2013-06-20 11:46:08 +00:00

168 lines
5.1 KiB

#pragma once
#include "BlockEntityWithItems.h"
#include "../UI/WindowOwner.h"
#include "../FurnaceRecipe.h"
namespace Json
class Value;
class cClientHandle;
class cServer;
class cFurnaceEntity : // tolua_export
public cBlockEntityWindowOwner,
// tolua_begin
public cBlockEntityWithItems
typedef cBlockEntityWithItems super;
fsInput = 0, // Input slot number
fsFuel = 1, // Fuel slot number
fsOutput = 2, // Output slot number
ContentsWidth = 3,
ContentsHeight = 1,
/// Constructor used while generating a chunk; sets m_World to NULL
cFurnaceEntity(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta);
// tolua_end
/// Constructor used for normal operation
cFurnaceEntity(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, cWorld * a_World);
virtual ~cFurnaceEntity();
static const char * GetClassStatic() { return "cFurnaceEntity"; }
bool LoadFromJson(const Json::Value & a_Value);
// cBlockEntity overrides:
virtual void SaveToJson(Json::Value & a_Value) override;
virtual void SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client) override;
virtual bool Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) override;
virtual void UsedBy(cPlayer * a_Player) override;
/// Restarts cooking. Used after the furnace is loaded from storage to set up the internal variables so that cooking continues, if it was active. Returns true if cooking.
bool ContinueCooking(void);
void ResetCookTimer();
// tolua_begin
/// Returns the item in the input slot
const cItem & GetInputSlot(void) const { return GetSlot(fsInput); }
/// Returns the item in the fuel slot
const cItem & GetFuelSlot(void) const { return GetSlot(fsFuel); }
/// Returns the item in the output slot
const cItem & GetOutputSlot(void) const { return GetSlot(fsOutput); }
/// Sets the item in the input slot
void SetInputSlot(const cItem & a_Item) { SetSlot(fsInput, a_Item); }
/// Sets the item in the fuel slot
void SetFuelSlot(const cItem & a_Item) { SetSlot(fsFuel, a_Item); }
/// Sets the item in the output slot
void SetOutputSlot(const cItem & a_Item) { SetSlot(fsOutput, a_Item); }
/// Returns the time that the current item has been cooking, in ticks
int GetTimeCooked(void) const {return m_TimeCooked; }
/// Returns the time until the current item finishes cooking, in ticks
int GetCookTimeLeft(void) const { return m_NeedCookTime - m_TimeCooked; }
/// Returns the time until the current fuel is depleted, in ticks
int GetFuelBurnTimeLeft(void) const {return m_FuelBurnTime - m_TimeBurned; }
/// Returns true if there's time left before the current fuel is depleted
bool HasFuelTimeLeft(void) const { return (GetFuelBurnTimeLeft() > 0); }
// tolua_end
void SetBurnTimes(int a_FuelBurnTime, int a_TimeBurned) {m_FuelBurnTime = a_FuelBurnTime; m_TimeBurned = 0; }
void SetCookTimes(int a_NeedCookTime, int a_TimeCooked) {m_NeedCookTime = a_NeedCookTime; m_TimeCooked = a_TimeCooked; }
/// Block type of the block currently represented by this entity (changes when furnace lights up)
BLOCKTYPE m_BlockType;
/// Block meta of the block currently represented by this entity
/// The recipe for the current input slot
const cFurnaceRecipe::Recipe * m_CurrentRecipe;
/// The item that is being smelted
cItem m_LastInput;
bool m_IsCooking; ///< Set to true if the furnace is cooking an item
// All timers are in ticks
int m_NeedCookTime; ///< Amount of time needed to fully cook current item
int m_TimeCooked; ///< Amount of time that the current item has been cooking
int m_FuelBurnTime; ///< Amount of time that the current fuel can burn (in total); zero if no fuel burning
int m_TimeBurned; ///< Amount of time that the current fuel has been burning
int m_LastProgressFuel; ///< Last value sent as the progress for the fuel
int m_LastProgressCook; ///< Last value sent as the progress for the cooking
/// Sends the specified progressbar value to all clients of the window
void BroadcastProgress(int a_ProgressbarID, short a_Value);
/// One item finished cooking
void FinishOne(cChunk & a_Chunk);
/// Starts burning a new fuel, if possible
void BurnNewFuel(void);
/// Updates the recipe, based on the current input
void UpdateInput(void);
/// Called when the fuel slot changes or when the fuel is spent, burns another piece of fuel if appropriate
void UpdateFuel(void);
/// Called when the output slot changes
void UpdateOutput(void);
/// Updates the m_IsCooking, based on the input slot, output slot and m_FuelBurnTime / m_TimeBurned
void UpdateIsCooking(void);
/// Returns true if the input can be cooked into output and the item counts allow for another cooking operation
bool CanCookInputToOutput(void) const;
/// Broadcasts progressbar updates, if needed
void UpdateProgressBars(void);
/// Sets the m_IsCooking variable, updates the furnace block type based on the value
void SetIsCooking(bool a_IsCooking);
// cItemGrid::cListener overrides:
virtual void OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_ItemGrid, int a_SlotNum) override;
} ; // tolua_export