madmaxoft@gmail.com cf87169737 Refactored cInventory to use cItemGrid for the actual Storage
This makes the API more orthogonal and is easier to use in the plugins. Also changes in the inventory are now propagated to the needed places (armor updates to BroadcastEntityEquipment etc.) even when the inventory is changed by a plugin.

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1503 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2013-05-24 07:30:39 +00:00

676 lines
14 KiB

#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Inventory.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "ClientHandle.h"
#include "UI/Window.h"
#include "Item.h"
#include "Root.h"
#include "World.h"
#include <json/json.h>
#include "Items/ItemHandler.h"
cInventory::cInventory(cPlayer & a_Owner) :
m_ArmorSlots (1, 4), // 1 x 4 slots
m_InventorySlots(9, 3), // 9 x 3 slots
m_HotbarSlots (9, 1), // 9 x 1 slots
// Ask each ItemGrid to report changes to us:
void cInventory::Clear(void)
int cInventory::HowManyCanFit(const cItem & a_ItemStack, bool a_ConsiderEmptySlots)
return HowManyCanFit(a_ItemStack, 0, invNumSlots - 1, a_ConsiderEmptySlots);
int cInventory::HowManyCanFit(const cItem & a_ItemStack, int a_BeginSlotNum, int a_EndSlotNum, bool a_ConsiderEmptySlots)
if ((a_BeginSlotNum < 0) || (a_BeginSlotNum >= invNumSlots))
LOGWARNING("%s: Bad BeginSlotNum, got %d, there are %d slots; correcting to 0.", __FUNCTION__, a_BeginSlotNum, invNumSlots - 1);
a_BeginSlotNum = 0;
if ((a_EndSlotNum < 0) || (a_EndSlotNum >= invNumSlots))
LOGWARNING("%s: Bad EndSlotNum, got %d, there are %d slots; correcting to %d.", __FUNCTION__, a_BeginSlotNum, invNumSlots, invNumSlots - 1);
a_EndSlotNum = invNumSlots - 1;
if (a_BeginSlotNum > a_EndSlotNum)
std::swap(a_BeginSlotNum, a_EndSlotNum);
char NumLeft = a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount;
int MaxStack = ItemHandler(a_ItemStack.m_ItemType)->GetMaxStackSize();
for (int i = a_BeginSlotNum; i <= a_EndSlotNum; i++)
const cItem & Slot = GetSlot(i);
if (Slot.IsEmpty())
NumLeft -= MaxStack;
else if (Slot.IsStackableWith(a_ItemStack))
NumLeft -= MaxStack - Slot.m_ItemCount;
if (NumLeft <= 0)
// All items fit
return a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount;
} // for i - m_Slots[]
return a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount - NumLeft;
int cInventory::AddItem(const cItem & a_Item, bool a_AllowNewStacks)
cItem ToAdd(a_Item);
int res = 0;
if (ItemCategory::IsArmor(a_Item.m_ItemType))
res = m_ArmorSlots.AddItem(ToAdd, a_AllowNewStacks);
ToAdd.m_ItemCount -= res;
if (ToAdd.m_ItemCount == 0)
return res;
res += m_HotbarSlots.AddItem(ToAdd, a_AllowNewStacks);
ToAdd.m_ItemCount = a_Item.m_ItemCount - res;
if (ToAdd.m_ItemCount == 0)
return res;
res += m_InventorySlots.AddItem(ToAdd, a_AllowNewStacks);
return res;
int cInventory::AddItems(cItems & a_ItemStackList, bool a_AllowNewStacks)
int TotalAdded = 0;
for (cItems::iterator itr = a_ItemStackList.begin(); itr != a_ItemStackList.end();)
int NumAdded = AddItem(*itr, a_AllowNewStacks);
if (itr->m_ItemCount == NumAdded)
itr = a_ItemStackList.erase(itr);
itr->m_ItemCount -= NumAdded;
TotalAdded += NumAdded;
return TotalAdded;
bool cInventory::RemoveOneEquippedItem(void)
if (m_HotbarSlots.GetSlot(m_EquippedSlotNum).IsEmpty())
return false;
m_HotbarSlots.ChangeSlotCount(m_EquippedSlotNum, -1);
return true;
int cInventory::HowManyItems(const cItem & a_Item)
m_ArmorSlots.HowManyItems(a_Item) +
m_InventorySlots.HowManyItems(a_Item) +
bool cInventory::HasItems(const cItem & a_ItemStack)
int CurrentlyHave = HowManyItems(a_ItemStack);
return (CurrentlyHave >= a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount);
void cInventory::SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item)
if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= invNumSlots))
LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Ignoring.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, invNumSlots - 1);
int GridSlotNum = 0;
cItemGrid * Grid = GetGridForSlotNum(a_SlotNum, GridSlotNum);
if (Grid == NULL)
LOGWARNING("%s(%d): requesting an invalid itemgrid. Ignoring.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum);
Grid->SetSlot(GridSlotNum, a_Item);
void cInventory::SetArmorSlot(int a_ArmorSlotNum, const cItem & a_Item)
m_ArmorSlots.SetSlot(a_ArmorSlotNum, a_Item);
void cInventory::SetInventorySlot(int a_InventorySlotNum, const cItem & a_Item)
m_InventorySlots.SetSlot(a_InventorySlotNum, a_Item);
void cInventory::SetHotbarSlot(int a_HotBarSlotNum, const cItem & a_Item)
m_HotbarSlots.SetSlot(a_HotBarSlotNum, a_Item);
const cItem & cInventory::GetSlot(int a_SlotNum) const
if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= invNumSlots))
LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Returning the first inventory slot instead.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, invNumSlots - 1);
return m_InventorySlots.GetSlot(0);
int GridSlotNum = 0;
const cItemGrid * Grid = GetGridForSlotNum(a_SlotNum, GridSlotNum);
if (Grid == NULL)
// Something went wrong, but we don't know what. We must return a value, so return the first inventory slot
LOGWARNING("%s(%d): requesting an invalid ItemGrid, returning the first inventory slot instead.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum);
return m_InventorySlots.GetSlot(0);
return Grid->GetSlot(GridSlotNum);
const cItem & cInventory::GetArmorSlot(int a_ArmorSlotNum) const
if ((a_ArmorSlotNum < 0) || (a_ArmorSlotNum >= invArmorCount))
LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Returning the first one instead", __FUNCTION__, a_ArmorSlotNum, invArmorCount - 1);
return m_ArmorSlots.GetSlot(0);
return m_ArmorSlots.GetSlot(a_ArmorSlotNum);
const cItem & cInventory::GetInventorySlot(int a_InventorySlotNum) const
if ((a_InventorySlotNum < 0) || (a_InventorySlotNum >= invInventoryCount))
LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Returning the first one instead", __FUNCTION__, a_InventorySlotNum, invInventoryCount - 1);
return m_InventorySlots.GetSlot(0);
return m_InventorySlots.GetSlot(a_InventorySlotNum);
const cItem & cInventory::GetHotbarSlot(int a_SlotNum) const
if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= invHotbarCount))
LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Returning the first one instead", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, invHotbarCount - 1);
return m_HotbarSlots.GetSlot(0);
return m_HotbarSlots.GetSlot(a_SlotNum);
const cItem & cInventory::GetEquippedItem(void) const
return GetHotbarSlot(m_EquippedSlotNum);
void cInventory::SetEquippedSlotNum(int a_SlotNum)
if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= invHotbarCount))
LOGWARNING("%s: requesting invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Setting 0 instead.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, invHotbarCount - 1);
m_EquippedSlotNum = 0;
m_EquippedSlotNum = a_SlotNum;
bool cInventory::DamageEquippedItem(short a_Amount)
return DamageItem(invHotbarOffset + m_EquippedSlotNum, a_Amount);
bool cInventory::DamageItem(int a_SlotNum, short a_Amount)
if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= invNumSlots))
LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, invNumSlots - 1);
return false;
int GridSlotNum = 0;
cItemGrid * Grid = GetGridForSlotNum(a_SlotNum, GridSlotNum);
if (Grid == NULL)
LOGWARNING("%s(%d, %d): requesting an invalid grid, ignoring.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, a_Amount);
return false;
if (!Grid->DamageItem(GridSlotNum, a_Amount))
// The item has been damaged, but did not break yet
return false;
// The item has broken, remove it:
return true;
void cInventory::CopyToItems(cItems & a_Items)
void cInventory::SendWholeInventory(cClientHandle & a_Client)
void cInventory::SendSlot(int a_SlotNum)
cItem Item(GetSlot(a_SlotNum));
if (Item.IsEmpty())
// Sanitize items that are not completely empty (ie. count == 0, but type != empty)
m_Owner.GetClientHandle()->SendInventorySlot(0, a_SlotNum + 5, Item); // Slots in the client are numbered "+ 5" because of crafting grid and result
int cInventory::MoveItem(short a_ItemType, short a_ItemDamage, int a_Count, int a_BeginSlot, int a_EndSlot)
int res = 0;
for (int i = a_BeginSlot; i <= a_EndSlot; i++)
if (
m_Slots[i].IsEmpty() ||
((m_Slots[i].m_ItemType == a_ItemType) && (m_Slots[i].m_ItemDamage == a_ItemDamage))
int MaxCount = ItemHandler(a_ItemType)->GetMaxStackSize();
ASSERT(m_Slots[i].m_ItemCount <= MaxCount);
int NumToMove = std::min(a_Count, MaxCount - m_Slots[i].m_ItemCount);
m_Slots[i].m_ItemCount += NumToMove;
m_Slots[i].m_ItemDamage = a_ItemDamage;
m_Slots[i].m_ItemType = a_ItemType;
res += NumToMove;
a_Count -= NumToMove;
if (a_Count <= 0)
// No more items to distribute
return res;
} // for i - m_Slots[]
// No more space to distribute to
return res;
int cInventory::ArmorSlotNumToEntityEquipmentID(short a_ArmorSlotNum)
switch (a_ArmorSlotNum)
case 0: return 4; // Helmet
case 1: return 3; // Chestplate
case 2: return 2; // Leggings
case 3: return 1; // Boots
LOGWARN("%s: invalid armor slot number: %d", __FUNCTION__, a_ArmorSlotNum);
return 0;
#if 0
bool cInventory::AddToBar( cItem & a_Item, const int a_Offset, const int a_Size, bool* a_bChangedSlots, int a_Mode /* = 0 */ )
// Fill already present stacks
if( a_Mode < 2 )
int MaxStackSize = cItemHandler::GetItemHandler(a_Item.m_ItemType)->GetMaxStackSize();
for(int i = 0; i < a_Size; i++)
if( m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemType == a_Item.m_ItemType && m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount < MaxStackSize && m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemDamage == a_Item.m_ItemDamage )
int NumFree = MaxStackSize - m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount;
if( NumFree >= a_Item.m_ItemCount )
//printf("1. Adding %i items ( free: %i )\n", a_Item.m_ItemCount, NumFree );
m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount += a_Item.m_ItemCount;
a_Item.m_ItemCount = 0;
a_bChangedSlots[i + a_Offset] = true;
//printf("2. Adding %i items\n", NumFree );
m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount += (char)NumFree;
a_Item.m_ItemCount -= (char)NumFree;
a_bChangedSlots[i + a_Offset] = true;
if( a_Mode > 0 )
// If we got more left, find first empty slot
for(int i = 0; i < a_Size && a_Item.m_ItemCount > 0; i++)
if( m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemType == -1 )
m_Slots[i + a_Offset] = a_Item;
a_Item.m_ItemCount = 0;
a_bChangedSlots[i + a_Offset] = true;
return true;
void cInventory::SaveToJson(Json::Value & a_Value)
// The JSON originally included the 4 crafting slots and the result, so we have to put empty items there, too:
cItem EmptyItem;
Json::Value EmptyItemJson;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// The 4 armor slots follow:
for (int i = 0; i < invArmorCount; i++)
Json::Value JSON_Item;
// Next comes the main inventory:
for (int i = 0; i < invInventoryCount; i++)
Json::Value JSON_Item;
// The hotbar is the last:
for (int i = 0; i < invHotbarCount; i++)
Json::Value JSON_Item;
bool cInventory::LoadFromJson(Json::Value & a_Value)
int SlotIdx = 0;
for (Json::Value::iterator itr = a_Value.begin(); itr != a_Value.end(); ++itr, SlotIdx++)
cItem Item;
// The JSON originally included the 4 crafting slots and the result slot, so we need to skip the first 5 items:
if (SlotIdx < 5)
// If we loaded all the slots, stop now, even if the JSON has more:
if (SlotIdx - 5 >= invNumSlots)
int GridSlotNum = 0;
cItemGrid * Grid = GetGridForSlotNum(SlotIdx - 5, GridSlotNum);
Grid->SetSlot(GridSlotNum, Item);
} // for itr - a_Value[]
return true;
const cItemGrid * cInventory::GetGridForSlotNum(int a_SlotNum, int & a_GridSlotNum) const
ASSERT(a_SlotNum >= 0);
if (a_SlotNum < invArmorCount)
a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum;
return &m_ArmorSlots;
a_SlotNum -= invArmorCount;
if (a_SlotNum < invInventoryCount)
a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum;
return &m_InventorySlots;
a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum - invInventoryCount;
return &m_HotbarSlots;
cItemGrid * cInventory::GetGridForSlotNum(int a_SlotNum, int & a_GridSlotNum)
ASSERT(a_SlotNum >= 0);
if (a_SlotNum < invArmorCount)
a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum;
return &m_ArmorSlots;
a_SlotNum -= invArmorCount;
if (a_SlotNum < invInventoryCount)
a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum;
return &m_InventorySlots;
a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum - invInventoryCount;
return &m_HotbarSlots;
void cInventory::OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_ItemGrid, int a_SlotNum)
// Send the neccessary updates to whoever needs them
if (m_Owner.IsDestroyed())
// Owner is not (yet) valid, skip for now
// Armor update needs broadcast to other players:
cWorld * World = m_Owner.GetWorld();
if ((a_ItemGrid == &m_ArmorSlots) && (World != NULL))
m_Owner, ArmorSlotNumToEntityEquipmentID(a_SlotNum),
m_ArmorSlots.GetSlot(a_SlotNum), m_Owner.GetClientHandle()
// Convert the grid-local a_SlotNum to our global SlotNum:
int Base = 0;
if (a_ItemGrid == &m_ArmorSlots)
Base = invArmorOffset;
else if (a_ItemGrid == &m_InventorySlots)
Base = invInventoryOffset;
else if (a_ItemGrid == &m_HotbarSlots)
Base = invHotbarOffset;
ASSERT(!"Unknown ItemGrid calling OnSlotChanged()");
SendSlot(Base + a_SlotNum);