madmaxoft e9f18f8b4f Tab completion packet is handled and sent.
This only handles the network comm and the overall design logic, the actual completion is not yet implemented, only dummy values are returned for now.
2013-07-30 22:48:59 +02:00

195 lines
7.4 KiB

// Protocol.h
// Interfaces to the cProtocol class representing the generic interface that a protocol
// parser and serializer must implement
#pragma once
#include "../Defines.h"
#include "../Endianness.h"
class cPlayer;
class cEntity;
class cWindow;
class cInventory;
class cPawn;
class cPickup;
class cMonster;
class cChunkDataSerializer;
class cWorld;
class cFallingBlock;
typedef unsigned char Byte;
class cProtocol
cProtocol(cClientHandle * a_Client) :
virtual ~cProtocol() {}
/// Called when client sends some data
virtual void DataReceived(const char * a_Data, int a_Size) = 0;
// Sending stuff to clients (alphabetically sorted):
virtual void SendAttachEntity (const cEntity & a_Entity, const cEntity * a_Vehicle) = 0;
virtual void SendBlockAction (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_Byte1, char a_Byte2, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) = 0;
virtual void SendBlockBreakAnim (int a_EntityID, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_Stage) = 0;
virtual void SendBlockChange (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) = 0;
virtual void SendBlockChanges (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, const sSetBlockVector & a_Changes) = 0;
virtual void SendChat (const AString & a_Message) = 0;
virtual void SendChunkData (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDataSerializer & a_Serializer) = 0;
virtual void SendCollectPickup (const cPickup & a_Pickup, const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0;
virtual void SendDestroyEntity (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0;
virtual void SendDisconnect (const AString & a_Reason) = 0;
virtual void SendEditSign (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) = 0; ///< Request the client to open up the sign editor for the sign (1.6+)
virtual void SendEntityEquipment (const cEntity & a_Entity, short a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item) = 0;
virtual void SendEntityHeadLook (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0;
virtual void SendEntityLook (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0;
virtual void SendEntityMetadata (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0;
virtual void SendEntityProperties (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0;
virtual void SendEntityRelMove (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_RelX, char a_RelY, char a_RelZ) = 0;
virtual void SendEntityRelMoveLook (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_RelX, char a_RelY, char a_RelZ) = 0;
virtual void SendEntityStatus (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_Status) = 0;
virtual void SendEntityVelocity (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0;
virtual void SendExplosion (double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, float a_Radius, const cVector3iArray & a_BlocksAffected, const Vector3d & a_PlayerMotion) = 0;
virtual void SendGameMode (eGameMode a_GameMode) = 0;
virtual void SendHealth (void) = 0;
virtual void SendInventoryProgress (char a_WindowID, short a_Progressbar, short a_Value) = 0;
virtual void SendInventorySlot (char a_WindowID, short a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item) = 0;
virtual void SendKeepAlive (int a_PingID) = 0;
virtual void SendLogin (const cPlayer & a_Player, const cWorld & a_World) = 0;
virtual void SendPickupSpawn (const cPickup & a_Pickup) = 0;
virtual void SendPlayerAnimation (const cPlayer & a_Player, char a_Animation) = 0;
virtual void SendPlayerListItem (const cPlayer & a_Player, bool a_IsOnline) = 0;
virtual void SendPlayerMaxSpeed (void) = 0; ///< Informs the client of the maximum player speed (1.6.1+)
virtual void SendPlayerMoveLook (void) = 0;
virtual void SendPlayerPosition (void) = 0;
virtual void SendPlayerSpawn (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0;
virtual void SendRespawn (void) = 0;
virtual void SendSoundEffect (const AString & a_SoundName, int a_SrcX, int a_SrcY, int a_SrcZ, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch) = 0; // a_Src coords are Block * 8
virtual void SendSoundParticleEffect (int a_EffectID, int a_SrcX, int a_SrcY, int a_SrcZ, int a_Data) = 0;
virtual void SendSpawnFallingBlock (const cFallingBlock & a_FallingBlock) = 0;
virtual void SendSpawnMob (const cMonster & a_Mob) = 0;
virtual void SendSpawnObject (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_ObjectType, int a_ObjectData, Byte a_Yaw, Byte a_Pitch) = 0;
virtual void SendSpawnVehicle (const cEntity & a_Vehicle, char a_VehicleType) = 0;
virtual void SendTabCompletionResults(const AStringVector & a_Results) = 0;
virtual void SendTeleportEntity (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0;
virtual void SendThunderbolt (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) = 0;
virtual void SendTimeUpdate (Int64 a_WorldAge, Int64 a_TimeOfDay) = 0;
virtual void SendUnloadChunk (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) = 0;
virtual void SendUpdateSign (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, const AString & a_Line1, const AString & a_Line2, const AString & a_Line3, const AString & a_Line4) = 0;
virtual void SendUseBed (const cEntity & a_Entity, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ ) = 0;
virtual void SendWeather (eWeather a_Weather) = 0;
virtual void SendWholeInventory (const cInventory & a_Inventory) = 0;
virtual void SendWholeInventory (const cWindow & a_Window) = 0;
virtual void SendWindowClose (const cWindow & a_Window) = 0;
virtual void SendWindowOpen (char a_WindowID, char a_WindowType, const AString & a_WindowTitle, char a_NumSlots) = 0;
/// Returns the ServerID used for authentication through session.minecraft.net
virtual AString GetAuthServerID(void) = 0;
cClientHandle * m_Client;
cCriticalSection m_CSPacket; //< Each SendXYZ() function must acquire this CS in order to send the whole packet at once
/// A generic data-sending routine, all outgoing packet data needs to be routed through this so that descendants may override it
virtual void SendData(const char * a_Data, int a_Size) = 0;
/// Called after writing each packet, enables descendants to flush their buffers
virtual void Flush(void) {};
// Helpers for writing partial packet data, write using SendData()
void WriteByte(Byte a_Value)
SendData((const char *)&a_Value, 1);
void WriteShort(short a_Value)
a_Value = htons(a_Value);
SendData((const char *)&a_Value, 2);
void WriteShort(unsigned short a_Value)
a_Value = htons(a_Value);
SendData((const char *)&a_Value, 2);
void WriteInt(int a_Value)
a_Value = htonl(a_Value);
SendData((const char *)&a_Value, 4);
void WriteUInt(unsigned int a_Value)
a_Value = htonl(a_Value);
SendData((const char *)&a_Value, 4);
void WriteInt64 (Int64 a_Value)
a_Value = HostToNetwork8(&a_Value);
SendData((const char *)&a_Value, 8);
void WriteFloat (float a_Value)
unsigned int val = HostToNetwork4(&a_Value);
SendData((const char *)&val, 4);
void WriteDouble(double a_Value)
unsigned long long val = HostToNetwork8(&a_Value);
SendData((const char *)&val, 8);
void WriteString(const AString & a_Value)
AString UTF16;
UTF8ToRawBEUTF16(a_Value.c_str(), a_Value.length(), UTF16);
WriteShort((unsigned short)(UTF16.size() / 2));
SendData(UTF16.data(), UTF16.size());
void WriteBool(bool a_Value)
WriteByte(a_Value ? 1 : 0);
void WriteVectorI(const Vector3i & a_Vector)
} ;