Added AddCommand / BindCommand for Squirrel Plugins git-svn-id: 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
99 lines
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99 lines
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#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "cSquirrelCommandBinder.h"
#include "cPlayer.h"
#include "cPlugin.h"
#include "cPlugin_Squirrel.h"
#include "squirrelbindings/SquirrelArray.h"
void cSquirrelCommandBinder::ClearBindings()
void cSquirrelCommandBinder::RemoveBindingsForPlugin( cPlugin* a_Plugin )
for( CommandMap::iterator itr = m_BoundCommands.begin(); itr != m_BoundCommands.end(); )
if( itr->second.Plugin == a_Plugin )
LOGINFO("Unbinding %s ", itr->first.c_str( ) );
CommandMap::iterator eraseme = itr;
m_BoundCommands.erase( eraseme );
bool cSquirrelCommandBinder::BindCommand( const std::string & a_Command, const std::string & a_Permission, cPlugin* a_Plugin, Sqrat::Function a_Callback )
if( !a_Plugin->CanBindCommands() )
LOGERROR("ERROR: Trying to bind command \"%s\" to a plugin that is not initialized.", a_Command.c_str() );
return false;
if( m_BoundCommands.find( a_Command ) != m_BoundCommands.end() )
LOGERROR("ERROR: Trying to bind command \"%s\" that has already been bound.", a_Command.c_str() );
return false;
LOGINFO("Binding %s (%s)", a_Command.c_str(), a_Permission.c_str() );
BoundFunction Callback;
Callback.Callback = a_Callback;
Callback.Plugin = a_Plugin;
Callback.Permission = a_Permission;
m_BoundCommands[ a_Command ] = Callback;
return true;
bool cSquirrelCommandBinder::HandleCommand( const std::string & a_Command, cPlayer* a_Player )
AStringVector Split = StringSplit(a_Command, " ");
if (Split.size() == 0)
return false;
CommandMap::iterator FoundCommand = m_BoundCommands.find( Split[0] );
if( FoundCommand != m_BoundCommands.end() )
const BoundFunction & func = FoundCommand->second;
if( func.Permission.size() > 0 )
if( !a_Player->HasPermission( func.Permission.c_str() ) )
return false;
// Push the split
SquirrelStringArray SplitData;
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = Split.begin();
while(iter != Split.end()) {
// Push player
Sqrat::Function callback = func.Callback;
return callback.Evaluate<bool>(&SplitData, a_Player);
return false;