// HTTPFormParser.h

// Declares the cHTTPFormParser class representing a parser for forms sent over HTTP

#pragma once

#include "MultipartParser.h"

// fwd:
class cHTTPRequest;

class cHTTPFormParser :
	public std::map<AString, AString>,
	public cMultipartParser::cCallbacks
	enum eKind
		fpkURL,             ///< The form has been transmitted as parameters to a GET request
		fpkFormUrlEncoded,  ///< The form has been POSTed or PUT, with Content-Type of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
		fpkMultipart,       ///< The form has been POSTed or PUT, with Content-Type of "multipart/form-data"
	} ;

	class cCallbacks
		/// Called when a new file part is encountered in the form data
		virtual void OnFileStart(cHTTPFormParser & a_Parser, const AString & a_FileName) = 0;
		/// Called when more file data has come for the current file in the form data
		virtual void OnFileData(cHTTPFormParser & a_Parser, const char * a_Data, int a_Size) = 0;
		/// Called when the current file part has ended in the form data
		virtual void OnFileEnd(cHTTPFormParser & a_Parser) = 0;
	} ;
	/// Creates a parser that is tied to a request and notifies of various events using a callback mechanism
	cHTTPFormParser(cHTTPRequest & a_Request, cCallbacks & a_Callbacks);
	/// Creates a parser with the specified content type that reads data from a string
	cHTTPFormParser(eKind a_Kind, const char * a_Data, int a_Size, cCallbacks & a_Callbacks);
	/// Adds more data into the parser, as the request body is received
	void Parse(const char * a_Data, int a_Size);
	/** Notifies that there's no more data incoming and the parser should finish its parsing.
	Returns true if parsing successful
	bool Finish(void);
	/// Returns true if the headers suggest the request has form data parseable by this class
	static bool HasFormData(const cHTTPRequest & a_Request);
	/// The callbacks to call for incoming file data
	cCallbacks & m_Callbacks;

	/// The kind of the parser (decided in the constructor, used in Parse()
	eKind m_Kind;

	/// Buffer for the incoming data until it's parsed
	AString m_IncomingData;
	/// True if the information received so far is a valid form; set to false on first problem. Further parsing is skipped when false.
	bool m_IsValid;
	/// The parser for the multipart data, if used
	std::auto_ptr<cMultipartParser> m_MultipartParser;
	/// Name of the currently parsed part in multipart data
	AString m_CurrentPartName;
	/// True if the currently parsed part in multipart data is a file
	bool m_IsCurrentPartFile;
	/// Filename of the current parsed part in multipart data (for file uploads)
	AString m_CurrentPartFileName;
	/// Set to true after m_Callbacks.OnFileStart() has been called, reset to false on PartEnd
	bool m_FileHasBeenAnnounced;
	/// Sets up the object for parsing a fpkMultipart request
	void BeginMultipart(const cHTTPRequest & a_Request);
	/// Parses m_IncomingData as form-urlencoded data (fpkURL or fpkFormUrlEncoded kinds)
	void ParseFormUrlEncoded(void);
	// cMultipartParser::cCallbacks overrides:
	virtual void OnPartStart (void) override;
	virtual void OnPartHeader(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value) override;
	virtual void OnPartData  (const char * a_Data, int a_Size) override;
	virtual void OnPartEnd   (void) override;
} ;