faketruth c4abe1ed6a MCServer should be running fast again on Linux!! YAAAY!!
It seems the intialization of MersenneTwister was really slow on Linux because it did some file reading. Doing this 200 times a tick can be pretty slow...

StringUtils didn't compile in Cygwin due to missing va_list definition

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@230 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2012-02-03 16:01:25 +00:00

59 lines
1.4 KiB

// StringUtils.h
// Interfaces to various string helper functions
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <stdarg.h>
typedef std::string AString;
typedef std::vector<AString> AStringVector;
/// Add the formated string to the existing data in the string
extern AString & AppendVPrintf(AString & str, const char * format, va_list args);
/// Output the formatted text into the string
extern AString & Printf (AString & str, const char * format, ...);
/// Add the formatted string to the existing data in the string
extern AString & AppendPrintf (AString & str, const char * format, ...);
/// Split the string at delimiters, return as a stringvector
extern AStringVector StringSplit(const AString & str, const AString & delim);
/// In-place string conversion to uppercase; returns the same string
extern AString & StrToUpper(AString & s);
/// Case-insensitive string comparison; returns 0 if the strings are the same
extern int NoCaseCompare(const AString & s1, const AString & s2);
/// Replaces *each* occurence of iNeedle in iHayStack with iReplaceWith
extern void ReplaceString(AString & iHayStack, const AString & iNeedle, const AString & iReplaceWith);
// If you have any other string helper functions, declare them here