faketruth 8a21fbf0ce I think I fixed the memory leaks in the converter
Updated makefile for Unix

I changed how the converter works, now you simply put the .exe in the folder you want to convert and run it, it'll output all the files in ./world

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@132 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2011-12-27 17:59:08 +00:00

24 lines
375 B

del *.ncb
del *.ilk
del *.lib
del *.exp
del *.map
del *.pdb
del *.bsc
del *.sdf
del *.opensdf /AH
del *.insprc
del *.aps
del applog.txt
del *.suo /AH
del debug\*.* /Q
del release\*.* /Q
del x64\*.* /Q
del "My Inspector Results"\*.* /Q
del ipch\*.* /Q
del build\*.* /Q
rd release /S /Q
rd debug /S /Q
rd ipch /S /Q
rd x64 /Q
rd "My Inspector Results" /Q