faketruth c2b43f33da Player data is saved and loaded as human readable JSON now.
cFileFormatUpdate will loop through old files and convert them to new files (should replace legacy old format loading code)
cItem has two new functions to load from Json and output Json, this will keep the items in Json standard
ChestEntity and FurnaceEntity use the new functions in cItem

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@35 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2011-10-31 21:30:14 +00:00

185 lines
5.6 KiB

#include "cFileFormatUpdater.h"
#include "cMCLogger.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Vector3f.h"
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include "cItem.h"
#include <json/json.h>
typedef std::list< std::string > StringList;
StringList GetDirectoryContents( const char* a_Directory );
void cFileFormatUpdater::UpdateFileFormat()
// Convert player .bin files to JSON
void cFileFormatUpdater::UpdatePlayersOfWorld( const char* a_WorldName )
std::string PlayerDir = std::string( a_WorldName ) + "/player/";
StringList AllFiles = GetDirectoryContents( PlayerDir.c_str() );
for( StringList::iterator itr = AllFiles.begin(); itr != AllFiles.end(); ++itr )
std::string & FileName = *itr;
if( FileName.rfind(".bin") != std::string::npos ) // Get only the files ending in .bin
PlayerBINtoJSON( (PlayerDir + FileName).c_str() );
// Converts player binary files to human readable JSON
void cFileFormatUpdater::PlayerBINtoJSON( const char* a_FileName )
Vector3d PlayerPos;
Vector3f PlayerRot;
short PlayerHealth;
const unsigned int NumInventorySlots = 45; // At this time the player inventory has/had 45 slots
cItem IventoryItems[ NumInventorySlots ];
FILE* f;
#ifdef _WIN32
if( fopen_s(&f, a_FileName, "rb" ) == 0 ) // no error
if( (f = fopen(a_FileName, "rb" ) ) != 0 ) // no error
// First read player position, rotation and health
if( fread( &PlayerPos.x, sizeof(double), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING FROM FILE %s", a_FileName); fclose(f); return; }
if( fread( &PlayerPos.y, sizeof(double), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING FROM FILE %s", a_FileName); fclose(f); return; }
if( fread( &PlayerPos.z, sizeof(double), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING FROM FILE %s", a_FileName); fclose(f); return; }
if( fread( &PlayerRot.x, sizeof(float), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING FROM FILE %s", a_FileName); fclose(f); return; }
if( fread( &PlayerRot.y, sizeof(float), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING FROM FILE %s", a_FileName); fclose(f); return; }
if( fread( &PlayerRot.z, sizeof(float), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING FROM FILE %s", a_FileName); fclose(f); return; }
if( fread( &PlayerHealth, sizeof(short), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING FROM FILE %s", a_FileName); fclose(f); return; }
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NumInventorySlots; i++)
cItem & Item = IventoryItems[i];
if( fread( &Item.m_ItemID, sizeof(Item.m_ItemID), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING INVENTORY FROM FILE"); return; }
if( fread( &Item.m_ItemCount, sizeof(Item.m_ItemCount), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING INVENTORY FROM FILE"); return; }
if( fread( &Item.m_ItemHealth, sizeof(Item.m_ItemHealth), 1, f)!= 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR READING INVENTORY FROM FILE"); return; }
// Loaded all the data, now create the JSON data
Json::Value JSON_PlayerPosition;
JSON_PlayerPosition.append( Json::Value( PlayerPos.x ) );
JSON_PlayerPosition.append( Json::Value( PlayerPos.y ) );
JSON_PlayerPosition.append( Json::Value( PlayerPos.z ) );
Json::Value JSON_PlayerRotation;
JSON_PlayerRotation.append( Json::Value( PlayerRot.x ) );
JSON_PlayerRotation.append( Json::Value( PlayerRot.y ) );
JSON_PlayerRotation.append( Json::Value( PlayerRot.z ) );
Json::Value JSON_Inventory;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NumInventorySlots; i++)
Json::Value JSON_Item;
IventoryItems[i].GetJson( JSON_Item );
JSON_Inventory.append( JSON_Item );
Json::Value root;
root["position"] = JSON_PlayerPosition;
root["rotation"] = JSON_PlayerRotation;
root["inventory"] = JSON_Inventory;
root["health"] = PlayerHealth;
Json::StyledWriter writer;
std::string JsonData = writer.write( root );
// Get correct filename
std::string FileName = a_FileName;
std::string FileNameWithoutExt = FileName.substr(0, FileName.find_last_of(".") );
std::string FileNameJson = FileNameWithoutExt + ".json";
// Write to file
#ifdef _WIN32
if( fopen_s(&f, FileNameJson.c_str(), "wb" ) == 0 ) // no error
if( (f = fopen(FileNameJson.c_str(), "wb" ) ) != 0 ) // no error
if( fwrite( JsonData.c_str(), JsonData.size(), 1, f ) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR WRITING PLAYER JSON TO FILE %s", FileNameJson.c_str() ); return; }
fclose( f );
// Delete old format file, only do this when conversion has succeeded
if( std::remove( a_FileName ) != 0 )
LOGINFO("Successfully converted binary to Json %s", FileNameJson.c_str() );
// Helper function
StringList GetDirectoryContents( const char* a_Directory )
StringList AllFiles;
#ifdef _WIN32
std::string FileFilter = std::string( a_Directory ) + "*.*";
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
if( ( hFind = FindFirstFile(FileFilter.c_str(), &FindFileData) ) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
AllFiles.push_back( FindFileData.cFileName );
} while( FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData) );
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *dirp;
if( (dp = opendir( a_Directory ) ) == NULL)
LOGERROR("Error (%i) opening %s\n", errno, a_Directory );
while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL)
AllFiles.push_back( dirp->d_name );
return AllFiles;