Tiger Wang 679085b520 Bugfix Update [SEE DESC}
Added stained clay, coal block, and hardened clay Block IDs
Added stained clay and carpet block Metas
Fixed bug with sticky retract bailing out but not unsetting arm
Fixed autocomplete not working when not at the first character, fixes
Added furnace recipes for hardened clay and coal and coal blocks
2013-08-18 00:33:14 +01:00

193 lines
5.7 KiB

#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Piston.h"
#include "ChunkDef.h"
#include "Pickup.h"
#include "Item.h"
#include "Root.h"
#include "ClientHandle.h"
#include "World.h"
#include "BlockID.h"
#include "Server.h"
#include "Blocks/BlockHandler.h"
extern bool g_BlockPistonBreakable[];
//Replace AddDir (...) with the switch cases that, sets coords in direction of piston face
#define AddDir( x, y, z, dir, amount ) \
switch (dir) \
{ \
case 0: (y)-=(amount); break; \
case 1: (y)+=(amount); break; \
case 2: (z)-=(amount); break; \
case 3: (z)+=(amount); break; \
case 4: (x)-=(amount); break; \
case 5: (x)+=(amount); break; \
cPiston::cPiston(cWorld * a_World)
: m_World(a_World)
unsigned short cPiston::FirstPassthroughBlock(int pistonX, int pistonY, int pistonZ, char pistonmeta)
unsigned short ret;
pistonmeta &= 7;
if (pistonmeta >= 6)
// Just in case, it shouldn't happen but if it would, it'd cause inf loop
LOGD("cPiston::FirstPassthroughBlock - piston has invalid meta data!\n");
return 9001;
BLOCKTYPE currBlock;
for (ret = 0; ret < 24; ret++) //Push up to 24 blocks
AddDir( pistonX, pistonY, pistonZ, pistonmeta, 1) //Set the coords one further from the piston direction
m_World->GetBlockTypeMeta(pistonX, pistonY, pistonZ, currBlock, currMeta);
if ((currBlock == E_BLOCK_BEDROCK) || (currBlock == E_BLOCK_OBSIDIAN) || (currBlock == E_BLOCK_PISTON_EXTENSION) || ( (currMeta & 0x8) != 0x0 ))
return 9001;
if (g_BlockPistonBreakable[currBlock]) //If it's a breakable block (air, torch, etc.) then the line of blocks can be pushed
return ret;
return 9001; //There is no space for the blocks to move within 24 spaces, piston can't push
void cPiston::ExtendPiston( int pistx, int pisty, int pistz )
BLOCKTYPE pistonBlock;
NIBBLETYPE pistonMeta;
m_World->GetBlockTypeMeta(pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonBlock, pistonMeta);
char isSticky = (char)(pistonBlock == E_BLOCK_STICKY_PISTON) * 8;
if ( (pistonMeta & 0x8) != 0x0 )
// Piston already extended, bail out
unsigned short dist = FirstPassthroughBlock(pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonMeta);
if (dist > 9000) return; // FirstPassthroughBlock says piston can't push anything, bail out
AddDir(pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonMeta & 7, dist + 1) //Get the coords of the air / breakable block in the line, dist+1 because of coords
BLOCKTYPE currBlock;
m_World->GetBlockTypeMeta(pistx, pisty, pistz, currBlock, currMeta);
if (currBlock != E_BLOCK_AIR)
cBlockHandler * Handler = BlockHandler(currBlock);
if (Handler->DoesDropOnUnsuitable())
Handler->DropBlock(m_World, NULL, pistx, pisty, pistz); //If block is breakable, drop it
int oldx = pistx, oldy = pisty, oldz = pistz; //Make a second set of coord vars along with the originals
NIBBLETYPE currBlockMeta;
if (dist != 0) //Check for single block being pushed - for loop doesn't catch it in time and breaks stuffz
for (int i = dist + 1; i > 1; i--) //Decrement from the dropped breakable block to two further than the piston (one further will be future extension)
AddDir(pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonMeta & 7, -1) //Move one set of coords one back from breakable dropped block
m_World->GetBlockTypeMeta(pistx, pisty, pistz, currBlock, currBlockMeta); //Get the block
m_World->SetBlock( oldx, oldy, oldz, currBlock, currBlockMeta); //Set the block at the location of the original coords
oldx = pistx; //Shift the selectors down a block and repeat
oldy = pisty;
oldz = pistz;
int extx = pistx;
int exty = pisty;
int extz = pistz;
AddDir(pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonMeta & 7, -1) //Move back one block to the piston base
m_World->BroadcastBlockAction(pistx, pisty, pistz, 0, pistonMeta, E_BLOCK_PISTON); //Set the base
m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("tile.piston.out", pistx * 8, pisty * 8, pistz * 8, 0.5f, 0.7f);
m_World->FastSetBlock( pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonBlock, pistonMeta | 0x8 );
m_World->SetBlock(extx, exty, extz, E_BLOCK_PISTON_EXTENSION, isSticky + pistonMeta); //Set the arm
void cPiston::RetractPiston( int pistx, int pisty, int pistz )
BLOCKTYPE pistonBlock;
NIBBLETYPE pistonMeta;
m_World->GetBlockTypeMeta(pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonBlock, pistonMeta);
if (pistonMeta <= 6)
// Already retracted, bail out
m_World->BroadcastBlockAction(pistx, pisty, pistz, 1, pistonMeta & ~(8), E_BLOCK_PISTON);
m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("tile.piston.in", pistx * 8, pisty * 8, pistz * 8, 0.5f, 0.7f);
m_World->FastSetBlock(pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonBlock, pistonMeta & ~(8)); //Set the base
AddDir(pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonMeta & 7, 1) //Move forwards to the extension coord
if (m_World->GetBlock(pistx, pisty, pistz) != E_BLOCK_PISTON_EXTENSION)
LOGD("%s: Piston without an extension?", __FUNCTION__);
if (pistonBlock == E_BLOCK_STICKY_PISTON)
int tempx = pistx, tempy = pisty, tempz = pistz;
AddDir( tempx, tempy, tempz, pistonMeta & 7, 1 ) //Move forward to the block being pulled
BLOCKTYPE tempblock;
NIBBLETYPE tempmeta;
m_World->GetBlockTypeMeta(tempx, tempy, tempz, tempblock, tempmeta); //Check for pullable-ness
if (
(tempblock == E_BLOCK_OBSIDIAN) ||
(tempblock == E_BLOCK_BEDROCK) ||
(tempblock == E_BLOCK_PISTON_EXTENSION) ||
(g_BlockPistonBreakable[tempblock]) ||
((tempmeta & 0x8) != 0x0 )
// These cannot be moved by the sticky piston, bail out
m_World->SetBlock(pistx, pisty, pistz, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0);
m_World->SetBlock(pistx, pisty, pistz, tempblock, tempmeta);
m_World->SetBlock(tempx, tempy, tempz, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0);
m_World->SetBlock(pistx, pisty, pistz, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0);