faketruth b5b920deda You can now run multiple worlds by defining them in settings.ini . However there's no way to change worlds on the fly yet
Players are now stored in separate folder /players instead of in the world folder (!so move the folder!)
Fixed a memory leak/error in cPickup.cpp
Multiple worlds are stored in cRoot
cClientHandle lists are taken out of cWorld and now stored in cServer
Worlds now have names to distinguish them by
Some functions in the Core plugin now distinguish between worlds

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@40 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2011-11-01 21:57:08 +00:00

232 lines
6.1 KiB

#ifndef _WIN32
#include <cstdlib>
#include "cPickup.h"
#include "cClientHandle.h"
#include "cInventory.h"
#include "cWorld.h"
#include "cServer.h"
#include "cPlayer.h"
#include "cPluginManager.h"
#include "cItem.h"
#include "cRoot.h"
#include "cMCLogger.h"
#include "cTracer.h"
#include "cChunk.h"
#include "packets/cPacket_TeleportEntity.h"
#include "packets/cPacket_PickupSpawn.h"
#include "packets/cPacket_CollectItem.h"
#include "Vector3d.h"
#include "Vector3f.h"
CLASS_DEFINITION( cPickup, cEntity )
delete m_Item;
delete m_Speed;
cPickup::cPickup(int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, const cItem & a_Item, float a_SpeedX /* = 0.f */, float a_SpeedY /* = 0.f */, float a_SpeedZ /* = 0.f */)
: cEntity( ((double)(a_X))/32, ((double)(a_Y))/32, ((double)(a_Z))/32 )
, m_Speed( new Vector3f( a_SpeedX, a_SpeedY, a_SpeedZ ) )
, m_bOnGround( false )
, m_bReplicated( false )
, m_Timer( 0.f )
, m_Item( new cItem( a_Item ) )
, m_bCollected( false )
//LOG("New pickup: ID(%i) Amount(%i) Health(%i)", m_Item.m_ItemID, m_Item.m_ItemCount, m_Item.m_ItemHealth );
// Spawn it on clients
cPacket_PickupSpawn PickupSpawn;
PickupSpawn.m_UniqueID = m_UniqueID;
PickupSpawn.m_Item = (short)m_Item->m_ItemID;
PickupSpawn.m_Count = m_Item->m_ItemCount;
PickupSpawn.m_Health = m_Item->m_ItemHealth;
PickupSpawn.m_PosX = a_X;
PickupSpawn.m_PosY = a_Y;
PickupSpawn.m_PosZ = a_Z;
PickupSpawn.m_Rotation = (char)(m_Speed->x * 8);
PickupSpawn.m_Pitch = (char)(m_Speed->y * 8);
PickupSpawn.m_Roll = (char)(m_Speed->z * 8);
cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->Broadcast( PickupSpawn );
m_EntityType = E_PICKUP;
cPickup::cPickup(cPacket_PickupSpawn* a_PickupSpawnPacket)
: cEntity( ((double)a_PickupSpawnPacket->m_PosX)/32, ((double)a_PickupSpawnPacket->m_PosY)/32, ((double)a_PickupSpawnPacket->m_PosZ)/32 )
, m_Speed( new Vector3f() )
, m_bOnGround( false )
, m_bReplicated( false )
, m_Timer( 0.f )
, m_bCollected( false )
a_PickupSpawnPacket->m_UniqueID = m_UniqueID;
m_Item = new cItem();
m_Item->m_ItemID = (ENUM_ITEM_ID)a_PickupSpawnPacket->m_Item;
m_Item->m_ItemCount = a_PickupSpawnPacket->m_Count;
m_Item->m_ItemHealth = 0x0;
m_Speed->x = (float)(a_PickupSpawnPacket->m_Rotation) / 8;
m_Speed->y = (float)(a_PickupSpawnPacket->m_Pitch) / 8;
m_Speed->z = (float)(a_PickupSpawnPacket->m_Roll) / 8;
// Spawn it on clients
cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->Broadcast( *a_PickupSpawnPacket );
m_EntityType = E_PICKUP;
void cPickup::SpawnOn( cClientHandle* a_Target )
cPacket_PickupSpawn PickupSpawn;
PickupSpawn.m_UniqueID = m_UniqueID;
PickupSpawn.m_Item = (short)m_Item->m_ItemID;
PickupSpawn.m_Count = m_Item->m_ItemCount;
PickupSpawn.m_Health = m_Item->m_ItemHealth;
PickupSpawn.m_PosX = (int)(m_Pos->x * 32);
PickupSpawn.m_PosY = (int)(m_Pos->y * 32);
PickupSpawn.m_PosZ = (int)(m_Pos->z * 32);
PickupSpawn.m_Rotation = (char)(m_Speed->x * 8);
PickupSpawn.m_Pitch = (char)(m_Speed->y * 8);
PickupSpawn.m_Roll = (char)(m_Speed->z * 8);
a_Target->Send( PickupSpawn );
void cPickup::Tick(float a_Dt)
a_Dt = a_Dt / 1000.f;
if(m_Timer > 500.f) // 0.5 second
if( m_Timer > 1000*60*5 ) // 5 minutes
if( m_Pos->y < 0 ) // Out of this world!
HandlePhysics( a_Dt );
if( !m_bReplicated || m_bDirtyPosition )
m_bReplicated = true;
m_bDirtyPosition = false;
cChunk* Chunk = GetWorld()->GetChunkUnreliable( m_ChunkX, m_ChunkY, m_ChunkZ );
if( Chunk )
cPacket_TeleportEntity TeleportEntity( this );
Chunk->Broadcast( TeleportEntity );
//printf("YSpeed: %f, OnGround: %i\n", m_SpeedY, m_bOnGround );
void cPickup::HandlePhysics(float a_Dt)
if( m_bOnGround ) // check if it's still on the ground
cWorld* World = GetWorld();
int BlockX = (int)m_Pos->x;
if( m_Pos->x < 0 ) BlockX--;
int BlockZ = (int)m_Pos->z;
if( m_Pos->z < 0 ) BlockZ--;
if( World->GetBlock( BlockX, (int)m_Pos->y -1, BlockZ ) == E_BLOCK_AIR )
m_bOnGround = false;
if( World->GetBlock( BlockX, (int)m_Pos->y, BlockZ ) != E_BLOCK_AIR ) // If in ground itself, push it out
m_bOnGround = true;
m_Pos->y += 0.2;
m_bReplicated = false;
m_Speed->x *= 0.7f/(1+a_Dt);
if( fabs(m_Speed->x) < 0.05 ) m_Speed->x = 0;
m_Speed->z *= 0.7f/(1+a_Dt);
if( fabs(m_Speed->z) < 0.05 ) m_Speed->z = 0;
if( !m_bOnGround )
float Gravity = -9.81f*a_Dt;
m_Speed->y += Gravity;
cTracer Tracer( GetWorld() );
int Ret = Tracer.Trace( *m_Pos, *m_Speed, 2 );
if( Ret ) // Oh noez! we hit something
// Set to hit position
if( (*Tracer.RealHit - Vector3f(*m_Pos)).SqrLength() <= ( *m_Speed * a_Dt ).SqrLength() )
m_bReplicated = false; // It's only interesting to replicate when we actually hit something...
if( Ret == 1 )
if( Tracer.HitNormal->x != 0.f ) m_Speed->x = 0.f;
if( Tracer.HitNormal->y != 0.f ) m_Speed->y = 0.f;
if( Tracer.HitNormal->z != 0.f ) m_Speed->z = 0.f;
if( Tracer.HitNormal->y > 0 ) // means on ground
m_bOnGround = true;
*m_Pos = Tracer.RealHit;
*m_Pos += *Tracer.HitNormal * 0.2;
*m_Pos += *m_Speed*a_Dt;
{ // We didn't hit anything, so move =]
*m_Pos += *m_Speed*a_Dt;
bool cPickup::CollectedBy( cPlayer* a_Dest )
if(m_bCollected) return false; // It's already collected!
if(m_Timer < 1000.f) return false; // Not old enough
if( cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHook( cPluginManager::E_PLUGIN_COLLECT_ITEM, 2, this, a_Dest ) ) return false;
if( a_Dest->GetInventory().AddItem( *m_Item ) )
cPacket_CollectItem CollectItem;
CollectItem.m_CollectedID = m_UniqueID;
CollectItem.m_CollectorID = a_Dest->GetUniqueID();
cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->Broadcast( CollectItem );
m_bCollected = true;
m_Timer = 0;
return true;
return false;