It was really a lot of work :D Took me the complete weekend :D Would really like to here your opinion on this =) The aim of this is to put all the actions for one block in one place so it is not spread around the source. (ToPickup, Action in cWorld, Action in cChunk, Action here, action there :D) git-svn-id: 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
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169 lines
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#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "cPiston.h"
#include "cRedstone.h"
#include "ChunkDef.h"
#include "cPickup.h"
#include "cBlockToPickup.h"
#include "cItem.h"
#include "cRoot.h"
#include "cClientHandle.h"
#include "cWorld.h"
#include "BlockID.h"
#include "packets/cPacket_BlockAction.h"
#include "cServer.h"
#include "blocks/Block.h"
extern bool g_BlockPistonBreakable[];
#define AddDir( x, y, z, dir, amount ) switch(dir) { case 0: (y)-=(amount); break; case 1: (y)+=(amount); break;\
case 2: (z)-=(amount); break; case 3: (z)+=(amount); break;\
case 4: (x)-=(amount); break; case 5: (x)+=(amount); break; }
cPiston::cPiston( cWorld* a_World )
:m_World ( a_World )
unsigned short cPiston::FirstPassthroughBlock( int pistonX, int pistonY, int pistonZ, char pistonmeta ) {
unsigned short ret;
pistonmeta &= 7;
if(pistonmeta >= 6) { // just in case, it shouldn't happen but if it would, it'd case inf loop
printf("cPiston::FirstPassthroughBlock - piston has invalid meta data!\n");
return 9001;
char currBlock;
for( ret = 0; ret < 24; ret++ ) { // push up to 24 blocks
AddDir( pistonX, pistonY, pistonZ, pistonmeta, 1 )
currBlock = m_World->GetBlock( pistonX, pistonY, pistonZ );
if(currBlock == E_BLOCK_BEDROCK || currBlock == E_BLOCK_OBSIDIAN || currBlock == E_BLOCK_PISTON_EXTENSION ) {return 9001;}
if(g_BlockPistonBreakable[currBlock]) {return ret;}
return 9001;
void cPiston::ExtendPiston( int pistx, int pisty, int pistz )
char pistonBlock = m_World->GetBlock( pistx, pisty, pistz );
char pistonMeta = m_World->GetBlockMeta( pistx, pisty, pistz );
char isSticky = (char)(pistonBlock == E_BLOCK_STICKY_PISTON) * 8;
bool recalc = false;
if ( (pistonMeta & 0x8) == 0x0 ) // only extend if piston is not already extended
unsigned short dist = FirstPassthroughBlock(pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonMeta);
if (dist > 9000) return; // too many blocks
AddDir( pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonMeta & 7, dist+1 )
BLOCKTYPE currBlock = m_World->GetBlock (pistx, pisty, pistz);
NIBBLETYPE currMeta = m_World->GetBlockMeta(pistx, pisty, pistz);
if (currBlock != E_BLOCK_AIR)
cBlockHandler * Handler = BlockHandler(currBlock);
Handler->DropBlock(m_World, pistx, pisty, pistz);
recalc = true;
int oldx = pistx, oldy = pisty, oldz = pistz;
char currBlockMeta;
for (int i = dist+1; i>0; i--)
AddDir( pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonMeta & 7, -1 )
currBlock = m_World->GetBlock( pistx, pisty, pistz );
currBlockMeta = m_World->GetBlockMeta( pistx, pisty, pistz );
m_World->SetBlock( oldx, oldy, oldz, currBlock, currBlockMeta );
oldx = pistx;
oldy = pisty;
oldz = pistz;
cPacket_BlockAction Action;
Action.m_PosX = (int)pistx;
Action.m_PosY = (short)pisty;
Action.m_PosZ = (int)pistz;
Action.m_Byte1 = 0;
Action.m_Byte2 = pistonMeta;
m_World->BroadcastToChunkOfBlock(pistx, pisty, pistz, &Action);
m_World->FastSetBlock( pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonBlock, pistonMeta | 0x8 );
int extx = pistx;
int exty = pisty;
int extz = pistz;
AddDir( extx, exty, extz, pistonMeta&7, 1 )
m_World->SetBlock( extx, exty, extz, E_BLOCK_PISTON_EXTENSION, isSticky+pistonMeta&7 );
if (recalc) {
cRedstone Redstone(m_World);
Redstone.ChangeRedstone( extx, exty, extz, false ); //recalculate redstone around current device.
Redstone.ChangeRedstone( pistx, pisty, pistz, false ); //recalculate redstone around current device.
void cPiston::RetractPiston( int pistx, int pisty, int pistz )
char pistonBlock = m_World->GetBlock( pistx, pisty, pistz );
char pistonMeta = m_World->GetBlockMeta( pistx, pisty, pistz );
if (pistonMeta <= 6) // only retract if piston is not already retracted
//send blockaction packet
cPacket_BlockAction Action;
Action.m_PosX = (int)pistx;
Action.m_PosY = (short)pisty;
Action.m_PosZ = (int)pistz;
Action.m_Byte1 = 1;
Action.m_Byte2 = pistonMeta & ~(8);
m_World->BroadcastToChunkOfBlock(pistx, pisty, pistz, &Action );
m_World->FastSetBlock( pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonBlock, pistonMeta & ~(8) );
AddDir( pistx, pisty, pistz, pistonMeta & 7, 1 )
if ( m_World->GetBlock( pistx, pisty, pistz ) == E_BLOCK_PISTON_EXTENSION )
if ( pistonBlock == E_BLOCK_STICKY_PISTON )
int tempx = pistx, tempy = pisty, tempz = pistz;
AddDir( tempx, tempy, tempz, pistonMeta & 7, 1 )
char tempblock = m_World->GetBlock( tempx, tempy, tempz );
if (
(tempblock == E_BLOCK_OBSIDIAN) ||
(tempblock == E_BLOCK_BEDROCK) ||
// These cannot be moved by the sticky piston, bail out
m_World->SetBlock( pistx, pisty, pistz, tempblock, m_World->GetBlockMeta( tempx, tempy, tempz ) );
m_World->SetBlock( tempx, tempy, tempz, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0 );
m_World->SetBlock( pistx, pisty, pistz, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0 );