cedeel@gmail.com 92c59963f8 Attempt to bring sanity to newlines across systems.
git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@606 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2012-06-14 13:06:06 +00:00

272 lines
4.2 KiB

// cFile.cpp
// Implements the cFile class providing an OS-independent abstraction of a file.
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "cFile.h"
/// Simple constructor - creates an unopened file object, use Open() to open / create a real file
cFile::cFile(void) :
#endif // USE_STDIO_FILE
// Nothing needed yet
/// Constructs and opens / creates the file specified, use IsOpen() to check for success
cFile::cFile(const AString & iFileName, EMode iMode) :
#endif // USE_STDIO_FILE
Open(iFileName, iMode);
/// Auto-closes the file, if open
if (IsOpen())
bool cFile::Open(const AString & iFileName, EMode iMode)
ASSERT(!IsOpen()); // You should close the file before opening another one
if (IsOpen())
const char * Mode = NULL;
switch (iMode)
case fmRead: Mode = "rb"; break;
case fmWrite: Mode = "wb"; break;
case fmReadWrite: Mode = "rb+"; break;
ASSERT(!"Unhandled file mode");
return false;
m_File = fopen(iFileName.c_str(), Mode);
if ((m_File == NULL) && (iMode == fmReadWrite))
// Fix for MS not following C spec, opening "a" mode files for writing at the end only
// The file open operation has been tried with "read update", fails if file not found
// So now we know either the file doesn't exist or we don't have rights, no need to worry about file contents.
// Simply re-open for read-writing, erasing existing contents:
m_File = fopen(iFileName.c_str(), "wb+");
return (m_File != NULL);
void cFile::Close(void)
ASSERT(IsOpen()); // You should not close file objects that don't have an open file.
if (!IsOpen())
m_File = NULL;
bool cFile::IsOpen(void) const
return (m_File != NULL);
bool cFile::IsEOF(void) const
if (!IsOpen())
// Unopened files behave as at EOF
return true;
return (feof(m_File) != 0);
/// Reads up to iNumBytes bytes into iBuffer, returns the number of bytes actually read, or -1 on failure; asserts if not open
int cFile::Read (void * iBuffer, int iNumBytes)
if (!IsOpen())
return -1;
return fread(iBuffer, 1, iNumBytes, m_File); // fread() returns the portion of Count parameter actually read, so we need to send iNumBytes as Count
/// Writes up to iNumBytes bytes from iBuffer, returns the number of bytes actually written, or -1 on failure; asserts if not open
int cFile::Write(const void * iBuffer, int iNumBytes)
if (!IsOpen())
return -1;
int res = fwrite(iBuffer, 1, iNumBytes, m_File); // fwrite() returns the portion of Count parameter actually written, so we need to send iNumBytes as Count
return res;
/// Seeks to iPosition bytes from file start, returns old position or -1 for failure
int cFile::Seek (int iPosition)
if (!IsOpen())
return -1;
if (fseek(m_File, iPosition, SEEK_SET) != 0)
return -1;
return ftell(m_File);
/// Returns the current position (bytes from file start)
int cFile::Tell (void) const
if (!IsOpen())
return -1;
return ftell(m_File);
/// Returns the size of file, in bytes, or -1 for failure; asserts if not open
int cFile::GetSize(void) const
if (!IsOpen())
return -1;
int CurPos = ftell(m_File);
if (CurPos < 0)
return -1;
if (fseek(m_File, 0, SEEK_END) != 0)
return -1;
int res = ftell(m_File);
if (fseek(m_File, CurPos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
return -1;
return res;
int cFile::ReadRestOfFile(AString & a_Contents)
if (!IsOpen())
return -1;
int DataSize = GetSize() - Tell();
// HACK: This depends on the internal knowledge that AString's data() function returns the internal buffer directly
a_Contents.assign(DataSize, '\0');
return Read((void *)a_Contents.data(), DataSize);
bool cFile::Exists(const AString & a_FileName)
cFile test(a_FileName, fmRead);
return test.IsOpen();