Added Spectator Gamemode
602 lines
22 KiB
602 lines
22 KiB
#pragma once
#include "Pawn.h"
#include "../Inventory.h"
#include "../Defines.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "../ClientHandle.h"
#include "../Statistics.h"
class cWindow;
class cClientHandle;
class cTeam;
// tolua_begin
class cPlayer :
public cPawn
typedef cPawn super;
static const int MAX_HEALTH;
static const int MAX_FOOD_LEVEL;
/** Number of ticks it takes to eat an item */
static const int EATING_TICKS;
// tolua_end
cPlayer(cClientHandle * a_Client, const AString & a_PlayerName);
virtual ~cPlayer();
virtual void SpawnOn(cClientHandle & a_Client) override;
virtual void Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) override;
virtual void HandlePhysics(float a_Dt, cChunk &) override { UNUSED(a_Dt); }
/** Returns the curently equipped weapon; empty item if none */
virtual cItem GetEquippedWeapon(void) const override { return m_Inventory.GetEquippedItem(); }
/** Returns the currently equipped helmet; empty item if none */
virtual cItem GetEquippedHelmet(void) const override { return m_Inventory.GetEquippedHelmet(); }
/** Returns the currently equipped chestplate; empty item if none */
virtual cItem GetEquippedChestplate(void) const override { return m_Inventory.GetEquippedChestplate(); }
/** Returns the currently equipped leggings; empty item if none */
virtual cItem GetEquippedLeggings(void) const override { return m_Inventory.GetEquippedLeggings(); }
/** Returns the currently equipped boots; empty item if none */
virtual cItem GetEquippedBoots(void) const override { return m_Inventory.GetEquippedBoots(); }
// tolua_begin
/** Sets the experience total
Returns true on success
"should" really only be called at init or player death, plugins excepted
bool SetCurrentExperience(short a_XpTotal);
/* changes Xp by Xp_delta, you "shouldn't" inc more than MAX_EXPERIENCE_ORB_SIZE
Wont't allow xp to go negative
Returns the new current experience, -1 on error
short DeltaExperience(short a_Xp_delta);
/** Gets the experience total - XpTotal for score on death */
inline short GetXpLifetimeTotal(void) { return m_LifetimeTotalXp; }
/** Gets the currrent experience */
inline short GetCurrentXp(void) { return m_CurrentXp; }
/** Gets the current level - XpLevel */
short GetXpLevel(void);
/** Gets the experience bar percentage - XpP */
float GetXpPercentage(void);
/** Caculates the amount of XP needed for a given level
Ref: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/XP
static short XpForLevel(short int a_Level);
/** Inverse of XpForLevel
Ref: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/XP
values are as per this with pre-calculations
static short CalcLevelFromXp(short int a_CurrentXp);
// tolua_end
/** Starts charging the equipped bow */
void StartChargingBow(void);
/** Finishes charging the current bow. Returns the number of ticks for which the bow has been charged */
int FinishChargingBow(void);
/** Cancels the current bow charging */
void CancelChargingBow(void);
/** Returns true if the player is currently charging the bow */
bool IsChargingBow(void) const { return m_IsChargingBow; }
void SetTouchGround( bool a_bTouchGround);
inline void SetStance( const double a_Stance) { m_Stance = a_Stance; }
double GetEyeHeight(void) const; // tolua_export
Vector3d GetEyePosition(void) const; // tolua_export
inline bool IsOnGround(void) const {return m_bTouchGround; } // tolua_export
inline double GetStance(void) const { return GetPosY() + 1.62; } // tolua_export // TODO: Proper stance when crouching etc.
inline cInventory & GetInventory(void) { return m_Inventory; } // tolua_export
inline const cInventory & GetInventory(void) const { return m_Inventory; }
/** Gets the contents of the player's associated enderchest */
cItemGrid & GetEnderChestContents(void) { return m_EnderChestContents; }
inline const cItem & GetEquippedItem(void) const { return GetInventory().GetEquippedItem(); } // tolua_export
/** Returns whether the player is climbing (ladders, vines etc.) */
bool IsClimbing(void) const;
virtual void TeleportToCoords(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ) override;
// tolua_begin
/** Sends the "look" packet to the player, forcing them to set their rotation to the specified values.
a_YawDegrees is clipped to range [-180, +180),
a_PitchDegrees is clipped to range [-180, +180) but the client only uses [-90, +90]
void SendRotation(double a_YawDegrees, double a_PitchDegrees);
/** Returns the position where projectiles thrown by this player should start, player eye position + adjustment */
Vector3d GetThrowStartPos(void) const;
/** Returns the initial speed vector of a throw, with a 3D length of a_SpeedCoeff. */
Vector3d GetThrowSpeed(double a_SpeedCoeff) const;
/** Returns the current gamemode. Partly OBSOLETE, you should use IsGameModeXXX() functions wherever applicable */
eGameMode GetGameMode(void) const { return m_GameMode; }
/** Returns the current effective gamemode (inherited gamemode is resolved before returning) */
eGameMode GetEffectiveGameMode(void) const { return (m_GameMode == gmNotSet) ? m_World->GetGameMode() : m_GameMode; }
/** Sets the gamemode for the player.
The gamemode may be gmNotSet, in that case the player inherits the world's gamemode.
Updates the gamemode on the client (sends the packet)
void SetGameMode(eGameMode a_GameMode);
/** Returns true if the player is in Creative mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world */
bool IsGameModeCreative(void) const;
/** Returns true if the player is in Survival mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world */
bool IsGameModeSurvival(void) const;
/** Returns true if the player is in Adventure mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world */
bool IsGameModeAdventure(void) const;
/** Returns true if the player is in Spectator mode, either explicitly, or by inheriting from current world */
bool IsGameModeSpectator(void) const;
AString GetIP(void) const { return m_IP; } // tolua_export
/** Returns the associated team, NULL if none */
cTeam * GetTeam(void) { return m_Team; } // tolua_export
/** Sets the player team, NULL if none */
void SetTeam(cTeam * a_Team);
/** Forces the player to query the scoreboard for his team */
cTeam * UpdateTeam(void);
// tolua_end
/** Return the associated statistic and achievement manager. */
cStatManager & GetStatManager() { return m_Stats; }
/** Awards the player an achievement.
If all prerequisites are met, this method will award the achievement and will broadcast a chat message.
If the achievement has been already awarded to the player, this method will just increment the stat counter.
Returns the _new_ stat value. (0 = Could not award achievement) */
unsigned int AwardAchievement(const eStatistic a_Ach);
void SetIP(const AString & a_IP);
// Sets the current gamemode, doesn't check validity, doesn't send update packets to client
void LoginSetGameMode(eGameMode a_GameMode);
/** Forces the player to move in the given direction.
@deprecated Use SetSpeed instead. */
void ForceSetSpeed(const Vector3d & a_Speed); // tolua_export
/** Tries to move to a new position, with attachment-related checks (y == -999) */
void MoveTo(const Vector3d & a_NewPos); // tolua_export
cWindow * GetWindow(void) { return m_CurrentWindow; } // tolua_export
const cWindow * GetWindow(void) const { return m_CurrentWindow; }
/** Opens the specified window; closes the current one first using CloseWindow() */
void OpenWindow(cWindow * a_Window); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
// tolua_begin
/** Closes the current window, resets current window to m_InventoryWindow. A plugin may refuse the closing if a_CanRefuse is true */
void CloseWindow(bool a_CanRefuse = true);
/** Closes the current window if it matches the specified ID, resets current window to m_InventoryWindow */
void CloseWindowIfID(char a_WindowID, bool a_CanRefuse = true);
cClientHandle * GetClientHandle(void) const { return m_ClientHandle; }
void SendMessage (const AString & a_Message) { m_ClientHandle->SendChat(a_Message, mtCustom); }
void SendMessageInfo (const AString & a_Message) { m_ClientHandle->SendChat(a_Message, mtInformation); }
void SendMessageFailure (const AString & a_Message) { m_ClientHandle->SendChat(a_Message, mtFailure); }
void SendMessageSuccess (const AString & a_Message) { m_ClientHandle->SendChat(a_Message, mtSuccess); }
void SendMessageWarning (const AString & a_Message) { m_ClientHandle->SendChat(a_Message, mtWarning); }
void SendMessageFatal (const AString & a_Message) { m_ClientHandle->SendChat(a_Message, mtFailure); }
void SendMessagePrivateMsg(const AString & a_Message, const AString & a_Sender) { m_ClientHandle->SendChat(a_Message, mtPrivateMessage, a_Sender); }
void SendMessage (const cCompositeChat & a_Message) { m_ClientHandle->SendChat(a_Message); }
const AString & GetName(void) const { return m_PlayerName; }
void SetName(const AString & a_Name) { m_PlayerName = a_Name; }
// tolua_end
bool HasPermission(const AString & a_Permission); // tolua_export
/** Returns true iff a_Permission matches the a_Template.
A match is defined by either being exactly the same, or each sub-item matches until there's a wildcard in a_Template.
Ie. {"a", "b", "c"} matches {"a", "b", "*"} but doesn't match {"a", "b"} */
static bool PermissionMatches(const AStringVector & a_Permission, const AStringVector & a_Template); // Exported in ManualBindings with AString params
/** Returns all the permissions that the player has assigned to them. */
const AStringVector & GetPermissions(void) { return m_Permissions; } // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
// tolua_begin
/** Returns the full color code to use for this player, based on their rank.
The returned value either is empty, or includes the cChatColor::Delimiter. */
AString GetColor(void) const;
/** tosses the item in the selected hotbar slot */
void TossEquippedItem(char a_Amount = 1);
/** tosses the item held in hand (when in UI windows) */
void TossHeldItem(char a_Amount = 1);
/** tosses a pickup newly created from a_Item */
void TossPickup(const cItem & a_Item);
/** Heals the player by the specified amount of HPs (positive only); sends health update */
virtual void Heal(int a_Health) override;
int GetFoodLevel (void) const { return m_FoodLevel; }
double GetFoodSaturationLevel (void) const { return m_FoodSaturationLevel; }
int GetFoodTickTimer (void) const { return m_FoodTickTimer; }
double GetFoodExhaustionLevel (void) const { return m_FoodExhaustionLevel; }
/** Returns true if the player is satiated, i. e. their foodlevel is at the max and they cannot eat anymore */
bool IsSatiated(void) const { return (m_FoodLevel >= MAX_FOOD_LEVEL); }
void SetFoodLevel (int a_FoodLevel);
void SetFoodSaturationLevel (double a_FoodSaturationLevel);
void SetFoodTickTimer (int a_FoodTickTimer);
void SetFoodExhaustionLevel (double a_FoodExhaustionLevel);
/** Adds to FoodLevel and FoodSaturationLevel, returns true if any food has been consumed, false if player "full" */
bool Feed(int a_Food, double a_Saturation);
/** Adds the specified exhaustion to m_FoodExhaustion. Expects only positive values. */
void AddFoodExhaustion(double a_Exhaustion);
/** Returns true if the player is currently in the process of eating the currently equipped item */
bool IsEating(void) const { return (m_EatingFinishTick >= 0); }
/** Returns true if the player is currently flying. */
bool IsFlying(void) const { return m_IsFlying; }
/** Returns if a player is sleeping in a bed */
bool IsInBed(void) const { return m_bIsInBed; }
/** returns true if the player has thrown out a floater. */
bool IsFishing(void) const { return m_IsFishing; }
void SetIsFishing(bool a_IsFishing, int a_FloaterID = -1) { m_IsFishing = a_IsFishing; m_FloaterID = a_FloaterID; }
int GetFloaterID(void) const { return m_FloaterID; }
// tolua_end
/** Sets a player's in-bed state; we can't be sure plugins will keep this value updated, so no exporting */
void SetIsInBed(bool a_Flag) { m_bIsInBed = a_Flag; }
/** Starts eating the currently equipped item. Resets the eating timer and sends the proper animation packet */
void StartEating(void);
/** Finishes eating the currently equipped item. Consumes the item, updates health and broadcasts the packets */
void FinishEating(void);
/** Aborts the current eating operation */
void AbortEating(void);
virtual void KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI) override;
virtual void Killed(cEntity * a_Victim) override;
void Respawn(void); // tolua_export
void SetVisible( bool a_bVisible); // tolua_export
bool IsVisible(void) const { return m_bVisible; } // tolua_export
/** Moves the player to the specified world.
Returns true if successful, false on failure (world not found). */
virtual bool DoMoveToWorld(cWorld * a_World, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn) override;
/** Saves all player data, such as inventory, to JSON */
bool SaveToDisk(void);
typedef cWorld * cWorldPtr;
/** Loads the player data from the disk file
Sets a_World to the world where the player will spawn, based on the stored world name or the default world by calling LoadFromFile()
Returns true on success, false on failure
bool LoadFromDisk(cWorldPtr & a_World);
/** Loads the player data from the specified file
Sets a_World to the world where the player will spawn, based on the stored world name or the default world
Returns true on success, false on failure
bool LoadFromFile(const AString & a_FileName, cWorldPtr & a_World);
const AString & GetLoadedWorldName() { return m_LoadedWorldName; }
void UseEquippedItem(int a_Amount = 1);
void SendHealth(void);
void SendExperience(void);
/** In UI windows, get the item that the player is dragging */
cItem & GetDraggingItem(void) {return m_DraggingItem; }
// In UI windows, when inventory-painting:
/** Clears the list of slots that are being inventory-painted. To be used by cWindow only */
void ClearInventoryPaintSlots(void);
/** Adds a slot to the list for inventory painting. To be used by cWindow only */
void AddInventoryPaintSlot(int a_SlotNum);
/** Returns the list of slots currently stored for inventory painting. To be used by cWindow only */
const cSlotNums & GetInventoryPaintSlots(void) const;
// tolua_begin
/** Returns the current relative maximum speed (takes current sprinting / flying state into account) */
double GetMaxSpeed(void) const;
/** Gets the normal relative maximum speed */
double GetNormalMaxSpeed(void) const { return m_NormalMaxSpeed; }
/** Gets the sprinting relative maximum speed */
double GetSprintingMaxSpeed(void) const { return m_SprintingMaxSpeed; }
/** Gets the flying relative maximum speed */
double GetFlyingMaxSpeed(void) const { return m_FlyingMaxSpeed; }
/** Sets the normal relative maximum speed. Sends the update to player, if needed. */
void SetNormalMaxSpeed(double a_Speed);
/** Sets the sprinting relative maximum speed. Sends the update to player, if needed. */
void SetSprintingMaxSpeed(double a_Speed);
/** Sets the flying relative maximum speed. Sends the update to player, if needed. */
void SetFlyingMaxSpeed(double a_Speed);
/** Sets the crouch status, broadcasts to all visible players */
void SetCrouch(bool a_IsCrouched);
/** Starts or stops sprinting, sends the max speed update to the client, if needed */
void SetSprint(bool a_IsSprinting);
/** Flags the player as flying */
void SetFlying(bool a_IsFlying);
/** If true the player can fly even when he's not in creative. */
void SetCanFly(bool a_CanFly);
/** Gets the last position that the player slept in
This is initialised to the world spawn point if the player has not slept in a bed as of yet
Vector3i GetLastBedPos(void) const { return m_LastBedPos; }
/** Sets the player's bed (home) position */
void SetBedPos(const Vector3i & a_Pos) { m_LastBedPos = a_Pos; }
/** Update movement-related statistics. */
void UpdateMovementStats(const Vector3d & a_DeltaPos);
/** Returns wheter the player can fly or not. */
virtual bool CanFly(void) const { return m_CanFly; }
/** Returns the UUID (short format) that has been read from the client, or empty string if not available. */
const AString & GetUUID(void) const { return m_UUID; }
/** (Re)loads the rank and permissions from the cRankManager.
Expects the m_UUID member to be valid.
Loads the m_Rank, m_Permissions, m_MsgPrefix, m_MsgSuffix and m_MsgNameColorCode members. */
void LoadRank(void);
// tolua_end
// cEntity overrides:
virtual bool IsCrouched (void) const { return m_IsCrouched; }
virtual bool IsSprinting(void) const { return m_IsSprinting; }
virtual bool IsRclking (void) const { return IsEating() || IsChargingBow(); }
virtual void Detach(void);
typedef std::vector<std::vector<AString> > AStringVectorVector;
/** The name of the rank assigned to this player. */
AString m_Rank;
/** All the permissions that this player has, based on their rank. */
AStringVector m_Permissions;
/** All the permissions that this player has, based on their rank, split into individual dot-delimited parts.
This is used mainly by the HasPermission() function to optimize the lookup. */
AStringVectorVector m_SplitPermissions;
// Message visuals:
AString m_MsgPrefix, m_MsgSuffix;
AString m_MsgNameColorCode;
AString m_PlayerName;
AString m_LoadedWorldName;
/** Xp Level stuff */
XP_TO_LEVEL15 = 255,
XP_TO_LEVEL30 = 825
} ;
bool m_bVisible;
// Food-related variables:
/** Represents the food bar, one point equals half a "drumstick" */
int m_FoodLevel;
/** "Overcharge" for the m_FoodLevel; is depleted before m_FoodLevel */
double m_FoodSaturationLevel;
/** Count-up to the healing or damaging action, based on m_FoodLevel */
int m_FoodTickTimer;
/** A "buffer" which adds up hunger before it is substracted from m_FoodSaturationLevel or m_FoodLevel. Each action adds a little */
double m_FoodExhaustionLevel;
float m_LastJumpHeight;
float m_LastGroundHeight;
bool m_bTouchGround;
double m_Stance;
/** Stores the player's inventory, consisting of crafting grid, hotbar, and main slots */
cInventory m_Inventory;
/** An item grid that stores the player specific enderchest contents */
cItemGrid m_EnderChestContents;
cWindow * m_CurrentWindow;
cWindow * m_InventoryWindow;
/** The player's last saved bed position */
Vector3i m_LastBedPos;
eGameMode m_GameMode;
AString m_IP;
/** The item being dragged by the cursor while in a UI window */
cItem m_DraggingItem;
long long m_LastPlayerListTime;
cClientHandle * m_ClientHandle;
cSlotNums m_InventoryPaintSlots;
/** Max speed, relative to the game default.
1 means regular speed, 2 means twice as fast, 0.5 means half-speed.
Default value is 1. */
double m_NormalMaxSpeed;
/** Max speed, relative to the game default max speed, when sprinting.
1 means regular speed, 2 means twice as fast, 0.5 means half-speed.
Default value is 1.3. */
double m_SprintingMaxSpeed;
/** Max speed, relative to the game default flying max speed, when flying.
1 means regular speed, 2 means twice as fast, 0.5 means half-speed.
Default value is 1. */
double m_FlyingMaxSpeed;
bool m_IsCrouched;
bool m_IsSprinting;
bool m_IsFlying;
bool m_IsSwimming;
bool m_IsSubmerged;
bool m_IsFishing;
bool m_CanFly; // If this is true the player can fly. Even if he is not in creative.
/** The world tick in which eating will be finished. -1 if not eating */
Int64 m_EatingFinishTick;
/** Player Xp level */
short int m_LifetimeTotalXp;
short int m_CurrentXp;
// flag saying we need to send a xp update to client
bool m_bDirtyExperience;
bool m_IsChargingBow;
int m_BowCharge;
int m_FloaterID;
cTeam * m_Team;
cStatManager m_Stats;
/** Flag representing whether the player is currently in a bed
Set by a right click on unoccupied bed, unset by a time fast forward or teleport */
bool m_bIsInBed;
/** How long till the player's inventory will be saved
Default save interval is #defined in PLAYER_INVENTORY_SAVE_INTERVAL */
unsigned int m_TicksUntilNextSave;
/** Flag used by food handling system to determine whether a teleport has just happened
Will not apply food penalties if found to be true; will set to false after processing
bool m_bIsTeleporting;
/** The short UUID (no dashes) of the player, as read from the ClientHandle.
If no ClientHandle is given, the UUID is initialized to empty. */
AString m_UUID;
/** Sets the speed and sends it to the client, so that they are forced to move so. */
virtual void DoSetSpeed(double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ) override;
void ResolvePermissions(void);
void ResolveGroups(void);
virtual void Destroyed(void);
/** Filters out damage for creative mode/friendly fire */
virtual bool DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & TDI) override;
/** Stops players from burning in creative mode */
virtual void TickBurning(cChunk & a_Chunk) override;
/** Called in each tick to handle food-related processing */
void HandleFood(void);
/** Called in each tick if the player is fishing to make sure the floater dissapears when the player doesn't have a fishing rod as equipped item. */
void HandleFloater(void);
/** Tosses a list of items. */
void TossItems(const cItems & a_Items);
/** Adds food exhaustion based on the difference between Pos and LastPos, sprinting status and swimming (in water block) */
void ApplyFoodExhaustionFromMovement();
/** Returns the filename for the player data based on the UUID given.
This can be used both for online and offline UUIDs. */
AString GetUUIDFileName(const AString & a_UUID);
} ; // tolua_export