- Removed two random block handling files in the item handling section that didn't do anything. (One was an attempt at making slabs work, but failed to realise that the coords would have to be the block CLICKED, and another was just a random empty file for handling wooden planks.) * Fixed placing repeater blocks not directioning properly * Fixed wood directions breaking plank metadata
453 lines
16 KiB
453 lines
16 KiB
#include "Globals.h"
#include "BlockHandler.h"
#include "../Item.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "../Root.h"
#include "../PluginManager.h"
#include "BlockBed.h"
#include "BlockBrewingStand.h"
#include "BlockCactus.h"
#include "BlockCarpet.h"
#include "BlockCauldron.h"
#include "BlockChest.h"
#include "BlockCloth.h"
#include "BlockCobWeb.h"
#include "BlockCrops.h"
#include "BlockDeadBush.h"
#include "BlockDirt.h"
#include "BlockDoor.h"
#include "BlockDropSpenser.h"
#include "BlockEnderchest.h"
#include "BlockEntity.h"
#include "BlockFarmland.h"
#include "BlockFenceGate.h"
#include "BlockFire.h"
#include "BlockFlower.h"
#include "BlockFlowerPot.h"
#include "BlockFluid.h"
#include "BlockFurnace.h"
#include "BlockGlass.h"
#include "BlockGlowstone.h"
#include "BlockGravel.h"
#include "BlockHopper.h"
#include "BlockIce.h"
#include "BlockLadder.h"
#include "BlockLeaves.h"
#include "BlockLever.h"
#include "BlockMelon.h"
#include "BlockMushroom.h"
#include "BlockMycelium.h"
#include "BlockNote.h"
#include "BlockOre.h"
#include "BlockPiston.h"
#include "BlockPlanks.h"
#include "BlockPumpkin.h"
#include "BlockRail.h"
#include "BlockRedstone.h"
#include "BlockRedstoneRepeater.h"
#include "BlockRedstoneTorch.h"
#include "BlockSand.h"
#include "BlockSapling.h"
#include "BlockSign.h"
#include "BlockSlab.h"
#include "BlockSnow.h"
#include "BlockStairs.h"
#include "BlockStems.h"
#include "BlockStone.h"
#include "BlockSugarcane.h"
#include "BlockTallGrass.h"
#include "BlockTorch.h"
#include "BlockVine.h"
#include "BlockWood.h"
#include "BlockWorkbench.h"
bool cBlockHandler::m_HandlerInitialized = false;
cBlockHandler * cBlockHandler::m_BlockHandler[256];
cBlockHandler * cBlockHandler::GetBlockHandler(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)
if (!m_HandlerInitialized)
// We have to initialize
memset(m_BlockHandler, 0, sizeof(m_BlockHandler));
m_HandlerInitialized = true;
if (m_BlockHandler[a_BlockType] != NULL)
return m_BlockHandler[a_BlockType];
return m_BlockHandler[a_BlockType] = CreateBlockHandler(a_BlockType);
cBlockHandler * cBlockHandler::CreateBlockHandler(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)
// Block handlers, alphabetically sorted:
case E_BLOCK_ACTIVATOR_RAIL: return new cBlockRailHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_BED: return new cBlockBedHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS: return new cBlockStairsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_BREWING_STAND: return new cBlockBrewingStandHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_BRICK_STAIRS: return new cBlockStairsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_BROWN_MUSHROOM: return new cBlockMushroomHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_CACTUS: return new cBlockCactusHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_CARROTS: return new cBlockCropsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_CARPET: return new cBlockCarpetHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_CAULDRON: return new cBlockCauldronHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_CHEST: return new cBlockChestHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_COAL_ORE: return new cBlockOreHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_COBBLESTONE: return new cBlockStoneHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_COBBLESTONE_STAIRS: return new cBlockStairsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_COBWEB: return new cBlockCobWebHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_CROPS: return new cBlockCropsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_DEAD_BUSH: return new cBlockDeadBushHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_DETECTOR_RAIL: return new cBlockRailHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_DIAMOND_ORE: return new cBlockOreHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_DIRT: return new cBlockDirtHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_DISPENSER: return new cBlockDropSpenserHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB: return new cBlockDoubleSlabHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB: return new cBlockDoubleSlabHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_DROPPER: return new cBlockDropSpenserHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_EMERALD_ORE: return new cBlockOreHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_ENDER_CHEST: return new cBlockEnderchestHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_FARMLAND: return new cBlockFarmlandHandler;
case E_BLOCK_FENCE_GATE: return new cBlockFenceGateHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_FIRE: return new cBlockFireHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_FLOWER_POT: return new cBlockFlowerPotHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_FURNACE: return new cBlockFurnaceHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_GLOWSTONE: return new cBlockGlowstoneHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_GOLD_ORE: return new cBlockOreHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_GLASS: return new cBlockGlassHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_GRASS: return new cBlockDirtHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_GRAVEL: return new cBlockGravelHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_HOPPER: return new cBlockHopperHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_ICE: return new cBlockIceHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_IRON_DOOR: return new cBlockDoorHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_IRON_ORE: return new cBlockOreHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_JUKEBOX: return new cBlockEntityHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS: return new cBlockStairsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_LADDER: return new cBlockLadderHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_LEVER: return new cBlockLeverHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_LAPIS_ORE: return new cBlockOreHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_LAVA: return new cBlockFluidHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_LEAVES: return new cBlockLeavesHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_LIT_FURNACE: return new cBlockFurnaceHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_LOG: return new cBlockWoodHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_MELON: return new cBlockMelonHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_MELON_STEM: return new cBlockStemsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_MYCELIUM: return new cBlockMyceliumHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS: return new cBlockStairsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK: return new cBlockNoteHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_PISTON: return new cBlockPistonHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_PISTON_EXTENSION: return new cBlockPistonHeadHandler ();
case E_BLOCK_PLANKS: return new cBlockPlanksHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_PUMPKIN: return new cBlockPumpkinHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_JACK_O_LANTERN: return new cBlockPumpkinHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_PUMPKIN_STEM: return new cBlockStemsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_QUARTZ_STAIRS: return new cBlockStairsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_RAIL: return new cBlockRailHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_POTATOES: return new cBlockCropsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_POWERED_RAIL: return new cBlockRailHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_ORE: return new cBlockOreHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_ORE_GLOWING: return new cBlockOreHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_REPEATER_OFF: return new cBlockRedstoneRepeaterHandler(a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_REPEATER_ON: return new cBlockRedstoneRepeaterHandler(a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF: return new cBlockRedstoneTorchHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_ON: return new cBlockRedstoneTorchHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_REDSTONE_WIRE: return new cBlockRedstoneHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_RED_MUSHROOM: return new cBlockMushroomHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_RED_ROSE: return new cBlockFlowerHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_SAND: return new cBlockSandHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_SANDSTONE_STAIRS: return new cBlockStairsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_SAPLING: return new cBlockSaplingHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_SIGN_POST: return new cBlockSignHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_SNOW: return new cBlockSnowHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS: return new cBlockStairsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_LAVA: return new cBlockFluidHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER: return new cBlockFluidHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_STICKY_PISTON: return new cBlockPistonHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_STONE: return new cBlockStoneHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS: return new cBlockStairsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_STONE_SLAB: return new cBlockSlabHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_SUGARCANE: return new cBlockSugarcaneHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_TALL_GRASS: return new cBlockTallGrassHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_TORCH: return new cBlockTorchHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_VINES: return new cBlockVineHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_WALLSIGN: return new cBlockSignHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_WATER: return new cBlockFluidHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR: return new cBlockDoorHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_WOODEN_SLAB: return new cBlockSlabHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_WOODEN_STAIRS: return new cBlockStairsHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_WOOL: return new cBlockClothHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_WORKBENCH: return new cBlockWorkbenchHandler (a_BlockType);
case E_BLOCK_YELLOW_FLOWER: return new cBlockFlowerHandler (a_BlockType);
default: return new cBlockHandler(a_BlockType);
void cBlockHandler::Deinit()
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
delete m_BlockHandler[i];
memset(m_BlockHandler, 0, sizeof(m_BlockHandler)); // Don't leave any dangling pointers around, just in case
m_HandlerInitialized = false;
cBlockHandler::cBlockHandler(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)
m_BlockType = a_BlockType;
bool cBlockHandler::GetPlacementBlockTypeMeta(
cWorld * a_World, cPlayer * a_Player,
int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_BlockFace,
int a_CursorX, int a_CursorY, int a_CursorZ,
BLOCKTYPE & a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE & a_BlockMeta
// By default, all blocks can be placed and the meta is copied over from the item's damage value:
a_BlockType = m_BlockType;
a_BlockMeta = (NIBBLETYPE)(a_Player->GetEquippedItem().m_ItemDamage & 0x0f);
return true;
void cBlockHandler::OnUpdate(cWorld * a_World, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
void cBlockHandler::OnPlacedByPlayer(cWorld * a_World, cPlayer * a_Player, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_BlockFace, int a_CursorX, int a_CursorY, int a_CursorZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta)
void cBlockHandler::OnDestroyedByPlayer(cWorld *a_World, cPlayer * a_Player, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
void cBlockHandler::OnPlaced(cWorld *a_World, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta)
// Notify the neighbors
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX - 1, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ);
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX + 1, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ);
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX, a_BlockY - 1, a_BlockZ);
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX, a_BlockY + 1, a_BlockZ);
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ - 1);
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ + 1);
void cBlockHandler::OnDestroyed(cWorld *a_World, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Notify the neighbors
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX - 1, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ);
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX + 1, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ);
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX, a_BlockY - 1, a_BlockZ);
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX, a_BlockY + 1, a_BlockZ);
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ - 1);
NeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ + 1);
void cBlockHandler::NeighborChanged(cWorld *a_World, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
if ((a_BlockY >= 0) && (a_BlockY < cChunkDef::Height))
GetBlockHandler(a_World->GetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))->OnNeighborChanged(a_World, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ);
void cBlockHandler::OnNeighborChanged(cWorld *a_World, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
void cBlockHandler::OnDigging(cWorld *a_World, cPlayer *a_Player, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
void cBlockHandler::OnUse(cWorld *a_World, cPlayer *a_Player, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_BlockFace, int a_CursorX, int a_CursorY, int a_CursorZ)
void cBlockHandler::ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta)
// Setting the meta to a_BlockMeta keeps most textures. The few other blocks have to override this.
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(m_BlockType, 1, a_BlockMeta));
void cBlockHandler::DropBlock(cWorld * a_World, cEntity * a_Digger, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
cItems Pickups;
NIBBLETYPE Meta = a_World->GetBlockMeta(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ);
ConvertToPickups(Pickups, Meta);
// Allow plugins to modify the pickups:
cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookBlockToPickups(a_World, a_Digger, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, m_BlockType, Meta, Pickups);
if (!Pickups.empty())
// Add random offset to the spawn position:
// Commented out until bug with pickups not spawning properly is fixed, see World.cpp
int MicroX = (int)(a_BlockX * 32) + (r1.randInt(16) + r1.randInt(16) - 16);
int MicroY = (int)(a_BlockY * 32) + (r1.randInt(16) + r1.randInt(16) - 16);
int MicroZ = (int)(a_BlockZ * 32) + (r1.randInt(16) + r1.randInt(16) - 16);
a_World->SpawnItemPickups(Pickups, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ);
const char * cBlockHandler::GetStepSound()
return "step.stone";
bool cBlockHandler::CanBeAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, const cChunk & a_Chunk)
return true;
bool cBlockHandler::IsUseable()
return false;
bool cBlockHandler::IsClickedThrough(void)
return false;
bool cBlockHandler::DoesIgnoreBuildCollision(void)
return (m_BlockType == E_BLOCK_AIR);
bool cBlockHandler::DoesDropOnUnsuitable(void)
return true;
void cBlockHandler::Check(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (!CanBeAt(a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ, a_Chunk))
if (DoesDropOnUnsuitable())
int BlockX = a_RelX + a_Chunk.GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int BlockZ = a_RelZ + a_Chunk.GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
DropBlock(a_Chunk.GetWorld(), NULL, BlockX, a_RelY, BlockZ);
a_Chunk.SetBlock(a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0);
// Wake up the simulators for this block:
int BlockX = a_RelX + a_Chunk.GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int BlockZ = a_RelZ + a_Chunk.GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
a_Chunk.GetWorld()->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(BlockX, a_RelY, BlockZ, &a_Chunk);