cii!=m_RSList_copy.end();)
tempX = *cii;cii++;
tempY = *cii;cii++;
tempZ = *cii;cii++;
state = *cii;cii++;
//printf ("%i, %i, %i, %i\n",tempX,tempY,tempZ,state) ;
if ( (state == 11111) && ( (int)GetBlock( tempX, tempY, tempZ ) == E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF ) ) {
FastSetBlock( tempX, tempY, tempZ, E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_ON, (int)GetBlockMeta( tempX, tempY, tempZ ) );
cRedstone Redstone(this);
Redstone.ChangeRedstone( tempX, tempY, tempZ, true );
} else if ( (state == 00000) && ( (int)GetBlock( tempX, tempY, tempZ ) == E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_ON ) ) {
FastSetBlock( tempX, tempY, tempZ, E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF, (int)GetBlockMeta( tempX, tempY, tempZ ) );
cRedstone Redstone(this);
Redstone.ChangeRedstone( tempX, tempY, tempZ, false );
void cWorld::GrowTree( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z )
// new tree code, looks much better
// with help from seanj
// converted from php to lua then lua to c++
// build trunk
MTRand r1;
int trunk = r1.randInt() % (7 - 5 + 1) + 5;
for (int i = 0; i < trunk; i++)
if( GetBlock( a_X, a_Y + i, a_Z ) == E_BLOCK_AIR )
FastSetBlock( a_X, a_Y + i, a_Z, E_BLOCK_LOG, 0 );
// build tree
for (int j = 0; j < trunk; j++) {
int radius = trunk - j;
if (radius < 4) {
if (radius > 2) {
radius = 2;
for (int i = a_X - radius; i <= a_X + radius; i++) {
for (int k = a_Z-radius; k <= a_Z + radius; k++) {
// small chance to be missing a block to add a little random
if (k != a_Z || i != a_X && (r1.randInt() % 100 + 1) > 20) {
if( GetBlock( i, a_Y + j, k ) == E_BLOCK_AIR )
FastSetBlock(i, a_Y+j, k, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 0 );
else {
//if( m_BlockType[ MakeIndex(i, TopY+j, k) ] == E_BLOCK_AIR )
// m_BlockType[ MakeIndex(i, TopY+j, k) ] = E_BLOCK_LEAVES;
if( GetBlock( a_X, a_Y+j, a_Z ) == E_BLOCK_AIR )
FastSetBlock( a_X, a_Y+j, a_Z, E_BLOCK_LOG, 0 );
// do the top
if( GetBlock( a_X+1, a_Y+trunk, a_Z ) == E_BLOCK_AIR )
FastSetBlock( a_X+1, a_Y+trunk, a_Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 0 );
if( GetBlock( a_X-1, a_Y+trunk, a_Z ) == E_BLOCK_AIR )
FastSetBlock( a_X-1, a_Y+trunk, a_Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 0 );
if( GetBlock( a_X, a_Y+trunk, a_Z+1 ) == E_BLOCK_AIR )
FastSetBlock( a_X, a_Y+trunk, a_Z+1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 0 );
if( GetBlock( a_X, a_Y+trunk, a_Z-1 ) == E_BLOCK_AIR )
FastSetBlock( a_X, a_Y+trunk, a_Z-1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 0 );
if( GetBlock( a_X, a_Y+trunk, a_Z ) == E_BLOCK_AIR )
FastSetBlock( a_X, a_Y+trunk, a_Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 0 );
// end new tree code
void cWorld::UnloadUnusedChunks()
m_LastUnload = m_Time;
cChunk* cWorld::GetChunkReliable( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z ) // TODO - FIXME - WARNING - This can cause a duplicate chunk to be generated!!
cChunk* Chunk = GetChunkUnreliable( a_X, a_Y, a_Z );
if( Chunk )
return Chunk;
// Found nothing, create a chunk
Chunk = new cChunk( a_X, a_Y, a_Z, this );
LOGWARN("Created new chunk! %i %i", a_X, a_Z);
m_ChunkMap->AddChunk( Chunk );
return Chunk;
// This should never happen since it's reliable, but yeah
return 0;
cChunk* cWorld::GetChunk( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z )
// Get chunk from memory
cChunk* Chunk = GetChunkUnreliable( a_X, a_Y, a_Z );
if( Chunk ) return Chunk;
// Generate new chunk asynchronously
m_pState->pChunkGenerator->GenerateChunk( a_X, a_Z );
// Could not find chunk, it's being generated, so return 0
return 0;
cChunk* cWorld::GetChunkUnreliable( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z )
cChunk* Chunk = m_ChunkMap->GetChunk( a_X, a_Y, a_Z );
if( Chunk ) return Chunk;
return 0;
cChunk* cWorld::GetChunkOfBlock( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z )
int ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ;
AbsoluteToRelative( a_X, a_Y, a_Z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
return GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
void cWorld::SetBlock( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, char a_BlockType, char a_BlockMeta )
int ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ, X = a_X, Y = a_Y, Z = a_Z;
AbsoluteToRelative( X, Y, Z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
cChunk* Chunk = GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
if( Chunk )
Chunk->SetBlock(X, Y, Z, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta );
this->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(a_X, a_Y, a_Z);
void cWorld::FastSetBlock( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, char a_BlockType, char a_BlockMeta )
int ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ, X = a_X, Y = a_Y, Z = a_Z;
AbsoluteToRelative( X, Y, Z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
cChunk* Chunk = GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
if( Chunk )
Chunk->FastSetBlock(X, Y, Z, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta );
// Could not find chunk, so it has been pushed into the generate chunks queue
// Check if currently generating the target chunk
Chunk = m_pState->pChunkGenerator->GetCurrentlyGenerating();
if( Chunk && Chunk->GetPosX() == ChunkX && Chunk->GetPosZ() == ChunkZ )
Chunk->FastSetBlock(X, Y, Z, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta );
// Unable to set block right now, try again later
m_pState->FastSetBlockQueue.push_back( sSetBlockData( a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta ) );
char cWorld::GetBlock( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z )
int ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ;
AbsoluteToRelative( a_X, a_Y, a_Z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
cChunk* Chunk = GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
if( Chunk ) return Chunk->GetBlock(a_X, a_Y, a_Z);
return 0;
char cWorld::GetBlockMeta( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z )
int ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ;
AbsoluteToRelative( a_X, a_Y, a_Z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
cChunk* Chunk = GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
if( Chunk ) return Chunk->GetLight( Chunk->pGetMeta(), a_X, a_Y, a_Z );
return 0;
void cWorld::SetBlockMeta( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, char a_MetaData )
int ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ;
AbsoluteToRelative( a_X, a_Y, a_Z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
cChunk* Chunk = GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
if( Chunk )
Chunk->SetLight( Chunk->pGetMeta(), a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_MetaData );
Chunk->SendBlockTo( a_X, a_Y, a_Z, 0 );
bool cWorld::DigBlock( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, cItem & a_PickupItem )
int PosX = a_X, PosY = a_Y, PosZ = a_Z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ;
AbsoluteToRelative( PosX, PosY, PosZ, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
cChunk* DestChunk = GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
DestChunk->SetBlock(PosX, PosY, PosZ, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0 );
GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(a_X, a_Y, a_Z);
if( !a_PickupItem.IsEmpty() )
cPickup* Pickup = new cPickup( a_X*32 + 16 + (int)fRadRand(16.f), a_Y*32 + 16 + (int)fRadRand(16.f), a_Z*32 + 16 + (int)fRadRand(16.f), a_PickupItem );
Pickup->Initialize( this );
return true;
void cWorld::SendBlockTo( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, cPlayer* a_Player )
int ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ;
AbsoluteToRelative( a_X, a_Y, a_Z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
cChunk* Chunk = GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
Chunk->SendBlockTo( a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Player->GetClientHandle() );
cBlockEntity* cWorld::GetBlockEntity( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z )
int PosX = a_X, PosY = a_Y, PosZ = a_Z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ;
AbsoluteToRelative( PosX, PosY, PosZ, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
cChunk* Chunk = GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
if( !Chunk ) return 0;
return Chunk->GetBlockEntity( a_X, a_Y, a_Z );
char cWorld::GetHeight( int a_X, int a_Z )
int PosX = a_X, PosY = 0, PosZ = a_Z, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ;
AbsoluteToRelative( PosX, PosY, PosZ, ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
cChunk* Chunk = GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkY, ChunkZ );
if( Chunk ) return Chunk->GetHeight( PosX, PosZ );
return 0;
const double & cWorld::GetSpawnY()
m_SpawnY = (double)GetHeight( (int)m_SpawnX, (int)m_SpawnZ ) + 1.6f; // +1.6f eye height
return m_SpawnY;
void cWorld::Broadcast( const cPacket & a_Packet, cClientHandle* a_Exclude /* = 0 */ )
for( PlayerList::iterator itr = m_pState->Players.begin(); itr != m_pState->Players.end(); ++itr)
if( (*itr)->GetClientHandle() == a_Exclude || !(*itr)->GetClientHandle()->IsLoggedIn() ) continue;
(*itr)->GetClientHandle()->Send( a_Packet );
std::string cWorld::GetDescription()
return this->m_Description;
unsigned int cWorld::GetMaxPlayers()
return this->m_MaxPlayers;
void cWorld::SetMaxPlayers(int iMax)
this->m_MaxPlayers = MAX_PLAYERS;
if (iMax > 0 && iMax < MAX_PLAYERS)
this->m_MaxPlayers = iMax;
void cWorld::AddPlayer( cPlayer* a_Player )
m_pState->Players.remove( a_Player );
m_pState->Players.push_back( a_Player );
void cWorld::RemovePlayer( cPlayer* a_Player )
m_pState->Players.remove( a_Player );
void cWorld::GetAllPlayers( lua_State* L )
lua_createtable(L, m_pState->Players.size(), 0);
int newTable = lua_gettop(L);
int index = 1;
PlayerList::const_iterator iter = m_pState->Players.begin();
while(iter != m_pState->Players.end()) {
tolua_pushusertype( L, (*iter), "cPlayer" );
lua_rawseti(L, newTable, index);
cPlayer* cWorld::GetPlayer( const char* a_PlayerName )
cPlayer* BestMatch = 0;
unsigned int MatchedLetters = 0;
unsigned int NumMatches = 0;
bool bPerfectMatch = false;
unsigned int NameLength = strlen( a_PlayerName );
for( PlayerList::iterator itr = m_pState->Players.begin(); itr != m_pState->Players.end(); itr++ )
std::string Name = (*itr)->GetName();
if( NameLength > Name.length() ) continue; // Definitely not a match
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NameLength; i++)
char c1 = (char)toupper( a_PlayerName[i] );
char c2 = (char)toupper( Name[i] );
if( c1 == c2 )
if( i+1 > MatchedLetters )
MatchedLetters = i+1;
BestMatch = *itr;
if( i+1 == NameLength )
if( NameLength == Name.length() )
bPerfectMatch = true;
if( BestMatch == *itr ) BestMatch = 0;
if( bPerfectMatch )
if( NumMatches == 1 )
return BestMatch;
// More than one matches, so it's undefined. Return 0 instead
return 0;
cEntity* cWorld::GetEntity( int a_UniqueID )
for( EntityList::iterator itr = m_pState->AllEntities.begin(); itr != m_pState->AllEntities.end(); ++itr )
if( (*itr)->GetUniqueID() == a_UniqueID )
return *itr;
return 0;
// void cWorld::RemoveClient( cClientHandle* a_Client )
// {
// m_pState->m_Clients.remove( a_Client );
// if( a_Client )
// {
// delete a_Client;
// a_Client = 0;
// }
// }
void cWorld::RemoveEntity( cEntity* a_Entity )
m_pState->RemoveEntityQueue.remove( a_Entity );
if( a_Entity )
delete a_Entity;
a_Entity = 0;
bool cWorld::RemoveEntityFromChunk( cEntity & a_Entity, cChunk* a_CalledFrom /* = 0 */ )
bool retVal = m_ChunkMap->RemoveEntityFromChunk( a_Entity, a_CalledFrom );
return retVal;
void cWorld::SaveAllChunks()
LOG("Saving all chunks...");
m_LastSave = m_Time;
LOG("Done saving chunks");
void cWorld::LockClientHandle()
void cWorld::UnlockClientHandle()
void cWorld::LockEntities()
void cWorld::UnlockEntities()
void cWorld::LockChunks()
void cWorld::UnlockChunks()
void cWorld::ReSpreadLighting( cChunk* a_Chunk )
m_pState->SpreadQueue.remove( a_Chunk );
m_pState->SpreadQueue.push_back( a_Chunk );
void cWorld::RemoveSpread( cChunk* a_Chunk )
m_pState->SpreadQueue.remove( a_Chunk );
/* Get and set */
// void cWorld::AddClient( cClientHandle* a_Client )
// {
// m_pState->m_Clients.push_back( a_Client );
// }
// cWorld::ClientList & cWorld::GetClients()
// {
// return m_pState->m_Clients;
// }
cWorld::EntityList & cWorld::GetEntities()
return m_pState->AllEntities;
void cWorld::AddEntity( cEntity* a_Entity )
m_pState->AllEntities.push_back( a_Entity );
cWorld::PlayerList & cWorld::GetAllPlayers()
return m_pState->Players;
unsigned int cWorld::GetNumPlayers()
return m_pState->Players.size();
void cWorld::AddToRemoveEntityQueue( cEntity & a_Entity )
m_pState->AllEntities.remove( &a_Entity);
m_pState->RemoveEntityQueue.push_back( &a_Entity );
const char* cWorld::GetName()
return m_pState->WorldName.c_str();