faketruth 35c44ede5a Compounds are not closed double anymore
Float values are actually added to 'lists' now (should do the same for the rest)
Indenting while printing NBT data aligns slightly better now

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@32 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2011-10-31 05:12:21 +00:00

923 lines
24 KiB

#include "cNBTData.h"
#include <string> // memcpy
#include <stdio.h>
#include "zlib.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <cstring>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <WinSock2.h>
// TODO: Delete all compounds and stuff in it
cNBTData::cNBTData( char* a_Buffer, unsigned int a_BufferSize )
: cNBTCompound( 0 )
m_NumUnnamedElements = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < TAG_NumTags; i++)
m_ParseFunctions[i] = 0;
m_ParseFunctions[TAG_Byte] = &cNBTData::ParseByte;
m_ParseFunctions[TAG_Short] = &cNBTData::ParseShort;
m_ParseFunctions[TAG_Int] = &cNBTData::ParseInt;
m_ParseFunctions[TAG_Long] = &cNBTData::ParseLong;
m_ParseFunctions[TAG_Double] = &cNBTData::ParseDouble;
m_ParseFunctions[TAG_Float] = &cNBTData::ParseFloat;
m_ParseFunctions[TAG_String] = &cNBTData::ParseString;
m_ParseFunctions[TAG_List] = &cNBTData::ParseList;
m_ParseFunctions[TAG_Compound] = &cNBTData::ParseCompound;
m_ParseFunctions[TAG_ByteArray] = &cNBTData::ParseByteArray;
m_Buffer = a_Buffer;
m_BufferSize = a_BufferSize;
m_Index = 0;
tm = false; //tm to true will print more information for test mode
if (m_BufferSize == 82659) {
// tm = true;
m_CurrentCompound = this;
m_bDecompressed = true;
bool cNBTData::OpenCompound( std::string a_Name )
cNBTCompound* Compound = GetCompound( a_Name );
if( Compound )
m_CurrentCompound = Compound;
return true;
printf("WARNING: Could not open NBT Compound %s\n", a_Name.c_str() );
return false;
bool cNBTData::CloseCompound()
if( m_CurrentCompound->GetParentCompound() )
m_CurrentCompound = m_CurrentCompound->GetParentCompound();
return true;
printf("WARNING: Could not close NBT Compound, already at root!\n" );
return false;
bool cNBTCompound::OpenList( std::string a_Name )
if( GetList( a_Name ) )
m_CurrentList = GetList( a_Name );
return true;
printf("WARNING: Could not open NBT List %s\n", a_Name.c_str() );
return false;
bool cNBTCompound::CloseList()
if( m_CurrentList )
m_CurrentList = m_CurrentList->GetParentList();
return true;
printf("WARNING: Could not close NBT List, no list open!\n" );
return false;
bool cNBTData::OpenList( std::string a_Name )
return m_CurrentCompound->OpenList( a_Name );
bool cNBTData::CloseList()
return m_CurrentCompound->CloseList();
void cNBTData::Compress()
//printf("Before Compress size: %i\n", m_BufferSize );//re
const int MAXNBTSIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 120;
int ret;
unsigned have;
z_stream strm;
unsigned char* Compressed = new unsigned char[MAXNBTSIZE];
/* allocate deflate state */
strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
strm.avail_in = m_BufferSize;
strm.avail_out = MAXNBTSIZE;
strm.next_in =(Bytef*)m_Buffer;
strm.next_out = Compressed;
strm.total_in = 0;
strm.total_out = 0;
if (ret != Z_OK)
printf("deflateInit2 returned NOT OK\n");
/* run deflate() on input until output buffer not full, finish
compression if all of source has been read in */
ret = deflate(&strm, Z_FULL_FLUSH); /* no bad return value */
if( ret != Z_OK )
printf("WARNING: deflate returned NOT OK\n");
assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR); /* state not clobbered */
have = strm.total_out;
assert(strm.avail_in == 0); /* all input will be used */
if( ret != Z_STREAM_END )
//printf("WARNING: Compressing didn't go to end of stream\n");//re
delete [] m_Buffer;
m_Buffer = 0;
//printf("Compressed size: %i\n", have );//re
m_BufferSize = have;
m_Buffer = new char[ m_BufferSize ];
memcpy( m_Buffer, Compressed, m_BufferSize );
delete Compressed;
/* clean up and return */
m_bDecompressed = false;
bool cNBTData::Decompress()
if( m_bDecompressed )
printf("WARNING: Decompress called, while it has already been decompressed\n");
return false;
if( m_BufferSize == 0 )
printf("WARNING: Decompress called, with m_BufferSize of 0\n");
return false;
//printf("Before Decompress size: %i\n", m_BufferSize );//re
const int MAXNBTSIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 120 ;
int ret;
z_stream strm;
unsigned char* out = new unsigned char[MAXNBTSIZE];
/* allocate inflate state */
strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
strm.avail_in = Z_NULL;
strm.next_in = Z_NULL;
strm.avail_in = m_BufferSize;
strm.avail_out = Z_NULL;
strm.next_in = (Bytef*)m_Buffer;
strm.next_out = Z_NULL;
strm.avail_out = MAXNBTSIZE;
strm.next_out = out;
strm.total_in = 0;
strm.total_out = 0;
ret = inflateInit2(&strm, 16+MAX_WBITS);
if (ret != Z_OK)
printf("inflateInit2 returned NOT OK\n");
delete out;
return false;
if( (ret = inflate(&strm, Z_NO_FLUSH)) != Z_STREAM_END)
assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR); /* state not clobbered */
printf("ret != Z_STREAM_END\n");
unsigned UncompressedSize = strm.total_out; //MAXNBTSIZE - strm.avail_out;
m_Buffer = new char[ UncompressedSize ];
memcpy( m_Buffer, out, UncompressedSize );
m_BufferSize = UncompressedSize;
delete [] out;
if( ret != Z_STREAM_END )
printf("WARNING: NBT Data received was too big! (More than %i bytes)\n", MAXNBTSIZE);
//printf("Decompressed Size: %i\n", UncompressedSize );//re
m_bDecompressed = true;
return (ret == Z_STREAM_END) ? true : false;
void cNBTCompound::AppendShort( std::string & a_Buffer, short a_Value )
a_Buffer.push_back( (char)((a_Value>>8)&0xff) );
a_Buffer.push_back( (char)((a_Value)&0xff) );
void cNBTCompound::AppendInteger( std::string & a_Buffer, int a_Value )
int NetVal = htonl( a_Value );
a_Buffer.append( (char*)&NetVal, sizeof( int ) );
void cNBTCompound::Serialize(std::string & a_Buffer)
for( CompoundMap::iterator itr = m_Compounds.begin(); itr != m_Compounds.end(); itr++ )
if( itr->second == 0 ) continue;
a_Buffer.push_back( TAG_Compound );
AppendShort( a_Buffer, (short)itr->first.size() );
if( itr->first.size() > 0 )
a_Buffer.append( itr->first.c_str(), itr->first.size() );
itr->second->Serialize( a_Buffer );
a_Buffer.push_back( TAG_End );
for( ListMap::iterator itr = m_Lists.begin(); itr != m_Lists.end(); itr++ )
if( itr->second == 0 ) continue;
a_Buffer.push_back( TAG_List );
AppendShort( a_Buffer, (short)itr->first.size() );
if( itr->first.size() > 0 )
a_Buffer.append( itr->first.c_str(), itr->first.size() );
a_Buffer.push_back( (char)itr->second->GetType() );
AppendInteger( a_Buffer, itr->second->GetSize() );
itr->second->Serialize( a_Buffer );
for( IntegerMap::iterator itr = m_Integers.begin(); itr != m_Integers.end(); itr++ )
a_Buffer.push_back( TAG_Int );
AppendShort( a_Buffer, (short)itr->first.size() );
if( itr->first.size() > 0 )
a_Buffer.append( itr->first.c_str(), itr->first.size() );
AppendInteger( a_Buffer, itr->second );
for( ShortMap::iterator itr = m_Shorts.begin(); itr != m_Shorts.end(); itr++ )
a_Buffer.push_back( TAG_Short );
AppendShort( a_Buffer, (short)itr->first.size() );
if( itr->first.size() > 0 )
a_Buffer.append( itr->first.c_str(), itr->first.size() );
AppendShort( a_Buffer, itr->second );
for( ByteMap::iterator itr = m_Bytes.begin(); itr != m_Bytes.end(); itr++ )
a_Buffer.push_back( TAG_Byte );
AppendShort( a_Buffer, (short)itr->first.size() );
if( itr->first.size() > 0 )
a_Buffer.append( itr->first.c_str(), itr->first.size() );
a_Buffer.push_back( itr->second );
for( DoubleMap::iterator itr = m_Doubles.begin(); itr != m_Doubles.end(); itr++ )
a_Buffer.push_back( TAG_Double );
AppendShort( a_Buffer, (short)itr->first.size() );
if( itr->first.size() > 0 )
a_Buffer.append( itr->first.c_str(), itr->first.size() );
a_Buffer.push_back( itr->second );
for( FloatMap::iterator itr = m_Floats.begin(); itr != m_Floats.end(); itr++ )
a_Buffer.push_back( TAG_Float );
AppendShort( a_Buffer, (short)itr->first.size() );
if( itr->first.size() > 0 )
a_Buffer.append( itr->first.c_str(), itr->first.size() );
a_Buffer.push_back( itr->second );
for( LongMap::iterator itr = m_Longs.begin(); itr != m_Longs.end(); itr++ )
a_Buffer.push_back( TAG_Long );
AppendShort( a_Buffer, (short)itr->first.size() );
if( itr->first.size() > 0 )
a_Buffer.append( itr->first.c_str(), itr->first.size() );
a_Buffer.push_back( itr->second );
void cNBTCompound::PrintData( int a_Depth, std::string a_Name )
char* Prefix = new char[a_Depth*4+1];
for(int i = 0; i < a_Depth*4; i++)
Prefix[i] = ' ';
Prefix[ a_Depth*4 ] = 0;
if( a_Name.size() > 0 )
printf("%sCOMPOUND (%s)\n", Prefix, a_Name.c_str() );
printf("%sCOMPOUND (...)\n", Prefix );
delete Prefix;
Prefix = new char[a_Depth*4];
for(int i = 0; i < a_Depth*4; i++)
Prefix[i] = ' ';
Prefix[ a_Depth*4-1 ] = 0;
for( CompoundMap::iterator itr = m_Compounds.begin(); itr != m_Compounds.end(); itr++ )
if( itr->second == 0 ) continue;
itr->second->PrintData( a_Depth, itr->first );
for( ListMap::iterator itr = m_Lists.begin(); itr != m_Lists.end(); itr++)
if( itr->second == 0 ) continue;
itr->second->PrintData( a_Depth, itr->first );
for( StringMap::iterator itr = m_Strings.begin(); itr != m_Strings.end(); itr++ )
printf("%s STRING %s (%s)\n", Prefix, itr->first.c_str(), itr->second.c_str() );
for( IntegerMap::iterator itr = m_Integers.begin(); itr != m_Integers.end(); itr++ )
printf("%s INTEGER %s (%i)\n", Prefix, itr->first.c_str(), itr->second );
for( ShortMap::iterator itr = m_Shorts.begin(); itr != m_Shorts.end(); itr++ )
printf("%s SHORT %s (%i)\n", Prefix, itr->first.c_str(), itr->second );
for( FloatMap::iterator itr = m_Floats.begin(); itr != m_Floats.end(); itr++ )
printf("%s FLOAT %s (%f)\n", Prefix, itr->first.c_str(), itr->second );
for( LongMap::iterator itr = m_Longs.begin(); itr != m_Longs.end(); itr++ )
printf("%s LONG %s (%lli)\n", Prefix, itr->first.c_str(), itr->second );
for( DoubleMap::iterator itr = m_Doubles.begin(); itr != m_Doubles.end(); itr++ )
printf("%s Double %s (%f)\n", Prefix, itr->first.c_str(), itr->second );
for( ByteMap::iterator itr = m_Bytes.begin(); itr != m_Bytes.end(); itr++ )
printf("%s BYTE %s (%i)\n", Prefix, itr->first.c_str(), itr->second );
for( ByteArrayMap::iterator itr = m_ByteArrays.begin(); itr != m_ByteArrays.end(); itr++ )
printf("%s BYTE ARRAY %s (length: %li)\n", Prefix, itr->first.c_str(), sizeof(itr->second) );
delete Prefix;
void cNBTData::PrintData()
printf("==== STRUCTURED NBT DATA ====\n");
m_CurrentCompound->PrintData( 0, " " );
void cNBTData::Serialize()
std::string Buffer;
m_CurrentCompound->Serialize( Buffer );
if( m_Buffer )
delete m_Buffer;
m_Buffer = new char[Buffer.size()];
memcpy( m_Buffer, Buffer.c_str(), Buffer.size() );
m_BufferSize = Buffer.size();
//printf("m_BufferSize1: %i\n", m_BufferSize);//re
//for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_BufferSize; i++)//re
// printf("%02i %02x %3i %c\n", i, (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], m_Buffer[i] );//re
void cNBTData::ParseData()
printf("WARNING: ParseData() called while data was not decompressed\n");
m_Index = 0;
//printf("m_BufferSize2: %i\n", m_BufferSize);//re
//for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_BufferSize; i++)//re
//for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 70; i++)//re
// printf("echo%02i %02x %3i %c\n", i, (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], m_Buffer[i] );//re
while( m_Index < m_BufferSize )
if (tm) {
printf("m_BufferSize3: %i\n", m_BufferSize);
printf("m_Index: %i\n", m_Index);
void cNBTData::ParseTags()
if( m_Index < m_BufferSize )
//printf("ParseTags idx:%02i %02x %3i %c\n", m_Index, (unsigned char)m_Buffer[m_Index], (unsigned char)m_Buffer[m_Index], m_Buffer[m_Index] );//re
ENUM_TAG Tag = (ENUM_TAG)m_Buffer[m_Index];
if( Tag > 0 && m_ParseFunctions[ Tag ] )
//printf("m_BufferSize4: %i\n", m_BufferSize);
//printf("m_Index1: %i\n\n\n\n", m_Index);
if (tm) {
printf("Tag: %i\n", Tag);
(*this.*m_ParseFunctions[ Tag ])(true);
else if( Tag == TAG_End )
if (tm) {
printf("Tag End\n");
int n;
std::cin >> n;
printf("UNKNOWN TAG %x\n", m_Buffer[m_Index] );
for(unsigned int i = (m_Index-10 > 0)?m_Index-10:0 ; i < m_Index+10 && i < m_BufferSize; i++)
printf("%02i %02x %3i %c\n", i, (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], m_Buffer[i] );
m_Index = m_BufferSize;
void cNBTData::ParseCompound( bool a_bNamed )
std::string Name;
if( a_bNamed ) Name = ReadName();
//printf("OPEN COMPOUND: %s\n", Name.c_str() );//re
PutCompound( Name );
OpenCompound( Name );
while( m_Index < m_BufferSize && m_Buffer[ m_Index ] != TAG_End )
//printf("CLOSE COMPOUND\n");//re
void cNBTData::ParseList( bool a_bNamed )
std::string Name;
if( a_bNamed ) Name = ReadName();
ENUM_TAG TagType = (ENUM_TAG)ReadByte();
int Length = ReadInt();
//printf("LIST: %s Type: %02x Length: %i\n", Name.c_str(), TagType, Length );//re
//for(unsigned int i = (m_Index-10 > 0)?m_Index-10:0 ; i < m_Index+10 && i < m_BufferSize; i++)//re
//printf("%02i %02x %3i %c\n", i, (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], m_Buffer[i] );//re
if (tm) {
printf("List Name, tag, length: %s, %i, %i\n", Name.c_str(), (int)TagType, Length);
PutList( Name, TagType );
OpenList( Name );
for(int i = 0; i < Length && m_Index < m_BufferSize; i++)
if( m_ParseFunctions[ TagType ] )
(*this.*m_ParseFunctions[ TagType ] )(false);
if (tm) {
printf("List Done Name, tag, length: %s, %i, %i\n", Name.c_str(), (int)TagType, Length);
void cNBTData::ParseByte( bool a_bNamed )
std::string Name;
if( a_bNamed ) Name = ReadName();
char Value = ReadByte();
PutByte( Name, Value );
if (tm) {
printf("BYTE: %s %i\n", Name.c_str(), Value );//re
void cNBTData::ParseShort( bool a_bNamed )
std::string Name;
if( a_bNamed ) Name = ReadName();
short Value = ReadShort();
PutShort( Name, Value );
if (tm) {
printf("SHORT: %s %i\n", Name.c_str(), Value );//re
void cNBTData::ParseInt( bool a_bNamed )
std::string Name;
if( a_bNamed ) Name = ReadName();
int Value = ReadInt();
PutInteger( Name, Value );
if (tm) {
printf("INT: %s %i\n", Name.c_str(), Value );//re
void cNBTData::ParseLong( bool a_bNamed )
if (tm) {
for(unsigned int i = (m_Index-10 > 0)?m_Index-10:0 ; i < m_Index+30 && i < m_BufferSize; i++) {
printf("%02i %02x %3i %c\n", i, (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], m_Buffer[i] );
std::string Name;
if( a_bNamed ) Name = ReadName();
long long Value = ReadLong();
//PutInteger( Name, (int)Value );
PutLong( Name, Value );
if (tm) {
printf("LONG: %s %lli\n", Name.c_str(), Value );//re
void cNBTData::ParseDouble( bool a_bNamed )
if (tm) {
for(unsigned int i = (m_Index-10 > 0)?m_Index-10:0 ; i < m_Index+30 && i < m_BufferSize; i++) {
printf("%02i %02x %3i %c\n", i, (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], m_Buffer[i] );
std::string Name;
if( a_bNamed ) Name = ReadName();
double Value = ReadDouble();
//PutInteger( Name, (int)Value );
PutDouble( Name, Value );
if (tm) {
printf("Double: %s %f\n", Name.c_str(), Value );//re
void cNBTData::ParseFloat( bool a_bNamed )
if (tm) {
for(unsigned int i = (m_Index-10 > 0)?m_Index-10:0 ; i < m_Index+30 && i < m_BufferSize; i++) {
printf("%02i %02x %3i %c\n", i, (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], m_Buffer[i] );
std::string Name;
if( a_bNamed ) Name = ReadName();
float Value = ReadFloat();
//PutInteger( Name, (int)Value );
PutFloat( Name, Value );
if (tm) {
printf("Float: %s %f\n", Name.c_str(), Value );//re
void cNBTData::ParseString( bool a_bNamed )
std::string Name;
if( a_bNamed ) Name = ReadName();
std::string String = ReadName();
PutString( Name, String );
if (tm) {
printf("STRING: %s (%s)\n", Name.c_str(), String.c_str() );//re
void cNBTData::ParseByteArray( bool a_bNamed )
std::string Name;
if( a_bNamed ) Name = ReadName();
int Length = ReadInt();
std::string String;
char* ByteArray = new char[ Length ];
if( Length > 0 )
memcpy( ByteArray, &m_Buffer[ m_Index ], Length );
m_Index += Length;
PutByteArray( Name, ByteArray );
if (tm) {
for(unsigned int i = (m_Index-10 > 0)?m_Index-10:0 ; i < m_Index+10 && i < m_BufferSize; i++) {
printf("%02i %02x %3i %c\n", i, (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], (unsigned char)m_Buffer[i], m_Buffer[i] );
std::string cNBTData::ReadName()
//printf("crui1 \n");
short Length = ReadShort();
//printf("crui Length: %i\n", Length);
std::string Name;
if( Length > 0 )
for(int i = 0; i < Length; i++, m_Index++)
Name.push_back( m_Buffer[m_Index] );
return Name;
char cNBTData::ReadByte()
unsigned char Byte = m_Buffer[ m_Index ]; m_Index++;
return Byte;
short cNBTData::ReadShort()
short Length = 0;
Length |= m_Buffer[ m_Index ] << 8; m_Index++;
Length |= m_Buffer[ m_Index ]; m_Index++;
return Length;
int cNBTData::ReadInt()
int Value = 0;
memcpy( &Value, m_Buffer+m_Index, sizeof(int) );
return ntohl( Value );
long long cNBTData::ReadLong()
if (tm) {
printf( "here1 : %i, m_Index: %i\n", (int)sizeof(long long), (int)m_Index );
long long Value = 0;
memcpy( &Value, m_Buffer+m_Index, sizeof(long long) );
m_Index+=sizeof(long long);
if (tm) {
printf( "here2 : %i, m_Index: %i\n", (int)sizeof(long long), (int)m_Index );
return Value;
double cNBTData::ReadDouble()
double Value = 0;
memcpy( &Value, m_Buffer+m_Index, sizeof(double) );
return Value;
float cNBTData::ReadFloat()
float Value = 0;
memcpy( &Value, m_Buffer+m_Index, sizeof(float) );
return Value;
void cNBTCompound::PutList( std::string Name, ENUM_TAG Type )
m_Lists[Name] = new cNBTList( m_CurrentList, Type );
void cNBTCompound::PutCompound( std::string Name )
if( m_CurrentList )
m_CurrentList->AddToList( new cNBTCompound( this ) );
m_Compounds[Name] = new cNBTCompound( this );
void cNBTCompound::PutFloat( std::string Name, float Value )
if( m_CurrentList )
m_CurrentList->AddToList( (void*)((unsigned int*)&Value) );
m_Floats[Name] = Value;
cNBTCompound* cNBTCompound::GetCompound( std::string Name )
if( m_CurrentList )
if( m_CurrentList->GetType() != TAG_Compound )
return 0;
return (cNBTCompound*)m_CurrentList->GetLastElement();
return m_Compounds[Name];
void cNBTList::PrintData(int a_Depth, std::string a_Name)
char* Prefix = new char[a_Depth*4];
for(int i = 0; i < a_Depth*4; i++)
Prefix[i] = ' ';
Prefix[ a_Depth*4-1 ] = 0;
if( a_Name.size() > 0 )
printf("%s LIST (%s)\n", Prefix, a_Name.c_str() );
printf("%s LIST\n", Prefix );
delete [] Prefix;
for( VoidList::iterator itr = m_List.begin(); itr != m_List.end(); itr++)
switch( m_Type )
case cNBTCompound::TAG_Compound:
((cNBTCompound*)*itr)->PrintData(a_Depth+1, "...");
void cNBTList::Serialize(std::string & a_Buffer)
for( VoidList::iterator itr = m_List.begin(); itr != m_List.end(); itr++ )
switch( m_Type )
case cNBTCompound::TAG_Compound:
((cNBTCompound*)(*itr))->Serialize( a_Buffer );
a_Buffer.push_back( cNBTCompound::TAG_End );
void cNBTData::Clear()
while( m_CurrentCompound != this ) CloseCompound();
if( m_Buffer )
delete m_Buffer;
m_Buffer = 0;
m_BufferSize = 0;
void cNBTCompound::Clear()
for( CompoundMap::iterator itr = m_Compounds.begin(); itr != m_Compounds.end(); itr++ )
if( itr->second == 0 ) continue;
delete itr->second;
itr->second = 0;
for( ListMap::iterator itr = m_Lists.begin(); itr != m_Lists.end(); itr++ )
if( itr->second == 0 ) continue;
delete itr->second;
itr->second = 0;
void cNBTList::Clear()
for( VoidList::iterator itr = m_List.begin(); itr != m_List.end(); itr++)
switch( m_Type )
case cNBTCompound::TAG_Compound:
cNBTCompound* Compound = (cNBTCompound*)(*itr);
delete Compound;
*itr = 0;
case cNBTCompound::TAG_List:
cNBTList* List = (cNBTList*)(*itr);
delete List;
*itr = 0;