luksor111@gmail.com 05d71675f6 Added dispensers (they can't dispense items yet)
Fixed crash when digging snow
Moved BlockPlace hook check, so Core plugin will no longer block item usage
Player chat messages are now visible in the console

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1081 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2012-12-19 21:19:36 +00:00

274 lines
8.2 KiB

// SlotArea.h
// Interfaces to the cSlotArea class representing a contiguous area of slots in a UI window
#pragma once
#include "../Item.h"
class cWindow;
class cPlayer;
class cChestEntity;
class cDispenserEntity;
class cFurnaceEntity;
class cCraftingRecipe;
class cSlotArea
cSlotArea(int a_NumSlots, cWindow & a_ParentWindow);
virtual ~cSlotArea() {} // force a virtual destructor in all subclasses
int GetNumSlots(void) const { return m_NumSlots; }
/// Called to retrieve an item in the specified slot for the specified player. Must return a valid cItem.
virtual const cItem * GetSlot(int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player) = 0;
/// Called to set an item in the specified slot for the specified player
virtual void SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player, const cItem & a_Item) = 0;
/// Called when a player clicks in the window. Parameters taken from the click packet.
virtual void Clicked(cPlayer & a_Player, int a_SlotNum, bool a_IsRightClick, bool a_IsShiftPressed, const cItem & a_ClickedItem);
/// Called from Clicked if it is a valid shiftclick
virtual void ShiftClicked(cPlayer & a_Player, int a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_ClickedItem);
/// Called when a new player opens the same parent window. The window already tracks the player. CS-locked.
virtual void OnPlayerAdded(cPlayer & a_Player) {} ;
/// Called when one of the players closes the parent window. The window already doesn't track the player. CS-locked.
virtual void OnPlayerRemoved(cPlayer & a_Player) {} ;
/** Called to store as much of a_ItemStack in the area as possible. a_ItemStack is modified to reflect the change.
The default implementation searches each slot for available space and distributes the stack there.
if a_ShouldApply is true, the changes are written into the slots;
if a_ShouldApply is false, only a_ItemStack is modified to reflect the number of fits (for fit-testing purposes)
If a_KeepEmptySlots is true, empty slots will be skipped and won't be filled
virtual void DistributeStack(cItem & a_ItemStack, cPlayer & a_Player, bool a_ShouldApply, bool a_KeepEmptySlots);
int m_NumSlots;
cWindow & m_ParentWindow;
} ;
/// Handles any part of the inventory, using parameters in constructor to distinguish between the parts
class cSlotAreaInventoryBase :
public cSlotArea
typedef cSlotArea super;
cSlotAreaInventoryBase(int a_NumSlots, int a_SlotOffset, cWindow & a_ParentWindow);
// Creative inventory's click handling is somewhat different from survival inventory's, handle that here:
virtual void Clicked(cPlayer & a_Player, int a_SlotNum, bool a_IsRightClick, bool a_IsShiftPressed, const cItem & a_ClickedItem) override;
virtual const cItem * GetSlot(int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player) override;
virtual void SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player, const cItem & a_Item) override;
int m_SlotOffset; // Index that this area's slot 0 has in the underlying cInventory
} ;
/// Handles the "inner" inventory of each player, excluding the armor and hotbar
class cSlotAreaInventory :
public cSlotAreaInventoryBase
typedef cSlotAreaInventoryBase super;
cSlotAreaInventory(cWindow & a_ParentWindow) :
cSlotAreaInventoryBase(27, 9, a_ParentWindow) // 27 slots, starting at inventory index 9
} ;
/// Handles the "outer" inevntory of each player - the hotbar
class cSlotAreaHotBar :
public cSlotAreaInventoryBase
typedef cSlotAreaInventoryBase super;
cSlotAreaHotBar(cWindow & a_ParentWindow) :
cSlotAreaInventoryBase(9, 36, a_ParentWindow)
} ;
/// Handles the armor area of the inventory
class cSlotAreaArmor :
public cSlotAreaInventoryBase
cSlotAreaArmor(cWindow & a_ParentWindow) :
cSlotAreaInventoryBase(4, 5, a_ParentWindow)
// Distributing the stack is allowed only for compatible items (helmets into helmet slot etc.)
virtual void DistributeStack(cItem & a_ItemStack, cPlayer & a_Player, bool a_ShouldApply, bool a_KeepEmptySlots) override;
} ;
/** A cSlotArea with items layout that is private to each player and is temporary, such as
a crafting grid or an enchantment table.
This common ancestor stores the items in a per-player map. It also implements tossing items from the map.
class cSlotAreaTemporary :
public cSlotArea
typedef cSlotArea super;
cSlotAreaTemporary(int a_NumSlots, cWindow & a_ParentWindow);
// cSlotArea overrides:
virtual const cItem * GetSlot (int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player) override;
virtual void SetSlot (int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player, const cItem & a_Item) override;
virtual void OnPlayerAdded (cPlayer & a_Player) override;
virtual void OnPlayerRemoved(cPlayer & a_Player) override;
/// Tosses the player's items in slots [a_Begin, a_End) (ie. incl. a_Begin, but excl. a_End)
void TossItems(cPlayer & a_Player, int a_Begin, int a_End);
typedef std::map<int, std::vector<cItem> > cItemMap; // Maps EntityID -> items
cItemMap m_Items;
/// Returns the pointer to the slot array for the player specified.
cItem * GetPlayerSlots(cPlayer & a_Player);
} ;
class cSlotAreaCrafting :
public cSlotAreaTemporary
typedef cSlotAreaTemporary super;
/// a_GridSize is allowed to be only 2 or 3
cSlotAreaCrafting(int a_GridSize, cWindow & a_ParentWindow);
// cSlotAreaTemporary overrides:
virtual void Clicked (cPlayer & a_Player, int a_SlotNum, bool a_IsRightClick, bool a_IsShiftPressed, const cItem & a_ClickedItem) override;
virtual void OnPlayerRemoved(cPlayer & a_Player) override;
// Distributing items into this area is completely disabled
virtual void DistributeStack(cItem & a_ItemStack, cPlayer & a_Player, bool a_ShouldApply, bool a_KeepEmptySlots) override {}
/// Maps player's EntityID -> current recipe; not a std::map because cCraftingGrid needs proper constructor params
typedef std::list<std::pair<int, cCraftingRecipe> > cRecipeMap;
int m_GridSize;
cRecipeMap m_Recipes;
/// Handles a click in the result slot. Crafts using the current recipe, if possible
void ClickedResult(cPlayer & a_Player);
/// Handles a shift-click in the result slot. Crafts using the current recipe until it changes or no more space for result.
void ShiftClickedResult(cPlayer & a_Player);
/// Updates the current recipe and result slot based on the ingredients currently in the crafting grid of the specified player
void UpdateRecipe(cPlayer & a_Player);
/// Retrieves the recipe for the specified player from the map, or creates one if not found
cCraftingRecipe & GetRecipeForPlayer(cPlayer & a_Player);
} ;
class cSlotAreaChest :
public cSlotArea
cSlotAreaChest(cChestEntity * a_Chest, cWindow & a_ParentWindow);
virtual const cItem * GetSlot(int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player) override;
virtual void SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player, const cItem & a_Item) override;
cChestEntity * m_Chest;
} ;
class cSlotAreaDispenser :
public cSlotArea
typedef cSlotArea super;
cSlotAreaDispenser(cDispenserEntity * a_Dispenser, cWindow & a_ParentWindow);
virtual void Clicked(cPlayer & a_Player, int a_SlotNum, bool a_IsRightClick, bool a_IsShiftPressed, const cItem & a_ClickedItem) override;
virtual const cItem * GetSlot(int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player) override;
virtual void SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player, const cItem & a_Item) override;
cDispenserEntity * m_Dispenser;
} ;
class cSlotAreaFurnace :
public cSlotArea
typedef cSlotArea super;
cSlotAreaFurnace(cFurnaceEntity * a_Furnace, cWindow & a_ParentWindow);
virtual void Clicked(cPlayer & a_Player, int a_SlotNum, bool a_IsRightClick, bool a_IsShiftPressed, const cItem & a_ClickedItem) override;
virtual const cItem * GetSlot(int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player) override;
virtual void SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, cPlayer & a_Player, const cItem & a_Item) override;
cFurnaceEntity * m_Furnace;
} ;