Mat f5af0e2e04
WebAdmin improvements ()
* WebAdmin improvements

* Remove stray div tag

* Revert path change

* Remove buildserver link

* Further simplification

* Reduce horizontal padding

* Add svg icons

* Remove unneeded css

* Make login and logout icons colored

* Use same capitalization for Log in and Log  out

* Remove leftover code from old Webadmin design

* Remove more leftover code from earlier Webadmin versions

* and don't add earlier leftovers back...

* PR test

* Fix max width overflow

* Add missing css changes
2019-12-28 02:15:12 +02:00

173 lines
7.0 KiB

-- Use a table for fast concatenation of strings
local SiteContent = {}
function Output(String)
table.insert(SiteContent, String)
local function GetDefaultPage()
local PM = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager()
local SubTitle = "Current Game"
local Content = ""
Content = Content .. "<h4>Plugins:</h4><ul>"
function (a_CBPlugin)
if (a_CBPlugin:IsLoaded()) then
Content = Content .. "<li>" .. a_CBPlugin:GetName() .. " (version " .. a_CBPlugin:GetVersion() .. ")</li>"
Content = Content .. "</ul>"
Content = Content .. "<h4>Players:</h4><ul>"
Content = Content .. "<li>" .. a_CBPlayer:GetName() .. "</li>"
Content = Content .. "</ul>";
return Content, SubTitle
function ShowPage(WebAdmin, TemplateRequest)
SiteContent = {}
local BaseURL = cWebAdmin:GetBaseURL(TemplateRequest.Request.Path)
local Title = "Cuberite WebAdmin"
local NumPlayers = cRoot:Get():GetServer():GetNumPlayers()
local MemoryUsageKiB = cRoot:GetPhysicalRAMUsage()
local NumChunks = cRoot:Get():GetTotalChunkCount()
local PluginPage = cWebAdmin:GetPage(TemplateRequest.Request)
local PageContent = PluginPage.Content
local SubTitle = PluginPage.PluginFolder
if (PluginPage.UrlPath ~= "") then
SubTitle = PluginPage.PluginFolder .. " - " .. PluginPage.TabTitle
if (PageContent == "") then
PageContent, SubTitle = GetDefaultPage()
<!-- Copyright Justin S and Cuberite Team, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>]] .. Title .. [[</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css">
<div class="header color-background">
<div class="wrapper">
<a href="]] .. BaseURL .. [[">
<svg viewBox="0 0 1716.3687 336.90039" width="230">
<path d="M523.63 222.72q30.36 0 49.64-24.02l26.4 27.2q-31.42 35.37-74.2 35.37-42.5 0-70.2-26.93-27.47-26.93-27.47-67.85 0-41.2 28-68.65 28.23-27.46 68.9-27.46 45.4 0 76.02 34.58l-25.6 29.04q-19.54-24.3-48.58-24.3-23.23 0-39.87 15.32-16.36 15.05-16.36 40.92 0 25.6 15.58 41.2 15.58 15.56 37.75 15.56z"></path><path d="M674.82 211.63q10.3 12.68 27.72 12.68 17.42 0 27.45-12.67 10.3-12.93 10.3-35.1V74.62h41.17v103.2q0 40.14-22.17 61.8Q737.12 261 702.54 261q-34.6 0-57.03-21.65-22.16-21.64-22.16-61.5V74.6h41.18v101.9q0 22.18 10.3 35.1z"></path><path d="M899 259.15h-80.78V74.62h71.8q18.75 0 32.22 4.5 13.73 4.47 20.6 12.13 12.4 14.26 12.4 32.2 0 21.66-14 32.22-4.75 3.7-6.6 4.75-1.84.8-6.6 2.9 17.17 3.7 27.2 15.58 10.3 11.6 10.3 29.04 0 19.27-13.2 34.05Q937 259.14 899 259.14zm-39.6-109.82h19.54q17.16 0 25.35-3.7 8.43-3.7 8.43-15.84 0-12.4-7.65-16.37-7.66-3.96-25.87-3.96h-19.8v39.86zm0 74.98h28.25q17.7 0 26.4-4.22 8.98-4.5 8.98-17.16 0-12.93-9.5-16.9-9.24-4.22-29.84-4.22h-24.3v42.5z"></path><path d="M1127.02 74.62v36.7h-91.87v38h82.63v35.12h-82.63v38.28h94.78v36.43H993.97V74.62h133.05z"></path><path d="M1310.12 135.87q0 44.35-35.12 57.28l46.73 66h-50.7l-40.9-58.87h-28.52v58.87h-41.17V74.62h69.96q43.02 0 61.24 14.52 18.48 14.52 18.48 46.73zm-78.4 28.77q21.1 0 28.76-6.86 7.66-6.87 7.66-21.65 0-15.05-7.92-20.6-7.92-5.54-27.72-5.54h-30.9v54.64h30.1z"></path><path d="M1345.97 74.62h41.18v184.53h-41.18V74.62z"></path><path d="M1504.47 110.26v148.9h-41.2v-148.9h-52.26V74.62h145.74v35.64h-52.27z"></path><path d="M1713.46 74.62v36.7h-91.87v38h82.62v35.12h-82.63v38.28h94.77v36.43H1580.4V74.62h133.06z"></path><path d="M84.3 42.2L0 84.4v168l84.5 42.3 84.5 42.2 84.5-42.2 84.5-42.3v-168l-84.5-42.3C207 18.9 168.9-.1 168.7 0c-.1 0-38.1 19-84.4 42.2zm71.3 64.5l13.5 6.7 13.4-6.8 13.5-6.8V83.4c0-9 .3-16.6.8-16.8 1.1-.5 59.7 29.7 59.6 30.8-.1.5-19.8 10.8-43.7 23l-43.6 22-41.8-20.9c-23-11.5-43.1-21.7-44.7-22.7L79.7 97l30.9-15.4 30.9-15.5.3 16.9.2 16.9 13.6 6.8zm-57.4 52.4l43.8 22.3v89.5l-31-15.5c-17.1-8.5-31-15.7-31-16 0-.3 7.9-4.4 17.5-9.1l17.5-8.5v-24.5l-14-6.9-14-7-16.5 8.3c-9.1 4.5-16.7 8.2-17 8.2-.3 0-.5-14.2-.5-31.5s.3-31.5.7-31.5c.3 0 20.3 10 44.5 22.2zm186.3 9.7l-.8 31-16.3-8.2-16.4-8.2-14 7-14 6.9v10.6c0 5.8.3 11.4.6 12.5.4 1.3 4.9 4.1 13.3 8.2 6.9 3.5 14.1 7.5 16 9.1l3.4 2.8-30.2 15.3L196 271v-90l44.3-21.9c24.3-12.1 44.4-21.8 44.5- 14.3-.3 31.4z"></path>
<div class="panel">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="welcome">
<strong>Welcome back, ]] .. TemplateRequest.Request.Username .. [[</strong>
<a href="/" class="link-logout">Log out</a>
<ul class="stats">
<li>Players online: <strong>]] .. NumPlayers .. [[</strong></li>
<li>Memory: <strong>]] .. string.format("%.2f", MemoryUsageKiB / 1024) .. [[MB</strong></li>
<li>Chunks: <strong>]] .. NumChunks .. [[</strong></li>
<div class="columns">
<div class="columns-wrapper">
<div class="columns-spacing">
<div class="box left">
<h2 class="head color-background">Menu</h2>
<ul class="sidebar">
<a href="]] .. BaseURL .. [[" class="link-home">Home</a>
<div class="category">Server Management</div>
<ul class="sidebar">
-- Get all tabs:
local perPluginTabs = {}
for _, tab in ipairs(cWebAdmin:GetAllWebTabs()) do
local pluginTabs = perPluginTabs[tab.PluginName] or {};
perPluginTabs[tab.PluginName] = pluginTabs
table.insert(pluginTabs, tab)
-- Sort by plugin:
local pluginNames = {}
for pluginName, pluginTabs in pairs(perPluginTabs) do
table.insert(pluginNames, pluginName)
-- Output by plugin, then alphabetically:
for _, pluginName in ipairs(pluginNames) do
local pluginTabs = perPluginTabs[pluginName]
function(a_Tab1, a_Tab2)
return ((a_Tab1.Title or "") < (a_Tab2.Title or ""))
-- Translate the plugin name into the folder name (-> title)
local pluginWebTitle = cPluginManager:Get():GetPluginFolderName(pluginName) or pluginName
Output("<li><strong class=\"link-page\">" .. pluginWebTitle .. "</strong></li>\n");
-- Output each tab:
for _, tab in pairs(pluginTabs) do
Output("<li><a href=\"" .. BaseURL .. pluginName .. "/" .. tab.UrlPath .. "\" class=\"sidebar-item link-subpage\">" .. tab.Title .. "</a></li>\n")
<div class="box right">
<h1 class="head color-background">]] .. SubTitle .. [[</h1>
<div class="main-content">]] .. PageContent .. [[</div>
<div class="footer">
<div class="footer-container">
<div class="wrapper">
<span class="copyright">Copyright © <a href="https://cuberite.org/" target="_blank">Cuberite Team</a></span>
<ul class="footer-links">
<li><a href="https://cuberite.org/" target="_blank">Cuberite</a></li>
<li><a href="https://forum.cuberite.org/" target="_blank">Forums</a></li>
<li><a href="https://api.cuberite.org/" target="_blank">API Docs</a></li>
<li><a href="https://book.cuberite.org/" target="_blank">User's Manual</a></li>
return table.concat(SiteContent)