git-svn-id: 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
398 lines
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398 lines
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#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Pawn.h"
#include "Root.h"
#include "Server.h"
#include "World.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "BlockID.h"
#include "Defines.h"
cPawn::cPawn(eEntityType a_EntityType)
: cEntity(a_EntityType, 0, 0, 0)
, m_Health(1)
, m_MaxHealth(1)
, m_LastPosX( 0.0 )
, m_LastPosY( 0.0 )
, m_LastPosZ( 0.0 )
, m_TimeLastTeleportPacket(0)
, m_bBurnable(true)
, m_MetaData(NORMAL)
void cPawn::Heal(int a_HitPoints)
m_Health += a_HitPoints;
if (m_Health > m_MaxHealth)
m_Health = m_MaxHealth;
void cPawn::TakeDamage(cPawn & a_Attacker)
int RawDamage = a_Attacker.GetRawDamageAgainst(*this);
TakeDamage(dtAttack, &a_Attacker, RawDamage, a_Attacker.GetKnockbackAmountAgainst(*this));
void cPawn::TakeDamage(eDamageType a_DamageType, cPawn * a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount)
int FinalDamage = a_RawDamage - GetArmorCoverAgainst(a_Attacker, a_DamageType, a_RawDamage);
TakeDamage(a_DamageType, a_Attacker, a_RawDamage, FinalDamage, a_KnockbackAmount);
void cPawn::TakeDamage(eDamageType a_DamageType, cPawn * a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, int a_FinalDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount)
TakeDamageInfo TDI;
TDI.DamageType = a_DamageType;
TDI.Attacker = a_Attacker;
TDI.RawDamage = a_RawDamage;
TDI.FinalDamage = a_FinalDamage;
Vector3d Heading;
Heading.x = sin(m_Rot.x);
Heading.y = 0.4; // TODO: adjust the amount of "up" knockback when testing
Heading.z = cos(m_Rot.x);
TDI.Knockback = Heading * a_KnockbackAmount;
void cPawn::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
if (cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookTakeDamage(*this, a_TDI))
if (m_Health <= 0)
// Can't take damage if already dead
m_Health -= (short)a_TDI.FinalDamage;
// TODO: Apply damage to armor
if (m_Health < 0)
m_Health = 0;
m_World->BroadcastEntityStatus(*this, ENTITY_STATUS_HURT);
if (m_Health <= 0)
void cPawn::KilledBy(cPawn * a_Killer)
short OldHealth = m_Health;
m_Health = 0;
if (cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHook( cPluginManager::E_PLUGIN_KILLED, 2, this, a_Killer))
// Plugin wants to 'unkill' the pawn. Set health back and abort
m_Health = OldHealth;
// Drop loot:
cItems Drops;
GetDrops(Drops, a_Killer);
m_World->SpawnItemPickups(Drops, m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Pos.z);
m_World->BroadcastEntityStatus(*this, ENTITY_STATUS_DEAD);
int cPawn::GetRawDamageAgainst(const cPawn & a_Receiver)
// Returns the hitpoints that this pawn can deal to a_Receiver using its equipped items
// Ref: as of 2012_12_20
switch (this->GetEquippedWeapon().m_ItemType)
case E_ITEM_WOODEN_SWORD: return 4;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_SWORD: return 4;
case E_ITEM_STONE_SWORD: return 5;
case E_ITEM_IRON_SWORD: return 6;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_SWORD: return 7;
case E_ITEM_WOODEN_AXE: return 3;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_AXE: return 3;
case E_ITEM_STONE_AXE: return 4;
case E_ITEM_IRON_AXE: return 5;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_AXE: return 6;
case E_ITEM_WOODEN_PICKAXE: return 2;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_PICKAXE: return 2;
case E_ITEM_STONE_PICKAXE: return 3;
case E_ITEM_IRON_PICKAXE: return 4;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_PICKAXE: return 5;
case E_ITEM_WOODEN_SHOVEL: return 1;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_SHOVEL: return 1;
case E_ITEM_STONE_SHOVEL: return 2;
case E_ITEM_IRON_SHOVEL: return 3;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_SHOVEL: return 4;
// All other equipped items give a damage of 1:
return 1;
int cPawn::GetArmorCoverAgainst(const cPawn * a_Attacker, eDamageType a_DamageType, int a_Damage)
// Returns the hitpoints out of a_RawDamage that the currently equipped armor would cover
// Filter out damage types that are not protected by armor:
// Ref.: as of 2012_12_20
switch (a_DamageType)
case dtOnFire:
case dtSuffocating:
case dtDrowning: // TODO: This one could be a special case - in various MC versions (PC vs XBox) it is and isn't armor-protected
case dtStarving:
case dtInVoid:
case dtPoisoning:
case dtPotionOfHarming:
case dtFalling:
case dtLightning:
return 0;
// Add up all armor points:
// Ref.: as of 2012_12_20
int ArmorValue = 0;
switch (GetEquippedHelmet().m_ItemType)
case E_ITEM_LEATHER_CAP: ArmorValue += 1; break;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_HELMET: ArmorValue += 2; break;
case E_ITEM_CHAIN_HELMET: ArmorValue += 2; break;
case E_ITEM_IRON_HELMET: ArmorValue += 2; break;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_HELMET: ArmorValue += 3; break;
switch (GetEquippedChestplate().m_ItemType)
case E_ITEM_LEATHER_TUNIC: ArmorValue += 3; break;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 5; break;
case E_ITEM_CHAIN_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 5; break;
case E_ITEM_IRON_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 6; break;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 8; break;
switch (GetEquippedLeggings().m_ItemType)
case E_ITEM_LEATHER_PANTS: ArmorValue += 2; break;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 3; break;
case E_ITEM_CHAIN_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 4; break;
case E_ITEM_IRON_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 5; break;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 6; break;
switch (GetEquippedBoots().m_ItemType)
case E_ITEM_LEATHER_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 1; break;
case E_ITEM_GOLD_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 1; break;
case E_ITEM_CHAIN_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 1; break;
case E_ITEM_IRON_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 2; break;
case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 3; break;
// TODO: Special armor cases, such as wool, saddles, dog's collar
// Ref.: as of 2012_12_20
// Now ArmorValue is in [0, 20] range, which corresponds to [0, 80%] protection. Calculate the hitpoints from that:
return a_Damage * (ArmorValue * 4) / 100;
double cPawn::GetKnockbackAmountAgainst(const cPawn & a_Receiver)
// Returns the knockback amount that the currently equipped items would cause to a_Receiver on a hit
// TODO: Enchantments
return 1;
void cPawn::GetDrops(cItems & a_Drops, cPawn * a_Killer)
void cPawn::TeleportToEntity(cEntity & a_Entity)
TeleportTo(a_Entity.GetPosX(), a_Entity.GetPosY(), a_Entity.GetPosZ());
void cPawn::TeleportTo(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ)
SetPosition(a_PosX, a_PosY, a_PosZ);
void cPawn::Tick(float a_Dt, MTRand & a_TickRandom)
CheckMetaDataBurn(); // Check to see if pawn should burn based on block they are on
if (GetMetaData() == BURNING)
void cPawn::SetMetaData(MetaData a_MetaData)
//Broadcast new status to clients in the chunk
m_MetaData = a_MetaData;
//----Change Entity MetaData
void cPawn::CheckMetaDataBurn()
BLOCKTYPE Block = GetWorld()->GetBlock((int) m_Pos.x, (int) m_Pos.y, (int) m_Pos.z);
BLOCKTYPE BlockAbove = GetWorld()->GetBlock((int) m_Pos.x, (int) m_Pos.y + 1, (int) m_Pos.z);
BLOCKTYPE BlockBelow = GetWorld()->GetBlock((int) m_Pos.x, (int) m_Pos.y - 1, (int) m_Pos.z);
if (
(GetMetaData() == BURNING) &&
(IsBlockWater(Block) || IsBlockWater(BlockAbove) || IsBlockWater(BlockBelow))
else if (
m_bBurnable &&
(GetMetaData() != BURNING) &&
IsBlockLava(Block) || (Block == E_BLOCK_FIRE) ||
IsBlockLava(BlockAbove) || (BlockAbove == E_BLOCK_FIRE) ||
IsBlockLava(BlockBelow) || (BlockBelow == E_BLOCK_FIRE)
// What to do if On fire
void cPawn::InStateBurning(float a_Dt)
m_FireDamageInterval += a_Dt;
if (m_FireDamageInterval < 800)
BLOCKTYPE Block = GetWorld()->GetBlock((int)m_Pos.x, (int)m_Pos.y, (int)m_Pos.z);
BLOCKTYPE BlockAbove = GetWorld()->GetBlock((int)m_Pos.x, (int)m_Pos.y + 1, (int)m_Pos.z);
m_FireDamageInterval = 0;
TakeDamage(dtOnFire, NULL, 1, 0);
if (
IsBlockLava(Block) ||
(Block == E_BLOCK_FIRE) ||
IsBlockLava(BlockAbove) ||
(BlockAbove == E_BLOCK_FIRE)
m_BurnPeriod = 0;
TakeDamage(dtLavaContact, NULL, 6, 0);
if (m_BurnPeriod > 7)
m_BurnPeriod = 0;
void cPawn::SetMaxHealth(short a_MaxHealth)
this->m_MaxHealth = a_MaxHealth;
// Reset health
m_Health = a_MaxHealth;