faketruth 35c44ede5a Compounds are not closed double anymore
Float values are actually added to 'lists' now (should do the same for the rest)
Indenting while printing NBT data aligns slightly better now

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@32 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2011-10-31 05:12:21 +00:00

199 lines
7.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <string>
class cNBTList;
class cNBTData;
class cNBTCompound
cNBTCompound( cNBTCompound* a_ParentCompound ) : m_ParentCompound( a_ParentCompound ), m_CurrentList(0) { }
virtual ~cNBTCompound() {}
#ifdef _WIN32
enum ENUM_TAG : unsigned char
TAG_End = 0,
TAG_Byte = 1,
TAG_Short = 2,
TAG_Int = 3,
TAG_Long = 4,
TAG_Float = 5,
TAG_Double = 6,
TAG_ByteArray = 7,
TAG_String = 8,
TAG_List = 9,
TAG_Compound = 10,
TAG_NumTags // Not a real tag, but contains number of tags
void Clear();
void PutByte( std::string Name, char Value ) { m_Bytes[Name] = Value; }
void PutShort( std::string Name, short Value ) { m_Shorts[Name] = Value; }
void PutInteger( std::string Name, int Value ) { m_Integers[Name] = Value; }
void PutLong( std::string Name, long long Value ) { m_Longs[Name] = Value; }
void PutDouble( std::string Name, double Value ) { m_Doubles[Name] = Value; }
void PutFloat( std::string Name, float Value );
void PutString( std::string Name, std::string Value ) { m_Strings[Name] = Value; }
void PutByteArray( std::string Name, char* ByteArray ) { m_ByteArrays[Name] = ByteArray; }
void PutCompound( std::string Name );
void PutList( std::string Name, ENUM_TAG Type );
char GetByte( std::string Name ) { return m_Bytes[Name]; }
short GetShort( std::string Name ) { return m_Shorts[Name]; }
int GetInteger( std::string Name ) { return m_Integers[Name]; }
long long GetLong( std::string Name ) { return m_Longs[Name]; }
double GetDouble( std::string Name ) { return m_Doubles[Name]; }
float GetFloat( std::string Name ) { return m_Floats[Name]; }
std::string GetString( std::string Name ) { return m_Strings[Name]; }
char* GetByteArray( std::string Name ) { return m_ByteArrays[Name]; }
cNBTCompound* GetCompound( std::string Name );
cNBTList* GetList( std::string Name ) { return m_Lists[Name]; }
cNBTList* GetCurrentList() { return m_CurrentList; }
cNBTCompound* GetParentCompound() { return m_ParentCompound; }
bool OpenList( std::string a_Name );
bool CloseList();
void Serialize(std::string & a_Buffer);
void PrintData( int a_Depth, std::string a_Name );
void AppendShort( std::string & a_Buffer, short a_Value );
void AppendInteger( std::string & a_Buffer, int a_Value );
cNBTCompound* m_ParentCompound;
cNBTList* m_CurrentList;
typedef std::map<std::string, char> ByteMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, short> ShortMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, int> IntegerMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, long long> LongMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, double> DoubleMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, float> FloatMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> StringMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, char*> ByteArrayMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, cNBTCompound*> CompoundMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, cNBTList*> ListMap;
ByteMap m_Bytes;
ShortMap m_Shorts;
IntegerMap m_Integers;
LongMap m_Longs;
DoubleMap m_Doubles;
FloatMap m_Floats;
StringMap m_Strings;
ByteArrayMap m_ByteArrays;
CompoundMap m_Compounds;
ListMap m_Lists;
class cNBTList
cNBTList( cNBTList* a_ParentList, cNBTCompound::ENUM_TAG a_Type ) : m_ParentList( a_ParentList ), m_Type( a_Type ) {}
void AddToList( void* a_Item ) { m_List.push_back( a_Item ); }
void* GetLastElement() { return m_List.back(); }
cNBTCompound::ENUM_TAG GetType() { return m_Type; }
cNBTList* GetParentList() { return m_ParentList; }
unsigned int GetSize() { return m_List.size(); }
void Serialize(std::string & a_Buffer);
void PrintData(int a_Depth, std::string a_Name);
typedef std::list<void*> VoidList;
VoidList GetList() { return m_List; }
void Clear();
cNBTList* m_ParentList;
cNBTCompound::ENUM_TAG m_Type;
VoidList m_List;
class cNBTData : public cNBTCompound
cNBTData( char* a_Buffer, unsigned int a_BufferSize );
virtual ~cNBTData();
void Clear();
void PrintData();
void ParseData();
bool OpenCompound( std::string a_Name );
bool CloseCompound();
bool OpenList( std::string a_Name );
bool CloseList();
void PutByte( std::string Name, char Value ) { m_CurrentCompound->PutByte( Name, Value ); }
void PutShort( std::string Name, short Value ) { m_CurrentCompound->PutShort( Name, Value ); }
void PutInteger( std::string Name, int Value ) { m_CurrentCompound->PutInteger( Name, Value ); }
void PutLong( std::string Name, long long Value ) { m_CurrentCompound->PutLong( Name, Value ); }
void PutDouble( std::string Name, double Value ) { m_CurrentCompound->PutDouble( Name, Value ); }
void PutFloat( std::string Name, float Value ) { m_CurrentCompound->PutFloat( Name, Value ); }
void PutString( std::string Name, std::string Value ) { m_CurrentCompound->PutString( Name, Value ); }
void PutByteArray( std::string Name, char* ByteArray ) { m_CurrentCompound->PutByteArray( Name, ByteArray ); }
void PutCompound( std::string Name ) { m_CurrentCompound->PutCompound( Name ); }
void PutList( std::string Name, ENUM_TAG Type ) { m_CurrentCompound->PutList( Name, Type ); }
int GetInteger( std::string Name ) { return m_CurrentCompound->GetInteger(Name); }
long long GetLong( std::string Name ) { return m_CurrentCompound->GetLong(Name); }
double GetDouble( std::string Name ) { return m_CurrentCompound->GetDouble(Name); }
float GetFloat( std::string Name ) { return m_CurrentCompound->GetFloat(Name); }
std::string GetString( std::string Name ) { return m_CurrentCompound->GetString(Name); }
char* GetByteArray( std::string Name ) { return m_CurrentCompound->GetByteArray(Name); }
cNBTCompound* GetCompound( std::string Name ) { return m_CurrentCompound->GetCompound(Name); }
cNBTList* GetList( std::string Name ) { return m_CurrentCompound->GetList(Name); }
char* GetBuffer() { return m_Buffer; }
unsigned int GetBufferSize() { return m_BufferSize; }
void Compress();
bool Decompress();
void Serialize();
int m_NumUnnamedElements;
bool m_bDecompressed;
void ParseTags();
void ParseCompound( bool a_bNamed );
void ParseList( bool a_bNamed );
void ParseString( bool a_bNamed );
void ParseByte( bool a_bNamed );
void ParseByteArray( bool a_bNamed );
void ParseInt( bool a_bNamed );
void ParseLong( bool a_bNamed );
void ParseDouble( bool a_bNamed );
void ParseFloat( bool a_bNamed );
void ParseShort( bool a_bNamed );
short ReadShort();
std::string ReadName();
char ReadByte();
int ReadInt();
long long ReadLong();
double ReadDouble();
float ReadFloat();
cNBTCompound* m_CurrentCompound;
char* m_Buffer;
unsigned int m_BufferSize;
unsigned int m_Index;
bool tm;
void (cNBTData::*m_ParseFunctions[TAG_NumTags])(bool);