madmaxoft 00196e975a ProtoProxy now properly waits for both sides to establish encryption
No more "End of stream" kicks in the client. Data sent while one connection is encrypted and the other is not is buffered and sent when the other link establishes encryption.
2013-07-28 18:15:19 +02:00

207 lines
7.7 KiB

// Connection.h
// Interfaces to the cConnection class representing a single pair of connected sockets
#pragma once
#include <time.h>
#include "ByteBuffer.h"
class cServer;
class cConnection
AString m_LogNameBase; ///< Base for the log filename and all files connected to this log
int m_ItemIdx; ///< Index for the next file into which item metadata should be written (ParseSlot() function)
cCriticalSection m_CSLog;
FILE * m_LogFile;
cServer & m_Server;
SOCKET m_ClientSocket;
SOCKET m_ServerSocket;
clock_t m_BeginTick; // Tick when the relative time was first retrieved (used for GetRelativeTime())
enum eConnectionState
csUnencrypted, // The connection is not encrypted. Packets must be decoded in order to be able to start decryption.
csEncryptedUnderstood, // The communication is encrypted and so far all packets have been understood, so they can be still decoded
csEncryptedUnknown, // The communication is encrypted, but an unknown packet has been received, so packets cannot be decoded anymore
csWaitingForEncryption, // The communication is waiting for the other line to establish encryption
eConnectionState m_ClientState;
eConnectionState m_ServerState;
int m_Nonce;
cConnection(SOCKET a_ClientSocket, cServer & a_Server);
void Run(void);
void Log(const char * a_Format, ...);
void DataLog(const void * a_Data, int a_Size, const char * a_Format, ...);
void LogFlush(void);
typedef CFB_Mode<AES>::Encryption Encryptor;
typedef CFB_Mode<AES>::Decryption Decryptor;
cByteBuffer m_ClientBuffer;
cByteBuffer m_ServerBuffer;
Decryptor m_ServerDecryptor;
Encryptor m_ServerEncryptor;
Decryptor m_ClientDecryptor;
Encryptor m_ClientEncryptor;
AString m_ClientEncryptionBuffer; // Buffer for the data to be sent to the client once encryption is established
AString m_ServerEncryptionBuffer; // Buffer for the data to be sent to the server once encryption is established
/// Set to true when PACKET_PING is received from the client; will cause special parsing for server kick
bool m_HasClientPinged;
bool ConnectToServer(void);
/// Relays data from server to client; returns false if connection aborted
bool RelayFromServer(void);
/// Relays data from client to server; returns false if connection aborted
bool RelayFromClient(void);
/// Returns the time relative to the first call of this function, in the fractional seconds elapsed
double GetRelativeTime(void);
/// Sends data to the specified socket. If sending fails, prints a fail message using a_Peer and returns false.
bool SendData(SOCKET a_Socket, const char * a_Data, int a_Size, const char * a_Peer);
/// Sends data to the specified socket. If sending fails, prints a fail message using a_Peer and returns false.
bool SendData(SOCKET a_Socket, cByteBuffer & a_Data, const char * a_Peer);
/// Sends data to the specfied socket, after encrypting it using a_Encryptor. If sending fails, prints a fail message using a_Peer and returns false
bool SendEncryptedData(SOCKET a_Socket, Encryptor & a_Encryptor, const char * a_Data, int a_Size, const char * a_Peer);
/// Sends data to the specfied socket, after encrypting it using a_Encryptor. If sending fails, prints a fail message using a_Peer and returns false
bool SendEncryptedData(SOCKET a_Socket, Encryptor & a_Encryptor, cByteBuffer & a_Data, const char * a_Peer);
/// Decodes packets coming from the client, sends appropriate counterparts to the server; returns false if the connection is to be dropped
bool DecodeClientsPackets(const char * a_Data, int a_Size);
/// Decodes packets coming from the server, sends appropriate counterparts to the client; returns false if the connection is to be dropped
bool DecodeServersPackets(const char * a_Data, int a_Size);
// Packet handling, client-side:
bool HandleClientAnimation(void);
bool HandleClientBlockDig(void);
bool HandleClientBlockPlace(void);
bool HandleClientChatMessage(void);
bool HandleClientClientStatuses(void);
bool HandleClientCreativeInventoryAction(void);
bool HandleClientEncryptionKeyResponse(void);
bool HandleClientEntityAction(void);
bool HandleClientHandshake(void);
bool HandleClientKeepAlive(void);
bool HandleClientLocaleAndView(void);
bool HandleClientPing(void);
bool HandleClientPlayerAbilities(void);
bool HandleClientPlayerLook(void);
bool HandleClientPlayerOnGround(void);
bool HandleClientPlayerPosition(void);
bool HandleClientPlayerPositionLook(void);
bool HandleClientPluginMessage(void);
bool HandleClientSlotSelect(void);
bool HandleClientUpdateSign(void);
bool HandleClientUseEntity(void);
bool HandleClientWindowClick(void);
bool HandleClientWindowClose(void);
// Packet handling, server-side:
bool HandleServerAttachEntity(void);
bool HandleServerBlockAction(void);
bool HandleServerBlockChange(void);
bool HandleServerChangeGameState(void);
bool HandleServerChatMessage(void);
bool HandleServerCollectPickup(void);
bool HandleServerCompass(void);
bool HandleServerDestroyEntities(void);
bool HandleServerEncryptionKeyRequest(void);
bool HandleServerEncryptionKeyResponse(void);
bool HandleServerEntity(void);
bool HandleServerEntityEquipment(void);
bool HandleServerEntityHeadLook(void);
bool HandleServerEntityLook(void);
bool HandleServerEntityMetadata(void);
bool HandleServerEntityProperties(void);
bool HandleServerEntityRelativeMove(void);
bool HandleServerEntityRelativeMoveLook(void);
bool HandleServerEntityStatus(void);
bool HandleServerEntityTeleport(void);
bool HandleServerEntityVelocity(void);
bool HandleServerIncrementStatistic(void);
bool HandleServerKeepAlive(void);
bool HandleServerKick(void);
bool HandleServerLogin(void);
bool HandleServerMapChunk(void);
bool HandleServerMapChunkBulk(void);
bool HandleServerMultiBlockChange(void);
bool HandleServerNamedSoundEffect(void);
bool HandleServerPlayerAbilities(void);
bool HandleServerPlayerAnimation(void);
bool HandleServerPlayerListItem(void);
bool HandleServerPlayerPositionLook(void);
bool HandleServerPluginMessage(void);
bool HandleServerSetExperience(void);
bool HandleServerSetSlot(void);
bool HandleServerSlotSelect(void);
bool HandleServerSoundEffect(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnMob(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnNamedEntity(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnObjectVehicle(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnPainting(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnPickup(void);
bool HandleServerTimeUpdate(void);
bool HandleServerUpdateHealth(void);
bool HandleServerUpdateSign(void);
bool HandleServerUpdateTileEntity(void);
bool HandleServerWindowClose(void);
bool HandleServerWindowContents(void);
bool HandleServerWindowOpen(void);
/// Parses the slot data in a_Buffer into item description; returns true if successful, false if not enough data
bool ParseSlot(cByteBuffer & a_Buffer, AString & a_ItemDesc);
/// Parses the metadata in a_Buffer into raw metadata in an AString; returns true if successful, false if not enough data
bool ParseMetadata(cByteBuffer & a_Buffer, AString & a_Metadata);
/// Logs the contents of the metadata in the AString, using Log(). Assumes a_Metadata is valid (parsed by ParseMetadata()). The log is indented by a_IndentCount spaces
void LogMetadata(const AString & a_Metadata, size_t a_IndentCount);
/// Send EKResp to the server:
void SendEncryptionKeyResponse(const AString & a_ServerPublicKey, const AString & a_Nonce);
/// Starts client encryption based on the parameters received
void StartClientEncryption(const AString & a_EncryptedSecret, const AString & a_EncryptedNonce);
} ;