#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "FurnaceEntity.h" #include "../UI/Window.h" #include "../Entities/Player.h" #include "../Root.h" #include "../Chunk.h" #include <json/json.h> enum { PROGRESSBAR_SMELTING = 0, PROGRESSBAR_FUEL = 1, } ; cFurnaceEntity::cFurnaceEntity(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) : super(E_BLOCK_FURNACE, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, ContentsWidth, ContentsHeight, NULL), m_BlockType(a_BlockType), m_BlockMeta(a_BlockMeta), m_CurrentRecipe(NULL), m_IsCooking(false), m_NeedCookTime(0), m_TimeCooked(0), m_FuelBurnTime(0), m_TimeBurned(0), m_LastProgressFuel(0), m_LastProgressCook(0) { SetBlockEntity(this); // cBlockEntityWindowOwner m_Contents.AddListener(*this); } cFurnaceEntity::cFurnaceEntity(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, cWorld * a_World) : super(E_BLOCK_FURNACE, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, ContentsWidth, ContentsHeight, a_World), m_BlockType(a_BlockType), m_BlockMeta(a_BlockMeta), m_CurrentRecipe(NULL), m_IsCooking((a_World->GetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ) == E_BLOCK_LIT_FURNACE)), m_NeedCookTime(0), m_TimeCooked(0), m_FuelBurnTime(0), m_TimeBurned(0), m_LastProgressFuel(0), m_LastProgressCook(0) { SetBlockEntity(this); // cBlockEntityWindowOwner m_Contents.AddListener(*this); } cFurnaceEntity::~cFurnaceEntity() { // Tell window its owner is destroyed cWindow * Window = GetWindow(); if (Window != NULL) { Window->OwnerDestroyed(); } } void cFurnaceEntity::UsedBy(cPlayer * a_Player) { if (GetWindow() == NULL) { OpenWindow(new cFurnaceWindow(m_PosX, m_PosY, m_PosZ, this)); } cWindow * Window = GetWindow(); if (Window != NULL) { if (a_Player->GetWindow() != Window) { a_Player->OpenWindow(Window); BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_FUEL, m_LastProgressFuel); BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_SMELTING, m_LastProgressCook); } } } /// Restarts cooking. Used after the furnace is loaded from storage to set up the internal variables so that cooking continues, if it was active. Returns true if cooking. bool cFurnaceEntity::ContinueCooking(void) { UpdateInput(); UpdateFuel(); return m_IsCooking; } bool cFurnaceEntity::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { if (m_FuelBurnTime <= 0) { // No fuel is burning, reset progressbars and bail out if ((m_LastProgressCook > 0) || (m_LastProgressFuel > 0)) { UpdateProgressBars(); } return false; } if (m_IsCooking) { m_TimeCooked++; if (m_TimeCooked >= m_NeedCookTime) { // Finished smelting one item FinishOne(a_Chunk); } } m_TimeBurned++; if (m_TimeBurned >= m_FuelBurnTime) { // The current fuel has been exhausted, use another one, if possible BurnNewFuel(); } UpdateProgressBars(); return true; } bool cFurnaceEntity::LoadFromJson(const Json::Value & a_Value) { m_PosX = a_Value.get("x", 0).asInt(); m_PosY = a_Value.get("y", 0).asInt(); m_PosZ = a_Value.get("z", 0).asInt(); Json::Value AllSlots = a_Value.get("Slots", 0); int SlotIdx = 0; for (Json::Value::iterator itr = AllSlots.begin(); itr != AllSlots.end(); ++itr) { cItem Item; Item.FromJson(*itr); SetSlot(SlotIdx, Item); SlotIdx++; } m_NeedCookTime = (int)(a_Value.get("CookTime", 0).asDouble() / 50); m_TimeCooked = (int)(a_Value.get("TimeCooked", 0).asDouble() / 50); m_FuelBurnTime = (int)(a_Value.get("BurnTime", 0).asDouble() / 50); m_TimeBurned = (int)(a_Value.get("TimeBurned", 0).asDouble() / 50); return true; } void cFurnaceEntity::SaveToJson( Json::Value& a_Value ) { a_Value["x"] = m_PosX; a_Value["y"] = m_PosY; a_Value["z"] = m_PosZ; Json::Value AllSlots; int NumSlots = m_Contents.GetNumSlots(); for (int i = 0; i < NumSlots; i++) { Json::Value Slot; m_Contents.GetSlot(i).GetJson(Slot); AllSlots.append(Slot); } a_Value["Slots"] = AllSlots; a_Value["CookTime"] = m_NeedCookTime * 50; a_Value["TimeCooked"] = m_TimeCooked * 50; a_Value["BurnTime"] = m_FuelBurnTime * 50; a_Value["TimeBurned"] = m_TimeBurned * 50; } void cFurnaceEntity::SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client) { // Nothing needs to be sent UNUSED(a_Client); } void cFurnaceEntity::BroadcastProgress(int a_ProgressbarID, short a_Value) { cWindow * Window = GetWindow(); if (Window != NULL) { Window->BroadcastProgress(a_ProgressbarID, a_Value); } } /// One item finished cooking void cFurnaceEntity::FinishOne(cChunk & a_Chunk) { m_TimeCooked = 0; if (m_Contents.GetSlot(fsOutput).IsEmpty()) { m_Contents.SetSlot(fsOutput, *m_CurrentRecipe->Out); } else { m_Contents.ChangeSlotCount(fsOutput, m_CurrentRecipe->Out->m_ItemCount); } m_Contents.ChangeSlotCount(fsInput, -m_CurrentRecipe->In->m_ItemCount); UpdateIsCooking(); } void cFurnaceEntity::BurnNewFuel(void) { cFurnaceRecipe * FR = cRoot::Get()->GetFurnaceRecipe(); int NewTime = FR->GetBurnTime(m_Contents.GetSlot(fsFuel)); if (NewTime == 0) { // The item in the fuel slot is not suitable m_FuelBurnTime = 0; m_TimeBurned = 0; SetIsCooking(false); return; } // Is the input and output ready for cooking? if (!CanCookInputToOutput()) { return; } // Burn one new fuel: m_FuelBurnTime = NewTime; m_TimeBurned = 0; SetIsCooking(true); if (m_Contents.GetSlot(fsFuel).m_ItemType == E_ITEM_LAVA_BUCKET) { m_Contents.SetSlot(fsFuel, cItem(E_ITEM_BUCKET)); } else { m_Contents.ChangeSlotCount(fsFuel, -1); } } void cFurnaceEntity::OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_ItemGrid, int a_SlotNum) { super::OnSlotChanged(a_ItemGrid, a_SlotNum); if (m_World == NULL) { // The furnace isn't initialized yet, do no processing return; } ASSERT(a_ItemGrid == &m_Contents); switch (a_SlotNum) { case fsInput: { UpdateInput(); break; } case fsFuel: { UpdateFuel(); break; } case fsOutput: { UpdateOutput(); break; } } } /// Updates the current recipe, based on the current input void cFurnaceEntity::UpdateInput(void) { if (!m_Contents.GetSlot(fsInput).IsStackableWith(m_LastInput)) { // The input is different from what we had before, reset the cooking time m_TimeCooked = 0; } m_LastInput = m_Contents.GetSlot(fsInput); cFurnaceRecipe * FR = cRoot::Get()->GetFurnaceRecipe(); m_CurrentRecipe = FR->GetRecipeFrom(m_Contents.GetSlot(fsInput)); if (!CanCookInputToOutput()) { // This input cannot be cooked m_NeedCookTime = 0; SetIsCooking(false); } else { m_NeedCookTime = m_CurrentRecipe->CookTime; SetIsCooking(true); // Start burning new fuel if there's no flame now: if (GetFuelBurnTimeLeft() <= 0) { BurnNewFuel(); } } } /// Called when the fuel slot changes or when the fuel is spent, burns another piece of fuel if appropriate void cFurnaceEntity::UpdateFuel(void) { if (m_FuelBurnTime > m_TimeBurned) { // The current fuel is still burning, don't modify anything: return; } // The current fuel is spent, try to burn some more: BurnNewFuel(); } /// Called when the output slot changes; starts burning if space became available void cFurnaceEntity::UpdateOutput(void) { if (!CanCookInputToOutput()) { // Cannot cook anymore: m_TimeCooked = 0; m_NeedCookTime = 0; SetIsCooking(false); return; } // No need to burn new fuel, the Tick() function will take care of that // Can cook, start cooking if not already underway: m_NeedCookTime = m_CurrentRecipe->CookTime; SetIsCooking(m_FuelBurnTime > 0); } /// Updates the m_IsCooking, based on the input slot, output slot and m_FuelBurnTime / m_TimeBurned void cFurnaceEntity::UpdateIsCooking(void) { if ( !CanCookInputToOutput() || // Cannot cook this (m_FuelBurnTime <= 0) || // No fuel (m_TimeBurned >= m_FuelBurnTime) // Fuel burnt out ) { // Reset everything SetIsCooking(false); m_TimeCooked = 0; m_NeedCookTime = 0; return; } SetIsCooking(true); } /// Returns true if the input can be cooked into output and the item counts allow for another cooking operation bool cFurnaceEntity::CanCookInputToOutput(void) const { if (m_CurrentRecipe == NULL) { // This input cannot be cooked return false; } if (m_Contents.GetSlot(fsOutput).IsEmpty()) { // The output is empty, can cook return true; } if (!m_Contents.GetSlot(fsOutput).IsStackableWith(*m_CurrentRecipe->Out)) { // The output slot is blocked with something that cannot be stacked with the recipe's output return false; } if (m_Contents.GetSlot(fsOutput).IsFullStack()) { // Cannot add any more items to the output slot return false; } return true; } /// Broadcasts progressbar updates, if needed void cFurnaceEntity::UpdateProgressBars(void) { // In order to preserve bandwidth, an update is sent only every 10th tick // That's why the comparisons use the division by eight int CurFuel = (m_FuelBurnTime > 0) ? (200 - 200 * m_TimeBurned / m_FuelBurnTime) : 0; if ((CurFuel / 8) != (m_LastProgressFuel / 8)) { BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_FUEL, CurFuel); m_LastProgressFuel = CurFuel; } int CurCook = (m_NeedCookTime > 0) ? (200 * m_TimeCooked / m_NeedCookTime) : 0; if ((CurCook / 8) != (m_LastProgressCook / 8)) { BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_SMELTING, CurCook); m_LastProgressCook = CurCook; } } void cFurnaceEntity::SetIsCooking(bool a_IsCooking) { if (a_IsCooking == m_IsCooking) { return; } m_IsCooking = a_IsCooking; // Light or extinguish the furnace: m_World->FastSetBlock(m_PosX, m_PosY, m_PosZ, m_IsCooking ? E_BLOCK_LIT_FURNACE : E_BLOCK_FURNACE, m_BlockMeta); }