faketruth b5b920deda You can now run multiple worlds by defining them in settings.ini . However there's no way to change worlds on the fly yet
Players are now stored in separate folder /players instead of in the world folder (!so move the folder!)
Fixed a memory leak/error in cPickup.cpp
Multiple worlds are stored in cRoot
cClientHandle lists are taken out of cWorld and now stored in cServer
Worlds now have names to distinguish them by
Some functions in the Core plugin now distinguish between worlds

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@40 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2011-11-01 21:57:08 +00:00

220 lines
5.0 KiB

#include "cRoot.h"
#include "cMCLogger.h"
#include "cServer.h"
#include "cWorld.h"
#include "cWebAdmin.h"
#include "cFurnaceRecipe.h"
#include "cGroupManager.h"
#include "cRecipeChecker.h"
#include "cPluginManager.h"
#include "cMonsterConfig.h"
#include "cSleep.h"
#include "cThread.h"
#include "cFileFormatUpdater.h"
#include "../iniFile/iniFile.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <cstdio>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <cstring>
cRoot* cRoot::s_Root = 0;
typedef std::map< std::string, cWorld* > WorldMap;
struct cRoot::sRootState
cWorld* pDefaultWorld;
WorldMap WorldsByName;
: m_Server( 0 )
, m_MonsterConfig( 0 )
, m_GroupManager( 0 )
, m_RecipeChecker( 0 )
, m_FurnaceRecipe( 0 )
, m_WebAdmin( 0 )
, m_PluginManager( 0 )
, m_Log( 0 )
, m_bStop( false )
, m_bRestart( false )
, m_InputThread( 0 )
, m_pState( new sRootState )
s_Root = this;
s_Root = 0;
delete m_pState;
void cRoot::InputThread(void* a_Params)
cRoot& self = *(cRoot*)a_Params;
while( !(self.m_bStop || self.m_bRestart) )
std::string Command;
std::getline(std::cin, Command);
self.ServerCommand( Command.c_str() );
void cRoot::Start()
if( m_Log ) delete m_Log, m_Log = 0;
m_Log = new cMCLogger();
m_bStop = false;
m_bRestart = false;
m_Server = new cServer();
cIniFile IniFile("settings.ini"); IniFile.ReadFile();
int Port = IniFile.GetValueI("Server", "Port", 25565 );
if(!m_Server->InitServer( Port ))
LOG("Failed to start server, shutting down.");
cIniFile WebIniFile("webadmin.ini");
if( WebIniFile.ReadFile() )
if( WebIniFile.GetValueB("WebAdmin", "Enabled", false ) == true )
m_WebAdmin = new cWebAdmin(8080);
m_GroupManager = new cGroupManager();
m_RecipeChecker = new cRecipeChecker();
m_FurnaceRecipe = new cFurnaceRecipe();
m_PluginManager = new cPluginManager(); // This should be last
m_MonsterConfig = new cMonsterConfig(2);
// This sets stuff in motion
//cHeartBeat* HeartBeat = new cHeartBeat();
m_InputThread = new cThread( InputThread, this );
m_InputThread->Start( true );
while( !m_bStop && !m_bRestart ) // These are modified by external threads
cSleep::MilliSleep( 1000 );
delete m_InputThread; m_InputThread = 0;
// Deallocate stuffs
m_Server->Shutdown(); // This waits for threads to stop and d/c clients
delete m_PluginManager; m_PluginManager = 0; // This should be first
delete m_MonsterConfig; m_MonsterConfig = 0;
if( m_WebAdmin ) { delete m_WebAdmin; m_WebAdmin = 0; }
delete m_FurnaceRecipe; m_FurnaceRecipe = 0;
delete m_RecipeChecker; m_RecipeChecker = 0;
delete m_GroupManager; m_GroupManager = 0;
//delete HeartBeat; HeartBeat = 0;
delete m_Server; m_Server = 0;
delete m_Log; m_Log = 0;
void cRoot::LoadWorlds()
cIniFile IniFile("settings.ini"); IniFile.ReadFile();
// First get the default world
std::string DefaultWorldName = IniFile.GetValue("Worlds", "DefaultWorld", "world");
m_pState->pDefaultWorld = new cWorld( DefaultWorldName.c_str() );
m_pState->WorldsByName[ DefaultWorldName ] = m_pState->pDefaultWorld;
// Then load the other worlds
unsigned int KeyNum = IniFile.FindKey("Worlds");
unsigned int NumWorlds = IniFile.GetNumValues( KeyNum );
if( NumWorlds > 0 )
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NumWorlds; i++)
std::string ValueName = IniFile.GetValueName(KeyNum, i );
if( ValueName.compare("World") == 0 )
std::string WorldName = IniFile.GetValue(KeyNum, i );
if( WorldName.size() > 0 )
cWorld* NewWorld = new cWorld( WorldName.c_str() );
m_pState->WorldsByName[ WorldName ] = NewWorld;
void cRoot::UnloadWorlds()
for( WorldMap::iterator itr = m_pState->WorldsByName.begin(); itr != m_pState->WorldsByName.end(); ++itr )
delete itr->second;
cWorld* cRoot::GetWorld()
return GetDefaultWorld();
cWorld* cRoot::GetDefaultWorld()
return m_pState->pDefaultWorld;
cWorld* cRoot::GetWorld( const char* a_WorldName )
WorldMap::iterator itr = m_pState->WorldsByName.find( a_WorldName );
if( itr != m_pState->WorldsByName.end() )
return itr->second;
return 0;
void cRoot::TickWorlds( float a_Dt )
for( WorldMap::iterator itr = m_pState->WorldsByName.begin(); itr != m_pState->WorldsByName.end(); ++itr )
itr->second->Tick( a_Dt );
void cRoot::ServerCommand( const char* a_Cmd )
//LOG("Command: %s", a_Cmd );
m_Server->ServerCommand( a_Cmd );
if( strcmp(a_Cmd, "stop") == 0 )
m_bStop = true;
else if( strcmp( a_Cmd, "restart") == 0 )
m_bRestart = true;